Shaykh Ibn Baaz: How to Give Da’wah to Those Affected By Specific Misguidance

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The great scholar of Islaam, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz [d.1420] -may Allaah have Mercy on him- was asked about the methodology of propagating Islaam to people who have been affected by certain cultures or societies that distort the true meaning of Islaam. He replied:

The falsehood of the beliefs or culture which has affected them is to be clarified to them. The (false) beliefs are clarified as involving such-and-such (i.e. naming the specific points of misguidance). The various forms of falsehood and innovation found within such beliefs – if any – are to be clarified. Furthermore, the primary reference for all affairs is to be clearly identified as the Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and the Sunnah of His Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace).

(It is said to them) Regarding what you have come across of such-and-such (a specific form of misguidance), what you have learned, like such-and-such, and/or the manners you have taken from your environment, like intermingling, etc., these issues must all be weighed on the scale of the Sharee’ah (divinely revealed Islaamic Legislation), like how the scholars base issues of jurisprudence upon the legislative evidences (of the Book and the Sunnah). Whatever is in line with it (the Sharee’ah) remains, and whatever opposes it must be cast aside, even if it were the known customary practices of one’s parents, forefathers, scholars, or anyone else.

In summary, it is obligatory to adhere to the upright manners and good standing which the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) lead to. We are not to have bigotry for our fathers, grandfathers, cultures, or homelands. Rather, a person must adhere to the Truth proven in the Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, the Sunnah of His Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), and the consensus of the early predecessors of the Ummah.

Source: The shaykh’s Fatwaa Collection (7/329). [Arabic]


1) The shaykh (may Allaah have Mercy on him) said, “The falsehood of the beliefs or culture that has affected them is to be clarified to them. The (false) beliefs are clarified as involving such-and-such…” This helps us to understand that from the methodology of the Salaf in calling the people of misguidance and innovation to the correct understanding of Islaam is to single out their specific points of confusion and clarify them. It is the da’wah of true concern and sympathy for souls lost in misguidance. It is the da’wah of the Companions, as can be seen from their interactions with the Khawaarij, the Qadariyyah, and other early groups of innovators.

2) For every misguided belief, there are effective ways to dismantle it directly at its root, known to the scholars and their students. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas, the prominent scholar of the Companions, went to the Khawaarij Cult and addressed their three main points of confusion directly and without any flattery. By Allaah’s Permission, 2,000 of them were guided back to the Truth, and no one could have said, “The Khawaarij must be OK because Ibn ‘Abbaas sat with them.” The Salafee Da’wah is clear, not like the da’wah of the various ikhwani cults of today. [Read about that historical event here.]

3) Giving da’wah to the people of innovation requires knowledge of Islaam in general, as well as knowledge of their specific forms of misguidance and how to respond to them with convincing logical and textual arguments coupled with good manners. Those unequipped, while often intending only good, end up causing more harm than good.

4) Encouraging people of innovation to practice Islaam with generally agreeable admonishments does not help them. This neither qualifies as guidance, nor does it establish proof upon anyone. Misguided people need specific points to be singled out and clarified, not uncontended generalities. Without actualizing this priority in da’wah, the image of the Religion of Islaam is often harmed, as it appears to the public that the Muslims are pleased with and in agreement with a group of innovators. The severity of the innovation magnifies the damage created by such misguided da’wah attempts. In the end, it only serves the goal of the innovators looking for some kind of official endorsement or recognition from a recognized Islaamic figure.

5) Speaking to people of innovation, directly pinpointing their specific misguidance, and calling them away from it takes certainty in one’s knowledge, stability, and confidence upon the truth, as well as integrity, courage, and determination. It is in fact jihaad. It is not for the ignorant, the feint at heart, nor the politically ambitious.

6) Recent violations of this essential principle and their compound harmful effects on the image of the Religion, done in the name of the Islaamic University of Madeenah and the Prophet’s Masjid (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), are clear examples of blameworthy neglect. [Detailed clarification about Tahir Wyatt, Shadeed Muhammad, and the Nation of Islam]

And Allaah knows best.

Translation and commentary: Moosaa Richardson

14 thoughts on “Shaykh Ibn Baaz: How to Give Da’wah to Those Affected By Specific Misguidance

  1. I could not open the link “basing rulings on inauthentic narrations” in the old site. I would really like to read this bcos someone in my area is fond of using da’eef ahadith promising monumental rewards like “reward of 100 hajj rituals” all in the name of encouraging the people.

  2. As-Salaamu alyakum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

    May Allah reward you with good in this life and the hereafter for this and all the other efforts you have put forward on all of our behalves. This article, and in particular the PDF linked in commentary item 2 (and the commentary item 3), has perfectly addressed a point of confusion (and its cause) circulating about in my mind for months now.

    All praises to Allah!!

  3. I am proud of you for posting sh Bin Baaz’s material. As you know he stood for true salafiyya and he never stabbed salafiyya in the back. sh ibn Uthaymeen was also true to Islam. [Comment abridged by admin]

  4. Alhumdulilah Beautiful clarification from the shaykh rahimuAllah a Rudd against the kalaam of tahir Wyatt May Allah rectify all our affairs

  5. Does anyone know the reference for a hadith narrated by Mother Aisha (RA), about a man who died before the advent of the Prophethood of Mustafa Muhammad sallalllahu alaihi wasallam, and the Prophet replied the man will not be in jannah because he never once asked for forgivness from Allah?

  6. AS salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
    Yaa ustadh, if someone is firmly grounded, (from the likes of a da’ee, ) can the do khutbahs, and or classes in the masjids not particularly known for salafiyyah, if they address issues that plague those masajid?
    Barakallah fik

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The base rule is that Ahlus-Sunnah cooperate with and work to promote Ahlus-Sunnah, and they avoid the people of innovation. A person grounded upon Salafiyyah may go to people not upon the Truth to call them to the Truth, with clarity and bayaan, in a way that aids the Truth, not the people of innovation. The people of innovation are tricky and they would commonly use someone’s reputation to draw numbers to themselves. So each possible exception is a serious matter that needs individual study by a grounded student of knowledge in consultation with the scholars. It cannot be reckless, where a student claims to go to the people of innovation to teach them and call them to what is correct, and through this their numbers increase because of his presence amongst them. Others claim to go to the people of innovation to call them to the truth, yet they are too weak to address their specific issues of misguidance, so they only mention agreeable matters. This accomplishes nothing, except possible harm and further misguidance. There is no problem with a recognized student going to some misguided people who are already gathered, and he calls them away from their misguidance, inviting them to the centers and masjids of Ahlus-Sunnah, in a way that does not aid their innovation. And Allaah knows best.

  7. Isn’t it better to call to the general rule that issues are to be taken back to Allaah and His messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) first, as well as how to tell Hallaal and Haraam, then after that fix the specific issues of the people?

  8. Assalaamu ‘Alaikum Moosaa,

    I showed my friends the saying of the Salaf on separating from the people of Bid’ah. He then asked a question back that I hope you can help with. How far can we go with taking the disbelievers, such as the average American citizen, as friends? Can a Muslim be in a circle of friends where he’s the only Muslim?

  9. Asalamualaikum Ustaadh. We are sisters striving upon salafiya. However we have some friends who are not upon the methodology of salafiya. Some of them do not know about salafiya and others just do not care for it. Should we still mingle with these sisters like celebrate Eid with them and attend their gatherings or should we just completely cut them off? We would really appreciate your advice. BarakaAllahu feekum.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Mix with them and be kind to them, sharing resources with them, to help them learn authentic knowledge, so long as this mixing is beneficial for them and you, and no harm is involved. Be careful to ensure that you are the ones influencing them towards goodness, and not the opposite. If you fear that they can confuse you or lead you astray, then avoid mixing with them, and stay in touch from afar, by sending helpful reminders and resources. And Allah knows best. May Allah protect you and keep you safe.

  10. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    When giving dawah to parents, what is a good way to breakdown the principle of taking from people of sunnah only. I understand this principle but I do not know how to explain it to others. Likewise explaining who the people of sunnah ARE(in my land specifically and what makes them people of sunnah), who the scholars are and explaining how to recognize a true scholar amongst fake ones, what their characteristics are, etc. I shy away from speaking about these matters because I am afraid of saying something that will push them even further away from the sunnah. Also with their specific misguidance which is the manhaj of the ikhwan, what are some good resources to use as a tool for dawah. I have learned the importance of showing them good treatment so I have been doing this a lot more, and now I see that they are softer and are more willing to listen to me, so I want to capitalize on that. Any help would be very much appreciate shaykh. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Advise them with what is good, provide them with solid Salafi learning materials (books, audios, etc.), on levels appropriate to them, and encourage them to benefit from that. Measure how well they respond to advice and how difficult it is for them. If they value your advice and accept it, even sometimes, advise against specific individuals who are harmful, and when doing so, employ good manners, wisdom, and open concern for their well being. Let them feel that you care about them in your advice. Remember that a sick person often hates to hear the truth about their condition from a doctor. A concerned Salafi advisor is more important to a person’s soul than any doctor. Seek Allah’s aid and ask Him to make your advice effective, and pray diligently for their guidance. Put forth the best advice you can, and then leave the affair of the guidance of their hearts to the One in whose Hand are the hearts of all people! May Allah give you success.

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