Why Are We Here?

In the Name of the Almighty God of the universe, the All-Merciful, the One who created the heavens and the earth and everything in them, the only One who deserves mankind’s worship…

A simple look at the world around us is all it takes to understand what many never take time to reflect upon. The details of this awesome universe we live in undeniably prove the presence of a magnificent and unequalled author.

Some try to deny His existence, relying on their invented theories, assumptions derived from unproven conjecture and guesses. They conjure principles that no rational mind can follow. For example, they say that our universe is a “cosmic coincidence,” a result of billions of years of random self-assembly. However, if they would come out of their house in the morning and find a new car in their driveway, they would insist that someone put it there. Imagine if was said to them: “No one put it there, in fact the parts just gathered from unknown places and assembled themselves overnight with no one’s help. This is the result of a cosmic coincidence!”

No one in his right mind could accept this answer. Indeed our God gave us intellects that do not allow us to believe such nonsense.

So if people can not accept the parts of a single car coming together randomly, then how can they believe that the entire universe accomplished such a feat?! From the sky full of stars and other visual wonders, to microscopic organisms we are still discovering, to the intricate design and function of the organs of the human body, can one possibly believe that all of this is the result of a mere coincidence?

Look up and think about how everything you see is organized in such a perfect way! The sun, a ball of fire millions of miles away, provides us with the heat and light we depend on every day. About it, our God says:

And We have made the Sun a blazing, radiant lantern (78:13)

After the length of the day, mankind indeed needs a rest from the warmth and illumination of the sun. Our God causes the sun to set and gives us darkness to rest, and a perfect nightlight – the moon and the splendorous stars. What masterful organization! Our God says:

He (the Almighty) has put the night and the day in your service, as well as the sun, the moon, and the stars – all in subjection by His Command. Verily in this there are signs for people of intellect. (16:12)

And He says:

Don’t you see how Allah merges the night into the day and He merges the day into the night, (don’t you see) that He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law), each running its course for an appointed term? And surely Allah is well-acquainted with what you do. (31:29)

He also says:

Among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or the moon, rather prostrate to Allah, the One who created them, if you really wish to worship Him. (41:37)

Today’s scientists comment on the precise balance of the sun and moon, guessing at the innumerous disasters that would occur if the sun or the moon were to stray from their paths the slightest bit. The rational mind can come to only one conclusion, that indeed something is keeping all of this in order. Our God says:

He draws the night as a veil over the day, each seeking the other in rapid succession. He created the sun, the moon, and the stars, all governed by His Command. Is it not His Right to create and govern? Blessed is Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of all that exists! (7:54)

We understand quite clearly that, since this article you are reading was written, then there was a writer, even though you do not see him. And for every speech there was a speaker, and every delicious dish has a cook behind it. So for every creation, including our very existence, there is indeed a creator.

The Creator is Allah Alone

Now that we agree that we are not the product of chance, that we have been created, let us understand some things about our Creator.

The One who created us, Allah, is also the sole Creator of everything else that exists, as He says:

Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of all things. There is no deity worthy of worship except Him! (40:62)

Because of His omnipotent power and control over the universe, it is not befitting for man to believe that He needs anyone to help Him. For verily Allah is Alone and does not share His Majesty with anyone. He is the possessor of infinite mercy and compassion for those who obey Him, and His punishment is the most severe and lasting for those who turn away from Him. He says:

As for those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord will admit them to His Mercy, and that will be the Achievement for all to see! (45:30)

And He says:

For those who believe and do righteous deeds, He will give them their rewards, and more, out of His bounty. But those who are disdainful and arrogant, He will punish them with a grievous penalty, and they will not find anyone to protect or help them besides GOD. (4:173)

As it is not befitting for us to ascribe a rival, partner, or associate to Him, it is extreme blasphemy to accuse Him of having a father, mother, son, or other descendants or relatives. He tells us:

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; the Eternal, the Absolute, who did not father anyone, nor is He the son of anyone. (112:1-4)

What a tremendous crime it is to claim that our sole Creator, the One free from all imperfections, has a son! Unfortunately, many believe that Jesus is His son! Indeed Jesus holds a high rank, as the Word of Allah and the Conveyor of His Message, but not as His son, for Allah is high and exalted above such a false claim. About this, He says:

They say: “The Most Merciful has begotten a son!” Indeed you have put forth a most monstrous idea! It is as if the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin for what they say about the Most Merciful having a son! For it is not befitting for the Most Merciful to take a son. (19:88-92)

So Allah is the sole Creator and Maintainer of all that exists. He has no partner or affiliate, as He says:

Follow what is revealed to you from your Lord.  There is no god except Him Alone! And turn away from those who join other deities with Allah! (6:106)

 Do we owe Him something?

If we have understood that Allah is our only Creator and Provider, and we have seen His Statements denying any partners for Himself, then we want to know: Does He want something from us?

Indeed He has a right over us, as He created us. He is not asking much. He is only asking us for that which He asked every nation before us – that we obey Him and follow His Messengers. He has asked us to worship Him and not to associate partners with Him. He says:

For surely We sent a messenger to every nation, commanding them to worship Allah and shun false deities. (16:36)

It is a very simple request, taking into account all He has given us.

Say: It is He who has created you and made for you the faculties of hearing, seeing, feeling and understanding. Little is the thanks you offer. (67:23)

We naturally feel the urge to thank anyone who gives us something. If we thank people for their generosity, should we not then thank the Creator of the people, our Lord, who has blessed us with so much? He reminds us:

And if you were to try to count the blessings of Allah, you could never enumerate them! Verily, mankind is ever oppressive and ungrateful. (14:34)

So to be truly thankful to Him would entail worshipping Him as He has commanded us, obeying Him, and following the Revelation that He sent to us. In doing this, we will fulfill the purpose of our existence, as He did not create us without a purpose:

And I did not create the Jinn or Mankind except to worship Me. (51:56)

What if we ignore His Right upon us?

Ignoring the right of our Lord and Creator is not like ignoring the rights of others. For if you disobey your mother, then you are subject to whatever punishment she is capable of. Likewise, you may lose your job if you ignore the orders of your boss. The judge may send you to jail if you do not appear in court as he requests. But no one can punish you eternally with a torment like what Allah has promised for those who reject His Message. He is going to establish a Day to judge each and every person. Indeed we will be gathered in front of Him to answer for our deeds. About that Day, He says:

For on that Day, His punishment will be such as no one else can inflict, and His bonds will be such as no one else can bind. (89:25-6)

We have the chance now to free ourselves from such a horrible and unending fate. We must look to our relationship with our Creator – Are we fulfilling His right on us? Are we worshipping Him as He commands us?

Be aware that His punishment is so severe, that even the most devout deniers will believe in Him after seeing it.

But when they saw Our Punishment, they said: “We believe in Allah, the One God, and we reject the partners we used to join with Him.” (40:84)

If we submit to Him, worshipping Him and not associating partners with Him, then for us are the unending joys and delights that He has prepared for us in the Paradise:

And no soul knows what delights are kept hidden for them, as a reward for what they used to do. (32:17)

For when Allah establishes the Day of Judgement, the righteous will hear the call:

O you resting, satisfied soul! Come happily back to your Lord, as you have gained His Pleasure! Enter and be among My servants, enter My Garden! (89:26-9)

If we hope to hear this call, then we must put forth the effort now, in this life, before it is too late.

 What to do now

Accept the religion of Islaam. It is what our God is commanding us to do:

O you who believe! Observe your duties to Allah properly, as He deserves, and do not die except as Muslims! (3:102)

Be sincere and dedicate yourself to Him:

Say: Truly, my prayer, my sacrifices, my life and my death, are all for Allah, the Creator and Nourisher of everything that exists, who has no partner. This am I commanded with, and I am the first of the Muslims. (6:162-3)

Islaam is very easy and practical. There is no conversion ceremony or difficult procedures preventing you from becoming a Muslim. The only thing for you to do is sincerely recite the following statement:

“I testify that there is no deity worthy of any form of worship except Allah Alone, and I testify that Muhammad was His Messenger.”

Now follow up your statement with a commitment to learning about your religion, the specifics of what Allah wants from you. There is a lot to be learned about Him and His Religion, and with each piece of knowledge you will become more and more confident that you made the right choice.

May our God, the Almighty, and All-Wise, guide us all to what He loves.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

Originally published: 05-07-1423

Edited: 07-02-1432

52 thoughts on “Why Are We Here?

    • Thanks for your question, Hamza! As athiesm spreads, and people claim they do not believe in any creator at all, we do need to be able to wake them up using a few basic approaches:

      1) First and foremostly, calling them directly to the worship of Allaah, despite their claims of being people of scientific approach and whatnot. Get them to listen to Allaah’s Book and ask them to believe in it to gain salvation and save themselves from Hell.

      2) Proofs within the creation for intelligent design, using rational comparisons to other ideas most people understand, like what is mentioned above: “For example, they say that our universe is a “cosmic coincidence,” a result of billions of years of random self-assembly. However, if they would come out of their house in the morning and find a new car in their driveway, they would insist that someone put it there. Imagine if was said to them: “No one put it there, in fact the parts just gathered from unknown places and assembled themselves overnight with no one’s help. This is the result of a cosmic coicindence!” [end quote]

      Rational minds have always accepted the idea of what the Arabs called the principle of “البعرة تدل على البعير” (“Camel dung proves there was a camel there.”)

      3) The fitrah – man’s innate need to worship a higher power above. Personal reminders to the most arrogant of athiests about when they suffered a great loss or an extraordinary difficulty, and they know they had an inner desire to call out for help to someone of all-encompassing power. However, some of today’s athiests are either so twisted or so focused on covering their true feelings that they will not admit to anything along these lines.

      4) Their focus on the need to “see” or “touch” something, so they can study it physically to believe in it. Proving this is contradictory to their belief in the existence of electricity or magnetic forces for example, or issues related to how the brain works, many of which scientists are completely dumfounded about. Reminding them that just becasue they can understand some scientific phenomena through modern tests and studies should only increase them in awe of the One who designed all of that without help.

      The article above was intended to reach out to athiests with some of these approaches, as well as the general non-Muslim population. And Allaah knows best.

    • Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.

      My question, may Allaah increase you in good, is about evolution.

      Darwin was an atheist, an original Christian, who came up with the theory of evolution – which has to do with “natural selection”.

      1) Darwin defined evolution as… [Darwinism theories removed by admin]

      1. Is one a disbeliever if they believe in Darwin’s THEORY or support that atheist by saying he only suggested about natural selection of “better genes”?

      2. How can one explain to an atheist the misconceptions regarding natural selection? I myself am quite confused as it (the theory) sounds ridiculous to me.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Quite simply, Allaah has made people in the best of forms and the best of creation. From the amazing creation of Allaah is that our skin is soft and smooth, yet with hard physical labor, done by the hands, repeated over time, our fingers develop thicker skin, because of the need, by the Permission of Allaah. Exalted be the Perfect Creator, the One who perfected everything He created! He created animals that grow thick fur in the winter because of their need, by the Permission of Allah, and then shed that fur in the summer for comfort, by the Permission of Allah. The more one looks at the amazing way the creation of Allah adapts to the environment and external factors, one is further amazed at the wisdom and perfection of the Creator! Any truly genuine and sincere scientist who seeks truths and uses his intellect would come to acknowledge the wisdom and perfection of the Creation, and that it is not a random, cosmic glitch of coincidental self-assembly. Only a moron would say that because people have been created with this adaptability that they will one day become another species, and they originated from, not only monkeys, but beyond that: sea algae. Those are just wild atheistic claims, not based on real science or any real evidence.

  1. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
    Where is it legislated for a Muslim to call الله “god”.

    • وعليك السلام ورحمة الله
      We are referring to Allaah as “our God” and “the God of the Universe”, etc. This is not an attempt to ascribe the name “God” to Him. His Names are towqeefiyyah (restricted to textual evidences), and we cannot ascribe names to Him which He has not named Himself. However, use of the word “god” as a khabr (description), like “My God,” and “the God of Abraham” etc., not as a name, is perfectly permissible. “And your God (object of worship) is one God, there is no god but Him, the Gracious, the Ever Merciful” [Meaning of Quran 2:163]

    • I am not clear on the “context” you are referring to, but I recall something similar being used by the scholars to explain the difference between the meanings of the intended Mercy from the word ar-Rahmaan and that which is intended from ar-Raheem. They said: Rahmaan ad-Dunyaa wa Raheem al-Aakhirah. The Rahmaan of this world, meaning: even the non-Muslims enjoy His Mercy despite their rejection of His Commands; and the Raheem of the Hereafter, the One whose Mercy is specific to the Muslims in the Hereafter. And Allaah knows best.

  2. السلام عليكم
    أحسن الله إليك, نسأل الله أن يحفظك

    I’ve seen that this expression, “infinite mercy”, is widespread. But my question is, is it a correct statement?
    Especially with the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah in the Saheeh,
    سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول جعل الله الرحمة مائة جزء

    What is your say? May Allah reward you with goodness

    [Question slightly abridged for appropriate wordings by admin]

    • وعليك السلام To understand ANY of Allaah’s Attributes in a limited way is a horrible thought about Allaah. Every one of His perfect Attributes is the absolute pinnacle of the attribute, having no limit, defeciency, weakness, or shortage in any way. Thus, His Mercy is infinite, not having a beginning or end, and it is absolute and the epitome of Mercy in accordance to His Wisdom. To understand the description of Allaah’s Mercy having 100 parts must not include someone thinking that it is limited or restricted as an Attribute. Meaning that Mercy itself is that many parts, as no one could claim there is a 101st part of Mercy that Allaah doesn’t have. And Allaah knows best.

  3. Salamu alayqum Moosa,
    I read in your article , there you mentioned the word”God” explaining for Non-muslims.
    My question can we use God when we speak to kuffar and mushrik? I heard even in Daa’wah we must refer Allah as Allah only not as God. do u agree?

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. A god is an object of worship. We are not free to refer to Allaah with the name “God”, since the Names of Allaah are restricted to what He has named Himself. However, to describe Him as the God of the Mankind, or my God, or our God, or similar things [See Quran 2:163 or 114:3], this is not naming Him “God”, rather this is called khabar in Arabic, a description, not a name. Review my usage of the word “God” in the above article carefully, and you should be able to understand the difference. And Allaah knows best.

    • Assalamu Alaikum brother Moosaa. What is your comment on the following:
      حكم استعمال كلمة (god) للتعبير عن الله جل وعلا: (YouTube link removed by Admin)

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu. This is an example of giving a fatwaa without knowing essential facts related to the culture surrounding the matters in the question. Also, the end of his answer nullifies the mistaken concept that “God” is simply a translation of “Allaah”. Can anyone say that Muslims are allowed to refer to Allaah with names like “Vishnu” and “Shiva” because some people feel they are translations of “Allaah”? Of course not. Similarly, the word “God” is used very commonly to refer to other than Allaah. Also, we do not say that one of Allaah’s Names is “The All-Knowing” but rather we say His Name is “Al-‘Aleem” which means the All-Knowing. Refer to Examplary Principles of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, where the issue of Allaah’s Names being towqeefiyyah (restricted to textual evidence) is clearly established. Referring to Allaah with a Name that He did not name Himself with is absolutely impermissible. And Allaah knows best.

  4. Another interesting point:
    Things have purpose. What have you ever seen that has no purpose? I cannot think of a single thing, be it the largest planet or the or the smallest neutrino. A pen has purpose, even a doodle has purpose. A tree has purpose. Everything has a purpose. In that same way, humans must have a purpose. There is only one purpose, worshiping Allah aza wajul alone.

  5. As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

    The use of the word “ominous” in the article above is kind of confusing (“Because of His ominous power…”). Could you please clarify or elaborate? Was another word intended?

    Jazakallahu khayran.

    • Sadly, your beneficial comment was overlooked for over two years. Yes, omnipotent is appropriate, and ominous in NOT. It has (finally) been changed. May Allaah bless and reward you!

  6. Asalamu alikum warhmatullah, for the Shadah

    “I testify that there is no deity worthy of any form of worship except Allah Alone, and I testify that Muhammad was His Messenger.”

    Why is the “was” used instead of “is”. Jazakallah khair, I’m trying to understand.

  7. Salaam alaikum, my dear brother Mau Allah Ta ala continue to aid you in giving da’wah to his creation am in. I’m currently living in Atlanta Ga and I would like to have a direct contact with the people of knowledge,that way I may refer back to them when I need answers pertaining to my Deen. Can I please get your email address in shaa Allah.

  8. As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh
    Hayyaakallahu ya akhee moosaa
    I hope you are in good health and strength of iman.
    What can be said to a hindu to accept Islam.
    How can we convince them of the falsehood of their many deities.
    And can you give me links to websites that refute their religion and books hat are translated by salafi authors.
    Barakallahu feek

  9. Hello Moosa, great article! I would be interested to find out what is the Muslim belief for the following points:

    1. Did Allaah create everything solely for mankind? When we look at the millions of galaxies and expanding universe, our Earth is very insignificant.
    2. Whether you believe that there could be life outside planet Earth.
    Is it inappropriate to ask what Allaah does when He is not testing people on Earth.
    3. Whether space exploration is something the Muslims believe should be pursued and funded.
    4. Scientists have discovered some humming of space objects. Some Muslims say this is proof of the the glorification of Allaah that is done by creation.
    5. Whether it is possible to create an artificial intelligence. Something that is more advanced than a human, which may even adapt, override parameters, and eventually replace humans on the earth.

    I look forward to your response,
    Kind regards
    Adrianna D

    • Thanks for visiting, Adrianna. Regarding your questions:

      1. Allaah created everything on earth and in the heavens to be in the service of Mankind. Take a look at these two Quranic Verses: 22:65 and 31:20.
      2. Muslims believe there is life in what is above us in a general way, without being able to affirm anything in specific detail, other than what is established through texts of revelation and factual Scientific findings.
      [2b.] “What does Allaah do when He is not doing such-and-such?” is inappropriate, as the question is based on a level of tash-beeh (assuming Allaah to be similar to created beings, that he is limited to certain activities or having a limited focus, etc.) We only speak about what Allaah does, based on what He informed us of in texts of Revelation. Beyond that, we do not investigate or contemplate, as we would have no way to confirm our conclusions or deny them. We say about Allaah that He is the All-Wise and Knowledgeable Creator, who does not resemble His Creation. He is not described with weaknesses, limits, or imperfections, as they are.
      3. I don’t know.
      4. Allaah has told us that every single thing in the Heavens and on earth glorifies Him, yet we do not understand their language. See: 17:41 17:44. To say that any specific noise is praise or glorification of Allaah requires evidence, and we are not free to speak without knowledge, as Allaah forbids us from following after what we do not know. See: 17:36 (just a few Verses before the previous one!)
      5. A more relevant question would be: How will you respond to the questions that are coming to you when you die? Have you singled out your Creator in all acts of worship? Have you rejected all worship directed to others? Have you affirmed the prophethood of Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Have you followed him in truth, or contradicted his teachings? These matters are directly related to us as individuals accountable for our statements and actions, about our life, death, and Hereafter. May Allaah help me and you in fulfilling the very reason for our existence.

    • “May Allaah help me and you in fulfilling the very reason for our existence.”
      Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakathuh yaa Ustadh, is it permissible to make such a dua to someone outside of Islam. I heard we are only allowed to ask for their guidance

    • Asking Allah to help someone fulfill the reason for their existence is just that: asking Allah to guide them, there is no difference.

  10. Assalamu aleikum ustaadh. About point 4 of your answer of your previous post. You said with regards to your answer about every thing praising Allah can be found in 17:41, but in reality it is 17:44, am I not right? Baraka Allahu feekum

  11. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

    I have two questions:

    1) when a person becomes a Muslim, does he have to say the testimony through the microphone?
    This is what is done nowadays
    2) those who are present are they all supposed to all say “الله أكبر” ?

    Thank you

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

      Those are invented ceremonies. New Muslims are real people who, many of whom, are NOT READY to become public spokespeople on behalf of Islam. Many of them are shy, facing a major life change and huge shifts in the way their family and friends will view them. Without caring for the psychology of the new Muslim, da’wah centers can run them away by these unnecessary innovated ceremonies. Simply, be happy that Islam is spreading, welcome your new brother to Islam, offer your phone number or any assistance you think may be helpful, and do not put them on the spot and embarrass them, or involve them in matters which may run them away from Islam if they are shy.

      Be warned of Ikhwani scams when they ask new Muslims to repeat their shahaadah publicly at fundraising events. They will use and abuse a new Muslim for the sake of getting that money, showing little or no concern for the welfare of the new Muslim.

    • Can you explain to me exactly who are ikhwanis and what do they do to become misguided.

      Jazakallah Khairan.

  12. السلام عليك

    Surah 40 Verse 62
    Shouldn’t the correct translation be:

    Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of all things. None has the right to be worshipped but He!

  13. Is it permissible to mention the prophecies of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam which have come to be proven, when giving dawah?

    • Yes, but only those confirmed by the scholars, not those assumed by just anyone, like space travel foretold in Soorah ar-Rahmaan, etc.

  14. Hello I’d be grateful if you could explain a couple of things to me:

    1. Islam says that Allah can do anything then why not stop all the individuals that are being abused, from emotional to sexual. There are children out there that who have suffered from being abused why does Allah make them suffer.
    2. In Islam it says that all the good deeds are done to make it to paradise, why not do the good deeds because they are good deeds not because you will get something in return in this case paradise.
    3. What do women/men get when they go to paradise, please expand on this as to why they get the certain things.
    4. Islam says to follow in the prophets footsteps, but he did do things differently eg have more then four wives at a time, marry a young girl, with marrying a young girl I know that times were different then but does that mean Allah approved of this and it should still be happening.
    I look forward to your response
    Kind regards

    • Welcome to Bakkah.net and thank you for your questions. Seeking aid and success from Allaah, I’ll try to provide some help regarding your concerns, which are focused around understanding your Creator’s Wisdom behind a number of matters.

      1. Our Lord has made this world a test. He has created us and everything around us as a test. A test is not accomplished without difficulties. Allaah could have created us to enjoy trouble-free lives, but that would not be a test. He has ordained disasters, death, famine, etc. as part of His test. He created us, and He will question us, not the other way around. “HE (Allaah) is not questioned (by the people) about His actions, rather they (the people) are questioned (by Him)” [Meaning of Quran 21:23]

      2. Our Magnificent Lord created Mankind, and He knows best about what motivates us. He is the One who revealed His Speech to us, inviting us to generous rewards and warning us of terrible punishments. “Say: Are you more knowledgeable, or is Allaah?” [Meaning of Quran 2:140] “Say: Are you going to teach Allaah your Religion? While Allaah knows all matters in the heavens and on earth? And Allaah is above all things, with Knowledge.” [Meaning of Quran 49:16]

      Perhaps, modern Freudian psychologists, and their redefining of “altruism” (genuineness), have led to confusion on this matter. An integral part of fitrah (human nature) is being motivated by reward and punishment. The concept of “being good for goodness’ sake” is a subtle deviation that leads people away from purifying their intentions, seeking the pleasure of their Lord and Creator in what they do, seeking protection with Him from punishment. Further, actions are only righteous and rewardable by their intentions, so we are required to focus on, adjust, and correct our intentions, and even shun some of them. People who do good things just because they are good things, without intending to worship Allaah through those actions, to earn Allaah’s Favor and refuge from His Punishment, are toiling away in vain with no reward in store for them! “Toiling away persistently in deeds, yet entering the blazing Fire” [Meaning of Quran 88:3-4]

      3. The Quran, throughout, describes the delights of Paradise, and the actions and description of people, both male and female, who enter it. I cannot answer that question in a single comment.

      4. The base rule is that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) was a comprehensive guide and role model for Mankind.
      Yet, a small number of concessions were allowed for him alone, those specified by clear textual evidence. Allaah loves to provide concessions for His Creation, and His Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) was the most deserving of those concessions. He, Allaah, the Most High, has the right to assign whatever concessions to whomever He chooses, as -again- “HE (Allaah) is not questioned (by the people) about His actions, rather they (the people) are questioned (by Him)” [Meaning of Quran 21:23].

      It is important to note that the few concessions he was given do not interfere with his status as a role model, as those matters are made clear in Revelation, either in Quranic passages (see: 33:50 for example), or through the Prophet’s clear explanations of those matters, may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace. And Allaah knows best.

      *To clarify a matter in your fourth question: Our Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) consumated his marriage with ‘Aa’ishah once she was of age, not by modern Western standards, but by timeless biological standards. Our bodies mature at a certain age, according to the perfect design of their masterful Creator. While Western thinkers are not pleased with this, and they wish to alter natural processes and functions, or hide them, they still present themselves when many of their younger teenagers get pregnant time and time again. Islam teaches us to deal with reality and raise our children properly, preparing them for maturity and seriousness, unlike the modern Western culture, where people intentionally raise their children to be foolish and irresponsible for 20-some years, and then settle down and gain maturity later. Despite the West’s war on the Human condition, and their claims that it is not befitting or even legal to get married and procreate from the beginning of adolescence, many of their promiscuous teens and pre-teens are case-in-point proofs which disqualify their unrealistic and futile attempts to “modernize” human biology!

  15. Assalamu’alaykum..

    What is the ruling on making general supplications for non-muslims during conversations like, “may Allaah bless you”, “may Allaah make your affairs easy”, “may Allaah give you good health”, “may Allaah grant you plentiful wealth”, etc. ?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Making du’aa’ for their guidance is permissible, and I hope that things connected to them being guided as well would be permissible, like asking Allaah to cure one of them, so he/she may recognize the favors of Allaah and accept Islam. This is based on the practice of the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), when he used to say to the Jews who would sneeze near him, praising Allaah, hoping for his du’aa’ for Mercy, he would say instead: يهديكم الله ويصلح بالكم which means: “May Allaah guide you and correct your affairs.” [Musnad Ahmad, at-Tirmithee, and others, saheeh] The point is: He did not just supplicate for their guidance, but rather he added correction of their affairs. The Jews were known for severe envy and arrogance, which prevented them from following the Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), so it is likely that their affair being corrected would include the removal of those traits, in order for the guidance to take effect, and Allaah knows best.

  16. Nice article to be presented to a Non-Muslim. May Allah reward you with much good.

    How can we explain to a Non-muslim that Shirk is a heinous act of crime which Allah doesn’t forgive ? Bcoz basically they too (not all) believe that murder, zina, drinking khamr are some of the horrible acts that a human can do but when it comes to Shirk they couldn’t comprehend it’s gravity.

    • Much of this is down to undoing the effects of Atheism and Secularism; refer to “Atheism: its Causes and its Cures” by Abu Iyaad on AlBaseerah Bradford (Soundcloud), as that lecture series will break it all down nicely.

  17. Assalamu alaykum.

    My question is, suppose a Kaafir reads this above article of yours, and Allah opens his heart to this, and he says the two testimonies, believing with yaqeen in them, and uttering it, does he straight away enter Islam? keeping in mind that he has not got information about the concept of angels, books, al qadr, let alone believing in them. So do we say :

    1)He enters Islam, and is a Muslim after the testimonies, and then what is required from him is to further learn the rest of the concepts like 6 pillars of imaan and believe in them, and if he did’nt then believe in any of it, for eg., angels, then he becomes a murtad.


    2) He doesnt enter islaam even with the two shahaadah since the caller didnt inform him about other pillars of imaan like angels, books, al qadr; so he should first be informed of it, then when he accepts all of it, then his saying two testimonies enter him into islam.

    Actually, the above article is very convincing baarakallah feek, such that even if you didnt mention the concept of jannah and jahannum under “what if we ignore His right upon us”, it is possible that a man’s heart gets open to islam and that very moment say the two testimonies and after that try to learn what next, while he doesnt even know about jannah and jahannum.

    So what is the answer to the above question.

    waiting for reply from your side.

    was salaam.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. With the two testimonies understood and pronounced willingly, a person enters into Islam. If they later reject belief in Angels for example, they leave the fold of Islam because they have disbelieved in Allaah, the One they claimed to believe in. And Allaah knows best. It is all included in the general commitment of the shahaadah though, when understood properly. When a person believes in Allaah, he believes in One who does not err or misrepresent anything, the All Knowledgeable Creator. So when a matter reaches him from the Speech of his Lord, he believes in it, because he is a believer. If he says: I believe in Allaah, but I don’t really think there are angels, then the claim to believe in Allaah is clearly a fake claim, not backed up by any reality. Allaah is the One who told us about the Angels. And Allaah knows best.

  18. Asallamu alaykom,

    to what extent do you offer an explanation in declining invitations as it relates to events where there is free mixing? To be more precise, do you say that my religion does not condone it and leave it at that or do you go further and try to offer an explanation such as the trials involved etc

    jazak Allahu khayraa

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Wisdom is needed in deciding the best course of action and level of explanation for each individual situation, and Allaah knows best.

  19. You can tell them to imagine a scenario where you give him a million dollars, and you did it out of mercy and care for him. Then he goes and thanks someone else for it. He also spends the money in thanks to someone else. What a crime this is! You didn’t even have to give him anything so the least he can do is thank you alone for it, and now he praises someone else for it? Does he even recognize that you gave it to him?

    Then mention how Allaah has not only given us wealth, but *ALL* the things we use and benefit from in our lives. There isn’t a good except that Allaah gave it to us out of His mercy. Therefore, Allaah deserves *ALL* praise & worship. When someone praises someone else with Allaah or worships someone else with Allaah, he is thanking someone else for something Allaah did. Allaah has a right to get angry at that person and punish him for this lie and falsehood. It’s really inventing an insult about Allaah, that Allaah works with someone else. What greater crime is there than attributing imperfection to The One who is most perfect!

    You can also mention that Allaah has revealed to us that the only reason He created us is to worship Him. So if we break the 1 responsibility we have, then we have broken all responsibilities that come from that 1 responsibility. And if all our responsibilities we have towards Allaah are broken, then Allaah has a right to punish that person all the time. A great punishment for a great crime.

  20. Assalamu alayk wa rahmatullah

    How do we respond to an atheist who says: “We don’t need punishments to prevent us from doing bad”

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Say: Are you going to teach Allah your Religion?! Whilst He knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth, and He alone is All-Knowing of all matters?! [See Quran 49:16]

  21. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

    May Allah bless and preserve you, dear Ustadhanaa!
    It would be a pleasure if you kindly share your revert journey. How did you find out about Islaam and also Salafiyyah, when did you convert and a piece of advice you would like to share with those who have been blessed to be born as Muslims.
    Your story will be a source of inspiration to all of us, Insha’Allah

    Looking forward to this, Insha’Allah
    Barakallahu Feek Wa Jazaakallahu Khayr

  22. As-salamu alaykum ustadh moosaa. I always see when people accept Islam that they are told to repeat the shahadatayn in arabic and then in english, or whatever their native language is. From my understand as long as they affirm the meaning of the shahadatayn with its conditions then they are considered muslim, is it also necessary for them to say it in arabic? Would it be enough for example if I explain the meaning of tawheed and the shahadatayn to a non-muslim and they simply say “I submit to this and accept islam as my religion”?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. Islam is accepted by openly affirming the meanings of the two testimonies of faith. It is not necessary for a new Muslim to say them in Arabic, as it is a language which they do not understand at this stage. For some older or timid people, it can be more problematic. The feelings of the new Muslim should be taken care of, and they should not be used as showpieces. They need to understand the testimonies and their conditions and what they actually require as a priority. And Allah knows best.

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