Be Quiet and Leave Issues of Coronavirus Precautions for the Muslim Authorities and Scholars (Again!)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is yet another question posed to Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1], on a topic which continues to confuse many innocent Muslims, due to the excessive amount of misinformation and conjecture spread on social media – the issue of Covid-19 and the correct stance the Muslims should take on it and the related precautions.

Once again, the reader will note that our senior scholars and their top students continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return these important matters back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

حفظكم الله، يقول السائل: ما هو الموقف الصحيح من فيروس كورونا المستجد؟ يقال أنه ليس بأضر من الإنفلونزا الموسمية، وأن الإجراءات التي اتخذتها الدول مبالغ فيها، وأن التدابير الاحترازية من التباعد ولبس الكمامة لا تنفع. وبالتالي: فإن اللقاحات ضد هذا الفيروس في حقيقة الأمر، تضر الإنسان ويجب تجنبها. نود منكم الإفادة بارك الله فيكم.

QUESTION: May Allah preserve you. What is the correct stance on the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)? It has been said that it is no more harmful than the [regular] seasonal flu, and that the procedures implemented by countries are beyond what is necessary, and that the safety protocols like distancing and wearing masks do not serve any benefit. Also [they say], vaccinations against this virus are actually harmful to people and must be avoided. We would like you to benefit us [on this topic], may Allah bless you.

الجواب: في الحقيقة ليت هؤلاء يسكتون ويتركون الأمور لولاة الأمر وللعلماء، فإن هؤلاء قد شوشوا، قد مرت سنة كاملة ومات مئات آلاف، وأصيب من أصيب، وتألم من تألم، وحصل ما حصل من الأمراض لأناس أمام أعيننا، ونراهم يمرضون ويموتون، ثم فهؤلاء يقولون هذه مبالغة وهذا كذا وكذا، فليت هؤلاء يسكتون، ويتركون الأمر لولاة الأمر وللعلماء الذين قد أفتوا. ما دام أن العلماء قد أفتوا، ولا يفتي العلماء إلا بعد أن يتصوروا المسألة ويقرأون فيها وينظرون فيها، وهذا هو ظننا بعلمائنا. فإن كان العلماء قد أفتوا فلا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك وفيما لا تحسنه. اترك الأمر للعلماء.

ANSWER by Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him): In realty, we wish these people would be quiet and Continue reading

Do not Listen to Those Warning Against the Vaccine; Returning to the Truth is Better than Persisting in Harm and Falsehood


Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah preserve him) said:

أثبتت التجارب، ودل الواقع، وأيد ذلك توصيات المراكز الطبية، ثم القرارات الصادرة ثانيا، ثم وصايا العلماء بل ومبادرتهم، إلى أهمية أخذ التطعيم ضد الوباء، فلا ينبغي الإصغاء إلى أصوات تنادي بخلاف ذلك، مما أثبت الواقع بطلانها.

ونقول: الرجوع إلى الحقّ خير من التمادي في الضرر والباطل.

Experience (real-life interactions) has validated, and reality has proven, and further it is supported by the directives of the health centers, and then by governmental decisions secondly, and then by the advices of the scholars and even their own [personal] initiatives, [all of this demonstrates] the importance of taking the vaccine against the disease (Covid-19). So it is not appropriate to listen to voices which call to the opposite of that (i.e. those who warn against the vaccine), from that which reality has confirmed to be falsehood.

And so we say: Returning to the truth is better than persisting in harm and falsehood.

SOURCE: The shaykh’s official Twitter account (Arabic).

Translation: Moosaa Richardson


Questions From the West About Covid-19 Answered by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

One Who Cannot Wear a Mask During the Covid-19 Pandemic is Excused from Congregational Prayers, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and the Vaccination is a Conspiracy, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

PDF: Nine Advices As Relates the Novel Coronavirus by the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

PDF: A Summary of Verdicts Issued by the Permanent Committee of Scholars Concerning the Coronavirus Epidemic [Anwar Wright]

MP3 Audio: Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan on the Obligation of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Outbreak [Phrase-by-phrase translation]

PDF: Advice of Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhari About Coronavirus

Video: Healthy, Realistic, Practical Optimism During the Coronavirus Outbreak (Youtube)

PDF: Fleeing From the Decree to the Decree [Rahmaaniyyah, Abul-Hasan Maalik]

Video: Don’t Downplay the Seriousness of the Coronavirus! (Youtube)

MP3 Audio: Key Lessons About the Coronavirus [Hassan Somali]

Article: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

PDF: The Issue of Contagion – An Islamic Perspective [Taqweem Aslam]

Article: What Blessings Could Come From the Closing of Masjids?!

Khutbah: Coronavirus – How Muslims Understand it & Other Epidemics

MP3 Audio: Q&A About Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists [Hassan Somali]

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and Vaccination is a Conspiracy


Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah preserve him) said:

Insisting upon saying that coronavirus is a conspiracy, scheme, or even a lie (!!), and that vaccination is a deceit and deception, leads towards having ill thoughts about rulers, contradicting scholars, and neglecting that which is evidenced by reality, along with what this speech has of evil effects upon people’s lives. And so, this speech is not acceptable, neither religiously, nor intellectually, nor out of habit, and nor by looking at reality.

SOURCE: The shaykh’s official Twitter account (Arabic/English).

Translation by: The shaykh’s designated translator(s).