Shaykh Al-Albaanee Lights a Soofee Magician on Fire – Really!

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

The great scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420) – may Allaah have Mercy on him – tells an amazing story about his encounter with a soofee performing acts of illusionary magic.  This story comes after his detailed academic discussion of the narration of Jundub (may Allaah be pleased with him) and its chains of transmission.

To summarize the story: A governer in Iraq during the the Caliphate of ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan was being entertained by a magician performing various acts of illusionary magic, like pretending to cut someone’s head off and then returning it to its place.  Jundub, aware of the ruling on magicians, steps up and kills the magician, saying: “Let him bring himself back to life if he was truthful!” and reciting the Quranic verse:

( أفتأتون السحر وأنتم تبصرون )

( Would you then come to attend (a display of) magic, whilst you have sight?! ) [21:3]

Shaykh Al-Albaanee (may Allaah have Mercy on him) then commented:

Similar to this magician who was put to death are those “Turuqiyyah” (followers of tariqahs, or soofee paths) who pretend to be among the servants closest to Allaah, by stabbing themselves with swords and skewers.  Some of this is magic and illusion with no reality to it, while some of it is (based on) practice and training which anyone could do, believer or disbeliever, so long as he trained himself for it and had firm resolve.  Similar to that is when they put fire to their mouths and hands or go inside of ovens (without burning).

I had an encounter with someone who was pretending to be one of them in Halab (a city in Syria), stabbing himself with skewers and grabbing hot coals in his hand.  So I advised him and explained the reality (of the ruling) to him, and even threatened him with fire if he would not stop the baseless claims (of piety based on his acts)!

When he refused to stop, I went up to him with (real) fire and threatened to (really) set his turban on fire!  When he insisted further (on continuing his tricks), I set it (his turban) on fire, while he stared at me!!

Shortly afterwards, I put out the fire, afraid that he would burn from under it (the turban) in sheer arrogance!  My thoughts were that if Jundub (may Allaah be pleased with him) would have seen them, he would would have killed them with his sword, as he did with that magician (in the narrations).

( ولعذاب الآخرة أشد وأبقى )

( And verily the Punishment of the Hereafter is more severe and everlasting! ) [20:127]

[End of Shaykh Al-Albaanee’s words]

Source: Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth ad-Dha’eefah (3/642-643).

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Please note that punishments for crimes in Islaam are applied through the judicial process of the Muslim state, not by individuals, no matter how heinous the crime or how clearly guilty the offender is. Jundub (may Allaah be pleased with him) in the story referred to previously was actually arrested by the authorities and jailed.

The lesson we should take from the story is related to how severely one of Islaam’s finest and most upstanding scholars of recent times hated illusionary magic – resorting to these measures, trying his level best to prevent the spread of such an abhorrent evil.

This story should also serve as a shocking wake-up call to all those making claims or insinuating that the scholars of Islaam, the likes of Shaykh Al-Albaanee, are tolerant of illusionary magic! This is one more good reason to be warned of the likes of Almaghrib Institute’s Kamal el-Mekki, who teaches openly that illusionary magic is permissible! [proof] 

Lastly, it should be absolutely clear from the shaykh’s own narration of the story that he did not physically harm the man.  Review this article to understand important issues related to the prohibition of punishing with fire.

And Allaah knows best.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

28 thoughts on “Shaykh Al-Albaanee Lights a Soofee Magician on Fire – Really!

  1. Since punishments should be applied through judicial process of the Muslim state, was what Shaykh Al-Albaanee did wrong?

    • Thanks for your question. Please note that no punishment was actually applied in this story. However, the shaykh’s method of dealing with the situation is subject to criticism. In his defense, it could be argued that verbally threatening someone with fire (without fulfilling the threat) has a basis in the action of the Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), who mentioned that he considered burning down the homes of the men who did not attend the congregational prayer, and of course he never did that. [Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim] However, this does not support lighting someone’s property or clothing on fire, or endangering someone’s physical safety. And Allaah knows best.

    • Can the ruler defer independent authority to a person so that he may go, observe, and carry out punishments at will, or was this a mistake on Jundub’s Radhyiallahuanhu part? Better yet can the ruler go around beating drunkards, and so on? Can you also relate this to Umar radhyiallahuanhu? He is probably the most well known for getting physical with the people. How do we understand all of this? Barakallahu feekum

    • The Muslim ruler is responsible for appointing people to order the good and forbid the evil, but their authority is not considered “independent” – they are deputized authorities, like local governers, or highway police, religious police officers, Muslim judges in Muslim courts, etc. These people are authorized with various levels of authority, to do things like seize property, prevent harm and establish order by force if necessary, sometimes through financial penalties, sometimes through warnings and reminders, and sometimes through physical discipline, or even capital punishment in some cases.

      In Jundub’s case specifically, some scholars – like ath-Thahabee (may Allaah have Mercy on him) – felt he was mistaken and should not have applied the death penalty in the presence of the local governer. However, in some narrations of the story, it is reported that the event was described to the Caliph of that time, ‘Uthmaan, who ordered Jundub’s unconditional immediate release. This could not support the idea of a chaotic application of Islaamic Law by individuals without due process, due to the special status of the Companions. Jundub was a Companion, and the Companions were people of authority in their own right, conveying narrations directly from the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace). In this case, he is the narrator of the hadeeth establishing captial punishment for magicians, and because of this he knew more about that ruling than others. And Allaah knows best.

    • What’s your proof that “the Companions were people of authority in their own right”?

    • Many scholars of the taabi’een said that “those in authority among you” referred to in Soorah an-Nisaa’ (4:59), those whom Allaah has ordered us to obey, means: the people of knowledge and understanding (the scholars). The knowledgeable and pious Companions are the first and foremost individuals of that broad group.

      It is narrated as well that the great scholar of the Quran, Mujaahid, specifically mentioned that the Companions themselves are from “those in authority among you”. This is mentioned by at-Tabaree in his tafseer of Soorah an-Nisaa’ (4:59), and Allaah knows best.

  2. Can’t you just post and let people benefit from your post without having to mention any name. Kamal-Mekki has been refuted time over time alhamdulillah and you don’t need to keep repeating the same thing.

    • Dear Habeeb,

      May Allaah reward you for offering your advice, and may He bless you for your intention. I hope that by offering the following response I do not fall into arrogance or unwillingness to be advised. May Allaah protect me and you from that.

      Basically, we try to make our articles as relevent as we can to our lives and the real needs of our readers. Almaghrib Institute continues to openly promote Kamal el-Mekki’s magic tricks (their official trailer promoting his magic remains on YouTube being viewed by more people every day), and Kamal has not retracted any of his promotion of illusioanry magic and magicians like Criss Angel and Dynamo. This clear and present evil continues to mislead and harm the Muslms, so we shall continue to speak against it.

      The concept of “refute the evil and then leave it” (attributed to the Salaf at times!) is not a principle we are aware of, as our Salaf would warn against the spread of evil based on the related need. The evil that can be repelled with a single statement is handled with a single statement, however other lingering and more serious threats to the Muslims’ beliefs became the subject of volumes of books and repeated warnings. The concept of refuting evil without any further assessment, follow-up, or repeated warnings when necessary neglects the Muslims’ needs and the way of the Salaf in warning against evil. This is the angle behind our repeated warnings. And Allaah knows best.

  3. The men who “eat fire” or skewer their bodies aren’t doing magic. It’s just a feat of strength. The fire eaters use principles of Physics as do hot coal walkers. Is this the same magic talked about in hadeeth? The one you quoted of Jundub is a serious one, real magic. Has little to do with fire eating and skewering skin.

  4. Assalaamu ‘alykum. Are tricks performed by cooks and waiters to amuse their clients part of illusionary magic? For example ice-cream sellers at Turkey or teppanyaki shows at japanese restaurants.

  5. Salamalaikum
    I want to know what is the reality about a hadith in Bukhari mentioning magic done on Prophet SAS and he was cured by Allaah Subhanallahutalla. Few scholars say it was unauthentic.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Sihr (sorcery) was indeed done to the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), as collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim. Only Mu’tazilah and other people of innovation have a problem accepting that. Allaah has made His Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) a human being, to show his human followers how to manage human challenges, like forgetfulness in prayer, human needs like hunger and thirst, opposition to his call, and even being targeted by magic.

  6. Salamalaikum
    Moosa sir, Jazakallah khairan, may Allaah Protect you and raise your knowledge and status. But could you please explain in detail about the following points as I have to reply to some people who are my close relatives who follow and are much impressed by their one Figure Head (comes on TV and has a Forum -videos etc.)who argues that Protection to Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah Subhanllahutaala be upon him) was guaranteed by many a verses of the noble Quraan (he quotes), then, using his own intellectual understanding of the Quraan, he says how come he was affected by it (sorcery), and why was it not reported prominently by many a Companions and the later salaf , means why were most of them were silent,as per them. So, the Figurehead says, It should have been a very big deal.
    I once again request you to please reply in detail. As for me Alhamdulillah I believe the hadith to be true and I know that all sahi ahadith are nothing but Revelation from Allaah azza wa jal-the Wise

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Our scholars have written extensively against this deviation. In modern times, this Mu’tazili thought was revived by Muhammad Rasheed Ridhaa. The great scholar, Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi’ee (may Allaah have Mercy on him), refuted this in great detail in a book called “Rudood Ahlil-‘Ilm ‘alat-Taa’ineen Fee Hadeeth as-Sihr”. See this. This is an excellent resource for this question. I recommend that a capable student of knowledge concerned with this topic undertake its translation into English, and request it to be reviewed and endorsed by our brother, Ustaadh Abul-Hasan Maalik, whom the shaykh (may Allaah have Mercy on him) entrusted with the responsibility of translating his works.

  7. Asaalamulaykum Warahamtullah,

    Many laymen in Sub continent deem Rashid Rida al Misri to be from the Ahl ul hadith simply because he like his peers, eg Muhammad Abduh, was against Taqlid, while being ignorant of his deviant modernist /rational beliefs such as you mentioned.

  8. Assalamalikum

    I am waiting for someone who would do a praiseworthy act of either forwarding any existing English translation of the below mentioned book or undertake the task now “Rudood Ahlil-‘Ilm ‘alat-Taa’ineen Fee Hadeeth as-Sihr” by Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadee al-Waadi’ee (may Allaah have Mercy on him)
    For me its like another battle won in spreading the truth.
    Thank You

  9. Assalaamu alaykum, since this article is about shaykh al albaani, how can one refute the claims being made about the shaykh, that he was self taught and relied on books rather than learning under the scholars? Also, are any of his shuyookh well known to the contemporary scholars?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The shaykh was one of the elite, top-ranking scholars of the era. Those claims were confusing to some people 50 years ago. Today, almost 20 years after his death, the only person who tries to criticize the shaykh with those claims is either someone who has no clue who the scholars at all, or he is a deviant person with an agenda of discrediting the scholars.

  10. Assalamu’alaykum was raHmatullaahi was barakaatuh..

    Ustaadh, in a masjid here the person who made the call to prayer elongated the part “Anna” in “Anna Muhammadan rasoolullaah”

    Is the adhaan invalid?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. When a person extends it like this “Annaa” then he is changing the meaning to “I testify that we are Muhammad, the Messenger of Allaah”. This change in meaning is something that corrupts the athaan. However, elongating the ghunnah like “Annnnnna” may be a mistake, depending on how long, yet it would not change the meaning. The principle is that mistaken pronunciations which change the meaning cause the athaan to be invalid. And Allaah knows best.

  11. Assalaamu’alaykum ustadh, I was given amulets and my nephew went to magician without my permission. He took money from me. And he said his going to help me and my husband I shouldn’t worry. My family are into magic. I never knew how magic is done, recently I start studying, I got so scared! I’m doomed, sheikh I repent 1000 time, gone insane out of fear of Allah. As sheikh concisely. Saying there no mercy from Allah those who goes to magician.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. There is no harm or benefit except through Allah. He alone is sufficient against all potential harms. If you did not go to the magician or endorse him going, then you are free of any blame. You just need to show stern rebuke for that behavior to the individual and teach him what is wrong with it, to the best of your ability, if you are capable of that. As for you being “doomed” or “going insane out of fear of Allah” then these things are from the Shaytaan; seek refuge with Allah from such nonsense. No one bears the burden of another person’s deeds! Destroy the amulets and be cautious in your dealings with family members known for magic.

  12. Ustadh, I was told I’m not Muslim. As this the law of Allah. I used the amulets ustadh. I didn’t know it had magic spell. Me and my husband had jinn issues that why we broke up. I wasn’t aware who are magician. I didn’t know magician are Muslim. I didn’t know in my own family give me magic spell. I used to look after my ex husband pray to him for cure. He had jinn issues since young age. But it’s because of my brother-law who give me the taweez plus my nephew. I told sheikh he said you have acted on the disbelief that why your a kafir there no mercy or salvation from Allah. Only Muslim goes to Jannah I got so scared. I cried everyday out of fear. 3 time I went to mental hospital out of fear of Allah. I thought if you don’t know something Allah forgive but sheikh said it’s your tawheed. Which expel one out of religion is magic. That’s the prophet words not mine. I’m telling you everything. I been unwell since 2019 because I was possessed why would get jinn involved it makes me sick even thinking about it. Seriously, he wrote a fatwa those who do kufr, shirk Allah will never forgive and they are not Muslim they are not going Jannah.

    • Good news! No one can ever stand between you and sincere towbah (repentance) to Allah, NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. Allah accepts the repentance of His worshippers; He promises such, and He has forgiven people who had committed shirk, and He made them the best people on earth! What were many of the companions doing before Islam came to them? Allah, the Ever Forgiving and Most Merciful, says:

      قل يا عبادي الذين أسرفوا على أنفسهم لا تقنطوا من رحمة الله إن الله يغفر الذنوب جميعا إنه هو الغفور الرحيم
      “Say: O My worshippers who have wronged themselves! Do not give up on the Mercy of Allah! Indeed, Allah forgives all sins! Verily, it is He who is All-Forgiving, Ever Merciful.”

      Whoever claims that Allah does not forgive shirk when a person repents will have to answer to His Lord for this terrible lie against Allah.

      If he were to claim he has evidence, and that Allah says He does not forgive shirk in Soorah an-Nisaa’ (4:48), then we say:

      Either you have understood correctly and Allah has contradicted Himself (!), or you have misunderstood the issue!

      The correct understanding:

      Allah DOES NOT forgive shirk for the one who does not repent; he/she dies on the act of shirk without repenting from it. (Meaning of 4:48)

      Allah DOES forgive shirk for those who repent from it genuinely. (Meaning of 39:53)

      With both verses in place, there is no contradiction in the Book of Allah. The only time there might seem to be a contradiction is when we have misunderstood something.

      So if you just repent from what has happened, by sincerely:

      Abandoning the act
      Having genuine remorse
      Resolving not to return to it

      With the above in place, with sincerity to Him alone, you will have completed genuine towbah to Allah, and He forgives you! And it does not matter what anyone claims about Allah not forgiving you. Those are lies and false claims, may Allah protect the Muslims from the terrible harms of those who speak on His behalf with ignorance! And Allah knows best.

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