The Fitnah (Trials) of Passions and Desires

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Every Merciful…

From the Book: The Never-Ending Trials of LIFE: Islamic Guidance From a Brief Thematic Study of Soorah al-‘Ankaboot, by Shaykh Saalih Aal Shaykh, Translation and Commentary by Moosaa Richardson

…Allah mentions the story of Loot (Lot, peace be upon him). In it is mention of the fitnah of the desires of men which go against man’s very nature. This was along with a number of other passions and their outward declarations of them. They claimed that there was no harm in them. They would refute anyone who prohibited them from their actions.Yet he still forbade them:

You are practicing [all kinds of] evil in your gatherings! (29:29)

But all they said to him in response was:

Bring us Allah’s Punishment if you are indeed from the truthful! (29:29)

It was great fitnah for Loot that his wife, from his own household, had given in to their evil and become like them, encouraging the men to have intercourse with the men who would come to visit Loot, and similar crimes.

So we saved him and his family, except his wife, as she was from those who stayed behind. (7:83)

Desires are indeed a form of fitnah. How can one escape his desires and passions? He escapes them by recognizing that they are a source of fitnah.

Allah intended for the passions of the flesh to be something that leads to the preservation of lineage (by having children), and to test the servant as well: Does he have perseverance or not? Does he push forward, firm upon what Allah wants from him, or does he turn to his desires and lose hold of his grasp over them, going after anything he wants?

So in this story, the fitnah was something that led to the release of Allah’s Punishment upon those who did not cease doing things He, the Mighty and Majestic, had forbidden…

Commentary (by Moosaa Richardson):

Muslims in the West must reflect seriously over the story of Loot and his trials, especially in an era when the homosexual agenda is being repackaged to the world as personal freedom and even heroism. A Muslim living in the West may be affected by the homosexual agenda, or perhaps a spouse or a child may be affected. Muslims should reflect about how two Prophets from Allah, Loot and Nooh, lost their wives to disbelief, and their two wives were made timeless examples of opposition to the Orders of Allah. Allah has said (what means):

And Allah has set forth a parable for the disbelievers: The wife of Nooh and the wife of Loot. They were under the charge of two of our righteous servants, yet they betrayed them. They (Nooh and Loot) could do nothing to save them from [the Punishment of] Allah. Thus it was said to them: “Enter the Hellfire along with all those who enter it.” (66:10)

For those struggling with family members who have left Islam or refuse to embrace it, contemplate over the stories of Nooh and Loot, as well as the story of Aasiyah, the righteous, believing wife of the evil tyrant, Pharaoh. Reflect over the story of Ibraaheem as well, whose own father rejected his call, and study the life of our Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his and all their ranks, and grant them all peace), who lost his beloved uncle to the Hellfire. Indeed, there is great comfort and guidance for the believers in the Book of Allah!

Source: The Never-Ending Trials of Life (pp.23-24)

Available on Amazon: Kindle & print





90 thoughts on “The Fitnah (Trials) of Passions and Desires

  1. Subhanallah!!!! Very good points to note for us who are still struggling with non believing relatives and mushirkinas in our family they are indeed a trail to us and children .May Allah protect us and guide us all guidance and protection

    • As Salaamu Alaikum, I want to know if it’s permissible to bring guns/ weapons in the Masjid? I disturbed to find that many of the Muslims mean and women are in the masjid with guns on hips or handbags during Salah. They use the reason that the Sahabahs carried swords, and that’s the justification for them.
      Barakallah feeki

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. It is permissible to bring small, hand-held weapons to the masjid in Islam. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) guided us to take care of our weapons when in the masjid, not to point arrows or blades at anyone, and like what comes in the hadeeth of Jaabir in the two Saheehs: A man came through the masjid carrying arrows, so the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) instructed him to take hold of (cover) the tips of the arrows. This is the base rule, like how it is permissible to wear shoes in the masjid. It is also obligatory to obey those in authority of the masjid as well, and follow their rules for the safety and cleanliness of the masjid. So when the administration of the masjid requests no weapons are brought into the masjid, we honor that and follow that rule for that masjid, and Allah knows best.

  2. Asalāmu ‘Alaykum
    Is it permissible to recite more than one supplication before bed? Or do we have to recite one one day and then another the next day? Likewise morning and evening supplications. Is it permissible to recite more than one morning supplication to get the rewards mentioned from them?

  3. Asalamu Alaykum!
    In Dhur and Asr prayers when reciting, are the words coming out of our mouth silently (so the one next to us cannot hear)? or is it in our heads but with our lips moving?

    • Yes, what would be the problem? Raise funds for the masjid selling any halaal item, whether you declare it a fundraiser or keep the goal hidden. Just no buying or selling in the masjid itself of course. And Allaah knows best.

    • Some people have said that Shaykh al Fawzaan has stated that baking cakes to sell for charity should not be mixed with giving charity, and that one should give whenever the need arises by encouraging others to be more charitable without resorting to holding bazars.

    • Yes, because the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) forbade buying and selling in the masjid, and taught the Muslims to supplicate against someone who violates the sanctuary of the masjid in such a way, with the following supplication: لا أربح الله تجارتك (May Allaah not allow your trade any profit). This hadeeth was collected by at-Tirmithee, and al-Albaanee called it saheeh. See: Irwaa’ al-Ghaleel #1295. And Allaah knows best.

    • As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. So to clarify, the masjid is where the prayer is held and areas around it (the masid) can be use for buying and selling. It this understanding of mine correct. Because I see people sell in spaces outside of where the prayer is held but the whole building is consider a masjid, so I’m not sure. I apologized for any confusion with my question

      Jazaki’allahu khayran

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The masjid is the area designated as masjid by the people in charge of the masjid. That’s the easiest way to understand it. Just ask the admin of your masjid where the borders of the masjid are. And Allaah knows best.

  4. Assalamualikum wa rahmathullah
    Usthadh , hayyakumullah
    Question; We all know that the evil eye is true.If we know and have clear evidence that a particular person can cast evil eye on people then WHAT to do even though we cover all the blessings bestowed upon us from that person???

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Determining that is very difficult, because it is from the matters of the Unseen. If a recognized judge has determined that harm has indeed happened because of the ‘ayn, he may assign damages to be recovered financially. And Allaah knows best. As for someone saying they have evidence, then they present their evidence to a recognized Muslim judge.

  5. I am from Canada and I have a small online business and most of my customers are from the United States. When I ship the customers products it asks on the shipping form how much the product costs. If I put the price the customer will have to pay duty fees and taxes. Is it permissible for me to put that it’s a gift or make the price lower on the form to avoid the customer getting taxed? Is this fee they charge taking a percentage of what the customer paid their haqq to take? Please let me know Jezakallah kheyr

    • Declare everything as it is, honestly, as our Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Muhyiud-Deen advised us to do in this specific scenario. You are oppressed when your wealth is taken unjustly, yet do not lie, deceive, and trick people to avoid a bearable amount of financial oppression. May Allaah bless your honest transactions. And Allaah knows best.

    • Lastly any alternatives to insurance? I’m referring to all kinds of insurance. For the people who won’t give up their ribaa gambling etc. unless if they have an alternative

    • Yes, piety and obedience to Allaah, patience and tawakkul (placing one’s trust in Allaah), saving one’s money that he would pay to insurance companies, to use one day in case anything happens. Then if nothing ever happens, he has lots of money, all to himself, by the Permission of Allaah. This is an excellent replacement for war with Allaah.

  6. Assalamualykom
    I live in South Asia. After completing High My intention was to go west for education. But I know that Kibar aal ulemaa Prohibited us to go west. Is there any other rullings or advice I can follow in that case ?

  7. Can you provide a link to the original audio? It is recommended to listen to it along with the book but I cannot find audio on the site. (Perhaps because of using a mobile device).

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. No, he may feel ashamed, perhaps that he didn’t take better care, so he may seek forgiveness. But he has not sinned, assuming there was no negligence or intent, so as to require from him towbah. And Allaah knows best.

  8. Who is Imam Mahdi? I don’t see any Salafi websites mentioning him. Is there any Hadeeth about him?

    And Allaah knows best

  9. Asalamu ‘Alaykum
    As menstruating women are not allowed to enter the prayer place is it permissible to sit on the edges alongside the wall? Women do not pray against the wall so it permissible for a menstruating woman to sit there?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. They can pass through the masjid, but not stay there (not along the walls, or anywhere else in the masjid). In some Islamic centers there are areas set up as dining areas or social areas that are not part of the masjid. Check to see if your Islamic center has places like that.

      [Let’s try to keep the comments related to the content of the article please. -Admin]

  10. Great subject matter from shaykh saalih aal ash shaykh. May Allah bless him and our leader Prince Muhammad bin Salman and may we obey him as taught by our salafi mashayikh

  11. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Moosaa, I have been tried with a love for movies, tv shows, and video games. As much as I want to better myself as a Muslim, I can’t find the strength to control these desires. Alhamdulillah Allah has made it easy for me to give up music, however as it relates to these, I find myself in a constant battle between wanting to give it up and wanting to indulge in it more. On the outside I look completely fine but on the inside I’m struggling like crazy to maintain my Eemaan. There are times when I feel my Eemaan is high and I can do away with these desires, and then there are other times when I feel my Eemaan is as low as it can get before I enter into disbelief. Please advise me ustaadh. What steps can I take to help me become a better Muslim to the extent that these things that I love so much become insignificant, and I have my sights set on pleasing Allah?

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      I’d advise that you find something new to engage yourself in: a weekly class (or many weekly classes), a study program, online projects, transcribing a series of lectures, or something that you find interesting and productive. You need to replace the hours of your life that you used to waste on these matters, and may Allaah give you success!

    • Take a break by physically keeping yourself away from the sources (TV, Mobile device with Internet connexion). Go find some righteous people and share some moments with them. Try to build a new environment where there’s no time slot for those activities you’re running away from. May Allah make it easy for you. Be patient in refraining from sinning.

  12. Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Ahsan Allahu alaykum. Before I became Muslim, I spent a huge part of my life with a non Muslim family friend who became like a mother to me and my siblings. She did so many acts of kindness towards us. Unfortunately she later became a lesbian. When I became Muslim I didn’t know how I should interact with her. I tried giving her dawah, unfortunately she didn’t respond. I distanced myself away from her, but always felt guilty about this. Please advise me how I should interact with her. Like I said she was like a mother, she also adopted so I could work legally in the USA. Do I accept her invitations to her house. I have children now and fear she would influence them with her ideas. She accepts my religion, and wishes to keep in touch like before.

    Barakallahu feeka

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I would suggest that you send her gifts and messages to thank her for her kindness. Consider explaining that you do not visit because of her lifestyle. Even if she were not a lesbian, she would still not be your mother, nor a mahram (close family member for you), and thus you would not be allowed to hug her or be alone with her. Having said that, kindness is to be recognized and repaid as much as possible. And Allaah knows best.

    • Regarding this matter, what is the ruling of one who refrains contact with someone due to fear that his evil would spread to him? Especially if that person used to be a close friend before.

    • السلام عليكم

      In your above, you mentioned how, “even if she wasn’t a lesbian,she would still not be your mother, nor a mahram (close family member for you), and thus you would not be allowed to hug her or be alone with her” is this for women in general? Or non-Muslim women?

      I thought you couldn’t be alone with just men who aren’t a mahram. Can you please help me understand as I am confused now.

      جزاك الله خيرا

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله That was under the assumption that the questioner was male, sorry. Yet, the questioner is anonymous. If the questioner is a female, then of course, she may hug another female, family member or not. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, jazaak Allaahu khayran.

  13. Asalamu ‘Alaykum

    There are computer games that have different places where you (as a virtual character) can go to, and in particular some games have places that involve Greek Gods where the character can go and play and some have a place called a temple. Can a child still play those types of games even if the child wont go to to those types places?

  14. Assallaamu’Aleykum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh . Brother Moosa I just read an article by Omar Suleiman where he was being questioned about homosexuality and he responded with plenty of falsehood which is not surprising . I feel there is a need for a Salafi student of knowledge like yourself to refute the falsehood and expose this individual for who he is . He’s an al maghrib”instructor” who sits with the likes of Shu’aib Webb calling to voting “engaging the political process”. A YouTube audio would be good since he’s on YouTube also . I only read the article because a young brother who I was advising told me he listens to him .

    The above link is to the YouTube video where he’s calling to “ engaging the political process” while sitting with Shu’aib Webb , I think that’s what his name is .

    • Likewise, we need a whole website with detailed refutations of the deviant tafsir of Nouman Ali Khan, similar to how you made a website about the serious mistakes of Yusuf Estes (might also need one about Zakir Naik too), may Allah guide them and those who follow them.

  15. Assalamu alayk’ wa rahmatullah.

    This is urgent and important. I have seen many rumors (no proof, but many accusations) against ***********, such as him supporting his student who raped and other injustice.

    This could be out of hatred for him, but it is completely widespread. I honestly hope it isn’t true.

    How should one respond to this?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Allaah says (what means): Woe to every slandering backbiter! Quran 104:1

  16. Can a muslim woman try to contact a man that had a relationship with her online but decided to ended because he feared Allah and stopped talking to her. She insists through third person to get to talk to him

    • If there is an interest in marriage, the man can approach the woman’s walee properly, and discuss the matter with the walee.

  17. As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. There is a person I knew from high school and we bumped into each other recently. When I spoke with them they said they had left Islam because they were told that they could not be a homosexual and Muslim by their parents. The person said they believe that there is a God and that they would be willing for me to explain things to them. How do I advise this person?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Advise the person to return to Islam and begin praying immediately. Then, resume learning the rulings of the Religion and tying his best to implement what he learns. May Allaah guide him.

  18. The love and yearning for a disbelieving women has entered my heart and continuously preoccupies and depresses me.

    How can I get over this a forget about her?

    • Repent to Allaah for whatever actions (looking, flirting, dialogue, etc.) has led to this situation. Repentance includes stopping the sins, remorse, and a firm resolve to never return to it. With sincere repentance, Allah may wipe away the sin itself and its harmful effects on the soul, and may Allaah give you success!

  19. Assalaamu alaykum. jazakumullaahu khayran oh ustadh. I would like to ask a question and it goes thus’Are student loans Haram? If yes, are there alternative loans which a Muslim student living in the western world can access’?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Any loan that increases when paid back, either through an interest rate, or through fixed increases, like late fees or financing charges, no matter what those increases are called, is all Ribaa. Whether that loan is for a house, studies, or to open a business, its all the same ruling. And Allah knows best.

    • Some people say Islam is barbaric just because it forbids dating and having boyfriends and girlfriends. How do I respond to this?

    • Chastity and modesty rooted in wholesome piety and sincere religious restraint might seem barbaric, when your moral compass is … well, when people are far beyond even having something resembling a moral compass.

  20. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    I really hope you help me out Ustaadh
    I have been a Salafi for a couple of years now, Alhamdulillah. When I became a Salafi, I was still studying in a bad environment, predominantly Muslims but most are Ikhwanis, Sufis, etc. The people I was studying and “hanging” out with don’t fit the description of good companions, may Allah guide them. In their company, I never felt stronger in my Imaan (anyway we never discussed religion and also they don’t have an interest in such discussion) but rather I felt weak in their presence. I was the ONLY Salafi so I felt so much pressure and was trialed. Most of them delayed their prayers and although some have knowledge of many things (like music is Haram etc) they don’t implement it nor do they prevent others from it. Alhamdulillah, I left that place and I have also decided to leave their company. But Ustaadh at first I was very confident with my decision (I even prayed Istikhaarah) but then I started having these feelings of “You will be blamed for not giving them Dawah” “You leaving them Allah will question about you not giving them Dawah” and so on. I am really confused Ustaadh, I have a strong feeling this is from Shaytaan as he wants me to go back to them rather than be with the Salafis but then why am I feeling this “guilt”? I am not fit for Dawah as I’m a beginner and easy prey and I never benefitted from their company. While I was there I have tried my best to give them Dawah but Allah guide them, they don’t understand or they know but like they’re lax with it. Ustaadh am I correct for leaving their company and not being in contact with them? Why am I feeling like this even after praying Istikhaara, instead of feeling confident? Please Ustaadh please reply and give advice on how I remain steadfast upon this decision and not let those feelings take me back to how I was before.
    Jazakallahu Khayr

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      May Allah bless you for your concern and question! If you are a strong personality who is not affected by them, and your effect on them is greater, then stay in touch with them, and give them good advice. But how many people assess themselves as being like this remain in the company of evil people, truly incapable of having any good impact on them, and then are dragged back into sin and negligence? So be careful and proceed with caution. And choosing to avoid the company of a group of people does not mean you must cut off ties with them. Perhaps you could still message them and call them sometimes, without being in their company. But again, assess carefully: Who is influencing whom? May Allah bless you and keep you safe and guided!

  21. As salaamu alaykum. I hope you can help me out insha Allah. May Allah bless you. There is a difference of opinion when it comes to the divorce of bida( pronouncing talaq while a women is on her menses). The majority of scholars says it counts and there are some who says it doesn’t count. They both have their proofs. My husband doesn’t want to be in sin, of course. Does he accept and follow what the majority is saying, that the divorce does count? Or, does he go with his desires and the others saying it doesn’t count? Please aid me. Also, when do we not ever go with the majority of the scholars or do we always go with the majority of the scholars? This is on any issue. May Allah raise you for you time and patience in helping out the brothers and sisters.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. In issues of divorce and contracts with others, we are not free to follow whatever we wish. We present our case to the Islamic court, when living in Muslim lands, If living in non-Muslim lands, we present our case to those who are closest thing to an Islamic court, like a student of knowledge, arbitrator, or Islamic center. If the people were all left to be judges in their own cases of dispute, they would be unjust and follow their desires often, judging in favor of themselves in each case. But Allah requires us to be just and avoid following our desires.

  22. Assalamu alaykum,

    I have developed certain personality traits based on my knowledge of some narrations and experience dealing with the people. I have some questions based on this.

    How does one continue to have good thoughts regarding people and their innocence after knowing most people will be burned in the hellfire and are deserving of it?

    Is it correct for one to resign himself to caring about himself only and being apathetic regarding others after coming to realise they are predominantly a lost cause?

    I would appreciate any advise.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. This line of thinking resembles the forbidden condemnation of people and the resulting apathy for their guidance found in the statement of the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace):

      إذا سمعت الرجل يقول: هلك الناس فهو أهلكهم
      “If you hear a man saying ‘The people are destroyed (i.e. lost, no hope for them),’ then he is the most destroyed of them!” (and it also means: He is THE ONE who destroyed them!)

      Based on this hadeeth, it is not permissible to give up on the people in general and abandon calling them to the truth. Rather, call them, remind them, and be patient. All you need is one positive response out of MILLIONS! Remember the hadeeth of Sahl ibn Sa’d in the two Saheeh compilations of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim:

      فوالله لأن يهدي الله بك رجلا واحدا خير لك من أن يكون لك حمر النعم
      “By Allah! If Allah were to guide A SINGLE PERSON by way of you, it would be better for you than having the best of camels (i.e. the best worldly possessions).”

      And even if no one ever responded to you, your efforts are not lost with Allah, so long as they were sincere and in conformity to the Sunnah!

      And Allah knows best.

    • How do we understand this in light of the ayah – “O you who believe! Take care of your ownselves …” [5:105] ?

      There’s also a hadith which explains this ayah which I cannot find currently. Would appreciate if you know of it and can post it.

    • In the Sunan of Imaam Aboo Daawood is the authentic report of Aboo Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), who said:

      يا أيها الناس، إنكم تقرؤون هذه الآية وتضعونها على غير مواضعها: {عليكم أنفسكم لا يضركم من ضل إذا اهتديتم} [المائدة:105] وإنا سمعنا النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- يقول: ما من قوم يعمل فيهم بالمعاصي، ثم يقدرون على أن يغيروا، ثم لا يغيروا إلا يوشك أن يعمهم الله منه بعقاب
      “O people! You are reading a verse but putting it in other than its proper place [of application]! ‘Upon you is [to focus on] your own selves! Those who go astray will not harm you, if you are guided.’ [5:105] And we have indeed heard from the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) that he said: ‘There are no people where sinning is committed among them, and they are capable of changing it (i.e. forbidding it), yet they do not change it, except that they are all on the verge of being encompassed by an all-inclusive punishment from Allah.”

  23. Assalaamu Alaikum,

    – What is the ruling on masturbation?
    – If it’s Haraam, what should a person do if he or she masturbated during the day in Ramadan?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Masturbation is impermissible, as it goes outside of what Allah has allowed:

      وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حافِظُونَ (5) إِلاَّ عَلى أَزْواجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمانُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ (6) فَمَنِ ابْتَغى وَراءَ ذلِكَ فَأُولئِكَ هُمُ العادُونَ
      “And those who preserve their private parts. * Except with their spouses or what their right hands possess, such are not blamed. * Yet whoever goes beyond that, such are the transgressors.” [23:5-7]

      If someone has masturbated during the daytime of an obligatory fast, then three things are due:

      1. Sincere repentance
      2. Completing that day of fasting
      3. Making it up by fasting another day in its place (if it led to ejaculation)

      He is not required to fast for two months, like one who has had intercourse during the day of Ramadhaan, as masturbation is not considered intercourse. And Allah knows best.

    • Asalmualykum Shaykhna,

      You are referring to the masturbation that only results in ejaculation (and not just madhee, the pre-seminal fluid) as the one that requires making up the fast, is this right? (message slightly edited by admin)

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Yes, and thank you for the follow-up which aids in the clarity of the topic. (I’ve updated my original answer as well.) Jazaak Allahu khayran.

  24. A muslim teacher teaching in school happens to teach students physics from the textbooks (written by non-muslims) and he happens to read to them from the textbook and while doing he intentionally reads and utters something like “… the law of conservation of mass is that matter can nieghter be created nor destroyed…”. Of course, he doesn’t believe in any of what he said, but then he then does not immediately clarify or show any kind of rejection like saying ” I am muslim and I don’t believe in this..” or “Religion of Islam is free from this..” and something similar to this of open clarification and rejection.
    Has he commited kufr by uttering this statement of kufr (in absence of a substantial valid reason like coercsion) and especially if he doesn’t follow up with open clarification that he rejects this ?
    And what exactly should muslim teachers do do when they need to teach subjects and come across statement or things of kufr (evolution, big bang . .) that they need to read or write or discuss so they don’t be part whatsover of that kufr and transgression ?

    • All he needs to do is add, “by the Permission of Allah,” to these observable patterns within the creation, like the so-called law of conservation of matter and/or energy, if they are accurate, then they are only accurate by the Permission of Allah, and beneficial observations of Allah’s Creation which lead to helpful conclusions that help provide solutions to problems and improve the people’s quality of life, all of this is only by the knowledge that Allah has allowed the people to obtain, so He is to be recognized and thanked, as an obligation. What is very sad is that the atheists will allow a teacher to thank the head of his/her department, or the principal or headmaster of the institution, for their efforts, yet to thank the All-Merciful Creator for His many blessings is not allowed in such systems. May Allah guide them. You should only teach what is correct and beneficial, and you should mention Allah in your teaching, and explain to your employer that this is a person religious obligation and that you thank them for allowing. Consider investigating how well that could be defended in their court systems, and be patient with the harms that befall you. A salafi will be known and distinct from other teachers, and he should be honored that he stands out and does not resemble polytheists and atheists in how he teaches. May Allah give you success and facilitate good for you!

  25. السلام عليكم
    A … [widely known individual involved in da’wah] … has been openly commiting sins like letting his kids take videos and pictures of themselves (and occasionally himself) and upload them onto social media (despite him considering photography to be haraam) where they too openly expose their sins such as attending recreational events involving free-mixing , adding music …. , to a huge number of muslim followers …. What would be your naseeha ? [question abridged by admin]

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      It is required that every Muslim, especially those who carry this da’wah, be active in teaching their families, and enjoining good and forbidding evil within their families and those under their authority. Those who fall short in these duties need reminded about the importance of this topic, as Allah, the Most High, says:

      يا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنْفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا
      “O you who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire…” [66:6]

      May Allah protect us and our families from disgrace in this life and the Next!

  26. A “ftm” transgender (this was a woman who had tried to become a man) got a total hysterectomy and had her ovaries removed, and took male hormones. later she converted to Islam and started living as her true self – and did as much as possible to fix the damage she did to her body in jaahiliya.
    She is thankful because Allāh guided her to Islam and allowed her to get married and feel clean again, but she is unable to have children, her voice is altered, and she has to remove a beard that grows almost daily now. She feels very sad about this and very regretful, and the pain is to a disabling degree. Most of the pain is because she cannot have children . Still she’s very grateful for Islam. She’s grateful she was given a nice husband . Please offer comforting words for the new revert sister.

    • May Allah bless our sister and ease her burdens. We thank Allah for her guidance and rectification, and we ask Allah to grant her a truly fulfilling and dignified life in this world, followed by an honored return to her Creator in the Next Life. May Allah give us and her stability upon His command.

  27. As salamu alaykum shaykh moosa. Is there something in the sunnah for what single men should do when they have moments where they feel their desires are very strong and fear falling into fawahish?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. 1. Get married. 2. Until that is possible, fast, lower the gaze, ask Allah to grant you success in getting married & remain occupied with beneficial & productive things. And Allah knows best.

  28. As-Salaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh Ustadh

    I have a question about firaun … so to my knowledge, firaun proclaimed belief in Allaah before his soul was taken, but while the punishment had descended upon him. Firstly, is this correct?

    If so, why was his repentance not accepted? Because I thought we have time to repent until the soul is extracted.

    Sorry I’m not asking this for any reason other than to clear my understanding on repentance and death, so I hope my question is okay.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh. The scholars say Pharaoh was clear that he was dying at the time he tried to proclaim his belief hypocritically, and so at that point, repentance was not accepted from him specifically. Allah says:

      حتى إذا أدركه الغرق قال آمنت أنه لا إله إلا الذي آمنت به بنوا إسرائيل وأنا من المسلمين (90) آلآن وقد عصيت قبل وكنت من المفسدين
      “Until drowning overtook him, he then said: ‘I believe in Him whom there is no deity worthy of worship other Him, the One who the Children of Israel believe in, and I am among the Muslims!’ Now?! After you had been disobedient, and you had been from those causing corruption?!”

      Allah says, as a general guideline:

      وليست التوبة للذين يعملون السيئات حتى إذا حضر أحدهم الموت قال إني تبت الآن
      “Repentance is not for those who persist in evil deeds, and then when death arrives to one of them, he says: Now I repent!”

      As for our da’wah, then we follow the example of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), and we continue to invite people, even on their deathbeds. We accept from them whatever they say [in sound mind] until they have passed, and their reality is with Allah, the One who knows the sincere one who repents near death from the hypocrite. And may Allah be gracious with us and guide us. And Allah knows best.

  29. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi

    I have so much to say about my journey becoming Muslim,and am looking for counseling in the community to help me mentally. I was married to a Muslim who was incarcerated. Many things happened in this marriage good and bad,Alhamdulilah. The brother has divorce me many times (6-7)and coming back saying he was angry, or he really didn’t really want to divorce me,but didn’t know what to do. The brother was doing many things and I just lost control of my tongue as I was in disbelief at the things he was doing within our marriage. I had gone through so many things in my life before Islam and really wanted my marriage to work and didn’t want to go from husband to husband so I accepted many of his bad actions hoping ALLAH help him. He only got worse.
    After being with this Muslim for 8 years,he has given me HSV-2. I was devastated, and I was encouraged to stay with the brother by my Muslim doctor, since we both had it. As hard as this was,I stayed trying to save myself from humiliation and he left me anyway not even telling me why,just said he was not happy with me. What I have gone through before and after Islam has taken a great toll on me mentally. I am asking for help.
    Being Muslim is the absolute best thing that ever happened to me,I am grateful to ALLAH.
    I just don’t know how to deal with all of this emotionally and many times I just breakdown crying to ALLAH much. I feel so stupid,humiliated,and I tend to isolate myself and am seeking help to heal from all of this. So much has happened to me in my life from childhood up until this day,but I am still holding on to the rope of ALLAH.
    Is there any help for women with situations such as mine?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. May Allah aid you and grant you strength. Seek the private advice of local Salafi women in your area. Islam is a community, and the Muslim women are sister and allies to one another. May Allah bless you with sincere advisors who will support you and offer helpful solutions.

      To be clear: Once the third divorce is uttered, you are separated from your husband, with irrevocable separation. It is not permissible to go back and start disqualifying divorces as is common in the West when people follow their desires and make it up as they go. That is only done through a Muslim judge who will look at the case and that possibility objectively. Read the following article:

  30. Assalamu alaykum,

    In the Quran and Sunnah we see the description in regards to the phrase Fawahish , ما ظهر منها وما بطن.

    Do you have an example of a fahishah that is baatin ? Does the batn here refer to an external act that is behind close doors by yourself or does the batn here refer to internal to yourself, like lewd thoughts?

    Appreciate any clarification

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Obscene lewd acts can be hidden and private, and they can be open and publicized. We seek refuge with Allah from both. An obscene thought is called a “waswasah”, not an actual faahishah. It is the Shaytaan’s property and not yours; it is not yours until you embrace the thought and adopt it and act upon it, or speak with it. Then it is a faahishah and you own it. May Allah protect us.

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