Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen: Did the Prophet Make Human Errors? What About Personal Sins?

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Al–Merciful…

[Our shaykh, the great scholar of Islaam, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have Mercy on him), posed an important question that many Muslims debate about, and answered it with sound evidence, showing the weakness of the stance of those who would disagree, saying…]

Could human errors ( الخطأ ) have occurred from the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace)?

The answer: The Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

(( اللهم اغسلني من خطاياي ))
(( O Allaah!  Cleanse me of my mistakes… ))

So he directly ascribed “mistakes” ( خطايا ) to himself.  He also Continue reading

40 Worldly Benefits of Abandoning Sins

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

The great scholar, Ibn Qayyim al-Jowziyyah (may Allaah have Mercy on him) mentioned a great number of benefits that one can enjoy in this life before being honored with the unending reward of Allaah in the Hereafter.  He mentioned:

  1. Maintaining personal integrity (muroo’ah)
  2. Keeping your name and reputation clean
  3. Protecting your social status Continue reading