A Friday sermon by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson (1443.3.9)

All praise is due to Allah alone, and so we praise Him, ask Him to assist us, and beg Him to forgive us. We seek refuge with Him from the evils from our own selves and from the evil results of our bad deeds. Whomever Allah guides cannot be led astray by anyone; whomever Allah leaves astray cannot be guided by anyone. I testify openly that no one deserves any worship whatsoever except Allah, who is alone in that right, sharing it with none. I testify openly as well that Muhammad was his worshipful slave and messenger. As for what follows:
Dear believers in Allah,
The Day of Standing is in front of us! The great scales of the Day of Judgment are in front of us! The weighing of the deeds, the weighing of the record books, the account, and even the weighing of the people themselves is directly in front of us! Let each and every one of us fear Allah and prepare for the day when the great scales are laid down and the Justice of Allah rules over the people. Let us fear Allah and know that our scales are in front of us. Allah has said [what means]: