QUIZ: Risaalah Lateefah in Usool al-Fiqh (Lessons 1-5)

ANOTHER UNIQUE REVIEW TOOL: This is a 10-question quiz for the first five classes (Points 1-6) of our study of Risaalah Lateefah Jaami’ah in the field of Usool al-Fiqh, a new class on Patreon taught by Moosaa Richardson, available here: https://www.patreon.com/collection/68022

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Risaalah Lateefah (Lessons 1-5, Points 1-6)

This is a brief 10-question quiz which follows our first five classes in study of Risaalah Lateefah in Usool al-Fiqh (Islamic Legal Maxims). Review the video recordings of the classes here before taking the quiz: https://www.patreon.com/collection/68022

1 / 10

In Point #3 of Risaalah Lateefah, the author stated:

"Based on this, we understand the dire need and necessity of knowing Usool al-Fiqh..."

What was he referring to, when he said: Based on this...?

2 / 10

When speaking about the evidences used in Fiqh discussions, the author of Risaalah Lateefah stated:

These proofs are two types:

Kulliyyah (comprehensive maxims), which encompass all rulings of similar types, from the first issues of Fiqh to the last ones, like when we say: Commands indicate obligations, prohibitions indicate impermissibility, and the likes. These are Usool al-Fiqh.

And ___________ proofs, which need built on those comprehensive maxims. Once this is complete, verdicts are applied to issues with these proofs. (Which phrase completes the thought of the author accurately?)

3 / 10

What was the author of Risaalah Lateefah talking about when he said the following?

"One who does it is rewarded; one who abandons it is punished."

4 / 10

In Point #6 of Risaalah Lateefah, the author stated:

"Issues which include pure benefits (i.e. without any harms) or mostly beneficial aspects (i.e. with limited and comparatively less harm) are things ordered by the Legislator (Allah), with orders indicating obligations or [at least] recommendations..."

He meant: That all matters of pure benefit are obligatory (waajib), and all matters of predominant benefit are recommended (mustahabb).

5 / 10

Since Islam is a religion with a heavy focus on community, most religious obligations are actually fardh kifaayah, due from the community collectively.

6 / 10

Fill in the missing phrase from Point #4 of Risaalah Lateefah, with the EXACT term used by the author:

"The rulings which Fiqh revolves around are five: Waajib... Haraam...  _____... Makrooh... Mubaah..."

He died in the year 1376.

7 / 10

Who is the author of the book in this picture?


Question Image

8 / 10

The author of Risaalah Lateefah stated:

Usool al-Fiqh is knowledge of comprehensive legal maxims, since Fiqh [itself] is either:

Individual cases wherein one of the five rulings is needed;

Or ____ (complete the words of the author)

9 / 10

Something which has a mix of harms and benefits, yet the small amount of benefit is outweighed by a greater level of harm, is correctly classified as:

10 / 10

Waajib (obligatory) can be categorized into: Fardh ‘Ayn (an individual obligation) and
Fardh Kifaayah (a community obligation).

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