3 thoughts on “translators addition

  1. Thank you for all this information provided. This is the first time I’ve totally understand the size of mudd and sa’a.
    There are two opposite opinions regarding the giving of zakat-ul-fitr. 1. One must have to give food as zakatul fitr. Money is not mentioned so it is against sunnah. 2 one can give money equivalent of that amount of food, those are mentioned in the hadith. I’m little bit confused. Could anyone put some focus on it?

    • I believe you are mistaken in your claim that it is mentioned in a hadeeth that one can give money equivalent of the amount of food.

  2. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    JazakAllahu khayr for the knowledge.
    May i ask if (UHT) milk and cooking oil can be considered as ‘staple food’ of the people? Or does it have to be dry/grains?

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