130 Hadeeth on Manners: QUIZ 2 (Hadeeth 17-30) (EASY)

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130 H QUIZ 2 (Hadeeth 17-30) EASY

This is a beginners' level (fairly easy) quiz based on Hadeeth #17-30 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 10 TRUE or FALSE questions on this test.

Don't overthink the explanation or the differing of the scholars about the meanings... Is this statement basically true or not?

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Keeping family ties can lead to an increase in one's lifespan and provisions.

There are a total of six baabs (sections, sub-chapters) in this collection.

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The second baab (sub-chapter, or section) of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners is about birr (kindness) and silah (keeping ties).

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four different positions of the scholars on this issue in his explanation of Hadeeth #17.

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Some of the scholars said that Allah may extend the lifespan of a person based on his kind treatment of family members, by extending the actual length of the person's pre-determined lifespan.

Be warned of following the way of deviant Khawaarij cults like ISIS, Al Qaeda, El Shabab, Boko Haram, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon (the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood"), and their likes.

4 / 10

Non-Muslim neighbors have no rights in Islam.

Allah orders us with every noble and upright manner, and He forbids us from every lowly trait.

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Allah has forbidden us from insolence (bad treatment) of our mothers.

Don't overthink the explanation. Is this statement generally true or not?

6 / 10

Pleasing Allah is attained by pleasing one's parents.

Hadeeth #22 was about the three greatest sins.

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Ibn Mas'ood asked the Prophet, "Which sin is greatest?" He replied, "To ascribe a partner to Allah when He [alone] has created you."

The companions asked: Could a man ever insult his own parents?!

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If you insult another person's parents, and this leads them to insult your parents, you bear the burden of the sin of insulting your own parents.

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When two Muslims are turning away from each other for personal reasons, the better one is the one who gives greetings of salaam to the other one first.

Something about the neighbors...?

10 / 10

Revelation in Islam is so complete that it even provides guidance on how to prepare soup (specifically).

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