Can Money Be Given as Charity in Place of the Udhiyah Sacrifice?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز إخراج قيمة الشاة في العقيقة أو الأضحية وإعطاء هذا المبلغ للجمعيات الخيرية التي تكفل اليتامى والمساكين والفقراء بدلا عن شراء شاة وذبحها

QUESTION: Is it permissible to give money in place of the value of the sheep slaughtered for an ‘Aqeeqah or an Udhiyah Sacrifice? The amount of money would be given directly to charitable organizations that sponsor orphans and the poor and needy, instead of being used to actually purchase a sheep and slaughter it.

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

لا يجزئ دفع القيمة عن ذبح العقيقة وذبح الأضحية؛ لأن ذبحهما والأكل من لحمهما والتصدق منه عبادة لا يقوم مقامها التصدق بالقيمة.

It is Continue reading

Trimming Hair or Nails in Thul-Hijjah Forgetfully [For One Who Intends to Offer an Udhiyah Sacrifice]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

رجل حلق شعره في العشر من ذي الحجة، وهو يريد الأضحية وهو ناسي، فما جزاؤه؟

QUESTION: A man who wanted to offer an Udhiyah Sacrifice forgetfully shaved his hair during the [first] ten days of Thul-Hijjah, How can this be corrected or compensated for?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

لا شيء عليه؛ لقول الله عز وجل: {رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِنْ نَسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا} وصح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن الله سبحانه قال: “قد فعلت” خرجه مسلم في صحيحه.

There is nothing he has to do [to rectify that], due to the Statement of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic [which means]: “Our Lord! Do not hold us accountable when we forget or err…” [2:286], and it was authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah -may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace- that Allah, the Exalted, has said, “I have done that.” This was collected by Muslim in his Saheeh [Compilation].

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

And through Allah Alone is all success. May Allah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and may He grant them all peace.

SOURCE: Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, (11/404 of the first compilation), translated by Moosaa Richardson.


Obtaining an Animal for the Udhiyah Sacrifice on Credit and Paying for it Later

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز للرجل أن يذبح ذبيحة عيد الأضحى وهي ليس مدفوع ثمنها، ثم تسدد بعد مدة؟ .

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a man to slaughter a sacrificial animal on the Day of ‘Eed al-Adha without having paid for it yet, and then he would pay for it sometime later?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

يجوز ذبح الأضحية ولو تأخر دفع قيمتها عن ذبحها.

It is permissible to offer the Udhiyah Sacrifice when a person pays for it later after slaughtering it.

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

And through Allah Alone is all success. May Allah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and may He grant them all peace.

SOURCE: Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, (11/411 of the first compilation), translated by Moosaa Richardson.


Giving Some of the Udhiyah Sacrifice to Non-Muslim Family or Neighbors

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز أن يهدي المسلم شيئا لأهل الكتاب، وهل يجوز إهداء شيء من الأضحية لشخص من أهل الكتاب؟

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a Muslim to give gifts to the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), and is it permissible to give some of the Udhiyah sacrifice to someone from the People of the Book?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

يجوز الإهداء إلى الكافر وإطعامه من الأضحية وصدقات التطوع إذا لم يكن محاربا لنا؛ لقول الله تعالى:

It is permissible to give gifts or food to a non-Muslim, from the Udhiyah [Sacrifice] or other optional acts of charity, [1] so long as he is not at Continue reading