130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #5 (Hadeeths 59-81) (EASY)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #5 (Hadeeths 59-81) (EASY)

This is a beginners' level (fairly easy) quiz based on Hadeeth #59-81 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 10 TRUE or FALSE questions on this test. This quiz has a 10-minute time limit (displayed above). It is 100% anonymous, and you may re-take the quiz as many times as you like. The questions will appear in a random order each time you take the quiz, and you may see some new questions each time you take the quiz, in shaa' Allah.

1 / 10

The most hated of men to Allah is: the obstinate debater.

2 / 10

When two people insult one another, the sin is on the one who started it, so long as the other one does not transgress.

3 / 10

One of the bad results of cursing people too much is that you would not be allowed to be a witness on the day of Judgment, according to a narration we studied.

4 / 10

Haste is from the Shaytaan, and pessimism is bad character, according to two narrations we studied.

5 / 10

Qutbah ibn Maalik was a companion from those who narrated the most hadeeth (from the "mukthiroon").

6 / 10

According to a hadeeth we studied from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, whoever commits the sin of eavesdropping shall have hot lead poured into his ears on the Day of Judgment.

7 / 10

Seeking refuge with Allah from "displays of bad character" includes seeking refuge from lying and oppression, as well as many other bad manners.

8 / 10

It is permissible to tell jokes which are not actually true, so long as it makes people laugh and does not hurt anyone's feelings.

9 / 10

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, the reason we are not allowed to insult the deceased is: because they can still hear us.

10 / 10

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said (what means), "Piety is right here!" and he pointed to the Ka'bah three times.

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