130 Hadeeth on Manners: Quiz #4 (Hadeeth 42-58) (DIFFICULT)


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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 4 (Hadeeth 42-58) DIFFICULT

This is an advanced level quiz based on Hadeeths 42-58 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 5 especially challenging questions on this test. You have only five minutes to complete the quiz. You may repeat it as many times as you like, in shaa' AllahMay Allah aid you! 

1 / 6

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Be warned of ____, because ____ eats away good deeds like how fire devours wood." (Type in a single word, having nine letters or less.)

2 / 6

What is true about Section Four: Warnings Against Bad Character? from our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners(Select all that apply.)

3 / 6

Which of the following are signs of hypocrites, according to the narrations of Aboo Hurayrah and 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr we studied? (Select all that apply.)

4 / 6

A man asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) for advice. He was told not to get angry. He asked for more advice, so he was told: (Select all that apply.)

5 / 6

Which of the following statements are true about backbiting and slander? (Select four answers.)

Just say "Aameen" and supplicate likewise for whoever made this quiz! (This does not affect your score.)

6 / 6

May Allah have Mercy on you.

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Review (FREE): High-quality recordings of our lessons from the book, “130 Hadeeth on Manners”

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