130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (MEDIUM) [Shorter Version]

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Medium) [SHORTER VERSION]

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 10 TRUE or FALSE questions  mixed in with 20 multiple-choice questions on the topics we studied in this course. You have 30 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

1 / 30

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, what are the part(s) of the opponent's body forbidden to be struck, if there is ever a need to fight?

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four different positions of the scholars on this issue in his explanation of Hadeeth #17.

2 / 30

Some of the scholars said that Allah may extend the lifespan of a person based on his kind treatment of family members, by extending the actual length of the person's pre-determined lifespan.

3 / 30

Revelation was given to the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), that Muslims must be humble, to what extent?

4 / 30

Complete the statement of Ibn 'Umar we studied: "Take from your good health for your illness, and..."

5 / 30

Which of the following phrases is NOT one of the five ongoing righteous phrases of remembrance taught in the hadeeth of Aboo Sa'eed?

6 / 30

This companion gave his pledge of allegiance at Hudaybiyah. He lived beyond the year 60, and he was from the al-Muzani tribe. He narrated the prohibition of deceiving those under our authority.

7 / 30

There is nothing heavier in the Scales (on the Day of Judgment) than good character.

8 / 30

Complete the meaning of the supplication we studied: "O Allah! Keep me from displays of bad character, bad actions, desires, and ____."

9 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Allah does not look at the one who..."

10 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Whoever directs someone to a good thing..."

11 / 30

When the author says, "Agreed upon," about a hadeeth, this means:

May Allah keep us from ever breaking ties that are to be kept!

12 / 30

What is the meaning of the hadeeth: "One who breaks ties does not enter Paradise"?

There are a total of six baabs (sections, sub-chapters) in this collection.

13 / 30

The second baab (sub-chapter, or section) of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners is about birr (kindness) and silah (keeping ties).

14 / 30

An-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) about birr (piety) and ithm (sin). Part of the answer was: "Piety is good character..."

15 / 30

Oppression (thulm) is layers of darkness on the Day of Judgment.

16 / 30

Since we cannot satisfy all of the people, according to a hadeeth we studied, "Let them be sufficed by..." which two things?

17 / 30

What did Ibn Hajar say about the following narration [which means]: "The expiation for backbiting someone is that you seek forgiveness for him." ?

18 / 30

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the hadeeth (which means): "Whoever imitates a people is from them"?

19 / 30

The final section of 130 Hadeeth on Manners, Section Six: Remembrance & Supplications, consists of only supplications to memorize.

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

20 / 30

The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

21 / 30

According to a hadeeth collected by at-Tirmithee which we studied, which virtuous action leads to the following reward: "Allah will keep the Fire away from his face on the Day of Judgment"?

22 / 30

What is the definition of al-birr (piety) given by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) when an-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked him about it?

23 / 30

One of the bad results of cursing people too much is that you would not be allowed to be a witness on the day of Judgment, according to a narration we studied.

24 / 30

People by nature admire others and try to resemble them. We must avoid admiration of evil people, so we do not end up resembling them.

25 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth qudsee narration we studied: "I am with My servant so long as _____." 

26 / 30

Miserliness cannot be found together with this other trait in a believer, according to the meaning of a hadeeth we studied, which was collected by at-Tirmithee with a weak chain of transmission.

27 / 30

Breaking promises is one of the main characteristics of the hypocrites.

28 / 30

According to the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar we studied, what should you do to compensate a person who does something nice for you?

29 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Nay, there is within the body a morsel of flesh; if it is sound, the entire body will be sound. However, if it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt. Nay, it is the _____."

30 / 30

What is the sin mentioned along with oppression in one of the hadeeths we studied, something mentioned as being the cause of the destruction of people who came before us?

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