130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Easy) [Shorter Version]

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Easy) [SHORTER VERSION]

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 25 TRUE or FALSE questions on the topics we studied in this course. You have 20 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

There are a total of six baabs (sections, sub-chapters) in this collection.

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The second baab (sub-chapter, or section) of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners is about birr (kindness) and silah (keeping ties).

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When two Muslims are turning away from each other for personal reasons, the better one is the one who gives greetings of salaam to the other one first.

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Oppression (thulm) is layers of darkness on the Day of Judgment.

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Hadeeth #85 (which means), "Whomever Allah wants good for, He grants him understanding in the religion," was mistakenly included twice in the text of the chapters on manners in Buloogh al-Maraam by the author.

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One of the bad results of cursing people too much is that you would not be allowed to be a witness on the day of Judgment, according to a narration we studied.

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Sitting in gatherings devoid of Allah's mention, where no salaat is sent upon the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

Be sure you know what things are mentioned in Hadeeth #1.

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According to Hadeeth #1 of our study, one of the six basic rights Muslims have upon each other is to say, "al-Hamdu lillaah" when your brother/sister asks you, "Kayfa Haaluk?" (How are you?)

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The first sin ever committed was hasad (spiteful envy).

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According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, a "shadeed" (strong man) is one who does not become angry.

Don't overthink the explanation. Is this statement generally true or not?

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Pleasing Allah is attained by pleasing one's parents.

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Paradise is forbidden for the one who dies while deceiving those under his authority.

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Seeking refuge with Allah from "displays of bad character" includes seeking refuge from lying and oppression, as well as many other bad manners.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four different positions of the scholars on this issue in his explanation of Hadeeth #17.

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Some of the scholars said that Allah may extend the lifespan of a person based on his kind treatment of family members, by extending the actual length of the person's pre-determined lifespan.

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

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The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

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According to a hadeeth we studied, a person who mistreats those under his authority does not enter Paradise.

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There is nothing heavier in the Scales (on the Day of Judgment) than good character.

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No people sit in any gathering, mentioning Allah therein, except that the angels surround them, Mercy enshrouds them, and Allah mentions them to those near Him.

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Two people should not leave a third person by himself, so as to talk among themselves, because this makes that third person sad.

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Allah loves pious servants, those who are content and modestly reserved.

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The third section of the 130 Hadeeth on Manners is called: Baab az-Zuhd wal-Wara' (the Section on Asceticism and Vigilance); it has 11 hadeeth narrations.

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People by nature admire others and try to resemble them. We must avoid admiration of evil people, so we do not end up resembling them.

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Haste is from the Shaytaan, and pessimism is bad character, according to two narrations we studied.

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When Sahl ibn Sa'd asked about something that would earn him Allah's Love, the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) told him to focus greatly on worldly matters. (Assuming the hadeeth to be authentic as Ibn Hajar graded it.)

"No one may request  another man to stand up from his seat in order to sit there. Instead..."

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Our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) taught us to make room for more people to sit in our gatherings.

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The believer who mixes with the people and bears their harms is better than someone who does not mix with the people and bear their harms.

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