Shaykh Ibn Baaz on Giving a Mus-haf to a Christian

In the Name of Allaah, the Compassionate, the Ever Merciful…

Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have Mercy on him), late Muftee of Saudi Arabia, was asked, “If a Christian requests a mus-haf from me, should I give it to him or not?” He replied:

You may not give him one, however, you can read the Qur’aan to him, so he could hear it. You could invite him to (the Religion of) Allaah and pray for his guidance, based on the Statement of Allaah, the Most High, in His Authoritative Book [what means]:

( And if any of the polytheists seek your protection, then grant him protection, so that he could hear the Speech of Allaah, then grant him passage safely. ) [9:6]

And the statement of His Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) [what means]:

“Do not travel with the Qur’aan to the land of the enemy, as I fear they could get a hold of it.” [Muslim]

This proves that a non-Muslim is not to be given a mus-haf, to avoid him degrading it or playing with it. However, he can be taught, have the Qur’aan read to him, advised, and prayed for. If he accepts Islam he can be given a mus-haf.

Furthermore, there is no problem in giving him some books of tafseer or hadeeth, if it is hoped that he might benefit from them. He may also be given some translations of the meanings of the Noble Qur’aan.

Source: Majmoo’ Fataawaa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz (6/469-470). [Arabic]

Translated by: Moosaa Richardson

18 thoughts on “Shaykh Ibn Baaz on Giving a Mus-haf to a Christian

  1. As-Salaamu Alaykum,

    May Allah reward you for your efforts.

    I, and some others I know, have been curious of late whether or not a translation of the meaning of the Qur’aan with the original Arabic contained therein carries the same rulings as the Mus-haf (i.e., who can touch it, under what conditions (tahara), giving it to a non-Muslim, etc.). We heard from sources whose reliability is suspect that it does not, but when looking on the few websites we trust to be upon the methodology of the salaf (that are in english), we are unable to locate a definitive answer.

    Please benefit us with any knowledge you may have on the topic.
    Jazakallahu khayran.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaam wa rahmatullaah. Shaykh Ibn Baaz was asked about translations of the meanings of the Quran into English, and he said they have the same ruling as books of tafseer. There is no problem for a non-Muslim to touch them, unlike the mus-haf (which is only or mostly Quran)
      His answer in Arabic is here:

  2. As-salam alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. I’ve been thinking about this matter for a long time as to what can be done about bookshops where anybody can just enter and buy a mushaf? This has been the reality here in Nigeria. Christians can just buy a mushaf from across the counter in bookshops selling Islamic Books.

  3. Assalamu alaykum ustaadh

    I’ve heard opinions that mention one can give a copy of the Quraan to non-Muslims as long as they do not degrade it. Do you know of this opinion from the salafi ulema?

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. No, I don’t, but I’d love to learn about their statements if you could share them. Along with a reminder: Remember the definition of a mus-haf, it is what is mostly Quran, not Tafseer or translation.

  4. Assalamu alaykum

    If a Quran contains the Arabic text as well as the translation is it still considered a mushaf? And is it permissible to give to the non-Muslim?

    Baarallahu feek ustaadh

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The scholars consider what has the majority of its writing from the Quran to have the ruling of a mus-haf, and Allaah knows best.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The Speech of Allaah vs. the speech of the people (Arabic or any language) is the issue. If the Speech of Allaah (the Quran) is the majority, then the book has the ruling of a mus-haf according to the scholars.

  5. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

    I would like to know where is the original Quran […]

    BaarakAllaah feek

    [Message truncated by admin.]

    • The Quran is the Speech of Allaah, it is one Quran, whether recited upon tongues, memorized by hearts, or written in mushafs. There is no “original Quran” vs. “non-original Qurans.” It is the Quran when written, whether the writing of it is ancient or modern. This is the belief of Ahlus-Sunnah, and Allaah knows best.

  6. As-salaamu ‘alaykum:

    I have a non-Muslim friend who’s interested in Islaam, however he has some doubts which are preventing him from whole-heartedly accepting the Deen of Allaah. In shaa Allaah if you could clear these doubts to the best of your ability that would be amazing… [comment abridged by admin]

    Second doubt: The Qadr of Allaah. People on the outside looking in have a hard time understanding why Allaah does what He تبارك وتعالى does. I told him since Allaah’s Wisdom is beyond us, Allaah hasn’t burdened us with the knowledge of why He does what He does, as that would be too overwhelming for His slaves, so as a mercy to us, Allaah simply informed us of His Perfect Wisdom as reassurance, so we know that while we don’t know why He does what He Wills, He does what He Wills with Perfect Wisdom. My friend still doesn’t understand fully.

    Third doubt: He doesn’t know how to feel certain that Islaam is the true religion. He believes in The Creator & Sustainer of everything, but he finds it hard to believe that the Qur’aan is from The Creator. This doubt is one that I really couldn’t answer, due to me being a simple layman.

    These are some serious doubts Moosaa, but my friend is genuinely interested in understanding Islaam, if you can help in any way please do.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaam wa rahmatullaah. 2nd doubt: What you have summarized seems like a good answer. May Allaah bless you. I would add: Rationally speaking, when we can admit that some intellectual discussions in this life are beyond our levels of comprehension, and we excuse ourselves, then what about the topic of the divine Wisdom behind the creation of everything and how it all works together?! Qadr is indeed a topic which confuses people who overburden themselves. Allaah’s Wisdom, Knowledge, Creation, Authority, and Verdicts are all divinely perfect. We are not to contemplate about the “how” of those things, as that is beyond our ability. We are encouraged to contemplate over the visible effects of those Attributes within the Creation, not over the Creator Himself or His Attributes.

      3rd doubt: What book has remained prominent for 1400 years, preserved letter by letter, by millions of people, generation after generation, providing the best, most impeccable creed and behavior for individuals and societies, guidance for government, military, economists, family members, neighbors, co-workers, sick and elderly, judges, etc, with wordings that cause the strongest of people to break down into tears?! What book has managed to rival a tiny amount of any of that?! May Allaah guide him!

    • If he there is a doubt about the Qadr of Allaah, in terms of not seeing the wisdom behind what Allaah decreed that we may see it as having no benefit whatsoever, then a good response is to look at the benefits of Allaah decreeing evil/harmful things:

      1. It reminds the mankind that Allaah is still in control and that he can get angry and has the ability to punish people in this life. (See Soorat al-Mulk, verse 16-17 & Soorat al-Baqarah, verse 65-66). So let mankind not anger Allaah.

      2. It allows the Muslim to practice patience, and Allaah helps those who are patient. (See Soorat al-Baqarah, verse 45)

      3. It reminds people that death can happen to them at any time. So let them prepare for death since it can be tonight.

      4. When a Muslim suffers, he becomes more purified of his sins. Imaam Muslim had a chapter in his Saheeh called:
      Whenever a believer falls sick or is stricken with grief or something like it, there is a reward for him even if it is pricking of a thorn. See here:

      5. Ibn abil-‘Izz said: “Rather, in having patience over their [the ruler’s] oppression there is expiation of sins, and a multiplication of the reward.”

      See here:

      These are some of the benefits of why Allaah does what he wills in terms of not understanding why He afflicted mankind with evil/harm. And Allaah also said:

      “And it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allaah knows but you do not know.” – Soorat al-Baqarah, verse 216.

  7. As salaamu alaykum ustaadh,

    Regarding the christians, there are those from them who after living lives of immorality, decide to start living more “religiously”. Meaning they abandon zinaa, khamr, basically whatever they have as being impermissible in their doctrines. These people are known as “born-again Christians”. Do you know if the men from among us are allowed to marry such women from among them? JazaakAllaahu khayraa

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