Standing in Honor of the Judge’s Arrival in Court (Shaykh ‘Abdullaah ibn Ghudayyaan)

QUESTION: It is well known that standing up for people is not permissible. Yet, in our court system (1), it is required to stand for the judge when he arrives, and this is enforced. What is your opinion about this?

ANSWER by the great scholar, jurist, appointed mufti, and member of the Permanent Committee for Research and Fatwaa in Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdullaah ibn Ghudayyaan [d.1431] (may Allah have Mercy on him):

The Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

من أحب أن يتمثل له الناس قياما فليتبوأ مقعده من النار
“Whoever likes that the people stand up for him, let him take his seat in the Fire.” (2)

This is because standing is a form of worship from among the various forms of worship. Regarding the prayer, for example, Allah, the Majestic and Lofty, says:

وقوموا لله قانتين
“And stand unto Allah, devoutly in worship.” [2:238]

So standing is a form of worship from among the various forms of worship. Based on that, if a person Continue reading