QUIZ: The Bayqooniyyah Poem (Lines 7-17)

This is a brief 10-question quiz which follows our classes in study of al-Manthoomat al-Bayqooniyyah in Mustalah (Hadeeth Terminology), covering lines 7-17 of the poem (and the meanings and examples provided). Before taking the quiz, review the video recordings of the classes at our Patreon channel: https://www.patreon.com/collection/64666

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Quiz: The Bayqooniyyah Poem (Lines 7-17)

This is a brief 10-question quiz which follows our classes in study of al-Manthoomat al-Bayqooniyyah in Mustalah (Hadeeth Terminology), covering lines 7-17 of the poem (and the meanings and examples provided). Review the video recordings of the classes here before taking the quiz: https://www.patreon.com/collection/64666

1 / 10

In line #7, al-Bayqoonee introduces the terms, MARFOO' and MAQTOO'. What is the third term that goes with these two, and where is it found in the poem?

2 / 10

The scholars of Hadeeth call a narration "NAAZIL" when it is:

3 / 10

Which two terms together mean that the hadeeth can be described as MUSNAD?

4 / 10

Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar has a book called "al-Wuqoof" (featured below). What it is this book about?

5 / 10

A narrator who is mentioned in a chain but not named is called what? For example: "Yoonus narrated from a man from Egypt..."

6 / 10

What is true about this thulaathee (three-man) chain found in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree:

7 / 10

When the narrators of a hadeeth narrate with a shared and repeated description, like each one says, "and this is the first hadeeth I heard from my shaykh..." what is this called? (Select all that apply.)

8 / 10

TRUE or FALSE: A hadeeth must be one of the following things: GHAREEB, 'AZEEZ, or MASH-HOOR.

9 / 10

Which Hadeeth term applies to the hadeeth which means, "Have mercy on those on earth, the One above the heavens will have Mercy on you..."?

10 / 10

A scholar of Hadeeth might use the term "MURSAL" to identify to which of the following things? (Select all that apply.)

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