Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following translation of the advice of a great scholar is being provided to assist our brothers and sisters in taking the correct stance on serious matters of public safety, in a time of confusion and widespread opinions, in order to obey Allah’s Command to return these important matters back to our leading authorities:

ولو ردوه إلى الرسول وإلى أولي الأمر منهم لعلمه الذين يستنبطونه منهم
“Had they only returned it back to the Messenger and those in authority among them, those of them capable of extracting the ruling would know it.” [4:83]

The more serious a matter becomes, and the more lives which are harmed by unqualified rulings related to it, the more dire the need becomes to return the matter back to only the senior scholarly resources of this Ummah.

Regarding the issues surrounding the current global pandemic, our world has become flooded with opinions and claims about wearing masks, social distancing, and even the very existence of a pandemic in the first place! To avoid confusion, let us fear Allah, remain silent and cautious, and implement the Quranic methodology of returning such serious matters of global safety back to the leaders of our Ummah, the ones whom He, the Most High, has made responsible for providing us with direction in the most difficult of issues!

One such scholar, al-‘Allaamah Saalih ibn Fowzaan al-Fowzaan (may Allah preserve him), is one of those great senior resources of knowledge in our times, known and trusted by the Muslims worldwide for his knowledge, insight, and sound creed. He has spoken about the Islamic obligation of social distancing recently, during the 1441 Hajj season. (audio) The following are a translation of his words of advice, in which he emphasizes the following important matters:

  • The obligation of social distancing
  • The temporary nature of this distancing
  • Mutual love will increase because of it
  • Gaps in the prayer rows must be maintained
  • Social distancing is in everyone’s best interests
  • Allah’s Help is needed to remove the pandemic

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (may Allah bless and protect him) said:

“Taking steps to protect oneself is an objective, especially in gatherings during the two ‘Eeds, the five [daily] prayers, and Jumu’ah. They must keep a distance from each other these days, fearing the spread of the contagion. There is to be a gap between each two people. Aside from this circumstance, it is legislated that people praying are to come close together and not leave gaps for the Shaytaan, as the Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) ordered that the rows must come close together, and they must not differ (forming uneven rows or rows with gaps). He said (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), “Do not differ [in the row], lest your hearts differ!” So the Muslims must pay attention to this matter. This separation is only temporary, after which they will return back to what Allah, the Exalted and Most High, has legislated about the rows (i.e. the base rule of coming together closely).

All times and occasions when you do not disobey Allah are to be considered an ‘Eed, as comes in the narration [from some of the Salaf]. The Muslims must remain steadfast upon their obedience of Allah, as obedience requires consistency. They must not be overcome by boredom or laziness which obstructs them from their ongoing obedience, remaining together, visiting each other, and coming together for gatherings which are beneficial for them and their religiosity, while they hold to precautionary protocols of safety in these days. In these times specifically, when health officials advise people to maintain distance between themselves, this is from the generality of acting in line with protocols of safety. So they must keep a distance from each other, until the reason [for these protocols] no longer remains. Then, they can go back to coming close together. This is something which Allah has legislated for them. These two matters are obligatory – offering worship and following protocols of safety. These are among the things that Allah has ordered to be done, as found in His Statement, the Most High:

خذوا حذركم
“Take precautions” [4:71]

This means: From everything that harms you; be warned of it, and stay away from it. From the generality of that is: Physical closeness between the Muslims during these days, as what is legislated is distancing for health concerns. This is from what Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has made obligatory – Taking necessary steps for safety, following precautionary health protocols, and taking the advice of doctors. All of these matters are from what Allah, the Exalted and Most High, has made obligatory upon the Muslims, in order to maintain good health, for them and their brothers, and also in order to take beneficial steps to preserve safety. As they say, “Prevention is the best medicine.”

We ask Allah, the Exalted and Most High, to remove the contagion He has sent down, that which no one has the ability to remove other than Him, the Exalted and Most High.

وإن يمسسك الله بضر فلا كاشف له إلا هو وإن يمسسك بخير فهو على كل شيء قدير
“And if Allah were to cause some harm to reach you, there is no one to remove it other than Him. And if He were to cause some good to reach you, then He is over all things, Fully Capable.” [6:17]

So what is obligatory upon the Muslims during their gatherings is to maintain distance between themselves. This will not have any negative impact on the love that is between them. It actually increases the love between them. It is something advantageous to them all, and it is from the generality of taking beneficial steps of precaution. It is also an act of taking advice from health experts. Taking all of these steps are legislated things. Holding to these matters and applying them is in the best interests of everyone.

We ask Allah, the Exalted and Most High, to bestow His Favor upon all the Muslims, by pardoning them and granting them well-being and safety from every disease and detested thing, be they pilgrims on Hajj or anyone else, in all places on earth, East and West. May Allah bestow healing and well-being upon them. May He grant them benefit through the beneficial steps of precaution they take. May He repel from us and them every evil and detested matter. Verily, Allah, the Majestic and Most High, is Close, One who responds. It is He [Alone] who removes hardship and responds to the supplication of the one in need, as He, the Exalted and Most High, has said:

أمن يجيب المضطر إذا دعاه ويكشف السوء ويجعلكم خلفاء الأرض أإله مع الله
“And who is the One who responds to the distressed one when he supplicates and removes the evil matter, He who makes you successors on earth? Could there be a deity worthy of worship along with Allah?!” [27:62]

Exalted is Allah, above all [false notions] they ascribe to Him!”

[End quote from Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan, may Allah bless and protect him.]

Audio source (MP3): here

Translated by Moosaa Richardson

FURTHER READING (Arabic) [Added 1442/02/11): The scholars are united with the rulers in Saudi Arabia in educating the Muslims about Covid-19 and in showing appreciation for the scholars, callers, medical experts, security forces, health officials, and health care workers working together around the clock to protect the Muslims from Covid-19, by Allah’s Permission. An example of this would be the official program hosted recently in Jaazaan (southern Saudi Arabia), with representatives from the Saudi Ministry of Information and al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan himself) coming together to officially thank and support the health workers for their efforts, in a program called, “Shukran” (Thank you). [Official Saudi News Agency Report in Arabic]

FURTHER READING: (Arabic) [Added 1442/02/11]: The scholars of al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah studied an earlier strand of the Coronavirus in 1436, and found that it would spread quickly, by the Permission of Allah, from camel to camel, but not among other animals, and this could lead to outbreaks among the pilgrims on Hajj. They warned that this strand was highly contagious with a high mortality rate, and thus they issued a fatwaa with important precautions. [Official Saudi News Agency Report in Arabic]

IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL ADVICE (Added 1442/02/09): Our teachers in the West are not perfect! Yet, when our teachers have done well in building strong Salafee foundations, in their highly appreciated efforts of teaching and spreading knowledge for a quarter of a century, when they themselves slip in an issue, like not returning a very dangerous and impacting fatwaa-issue back to the senior scholars, then we are indeed being tested. Will we follow the principles they taught us, and return the matter back to the scholars? In doing so, they would be rewarded for our acting upon their teachings, and furthermore we could ask Allah to excuse their slip (while we do not follow them in it). Or will we just follow them and ignore the principles they taught us, in an issue of life and death relative to the safety of millions of people, by Allah’s Permission? The latter seems as if there were no foundations in place. Let us put our emotions aside, and decide which one we would like to meet Allah with. May Allah guide us and protect us from harming ourselves and others. And Allah knows best.

CLAIMS OF MISINTERPRETING THE SHAYKH’S WORDS: The audio has been provided, and you are welcome to review it. Anyone who finds any error or inaccuracy in this or any of our work can submit that as a comment, and corrections will be made (if there is an error) in shaa’ Allah. But please do communicate…

EMOTIONAL RESPONSES  AND UNJUST CRITICISM (Added 1442/02/11): With a high level of confidence that our Salafee foundations will shine through, in shaa’ Allah, I say: I do not respond to personal insults, baseless claims, or unjust criticism, in shaa’ Allah. It is indeed saddening to see such things from good people who are known for much better character and much more beneficial and precise criticism. Their slips are forgiven even before they apologize, and their excellent contributions and hard work is what remains, if Allah so wills! And special thanks to all those who have offered excellent reminders, right when needed, right to those who need them, in the best way. Jazaakum Allahu khayran!

FURTHER READING: A large 3-volume Fiqh journal (over 2,000 pages total), focused on issues of Covid-19 (36 different important topics authored by different researchers), compiled by the Saudi Fiqh Association, with an introduction by the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh. Read about it here (in Arabic).

114 thoughts on “Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

  1. As Salamu Alaykum,

    BaarakAllaahu Feek for this article.

    Many of us do not agree with all the details about the pandemic, many of us feel our reasons to believe so are justified. Many of us… My question is- as long as we hear and obey, knowing this is the legislation upon us, are we allowed to hold an opinion contrary to the mainstream view if we find there is stronger evidence to warrant our beliefs? [Question abridged by admin]

    • Wa ‘alayk as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. May Allah bless you for posting your concern here, and may He bless you with the best of this life and the Next!

      No one demands that you drop an opinion you are personally convinced in! But, when it comes to WHO SPEAKS PUBLICLY about a matter than has a serious impact on the health and safety of the world’s population, by Allah’s Permission, we certainly must know our places, and we have no need to contradict the senior scholars and leaders of our Ummah and promote our opinions to others. We have not been made responsible for issues of such gravity and impact. We thank Allah for that! Let us cover our mouths and restrain our fingers, and direct the people to the scholars! With the health, safety, and lives of BILLIONS of people on the line, who wants to meet Allah with mistaken opinions that contributed to serious harm or confusion?! And Allah knows best!

      Additionally: Remember when Shaykh ‘Abdul-Muhsin al-‘Abbaad originally said that prayer with large, intentional gaps would be invalid even in these conditions, and then when the issue became obviously more serious and the masjids were shut down, and then later re-opened with 2-metre gaps between people? Remember that he retracted his position? Or perhaps it is better to understand that he asked people to ignore his position and refer to the Lajnah and those higher in rank than him (while still believing what he said was correct?) In either case, he is an excellent example to follow in these difficult times. He is a high-ranking scholar, well known, yet he showed great humility in referring the people to the appointed scholars of Fatwaa, those higher in rank than him, those who are responsible for speaking on matters of global concern. If he can do such a thing, WHO ARE WE to continue voicing our opinions on this matter to others?!

    • Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Ustadh.
      Can we share this question and post with others?
      In many of the salafi groups sisters are posting things like Covid is hoax and things like that. It’s alarming because if sisters blindly follow such speculations it can have serious consequences.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh.

      Please share it, and no permission is needed to share beneficial information. We only ask that “sharing” does not include copying our content onto other websites. Our policy for sharing: Jazaak Allahu khayran. We hope all groups everywhere would allow the words of the scholars to reach the people who are looking for scholarly guidance, without interfering, or claiming there is a difference of opinion among the scholars. (If there is, please share it, as we are unaware of any differing in this matter.)

    • I agree 100 perent that we follow the rules in our lands but do not agree with this idea that we can’t voice our opinions on the issue if we differ from the opinion of the so called experts… [comment abridged by admin]

    • Given the gravity of this topic, and given that the senior scholars have spoken on this issue from the beginning, which is sufficient for lesser ranking (yet recognized) scholars and students of knowledge who simply refer to them, would you kindly provide a reference to ANY scholar today who has spoken like this? Surely there must be one somewhere…? All these convincing documents and research must have been presented to the scholars by now…? It has been six months. Surely we would not blame anyone for returning such a matter of global concern to the senior scholars, as Allah commands us? Especially, when we do not know of any legitimate differing in the issue, not a single scholar saying otherwise?

      My advice: Let’s fear Allah, and let’s say this: “This issue is very serious. It affects the lives and safety of people all over earth. It is way bigger than me. I know my place. Whatever research or important opinions I have will be sent to the scholars and rulers for review. They are the leaders of our Ummah, and they are responsible for these matters, not me.” If we do not take our places in an issue of this magnitude, then when would we?

    • JazakAllahu khaiyr. OK, akhi if I submit a document that is compiled in an academic matter with detailed evidences from their own sources can you convey this informaton to some of the People of Knowledge?Sometimes brothers who know of these affairs only have surface level knowledge so are not capable of articulating their view in a concise and detailed way. As we know in Islaam things must be conveyed with tafseel… [comment abridged by admin]

    • May Allah reward you! This is the proper approach, before spreading things publicly, if we’ve understood the Verse:

      وإذا جاءهم أمر من الأمن أو الخوف أذاعوا به
      “When a matter of public safety or fear comes to them, they spread it…”

      Meaning: They spread matters to the public, things of serious consequences that should go to the scholars and leaders for determination.

      ولو ردوه إلى الرسول وإلى أولي الأمر منهم لعلمه الذين يستنبطونه منهم
      “…Yet had they only returned it back to the Messenger and those in authority among them, those of them capable of extracting the ruling would know it.”

      So, yes, as I have been [publicly and privately] inviting all parties who have chosen to spread these opinions to the public to obey Allah and return the matter back to the scholars and Muslim authorities, and here we are, six months later, I continue to do so. So whatever you have, please send it, and I will forward it to the proper channels, in shaa’ Allah. I am in no way any kind of special gate keeper for any authorities, and so you should not rely on me alone, but rather encourage any students of knowledge or anyone with any level of contact with the scholars and/or the Muslim leaders to also submit what you believe to be important.

      A few things to keep in mind:

      1. The scholars and rulers, known for their care and diligence in their leadership, are generally already aware of these opinions. Assuming they have taken the drastic measures they have taken without detailed investigation shows a real lack of appreciation for their history and commitment, as well as a real level of unawareness about how they really operate.

      2. Thinking that Muslim authorities simply received some research and guidelines from the WHO or CDC, and just blindly followed that, without critical investigation, is an oppressively poor assumption about people who deserve much better thoughts.

      3. A government with access to their own body of health experts, as well as cooperative access to confidential and published studies of all kinds of matters relative to the virus from other countries and researchers have more information than independent researchers.

      4. Medical experts submit their research to the scholars, and the Islamic rulings to be applied [or not] come from the scholars, not the medical experts. Everyone stays in their lane. Medical experts do not issue Islamic fatwas in place of the scholars. Their medical expertise is important, and it is reviewed by the scholars, yet they do not take the place of the scholars and issue verdicts about public policy themselves. Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him) said about difficult matters of health that involve Islamic rulings:

      والطبيب وغيره لا يجوز له أن يفتي إلا عن علم كأن يقول: سألت العالم الفلاني عن كذا وكذا فأجابني بكذا وكذا، فالطبيب يسأل العلماء في أي مكان
      “It is not permissible for a physician or anyone else to give a fatwaa, except upon knowledge, like saying: I asked the scholar, So-and-So, about this or that, and he responded with this or that. So a physician in any place is to ask the scholars…” [His Fatwaa Collection, 9/430]

      5. Our scholars are people of truth. They side with the truth. If there is truth in this opinion, they will side with it and support it, in shaa’ Allah. This is what we know from them, and this is why we always return these kinds of matters to them. May Allah give us all insight and guide us.

      And Allah knows best.

    • And a great question to ask those who publicly spread opinions about this topic in opposition to the guidance of the scholars and leaders: What did the scholars and/or authorities say when you approached them with this research? This should not be an insult, but rather it should be appreciated as a genuine concern, in line with Islamic manners.

  2. Jazaak Allaahu Khayrun for this translation of the advice of our scholar, Sh Saalih al-Fawzaan.

    I have a question. When I go to the Masjid, I find that the last row is complete. I can’t “squeeze” into the last row because of the social distancing taking place, so the row is full and complete. Is it permissible for me to make a new row behind the last row where I am by myself? A row of 1 person?

    May Allaah remove this virus and make us from those who are patient.

    • You have been excused from much bigger things because of the nature of this emergency. Just start the new row by yourself. When these restrictions are over, yes, you will try to fit in the row to avoid being alone in a new row, in shaa’ Allah, and Allah knows best.

  3. Assalaamu ‘alaykum Shaykh.
    Does taking precautions and motivating preventions also include being aptly vaccinated where necessary? Ruling-wise, any difference in scale or scope between vaccination against a common disease and a pandemic disease?
    Baarak Allaahu feek

  4. During the time of the salaf there was plague happening.

    Did the salaf pray with social distancing?

    If it is from the Sunnah they would have preceded in this .

    Please provide evidence the salaf prayed with social distancing.

    We claim to follow the salaf!

    • Challenge: Name a single scholar of this Ummah today who talks like this.

      In my opinion, this line of thinking is terribly flawed, as it limits our application of Fiqh (especially in times of special cases, emergencies, and unprecedented scenarios) to only the scenarios that have already preceded. We face new situations, and not every situation resembles things faced in the past. Lots of new factors must be considered (by the scholars, when determining such rulings.) I believe this is unnecessary and harmful rigidity in Allah’s Religion, along with putting one’s personal understanding in front of the scholars of Islam, those whom Allah has commanded us to refer these kinds of affairs back to. And in the hadeeth collected by al-Imaam al-Bukhaaree: إن الدين يسر؛ ولن يشاد الدين أحد إلا غلبه “The Religion is ease, and no one goes overboard in the Religion except that it overtakes him.” So let us fear Allah and leave matters of this magnitude to its people, and stop confusing people by interfering with short-sighted opinions. May Allah give us better.

    • Jazaakallaahu khayran for the input, just for the sake of knowledge, the brother or sister mentioned the plague that reached during the time of the Sahaba radhiyallahu ‘anhum ajma’een, what was the way they handled it, and their methodology for the salawaat and the likes? Allah bless you.

    • And I am not resembling it or trying to compare it to the covid19 but I generally wish to know how they handled the situation.

    • Without our modern methods of communication and data collection and study, they simply quarantined a land where a serious contagion appeared. No one there would leave, and no one would enter, until the situation ended. But again, there are a lot of different parameters to the situation that the scholars of today take into account, in order to save lives and prevent harm.

    • May Allah reward you for the follow up question. OK, so hypothetically, if we had no scholars alive today to return to, and our only option in Fiqh was to repeat what was done in similar situations of the past, even though we have a lot of different parameters for our current situation, then yes, I guess we would have to pretend we don’t have case studies of outbreaks in other countries before they reach us, as they did not have access to that in the past. We could pretend to have no knowledge of that, or exactly how the virus spreads. We could discard our modern studies in microbiology, or call it all shirk or something. To be faithful to that stance, we would have to play a blind eye to predictive models based on how the virus has already spread in other lands as well, or just throw them away and say we don’t accept predictive models, and we cannot act on them, because “the Salaf did not have knowledge of them,” so we would then be forced to let hurricanes smash through populations, without announcing any warnings, even when we can predict a clear path of the storm, because “Predictive models are soothsaying, not Salafi Fiqh” or something.

      Instead of all this dreadful rigidity, let’s thank Allah for scholars and real working Fiqh, and guidance from Allah which directs us to benefiting from them, lest we end up following harmful and even deadly opinions of those with oppressively rigid understanding of Deen. Allah has blessed us with modern advances in science and technology which allow us to study patterns and gather data like never before in history, in a way that provides beneficial and accurate scientific predictive models which, by the Permission of Allah, allow us to save lives in a way that we could not do in the past. Being grateful to Allah for these advances means using them to aid the worshipers of Allah and keep them safe whenever possible, by Allah’s Permission.

      Scholars consult with medical experts and review their research and findings, applying the appropriate Islamic ruling to the situation, and the leaders support this and mandate guidelines for the safety of the people. This is Islam [4:83], and this is the process in place in the land of Saudi Arabia. May Allah bless it and its rulers, scholars, health experts, and everyday people. And may Allah bless all the Muslim lands, the rulers and ruled, and grant them safety. And may Allah guide and protect the Muslims living in non-Muslims lands.

      Being that I’m only the translator of these words of guidance from Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan, why not get one of those who “disagree” to prepare and pose that same question to Shaykh al-Fowzaan, let’s ask him why he endorses specific precautions in this pandemic not taken by the Salaf before us?

    • Baarakallahu feekum, I have no issue with modern advancements in science and technology nor do I have any issue with the precautions that different states and the scholars have issued out.

      So please do not confuse me with those giving opposition.

      That’s why I stated in the beginning of my question “for the sake of knowledge” and that’s why I ended it with “I am not resembling it or trying to compare it to Covid19”

      I ask Allah to increase us all in beneficial knowledge and the best of character.

  5. Assalaamu alaikum brother
    Jazzakallaah khayr for this beneficial translation.
    Sadly the concept of covid being hoax and that wearing masks and social distancing is not from acts that would prevent the spread of covid but what really would prevent is the tawakkul in Allaah and it would only spread with the permission of Allaah is promoted by well known salafis and also by salafi students of Ilm with scholarly writings and research. Sadly these articles are written by medical doctors who are also well respected salafi students of Ilm. It confuses people who look upto such students and then the content is dangerous as you said as it is about life and death..
    When we speak against such content sighting that this has not come from the ulama people around us warn against us because we contradicted the well know respected salafi students. How should we deal with this?

    Baarakallaah Feekum

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. With sincerity to Allah, repentance to Him alone, ongoing patience, and good advice and manners. May Allah bless our teachers and elders in this da’wah, those whom we learned so much good from, those from whom we learned about the status of the scholars and how the most important and dangerous issues are always returned to them. May Allah bless and reward our teachers and elders for all their hard work and struggle, for all the patience they have shown in the face of so much unjust criticism, and may He give us and them success in excusing ourselves from topics and verdicts that are far bigger than us.

  6. Bismillaah

    I pray you are well brother Moosaa bi ithnillaah.
    I have a question if you could answer. Is it permissible to plead to Allaah? For example, a person is ill and supplicates to Allaah to be cured swiftly by saying “Oh Allaah please, please cure me.” Or by saying: “Allaah please remove this burden from me. Please please ya rab please!” Perhaps because that the illness/issue may prevent something coming up in the future or it’s not the “best time.”?
    If there are any proofs with sources you can provide, please can you provide them. Baarak Allaahu Feek.

    • The English word, please, seems to show desperation and dire need, as I understand its usage in this context. That seems in line with the legislated manners of supplication, that one expresses his need and emphasizes his inability to recover or solve his problem without Allah’s Aid. The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

      «لا يزال يستجاب للعبد، ما لم يدع بإثم أو قطيعة رحم، ما لم يستعجل» قيل: يا رسول الله ما الاستعجال؟ قال: يقول: «قد دعوت وقد دعوت، فلم أر يستجيب لي، فيستحسر عند ذلك ويدع الدعاء»
      A worshiper will continue to have answers [for his supplications], so long as he does not supplication for sins or the breaking of family ties, and so long as he does not become hasty.”
      It was said, “O Messenger of Allah! What is haste [in this context]? He replied, “That he says: ‘I have supplicated and supplicated, yet I have seen no response,’ and then he becomes sad and stops supplicating.”

      It was collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, and this is Muslim’s wording.

      I would suggest that one repeat praises of Allah along with his request, and that he repeat his request many times at various times and occasions. I think repeating the actual request is better than repeating the word, please, and Allah knows best.

  7. JazakAllahu khaiyr akhi Musa. Will send a question to you later in the week inshaaAllah. Am located in New Zealand, and would be good if I had stronger connections with Tulaabul ‘ilm in general as they are a bridge to the scholars. Only a handful of Salafis in my city and sometimes need answers about specific scenarios. Anyway, jazakAllahu khair for your time and may Allah preserve you upon the Sunnah.

  8. As-salaam ‘alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

    How can we reconcile what we read from *** (someone else) regarding COVID-19 and the beneficial information that you’ve shared الحَمْد لله? There are many articles written by *** (who has his degree in microbiology) questioning the “spread/reality” of COVID-19. He provides proof for everything he has written and is diligent about citing his sources. [Comment edited by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. All of that is to go to the scholars of Islam, as Allah commands (see the Quranic Verse quoted in the beginning of the above article), due to the gravity of the issue, the serious consequences of wrong information, and the clear guidance already provided by the top scholars and leaders of the Ummah which the people are currently acting upon.

    • Assalamu alaikum. Why have you withheld the name of the author this sister is referring to? … [message truncated by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Because he is an upright man from Ahlus-Sunnah who has worked very hard for this da’wah for a long time, and contributed a wealth of resources for Muslims to learn their religion, and thus I continue to hold him in very high regard, and I believe this is due to him from me and you, whether or not we agree with his stance in a certain issue. And I praise no one, claiming it to be his reality with Allah, for Allah alone is his and our True Reckoner. Those who are happy with this point of disagreement because of hypocrisy and they like to see Ahlus-Sunnah disagree, or those who thought I would join their vendetta against a man of Sunnah because of a legitimate point of disagreement, or those who just wish to interfere in affairs of da’wah, NONE OF YOU are welcome here. You will not find what you are looking for, so go look elsewhere. May Allah guide you. [Note: The tone of this reply is based on matters that were deleted from the original comment.]

    • May Allaah bless you brothers. May Allaah protect and preserve you both from every fitnah in the Deen. May Allaah increase you both in love for each other for His sake alone.

      I love you both for the sake of Allaah.

    • I really appreciate this response Ustaadh Moosaa. May Allaah bless you! The recent events which have transpired made me sad as many have used this disagreement to launch attacks on our teacher. Though I do not agree with you totally on the issue, I am glad you have put a big plug into the mouths of those people who took enjoyment from this. Some of us were and are saddened to see the disunity in the affair, and we are sincerely trying to strive to see the truth of the matter so may Allaah guide us and let us see it. As Shaykh Abu Khadeejah said, we are united in our Aqeedah and differing in Fiqh should not be a cause of disunity.

      And for the benefit of all those fitnah mongers lurking around and all those genuine people here- when I asked this student a question about this whole topic, he spoke of Ustaadh Moosaa in a beautiful and respectful way. – from what I know- he has beautiful manners and Allaah is his true reckoner. And he did not use this vile behaviour and disrespect that some people are using against Ustaadh Moosaa and himself. So if you are a layperson then stay out of debating on social media. You are bringing unnecessary harm to this blossoming da’wah. Advice to me and us all to be patient, be civilised, be gentle and wait for clarity if it hasn’t reached you.

    • asalamualykoom,

      dear admin, the person narrating this has not revealed his name, background etc. therefore his report cannot be spread or publish without verification and clarity.

      also his report has ambiguity when he written “when i asked this student..”, which student he reffering ?

      so this kind of report as i see it (pls also confirm with usatdh moosa) is lacking in reliabilty..and so , either it should be made more clear or be removed if this is not possible.

      jazkmullah kherain

    • Think about what you’re trying to do dear brother ‘walad’. Even if the ‘anon’ commenter has not revealed his personal details and even if he may be lying about his conversation with ‘this student’ – he is only conveying good discussions from either of the brothers to each other. He is not sinful even if he is lying in this case, since our Prophet ﷺ said:

      “The one who tries to bring reconciliation between the people by conveying good or saying good is not a liar.”

      Be very mindful of what you’re trying to instigate. Leave the brothers to sort it among themselves.

      Narrated by Abū Hurayrah, and collected by Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (ṣallallāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) said, “Whosoever believes in Allāh and the last day then let him speak good or remain silent.”

      Remain silent.

  9. Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Ustadh
    I have a question regarding vaccines. The same sources that have been recently publishing covid related posts, are also warning against vaccines.
    If in the future the ruling bodies make covid vaccines optional or mandatory, what should we do?

    With so much scare mongering about the vaccines we have become very wary about it. All the while understanding the fact that it (vaccines) is still not declared haram, do the scholars deem vaccines as essential and beneficial or best to be avoided?

    Jazzak Allah khairan Ustadh, your article has put to rest so much confusion that was generated due to this issue. May Allah subhana wa ta’ala elevate your rank in the Dunya and the hereafter. And may He reunite our hearts and foil the plots of the shaitan to sow disunity among the salafis. Ameen

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. This, and all similar matters of GLOBAL concern for health and safety, must return back to the scholars of Islam, as Allah has commanded. The concern is real, as a vaccine could potentially save lives and preserve good health, by the Permission of Allah, and people warning against it could be blocking that. On the other hand, we cannot blindly trust any injected substances without confidence that such things are needed and not harmful. The potential disaster upon our health and well being is also extremely serious. Since the issue has such massive implications, all people who have specific scientific knowledge are to report their research and advice to the scholars and leaders of the Ummah, as from there the directives are issued and followed by the Ummah at large. And Allah knows best.

      As a point of general advice: As we live in a time of commercial medicine for profit, as pharmaceuticals are being sold at great profits, many of them without proper investigation of long-term effects, many of them turning out destructive to people’s health, we must exercise GREAT CAUTION about any pill, syrup, or injection we allow in our bodies or for our children. If you are not confident that a given medication has been proven effective for its use and free of harm, then avoid it. The best medications remain timeless and doubt-free: Towheed, ruqyah, du’aa’, black seed, honey, Zamzam water, cow’s milk (unpasteurized), hijaamah, etc. and Allah knows best.

  10. As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum Ustaadh,

    I have been keeping up with your view on covid may Allaah bless you and the manhaj regarding it and likewise, of another student may Allaah preserve him. I note that you say that people shouldn’t be speaking ahead of the ulamaa. Is that comprehensive of the students of knowledge? If so, what do you say of this quote I found from Shaykh Rabee’, below- is it applicable to current affairs? Namely that a student of knowledge who has knowledge in the affair and who is able to uncover the reality of the plots of the disbelievers, then it is fard kifaayah upon him to do so? BaarakAllaahu Feeka.


    Shaikh Rabee Bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee (may Allaah preserve him) says:

    So it is not permissible for the Ulamaa to remain heedless of their plans (i.e. the enemies of Islaam), their actions, their publications, their missionary activities and their various calls (to the Muslims). And also the various poisons they are infusing – which are in opposition to the Qur’aan and the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and his Sunnah. And nor of what plans they have for (the destruction of) the beliefs and methodologies of Islaam. It is not permissible either, to remain heedless of their concentrated efforts to Christianize or secularize the Muslim youth. And along with that, the Muslim youth and the students are not able to oppose this plan and strategy. Rather it is necessary that the distinguished Ulamaa – those who are experienced and shrewd – it is for such people, in all the places to undertake this duty. So it is obligatory for some of the intelligent and ingenious people from the field of Aqeedah to be mobilised for opposing these plans. And likewise it is a must that the intelligent and distinguished from amongst the specialists in the Sunnah – that they be mobilised for the refutation of these and similarly the eminent and distinguished from amongst those in the fields of Orientalism for the refutation of the plans of the Orientalists.” (Ahl ul-Hadeeth, p.102)

    He also says: “I myself believe that it is a benefit – rather it is of necessity – that we know what the enemies are planning for us, and that it is necessary for us to prepare (ourselves in strength) to destroy their plans. However, I do not exaggerate in this matter, rather my view is the view of our Ulamaa and they have all agreed upon this – that amongst the obligatory matters there are some that are Fard Ain and others that are Fard Kifaayah – and even if knowing the state of the enemies is harmful – it is still necessary for us to know it – but it is treated as Fard Kifaayah. When some attend to it, then the harm is removed from the rest” up until he said: “So I consider that there is no criticism for the Ulamaa and the students of knowledge who take great concern for preserving the Sharee’ah of Allaah – in terms of the Book, the Sunnah and its understanding – for this is one of the duties of the Kifaayah actions. And I believe that these people are more superior, noble, truthful and of more benefit to Islaam than those who are weak in their knowledge of the religion of Allaah or those who have no share in acquainting themselves with it.” [An excerpt from an article at titled: The Salafis and Looking into the Affairs of the Ummah] Via:

    JazaakAllaahu Khayra

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. Yes, anyone who has specific knowledge, then he hastens to bring it to the Muslim scholars and rulers, so the Ummah can benefit from it. If it is sound and accurate, it is acted upon and appreciated. However, in times of confusion and opinions, when safety and lives are at risk, we have scholars who we return the most dangerous and urgent of nawaazil (emergencies needing qualified fataawaa). That is all. Scholars have shown us a great pattern to follow, they know their places and remain silent, referring to only the senior authorities of knowledge, when the issue is as large and serious as this. We seem to be missing the point that when an issue becomes this serious, the lesser ranking scholars excuse themselves, and only the senior scholars speak! So what about someone like me then?!

    • OK, and for the sake of clarity Ustaadh… [unclear]

      Here is another argument which is being bought… [unnecessary]

      Apologies for the multiple questions, but I believe these are some barriers which are blurring the lines for many about where the haqq is. In any case, may Allaah reward you for your efforts and unite us all upon the Haqq.

      I personally will be staying silent behind the ‘ulamaa in Shaa Allaah ta’alaa despite my personal beliefs on the matter. JazakAllaahu Khayran. [message edited by admin]

    • Your last statement is good: “I personally will be staying silent behind the ‘ulamaa in Shaa Allaah ta’alaa despite my personal beliefs on the matter.” Let’s all do this, and may Allah bless us and keep us safe!

    • Aameen. JazakAllaahu Khayran Ustaadh Abul-Abbaas. I can understand how frustrating it may be reading our stream of queries which may be repetitive or overly complex for what some see as a simple issue. I apologise. We are people who don’t possess much knowledge and we are just trying to wrap our minds around it. May Allaah guide us. Yes, if Shaykh Abdul Muhsin al-Abbaad silenced his view, then we can silence our views. Hopefully with time the nature of this covid19 will become clear and if there is anything else to say on the matter and if any of these alternative theories have ground, then in shā Allaah with time the ulama will clarify it to us . And May Allaah never allow the disbelievers plots to overcome us whilst we obey Him no matter where that plot is. Aameen

    • السلام عليكم
      I just want to praise Allah, then thank ustadh Moosaa Richardson for giving very clear guidance on this serious trial.
      For english speaking mslms it’s a blessing bcz salafis have been touched by these troubled views.
      We know and all scholars teach us how the disbelievers plot and plot even more when there s any kind of crisis. But still….Allah has decreed deseases, pandemics, harms etc
      Opening this door to argumentation about such sensitive issue =NO END OF TUNNEL SEEN!
      Ustadh Moosa Richardson has been clarifying some.doubts = he s stating exactely what known arabic senior students have been saying all.along.
      It’s for us applying one principle we have been taught over and over = return to the senior scholar and remain united behind them. (AND no arguing, especially us lay muslims). No PARTISANSHIP based on opinion or “personality” attachement.
      We shld trully fear this trial and stop arguing by seekig. Allah s forgiveness and obey the major scholars of Sunnah and the mslm rulers = peace of mind and UNITY AND SALAVATION from Allah.

      Fitaans happen by Allah s will, but having the students who stand up patiently to clear up doubts is a TREMENDOUS bounty from Allah.
      We ask Allah to forgive us and unite our hearts upon the truth (sticking to our Kibar scholars and mslms rulers in such huge matters).

      As I am a fluent arabic speaker, praise be to Allah, iI have gotten ease of heart and mind by listening to different scholars from the beginning of this Covid issue and all.the praise return to Allah.
      So I greatly advise my muslim brothers and sisters to increase in learning arabic.
      Of course, it’s not the ONLY way out of fitaans, but it is certainly a Huge means to access to “real” 3ilm when needed in such fitaans.
      May Allah bless all.our salafi teachers from the East to the West. And may He honor our living Senior scholars and have Mercy on the deceased.

      We seek.refuge in Allah from fitaans and we beg pardon us and relieve us from this pandemy. May Allah cure the sick, and Have Mercy on the mslms. InshaaAllah this pandemy will b a victory for the Sunnah all over. Ameen.

  11. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    May Allah grant you success.

    What is the correct stance towards those from us who say, “So-and-so is an expert in his field, he is more qualified in this affair!”

    جزاك الله خيرا

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Experts in various fields are needed and their expertise is always welcome and appreciated, wal-hamdu lillaah. When they know their religion, they know that Fatwaa of the most serious consequences is for the most senior of our scholars, so they hasten to deliver whatever contribution they have to the scholars, and that is their place, not to give the fatwaa themselves independently of the scholars. And Allah knows best.

  12. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Asalaam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuhu Ustadh,

    Jazakallahu Khairan for the article. بارك الله فيك

    My query concerning this issue that we have been undergoing for past so many months is that during the course of this pandemic, many Muslims have developed an attitude concerning the issue of contagion where they believe every one is potentially a threat to his or her health irrespective of whether that person is sick or not(almost reaching paranoia). In addition, the fine line between taking the means (asbaab) to protect oneself from harm and completely putting faith in the asbab to such an extent that one believes taking them means he will be ABSOLUTELY protected (while not uttering it but displaying it through his behaviour). Something which can even lead to minor shirk.

    Also, is the attitude of many Muslims including many Salafis, towards accepting the research and speech of disbelievers without any critical thinking. This poses a great danger, as most of these disbelievers in authority are forerunners of atheism and liberalism and actively promote and influence ppl through their Ideologies. Many Muslims have developed an attitude where they believe what scientists say is definitive knowledge without realising it or uttering it.

    These issues should be equally addressed. Barakallahu feekum.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh.

      Firstly, understanding the shirk of people depending on the sabab (the step taken for safety) independently is needed for understanding towheed. Steps are taken to avoid harm and gain benefit, while trust is placed upon Allah. To stretch this issue to insinuate things about people who wear masks and keep distance, taking steps that the leading Muslim health officials and scholars have identified as helpful, REAL steps, by Allah’s Permission, to suggest that people of towheed, taking required steps of tawakkul, are either involved in shirk or very close to it, or weak in tawakkul, or blameworthy from some angle, is simply unfounded and oppressive. Take the known steps of protection, and place your trust in Allah. Do not abandon the known steps and claim your tawakkul is strong, but rather strength in tawakkul, as the scholars have explained, is found in taking the steps, while placing one’s trust upon Allah solely.

      You lock your door at night, not thinking that the lock itself independently protects you. You place your trust upon Allah, then lock your door for safety. And whoever believes that locking his door is the key to his safety and the sole reason for his safety, and this is independent of Allah, then he has committed shirk. Whoever believes that leaving his door unlocked at night is true tawakkul and strength in his reliance upon Allah alone has misunderstood his religion terribly. Beyond this, imagine someone blaming “those door-locking fanatics…” Bottom line: Our scholars are telling us that Covid-19 is real, and steps to protect ourselves, especially our sick and elders, are necessary, by Allah’s Permission. So these steps have been identified as real asbaab by the senior scholars of this Ummah, who have reviewed the matter in detail with top health experts. Allah commands us to return matters back to the people of knowledge. Leaving this kind of clarity is senseless, when the internet is full of chaotic, unending conspiracy theories. May Allah guide us to what is correct and keep us from harming ourselves and others.

      Secondly, while we are well aware that people are dishonest and will try to mislead the Muslims into many kinds of harm and misguidance, we do not believe that the leaders of our Ummah, including the top senior scholars that we ALWAYS refer back to, are so feeble and heedless that they would, without critical investigation and exhaustive research and consultation, mislead the Ummah into blindly following the disbelievers’ agendas, into the shirk of relying upon things which are not actual asbaab (masks, distancing, etc.). Our scholars are the most insightful people about the plots and plans against Islam and its people, if we only knew their history, if we only recognized their status truly. To be clear, you are certainly not suggesting that Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh and Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan have “developed an attitude where they believe what scientists say is definitive knowledge…” without proper critical investigation, and thus blindly support falsehood and lead the Muslims into harm. That would be a terrible level of poor assumptions about people who are worthy of much higher respect, a sinful act of soo’ ath-Thann.

      It seems like some of our brothers have gone VERY FAR with these conspiracy theories, to the point where they cannot return. The biggest sign of that is the inability to cite a single scholar alive today who would openly support their position, while the issue is a very serious one, getting more and more serious, and Allah’s Help is sought.

      Important advice: Our teachers in the West are not perfect! Yet, when our teachers have done well in building Salafee foundations, in their highly appreciated efforts of teaching and spreading knowledge for a quarter of a century, when they themselves slip in an issue, like not returning the most dangerous and impacting fatwaa-issues back to the senior scholars, then we are indeed being tested. Will we follow the principles they taught us, and return the matter back to the scholars? In doing so, they would be rewarded for our acting upon their teachings, and furthermore we could ask Allah to excuse their slip (while we do not follow them in it). Or will we just follow them and ignore the scholars in an issue of life and death relative to millions of people, by Allah’s Permission? The latter seems as if there were no foundations in place. Let us put our emotions aside, and decide which one we would like to meet Allah with. May Allah guide us and protect us from harming ourselves and others. And Allah knows best.

    • Jazakallahu Khairan Ustadh for the response.

      I never intended to say any of the scholars have developed this attitude, (I seek Allah’s forgiveness if it appeared that way)…

      Also Ustadh Clubbing any contrarian view concerning the merits of the disease as a conspiracy theory is problematic and against objectivity, since the issue is connected to verification by the experts in this field who themselves have given contrarian views on this issue and changed direction many Times. (Meaning the health experts) [message truncated by admin]

    • Wa jazaakum khayran. Yes, it is clear that there is a lot of chaos in the information available to the public, and it is clear that there are people who are confused everywhere. Al-hamdu lillaah for a religion that guides us to return matters of confusion to the people of knowledge.

    • as salamulaikum warahmatullahee wa barakatuhu,

      but is not possible even for some major scholars to be mistaken in an issue due to various reasons (for example they been presented wrong facts and so on..) and some one else who is also from people of knowledge with more accurate insight comes and clarifies ?

      And it is correct that the clarification should go the major scholars but is it not possible various things may have happened , for instance the person having conveyed the clarification but it is not reaching the major scholars perhaps repeatedly and person finally decides to post publicly… [message truncated by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Yes those are all possibilities, in this and other issues, of course. Generally, we would find a scholar alive on the planet who would be able to tell us that. As you said, “Someone else from the people of knowledge with more accurate insight comes and clarifies.” Has this happened? Please share if it has.

    • السلام عليكم
      It seems that the brother meant there are two extremes in this covid issue. One side ridicules the ones who take precaution, and the other goes to extremes in taking precaution (which the scholars dont endorse), such as washing hands with soap for no reason after every few mins, or when someone sneezes in front of them they will run away even though they’re wearing a mask, etc. The brother was merely talking about the latter, not the moderate Muslims who take precautions while relying on Allaah alone.

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Let’s just avoid the extremes, and hold to the balanced middle path of Ahlus-Sunnah, we follow the direct and clear advice of our Muslim leaders and senior scholars in this global emergency. Remain distant from each other, as they have instructed clearly, for now, in social situations and even in the prayer, until the situation changes. Simply put, we do not have any instructions from any of our scholars today in opposition to this. Keep it simple, do not over-burden ourselves with things Allah did not make us responsible for, and work together to keep our elderly and compromised safe, by Allah’s Permission. This should not anger anyone, nor cause any confusion or unnecessary reactions. May Allah guide us, protect us, and grant us safety and well-being.

  13. I am surprised at your position brother moosa.

    You are willing to accept the advice of ignorant Muslim doctors in this issue of medicine.

    But you are not willing accept the position of a salafi student of knowledge who is qualified to speak in this subject of medicine.

    What makes you so confident of the advice given by Muslim Doctors in this subject. Who has no religious knowledge.

    And you are reluctant to accept the position of salafi student of knowledge who is able to combine between knowledge of the Deen and dunya in this subject.

    Please answer.

    • I have no idea what you are talking about. I did not quote any “ignorant Muslim doctors”. I quoted Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (may Allah preserve him). The issue is not for us, baarak Allahu feek, and may Allah give you better. We have to learn our places. This issue is not for my opinion or yours, or this teacher or that shaykh. The whole world is full of talking faces and opinions. When an issue is of this level of significance, it must be returned to the senior scholars of Islam, not “a salafi student of knowledge”. We should be thankful to Allah that we have not been made responsible for giving fatwaas that affect the safety of millions of people, wal-hamdu lillaah. And we should be doing our best to support and pray for those whom Allah has made responsible for that. May Allah bless us and save us from unnecessary confusion and false accusations.

  14. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Ustaad, can you kindly answer these questions that have been posed?

    [1]—Are the Muslims in all other Muslim countries who do not “socially distance” in their worship and gatherings sinful?

    [2]—And are the rulers and authorities in other countries sinful because they do not implement or enforce these measures?

    [3]—Are they disobeying Allāh and will they be subject to punishment?

    [4]—What about the view of other authorities and specialists who hold that distancing between the perfectly healthy is without evidence, is frivolous and of no benefit, rather—and on the contrary—is actually harmful? [Question numbers added by admin]

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      1. Allah knows best. I advise myself and the Muslims to refer to the senior-most scholars for such serious issues, not people like me.

      2. Allah knows best. I advise myself and the Muslims to refer to the senior-most scholars for such serious issues, not people like me.

      3. Allah knows best. I advise myself and the Muslims to refer to the senior-most scholars for such serious issues, not people like me.

      4. The question is flawed because of the phrase “perfectly healthy”. From the evidences applied by our scholars today is the hadeeth of not entering a land of plague during a plague. They apply this to our situation in these times, if we can get past the much parroted phrase of “there’s no evidence,” to actually try to understand the evidence cited by the scholars! People who may seem “perfectly healthy” in that land are forbidden from mixing with people who seem “perfectly healthy” outside that land. It is in fact a case of seemingly healthy people forbidden by the Messenger of Allah (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) from mixing with seemingly healthy people. It needs applied to our modern scenarios with new parameters by the people of knowledge who know best about its application, and that is why we return the matter to them, and Allah knows best.

    • السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Ustaadh, In your reply to the 4th question, you’ve mentioned scholars use the hadeeth of not entering a land of plague as evidence for social distancing.
      Can you kindly name specifically which scholars have used this as evidence and provide the source that we can refer to for reading their ruling ?

      جزاكم الله خيراً

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      From the many evidences cited by the Ummah’s senior-most scholars for measures of safety, since the beginning of the pandemic, is the hadeeth of Taa’oon (the plague). For example, it was cited by the Council of Senior Scholars (هيئة كبار العلماء) in Saudi Arabia, including prestigious and high-ranking members like Shaykh Saalih al-Luhaydaan and Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan, headed by the Mufti, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allah preserve them all):

      فقد نظرت هيئة كبار العلماء في دورتها الاستثنائية الرابعة والعشرين المنعقدة بمدينة الرياض يوم الأربعاء الموافق 16 / 7 / 1441هـ فيما عرض عليها بخصوص الرخصة في عدم شهود صلاة الجمعة والجماعة في حال انتشار الوباء أو الخوف من انتشاره، وباستقراء نصوص الشريعة الإسلامية ومقاصدها وقواعدها وكلام أهل العلم في هذه المسألة فإن هيئة كبار العلماء تبين الآتي:
      أولاً: يحرم على المصاب شهود الجمعة والجماعة لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم ( لا يورد ممرض على مصح ) متفق عليه، ولقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: ( إذا سمعتم الطاعون بأرض فلا تدخلوها وإذا وقع بأرض وأنتم فيها فلا تخرجوا منها ) متفق عليه.
      ثانياً: من قررت عليه جهة الاختصاص إجراءات العزل فإن الواجب عليه الالتزام بذلك، وترك شهود صلاة الجماعة والجمعة ويصلي الصلوات في بيته أو موطن عزله، لما رواه الشريد بن سويد الثقفي رضي الله عنه قال: (كان في وفد ثقيف رجل مجذوم فأرسل إليه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إنا قد بايعناك فارجع) أخرجه مسلم.
      ثالثاً: من خشي أن يتضرر أو يضر غيره فيرخص له في عدم شهود الجمعة والجماعة لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: ( لا ضرر ولا ضرار) رواه ابن ماجه. وفي كل ما ذكر إذا لم يشهد الجمعة فإنه يصليها ظهراً أربع ركعات.

      As quoted here:

  15. Ustaadh, I am just asking but isn’t it possible that a Muslim countries ruler aligns with WHO and scientists taking their position. So the scholars can only advise in private and do not take a stance against them in public due to this?

    Then we only have the students of knowledge particularly those living in non-muslim lands who are able to speak out. Also due to living in the west one of them may be able to obtain knowledge about the plots of the west as well as Islamic knowledge to be able to refute this clearly in a manner others cannot?

    BarakaAllahu feek

    • Yes, that would be the angle I guess, so long as all the scholars are all paid to remain silent about matters needed by the Ummah, or too cowardly to speak about the corruption of prayer, Hajj, ‘Umrah, etc., a very large and hypothetical “IF”, which lands us in a very nasty and bleak situation. That would be a massive level of ingratitude as well, to believe things are like that, when Allah has blessed us with Muslim scholars and Muslim leaders who cooperate to promote this Deen and preserve it so well.

    • Assalamualykum,

      Ustaadh Moosa, do you think that brothers who say this pandemic is fake would actually be forced to imply (if they strongly and truly believe in their saying) that keeping of gaps in prayer would invalidate it since according to their belief – a valid reason (i.e pandemic) for keeping gaps is non-existent ?
      Even if they currently say keeping gaps in prayer permissible from the angle of obeying authorities wouldn’t they actually be forced to say honestly (if they truly are faithful to their belief) it is in fact disobedience to Allah and authorities shouldn’t obeyed in disobedience ?
      in summary, brothers who believe this pandemic is fake yet they still proclaim to follow the guidelines and come and pray in mosques with gaps are in fact falling into contradiction with their belief and therefore wouldn’t this indicate or justify that they are indeed upon falsehood ?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. To be fair, I believe they hold that they are coerced and excused from those implications. The Salafees who think the pandemic is fake are generally upright people of good grounding and principles, so they understand and promote the obligation of obedience to the Muslim leaders, in all permissible matters, and they understand the limits of coercion as well. As for the Takfeerees, Ikhwaanees, Tableeghees, and others who also think the pandemic is fake, then they are flawed in their basic understanding of Islam in the first place, and their errors in basic creed and methodology are the focus of our dealings with them. And Allah knows best.

    • السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Can you please clarify this – Is there really an excuse of coercion due these implications ?
      If I know certainly with Knowledge and Evidence that the pandemic is fake or even if I am of the opinion that there is no Contagion, then there does not exist a valid reason for me to keep gaps in the prayer or encourage its practice.
      However, what I can do is pray in congregation (as supererogatory prayer) and pray the obligatory prayer in my personal space and no one would be stopping me from this.
      So isn’t this is what anyone who believes pandemic is fake or holds there is no contagion should be really doing and calling to simply because they (according to their knowledge and belief) don’t have a valid reason to distance in prayer ?
      As an example, for whatever reason if an authority stubbornly coerces everyone to pray a congregational prayer in a time which some of us realize with certainty that it is outside the time of prayer, we pray the obligatory prayer in our personal space and then attend the congregation..
      And we do not say or hold that since we are being Coerced to pray outside of time we’ll only continue and suffice praying in congregation as it is due to an excuse of coercion.

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      1. I don’t like to entertain any “what if” scenarios during a global pandemic with lives on the line. Our best and safest course of action is clearly to follow the specific instructions of the scholars. They have advised us to repent, seek relief from Allah, and cooperate with leaders and health officials in both Muslim and non-Muslim lands, acting by the official protocols of safety, contributing to the preservation of good health and well-being of the people, by Allah’s Permission. They remind us to avoid spreading potentially harmful or confusing information from unofficial sources, as the Mufti, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh (may Allah preserve him), said: “What is mandatory is that one takes information from competent authorities, just as it is mandatory upon him to ask the people of knowledge about that which is problematic or unclear to him of religious rulings whether that is pertinent to acts of worship or interpersonal dealings…” [source]

      2. And your understanding of how to interact with corrupt Muslim leaders who delay the prayer from its times is generally correct. Our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) directed us to the following action in such a scenario, from the hadeeth of Aboo Tharr in Saheeh Muslim (648):

      صل الصلاة لوقتها، فإن أدركتك الصلاة معهم فصل، ولا تقل إني قد صليت فلا أصلي
      “Pray the prayer in its time. And if you reach the prayer with them, then pray [behind them too], and do not say: I already prayed, so I will not pray again.”

      In another version:

      فإنها لك نافلة
      “That [the second prayer offered behind the leaders] would be [intended as] an optional prayer for you.”

      In another version:

      فإنها زيادة خير
      “That [the second prayer offered behind the leaders] is an additional amount of good.”

      So, applying this hadeeth in a situation where one believes that the distancing in the prayer row is baseless and it actually makes the prayer invalid, then he prays as the Muslim leader has ordered in the masjids (intending an optional prayer), and then prays the prayer at home [intending the obligatory prayer], in a way that does not disturb the society. But again, as I mentioned, I don’t like to play “WHAT IF” in the most serious of situations with human lives at stake. Simply stated, the scholars have not advised us with this course of action during these times. I only mention it to validate your understanding of potential scenarios, and I ask Allah for safety for myself, you, and all the Muslims. And Allah knows best.

  16. As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. Baarakallahu feek yaa Ustaadh for these clarifications and advices. As you have repeatedly mentioned the principle of returning these kinds of matters that have a global impact back to the senior scholars and not burdening ourselves with something Allah has not put on our shoulders is sadly something that many of the Muslims and even some of the Salafis have missed.
    I myself being from New Jersey where we have had the second highest number of deaths from Covid in the US and know personally people who have had it or died from it, I am truly amazed at how people are still believing that this is a hoax. May Allah bestow us all with right guidance.

  17. Assalaamu alaykum.

    [1] Nowhere does the Shaykh say “Social distancing is an obligation from Allaah” so why is this title being used?

    [2] What about those lands where social distancing is not required? Are those people sinful for not fulfilling an obligation?

    [3] If a vaccine is produced, will be see an article saying “Taking the Covid vaccine is an obligation from Allaah, Allaah has made it obligatory”.

    [4] Regardless of which view we hold personally, would you not agree that the TITLE of this article is problematic? May Allaah grant you good. [Question numbers added by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      1. Because it summarizes the topic and content quite well. That’s what a title is supposed to do.
      2. Allah knows best. I advise myself and the Muslims to refer to the senior-most scholars for such serious issues, not people like me.
      3. If the scholars speak on that issue, I will try to accurately convey what they say on the topic, in shaa’ Allah. UPDATE (March 3, 2021):
      4. No. I only think it is offensive to those who disagree and are emotionally invested. Seek Allah’s Assistance and listen to the speech of Shaykh al-Fowzaan WITHOUT A FILTER OF BIAS:

      عليهم أن يتباعدوا في هذه الأيام
      “Upon them is to keep distance between themselves during these days…” (repeated and emphasized more than once)

      “Upon them” is generally for obligations, but I can understand someone using this phrase for a recommendation, so maybe what the shaykh says later helps clarify his intent:

      فإن المشروع التباعد صحيا
      “So what is LEGISLATED (mashroo’, from SHAR’, Islamically legislated) is distancing for health reasons…”

      Being “legislated” might also mean recommended and not obligatory, so let’s see if there’s anything more convincing:

      فإن المشروع التباعد صحيا وهذا مما أوجبه الله عز وجل

      “So what is LEGISLATED (mashroo’, from SHAR’, Islamically legislated) is distancing for health reasons, AND THIS IS FROM WHAT ALLAH, THE MIGHTY AND MAJESTIC HAS MADE WAAJIB (OBLIGATORY)…”

      فالواجب على المسلمين في اجتماعاتهم التباعد فيما بينهم
      The WAAJIB (OBLIGATION) upon the Muslims in their gatherings is to keep a distance between themselves…”

      So when Shaykh al-Fowzaan clarifies obligations, is he:

      A. Explaining obligations that he himself places on the Muslims, in his own religion where he personally makes things prohibited, recommended, or obligatory?
      B. Explaining the obligations that Allah has placed upon the people?

      So…. honestly, claims about MISREPRESENTING the shaykh, why? These are his words. If you disagree, then just disagree (to yourself).

      Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan stressed and re-emphasized the obligation of social distancing, in prayer, and in social situations, many times in this short clip. It is right here for all to listen to, review, and verify. It is only problematic when you’ve been convinced prior to this that Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan does not agree with the safety precautions in place, and he holds some secret position against them, and he does not act by them, etc. Ambigious things at best, in the face of clear verbal instruction. Things that are more worthy of scrutiny and investigation than an accurate translation of clear words.

      And Allah knows best.

    • السلام عليكم

      Please read it again ustaadh completely (and not partially) paying attention to all the parts where he says –

      This means: From everything that harms you; be warned of it, and stay away from it. FROM THE GENERALITY OF THAT IS: Physical closeness between the Muslims during these days, as what is legislated is distancing for health concerns. This is from what Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has made OBLIGATORY – TAKING NECESSARY STEPS FOR SAFETY, FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONARY HEALTH PROTOCOLS, AND TAKING ADVICE OF DOCTORS.

      also, in the previous paragraph he said :

      “..In these times specifically, when health officials advise people to maintain distance between themselves, this is FROM THE GENERALITY of acting in line with protocols of safety…”

      So what is clear is that the Shaykh considers social distancing to be from the generality of taking precautions as per his ijtihad (considering advise from health experts)… [message truncated by admin]

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

      This changes absolutely nothing. The speech of the shaykh is clear, let’s not pretend he was saying something else. He said taking asbaab (precautions) are obligatory, as a general rule, and he specifically explained that in this pandemic, from those OBLIGATORY steps is keeping distance between ourselves. These alternative explanations of what he meant are actually a lot of words, strange ta’weel to be honest, yet we land right back where we started. The speech of the shaykh is not in need of this strange re-interpretation. You are free to disagree with the shaykh’s ijtihaad, yet please realize that others are going to weigh who you are and who the shaykh is, and they are rightly going to return a matter of a global emergency to a senior scholar like Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan, and that is quite simply praiseworthy, and 100% not problematic, so pardon us for following our Lord’s direction to return matters of such magnitude to the people He has designated for that.

  18. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    I think the main problem which is being found with the article are those parts where it has been written (in a rather ambiguous manner) that Shaykh Fawzan said Social distancing is an islamic obligation or even the title which explicitly states “Social distancing.. is an OBLIGATION FROM ALLAH…”. This carries the meaning that Shaykh Fawzan is saying that the very act of social distancing has been explicitly been mention in the nusoos and as a result is an obligation… [message truncated by admin]

    جزاكم الله خيرا

    • وعليكم السلام رحمة الله وبركاته

      As mentioned in other replies, Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan emphasized and repeated that distancing is an obligation (“Allah has made it an obligation” in one statement), and we know that the shaykh is not talking about anything other than ISLAMIC OBLIGATIONS in Islam, legislated by Allah (no one else), as he does not have some other set of obligations that he is teaching us about. We say about matters that are not specifically mentioned in the Quran, that it is in the Book of Allah, meaning: under a generality. In this case, the shaykh explained the obligatory means of safety in Verse 4:71, applying this Verse to our current situation, AS THE SCHOLARS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DOING, that it includes the OBLIGATION of distancing. This is how this scholar has explained this generality from the Book of Allah, as it relates to our current situation. Let’s not overthink a very simple and direct issue. And Allah knows best.

    • السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

      I would like to make an open clarification and retraction. In my comment I found fault with writing in the article shaykh fawzan has said social distancing to be an Islamic obligation. However, reading your comment mentioning personally meeting shaykh abdullah bukhari and him affirming that shaykh fawzan indeed said social distancing is an islamic obligation, I have realized my mistake and would like to correct it and instead agree and hold what shaykh abdullah bukhari mentioned. I would like to apologize for my incorrect criticism towards you in this specific point wrongly thinking you had misrepresented shaykh fawzan there.

      However, I continue to hold criticism for giving the article the title “Social distancing .. Is an an obligation FROM ALLAH” since it carries meaning that social distancing is an obligation in shar munazzal… [invalid line of argument & further inappropriate and unhelpful comments deleted by admin]

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      May Allah grant us understanding in His religion. Everyone who heard the shaykh’s own voice repeatedly clarify that issue already knew that two years ago. There was never actually any ambiguity that needed clarity; his words were precise, direct, and repeatedly emphasized for clarity. Even with your remaining concern, there is clarity in the original audio and its transcript and translation, if you truly seek it. “All of these matters are from what Allah, the Exalted and Most High, has made obligatory upon the Muslims…” Just simply try to take an honest step back away from any bias in the issue return back to what the shaykh actually said, in his own words, seeking the assistance of Allah, and it should become clear to you, and may Allah bless your understanding and give you success.

      Yes, it is true that some of our brothers misunderstood the words of the shaykh, insisted on understanding them in a very unapparent way, and mistakenly blamed your brother for misrepresenting the shaykh (may Allah forgive us and them), and remember: These issues surrounding the pandemic were generally complicated and difficult for many to navigate. May Allah excuse us and all our brothers for our errors. Just ask Allah to open up understanding about your remaining concern(s), and ask the scholars for clarity and return the affair to them when needed. You are not left to yourself in such an important issue.

      As for the deleted portion of your comment, then this website is to spread clarity and not promote any confusion or back-and-forth argumentation on any topic, especially the most crucial and impactful of them, like our stance on a global emergency. Our Ummah has its leaders and its senior scholars from whom the most important fataawaa are sought. All Salafees agree over the importance of the scholars, their rank and status, and the need to return to them in our affairs, so may Allah grant us stability upon that and forgive us for our lapses. May Allah bless you and grant you success.

  19. Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ya Ustadhuna.

    …I cannot understand how this pandemic’s genuineness can be debated among students of knowledge. When a genuine request is made for verification and backup from senior scholars, such articles of further clarifications surface from them, where they use words like “emotional pleading and intellectual smokescreen” to describe the primary post (social distancing during these times…). Also the response is so aggressively put forth with accusations of lying, zulm, ghuluw…

    …May Allah forgive us and have mercy on us….

    …May Allah remove this fitna from us and protect all of us and strengthen the haqq and remove this punishment from us. People are worried about health, income and so many things at this point of time…. Arguing if this pandemic is a hoax or real is another form of punishment am afraid. May Allah bless you Ustadh and raise you in honour and all students of knowledge and unite our hearts upon the Sunnah and under the shade of our scholars. Ameen. Barak Allah feekum. [message truncated by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. May Allah forgive us and expiate our sins through this trial. Indeed the unnecessary level of animosity in an academic issue (not an emotional one) is a more serious trial. And our Lord has warned us that differing will cause our strength to depart:

      وَلا تَنازَعُوا فَتَفْشَلُوا وَتَذْهَبَ رِيحُكُمْ وَاصْبِرُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَ الصَّابِرِينَ
      “And do not differ, lest your strength depart, but be patient. Verily, Allah is with those who are patient.” [8:46]

      May Allah forgive us and guide us all.

  20. Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

    Unfortunately this article is difficult to use against the opposing position. They bring verses and ahadith, as well as the explanations of the various positions of the Salaf. They also bring the science with facts and figures — also thoroughly researched.

    When they have so much detail, how can I bring them such general speech in return. If I say “But Shaikh Fawzan said” even I am not happy with that answer as it amounts to sophisticated taqleed. May Allah reward the Allamah but I need Qaalallaah and Qaalarrasool alongside his speech — and it must be specific.

    There is no scholar who’s speech we can accept in a matter of precision except with precise evidence — lest we fall into what the followers of Muhammad Ibn Hadi fell into of following a scholar without evidence.

    What can you give us Ustadh Musaa of precise reasoning on this position so we may benefit may Allah bless you.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Remember, I hope you do remember that the Musa’fiqah were the ones with hundreds of files with (what they considered) all types of details and precision, and remember those were not validated by the scholars, remember? And you do remember that the Musa’fiqah were not pleased with that and they would not accept that, and they insisted that their detailed files should be given precedence over the speech of the scholars? They kept saying, “Shaykh Rabee’ will not read the files… Shaykh ‘Ubayd refuses to listen…” while they were the ones who were short-sighted, considering their “huge stacks of evidence” to be way more than they actually were, right? I hope we might have learned something from that. Remember how much they over-invested in their cause, their own verdicts that opposed the scholars and even the judges in the official Sharee’ah court system? They over-invested until they were so deep into it, that they could not find any way out for themselves after things became clear… Observing these flaws might bring us benefit in other issues we face, if we seek guidance from Allah and correctness.

      The scholars of Islam have explained how the Book and the Sunnah are to be applied in this pandemic, and from them we learn how general principles are applied to specific emergency scenarios. The issue is TOO BIG for anyone less than those senior scholars who we turn to when issues become this serious. “Sophisticated taqleed” is an inappropriate description for people following their scholars in how they explain evidences from the Book and the Sunnah. Taqleed is following without evidence. Keep it simple, and say (to yourself): “I do not agree with how the scholars apply the evidences.” But to continue saying things like they have no evidence, and this is taqleed, is at least poor manners in dealing with the senior scholars of the Ummah and the Muslims who follow them, learning how the evidences apply. I worry that it is actually mass slander, so fear Allah and refrain from such statements.

    • asalamualikum wa rahmatullah,

      dear brother, is it only allowed or obligated to refer to and follow scholars who are currently alive and what they say on the issue and if so, what evidence proves this obligation specifically?
      Or can one also refer to scholars and imams who were once alive and in their lifetime was such situation or asbaab i.e. a pandemic (which were rather much more severe than today) and choose to follow what they said in accordance to methodolgy of salaf?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Nawaazil, specific fatwaa-issues of today, emergencies, catastrophes, new challenges we face, are returned to the scholars. Yes, those who are alive, so they can apply the Book and the Sunnah to the actual situation, with all of its parameters considered. The scholars are the most qualified of all people to explain how the Book and Sunnah, and the way of the Salaf, applies to our current situation. This is what Allah commands us to do. As for taking this away from them and giving this role to those who have not been appointed to issue verdicts of such a serious nature, then it is a recipe for disaster from so many different angles. May Allah save us from harming ourselves and others.

    • Jazakallaahukhair for your response.

      I see. When I look back at the fitnah of the musa’fiqah I remember that the nature of the claimed “evidence” was very different. They had silly screenshots, insinuations, and it was all inconsequential and tenuous. There was no Quran, Sunnah, or Salaf… [large message truncated by admin]

    • Yes, much of it was like that. Yet, there were lengthy discussions involving genuine errors [either retracted already, or not in Usool], with detailed discussions of evidences. You are unaware of that, and so you should not talk about what you do not know. And we all should know that, ONCE AGAIN, this issue, the current pandemic, is connected to the safety and well being of millions of Muslims, it is not for us. Allah commands us to return matters of this significance to the leaders and scholars. My apologies for the deletion of the majority of your large message, but this is not a forum for the promotion of those ideas. May Allah forgive me and all of us. May Allah protect us all from the worst of diseases and the worst kinds of bad character.

    • May Allah accept your supplication.

      I find your censorship of my message extremely disconcerting and disappointing.

      I said nothing inappropriate and if you disagree or I made a mistake you can correct me.

      I hope you can reinstate my comment and engage with it. In any case I will be sharing my original unedited comment (which I saved before posting) and a screenshot of your “truncation” and your response so that people can judge for themselves. I feel like I must do this because you have censored my comment and I now feel like I have to share what has taken place.

      May Allah rectify our affairs.

    • “…Please note that this website is not an open discussion forum, and we reserve the right to moderate comments in a way that we hope is pleasing to Allaah alone. We further advise that you have good thoughts about us and that you do not frustrate yourself in over-thinking the issue if your question was edited for clarity, delayed in approval, or not published at all…”

  21. As salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh
    As understood from the post, the shaykh mentioned the obligation of social distancing as a means of taking precautions which is legislated and we know that:
    ما لا يتم الواجب إلا به فهو واجب
    However there are points which are still not very clear to me:
    1. That we apply this principle to the means of taking precautions e.g That it is waajib upon the traveler going for his compulsory hajj to take that which is needed for his travel rather than having only tawakul alone or for the one going for jihad that it is compulsory that he takes his weapons and armour as a means of taking precautions, so will a person be said to have sinned due to him leaving those obligations.
    2. Does the current pandemic take the rulings of At-taauun because I’ve read from the speech of Shaykh Albaani wherein he was being asked about the issue of quarantine and contagion and he mentioned about At-taauun that لا يمكن أن يكون له وباء عام

    May Allah Grant us the understanding of the religion and may he make the affair of returning back to the scholars easy for us. May Allah unite our hearts upon the truth.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh.

      1. The very definition of waajib (obligation) is that which a person incurs sin for leaving off.

      2. The scholars of today continue to apply narrations about taa’oon to this pandemic, either directly (nass), or indirectly, through qiyaas.

      Aameen to your supplication.

  22. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    In a time of great uncertainty, when we were being fed many different opinions from people of many different levels, agendas and mindsets – may Allah bless you for reinforcing our core principles of returning back to the ulema in times of trail and global concern, and doing so by translating the words of one of our highest ranking scholars, from the inheritors of the Prophets.

    بارك الله فيكم

  23. One should remember when reading this article, these ARE NOT the words of Ustadh Moosa Richardson – this is a translation of the speech of Sheikh Saalih al-Fawzaan.

    In times of need we return to our ulema for advice – this article aids us in the west in upholding the age-old principle: Return to the ulema.

    May Allah bless the Sheikh, the translator and admin of this website for benefitting us with this admonition.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. I would personally like to thank all of our beloved brothers and sisters who sincerely do not want to see fruitless argumentation and unjust accusations. Jazaakum Allahu khayran for keeping yourself quiet and not adding any fuel to anyone’s fire. Be focused on what is beneficial. I remind myself and all my brothers and sisters that we should try to understand this issue with its evidences, as applied to our current situation by the people of knowledge. Make du’aa’ for those who are struggling with that concept. Their good foundations will shine through, in shaa’ Allah, and they will make their way to safety. Do not engage with those who try to drag you into poor manners and statements you will be regretful for when you meet Allah. May Allah guide us all and be gracious with us.

  24. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Would not the best recourse be for the Duat who are explaining Shaikh Salih اAl Fawzan حفظه الله speech to go back to him as he is still alive and ask him instead “explaining it”
    Abul Abbass حفظه الله has stated above numerous times to go to the senior scholars and clearly this has not been done.
    We ask Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ to rectify this affair and let everyone be sincere and humble enough to know there place.

  25. Okay now I have a serious question which I am not just asking to be challenging- where has the other student of knowledge gone wrong if he has advised us to return to the ulamaa and adopt their rulings and the precautions by the governing bodies of our respective countries alongside his research into the matter- and he is rendering them (the muslims- rulers, scholars) totally blameless about any (supposedly) incorrect ijtihaad, and he has stated so numerous times that we are NOT TO oppose the Ulamaa’ and Rulers in this affair- so we have no door to diminish their worth, value and status OR to potentially cause harm to others bi’ithnillaah (according to the preponderant view of our scholars today) as we are obliged to follow them- thus all we are really left with are the personal views of the said person and our personal views which are completely optional to share with the said person or not.

    Are these not articles to help guide the reader into making better informed personal choices to that which is a consequence of this covid phase for theirselves and their families- in terms of health choices- like opting out of vaccinations if they are not mandatory and so on- rather than utilising his research as some kind of daleel to oppose the ulamaa? I did not understand the latter from reading into the works by the said student.

    I am genuinely confused. JazakAllahu Khayran.

    • Issues of mass concern, safety, and well-being of great numbers of people are very serious matters, reserved for the top scholars of Islam, recognized for this position. We thank Allah that He has not burdened us with this. If we knew the reality of having such matters on our necks on the Day of Judgment, we would certainly flee from such things. A researcher with important findings takes his research to the scholars and authorities in matters like these, and they are the ones who speak on matters of that magnitude. We take our places, and in serious matters of concern and safety, we simply refer matters to the people whom Allah has designated for that, “Had they only returned it back to the Messenger and those in authority among them, those of them capable of extracting the ruling would know it.” [Meaning of 4:83] We have a Quranic methodology that saves us from differing and harming people in such serious matters.

    • Brothers and Sisters please get this right
      Ustadh Moosaa حفظه الله is not contesting the veracity of any of the theories, hypothesis, claims and knowledge available in the public domain (on the issue), No. Rather, he is saying that at this time of severe fear, pandemic and increased risk of safety and death, that whatever facts/knowledge anyone claims to have should be made available to the Muslim Ummah through a single source – Ūlul Amri (the Authorities), to avoid chaos, confusion, further risk of safety and lives. This is in compliance to the commandment of Allāh in the verse regarding Nawaazil (mattars touching public safety or fear). (Suratun-Nisā’ verse 83)

      He (Ustadh Mosaa) mentioned:
      “Yes, anyone who has specific knowledge, then he hastens to bring it to the Muslim scholars and rulers, so the Ummah can benefit from it. If it is sound and accurate, it is acted upon and appreciated. However, in times of confusion and opinions, when safety and lives are at risk, we have scholars who we return the most dangerous and urgent of nawaazil (emergencies needing qualified fataawaa). *That is all*.”

      The point is very clear and easy to understand, Inshā Allāh. May Allāh bless you Ustadh for the beneficial comments and patience. May Allāh make us all understand this important fact and ease its implementation for us.

      والله أعلم

  26. Ustaadh if their are 3 people praying should one be the imam and the other two in the back or should they stand in the same row? It says in saheeh Muslim 534a
    We came to the house of ‘Abdullah b. Mas’ud. He said: Have these people said prayer behind you? We said: No. He said: Then stand up and say prayer. He neither ordered us to say Adhan nor Iqama. We went to stand behind him. He caught hold of our hands and mode one of us stand on his right hand and the other on his left side. When we bowed, we placed our hands on our knees. He struck our hands and put his hands together, palm to palm, then put them between his thighs. When he completed the prayer he said. There would soon come your Amirs, who would defer prayers from their appointed time and would make such delay that a little time is left before sunset. So when you see them doing so, say prayer at its appointed time and then say prayer along with them as (Nafl), and when you are three, pray together (standing in one row), and when you are more than three, appoint one amongst you as your Imam. And when any one of you bows he must place his hands upon hie thighs and kneel down. and putting his palms together place (them within his thighs). I perceive as if I am seeing the gap between the fingers of the Messenger of Allah (may peace he upon him). This narration is in SAHEEH Muslim 534a.

    • This narration is from Ibn Mas’ood in mowqoof form, meaning: It is the action of Ibn Mas’ood, not a hadeeth from our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace). Having said that, it is possible that this was his ijtihaad (personal deduction, opinion), and it is possible that he may have learned it directly and specifically from the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam). Most scholars considered the clear authentic narrations sufficient, and held that two men are to line up behind the imam in a separate row. Some scholars allowed them to line up together in a row, based on this report from Ibn Mas’ood. This was summarized by al-‘Iraaqee in Tarh at-Tathreeb (2/286):

      ما قاله ابن مسعود من كون الاثنين يصطفان مع الإمام هو قول أبي حنيفة ولا حجة في الموقوفات مع وجود الأحاديث الصحيحة المرفوعة
      “What Ibn Mas’ood said about two people lining up with the imaam is the position of Aboo Haneefah, yet there is no evidence* in Mowqoof narrations (from the Companions), when there are authentic Marfoo’ narrations (from the Prophet, may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace).”

      *My opinion is that there is an angle of evidence, so long as a Companion did something in worship like this. It may not be a strong position, but so long as there is a basis in the action or statement of a Companion, and some of the scholars held to it in practice, then it is from those affairs of differing where we should be tolerant, and Allah knows best.

  27. Asalamu alaykum Ustadh Musa,

    May Allah preserve you and increase you in good.

    I seek to help clarify something for our brothers and sisters who still don’t understand, and I don’t wish to speak out of place – so please delete or correct any speech that is not befitting.

    The title of the article: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another.

    The speech of Sheikh Fawzaan: “The WAAJIB (OBLIGATION) upon the Muslims in their gatherings is to keep a distance between themselves…”

    The author of this article has not made the ijtihaad of a scholar equivalent to the hukm of Allah within the title, rather he has made the title the speech of the Sheikh, as is common for articles translating the speech of our ulema. This affair is not to be confused, wAllahu a’lam.

  28. shaikh, recently you tweeted :
    ” They err sometimes & approach an issue that needs humble submission with a tough stance & apply the wrong approach. They are human!
    Didn’t Umar, a firm mountain of Truth, initially reject the death of the Messenger عليه الصلاة والسلام & speak against those who affirmed it? ”

    Someone thinks it appears to involve a disrespect of companions. what do we say or how we clarify to him ?

    • To mention how a great man of truth from the Companions submitted to the Truth in an issue is only love and respect, and how else would we truly follow the Companions in their humble submission to the Truth unless we were reminded about that when we needed it? The story is in Saheeh al-Bukhaaree and the well known books of Sunan, and it is mentioned by the scholars often, and I’ve never heard anyone of them mention that it is disrespectful to ‘Umar, and refuge with Allah is sought from a word of displeasure uttered about any Companion. And we seek refuge with Allah from unjust, manufactured points of criticism. And Allah knows best.

  29. Ustaadh if one makes a mistake in prayer such as mispronouncing a vowel like if one said Allaahu akbar but did not pronounce the r correctly or when makes a mistake in the faatihah should one fix themselves by repeating the verse and/or fixing the mistake or is the prayer invalid?

    • Significant mistakes that the person can avoid will cause to that action being invalid. However, if someone is incapable of pronouncing a letter in al-Faatihah, or the raa’ in Akbar as you have mentioned, he is excused when he does the best he can. Allah says (what means), “So fear Allah to the best of your ability.” [64:16] He does not lead others in prayer who can read the Faatihah without mistakes though (or say ‘Allaahu akbar’ without that mistake). And Allah knows best.

  30. Ustaadh, I am not sure how it is in America but, is there not a genuine worry that these new COVID vaccines are the first ever MRNA vaccines which are gene altering (ADMIN: This claim is disputed and needs verified). It is being rushed through as early as being released in a few weeks time!

    This is very scary! As it is said they can cause real harm and are a new age of vaccines and the effects on our bodies are not known. We need research done by muslims and this needs to be relayed to the scholars who can then give Fatawaa and advise the rulers. I worry that these things will escalate and we will all be forced to take them shortly.

    What is your take on this ustaadh?

    • Aside from the point about gene alteration (which I have no knowledge of), I agree that the other factually undisputed matters are definitely legitimate causes for concern. Those with scientific knowledge of the matter are encouraged to communicate with the scholars, Muslim health experts, and rulers, to offer what they believe might be unknown, overlooked or under-emphasized details. Al-hamdu lillaah, agendas and conspiracies are not supported by the Muslim scholars who investigate and take advice from the most qualified medical experts the Ummah has!

  31. Assalamu alaikom warahmatullahi wa barakatu .

    Id like to know where i can get the english translation of that book -journal fatawa -relating to the issue of corona virus in prayer. is there any link i can download from ?

  32. ،السلام عليكم ورحمة اللة وبركاته
    Baarik Allahu feekum wa Jazaak Allahu khairan.
    Since the onset of Covid unemployment has skyrocketed and finding jobs has become harder. Many of us who have made hijrah to muslim countries are challenged financially.. Allahu Musta’an.. Because of this some have turned to ecommerce, namely Dropshipping and Print on Demand for t-shirt businesses. Not to insult your intelligence but for clarity baarik Allah feekum, dropshipping is a business model wherein a website is created, products are advertised on this site, once visitors pay for the desired product through this website, the money goes to the vendors bank or paypal account. The vendor then uses the money to order the product from a wholesaler at a cheaper price and has it sent directly to the customer. I was told by some people this is halaal and by others it wasn’t. Please provide the ruling for it.
    May Allah grant us all gudiance, increase us in tauba, istighfaar and patience bil Aafiyah Allahumma Aamin

    • وعليكم السلام رحمة الله وبركاته

      If the seller owns the shirts at the time of the sale, then it is clearly halaal. If the seller does not own shirts (or the material to make the shirts) at the time of the sale, then this is selling what one does not have, which is forbidden in an authentic hadeeth. If the shirts (or the fabrics used to make the shirts) are owned, but need printed, moved, or modified before they can be given to the customer, then this resembles a permissible sale called as-SALAM, or as-SALAF, selling what one has and can deliver later, with conditions, like the payment being taken at the time of the sale, and the merchandise being accurately described and known. Review the books of Fiqh, the section on the SALAM transaction. And Allah knows best.

  33. As-salaamu alaykum, is it possible that those who have knowledge like many of the qualified scientist who have spoke up and speak with the dangerous nature of vaccines, is it possible that they are correct in this matter, a matter which is heavily differed over.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Sure, that is possible. And the scholars are at the head of this Ummah in determining such a thing. They are diligent and well informed, concerned, cautious, and resourceful, having the resources of entire government departments at their disposal. The notion that they are clueless, out of touch with reality, and non-discerning is one promoted by the people of various innovations all the time. Salafis are the first people to know the status that Allah has given the leading scholars, and they are the first and best people to return matters of serious global concern back to them for determination, wal-hamdu lillaah. And they are the first and best of the people to obey Allah’s Order to return matters of broad concern to the senior most scholars in authority. [See: Quran 4:83]

  34. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    The health authorities in my place have eased restrictions due to decline in corona cases and people are no longer required to social distance in prayer. however, in my masjid in locality people continue to keep gaps and social distance in prayer wishing to keep safe just in case. In this case is prayer there valid and permissible for me to pray or do I go another masjid where they don’t social distance and pray normally after this new regulation ?

    جزاك الله خير

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      There are some important differences between the prayer in congregation and other situations. The closeness of people in a mosque (without distancing) for 10-15 minutes straight is unlike the closeness you would have in most other social or workplace situations. Trust responsible local community leaders to follow the advice of the scholars carefully and consider and correctly apply the most recent health advisories in your area. May Allah protect the Muslims and keep them safe. If it is true that there is no more threat in your area, your community leaders should remove the restrictions and request the people to return to praying side-by-side without any gaps. And Allah knows best.

    • yes there is no threat in the area and health authorities have officially uplifted restrictions and people aren’t required to social distance in prayer, and most masjid are not social distancing but praying normally. However strangely in my local masjid the leaders of masjid themself made the announcement that they are going to continue sticking to the social distancing.

      therefore, is prayer there valid and permissible for me to pray or do I go another masjid where they don’t social distance and pray normally ?

      جزاك الله خير

    • If it is actually true that there is “no threat in the area”, then it is not permissible to leave gaps in the prayer rows, as the base rule is:

      أقيموا الصُفوفَ، وحاذُوا بين المناكِبِ، وسُدُّوا الخَلَلَ، ولينُوا بأيدي إخوانِكم ولا تَذَروا فُرُجاتِ للشَّيطان، ومَن وصلَ صفاً وصلَه اللهُ، ومَن قطعَ صفاً قطعَه الله
      “Establish your rows, line up according to your shoulders, fill the gaps, be gentle with the arms of your brothers, and do not leave gaps for the Shaytaan. Whoever connects a row, Allah connects him (to His Mercy), yet whoever breaks a row, Allah disconnects him (from His Mercy).”
      (Ahmad & Abu Dawud, authentic)

      However, the assessment of “no threat” is a very serious one during a deadly global pandemic (by Allah’s Permission). it is the duty of the community leaders to be cautious and assess the situation carefully and accurately. It is not an emotional decision or one made out of fatigue and exhaustion, but rather one done carefully in consultation with local health officials and the most recent information about the spread of Covid-19. Some communities have become exhausted and left off precautions out of fatigue only to find an outbreak in their community a short time later. So we need to be patient and cautious, as human lives are at stake, and it is no light matter.

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