Qassim University Accepts 149 International Students (2014-2015)

In the Name of Allaah…

The Admissions Department of Qassim University in Unayzah, Saudi Arabia, has recently published a list of 149 accepted international students for the upcoming academic year: 1435-1436 (2014-2New students 4015).



new students 5 new students 6 NEW Students 1436-1 New-Students-3

Students 1436-2

Source: Images found on Kamil Ahmad’s Blog

Contact Information for “Admissions” for Follow-up:

  • Phone: 016-380-0050
  • Email:
  • Website:

We pray that Allaah blesses them all and grants them success in their studies.

Read this: What You Should Know Before You Go

61 thoughts on “Qassim University Accepts 149 International Students (2014-2015)

    • Assalaamu alaikum, rather a better question may be do any of the kibaar al ulemaa advice with studying there?

    • Wa alaikum salaam
      Na’am but
      I figured the brother musaa would know of those who have been praised by the ulema in that region

      But good point regardless.

      You sound very familiar lol

  1. After going through the 149 names of international students accepted by Qassim university,i found out that all of them were Europeans and Asians. Please will there be some additional names that will include Africans?

  2. Asalamualaikum brother, ive applied in March 2014. Ive sent my files through FAX and MAIL. What time frame should i expect to see a publish list or expected email if i do get accepted? is it for the year 2015/2016 (next ramaddan?)

    • Asalamualaikum brother, ive applied in july2015. Ive sent my files through FAX and MAIL. What time frame should i expect to see a publish list or expected email if i do get accepted? is it for the year 2015/2016 (next ramaddan?)

  3. A salamualikum.. I was wondering how can I know if I was accepted to princess Nora university. Is there any list for that uni, let me know Jazz Allahu Khyr.

  4. I am 30 something and would like to study the correct Aqeeda in Qassim University,because very one he has a Dream,My dream is to come the and study a proper islam

  5. As-salaamu alaikum brother in Islam. Pls can u help us notice the islamic universities in the kingdom aware of how much the Africans want to study there religion in ur country?. But if u can’t can u post us the websites of some?.

  6. As-salaamu alaikum brother in Islam.can i know my application at your university , ? what is the status of my application? i, am qualified?

  7. Salamu alykum warahmotullah wabarakatuhu pls my question is that what are the courses available and which website can i submit my document and also when is the deadline for submission and application. pls reply me for Allah’s sake .jazaakumullahu khayran jazaa

  8. i am 29 years old.i want to study in islamic department in qaseem university.can get addmision in this university.plz help me

  9. Asalam alekun .my is sheriffdeen busari ebun am from nigeria i need your sisitant to enter me to qseem univasity to fordermore to my education after my finised in secondry leple (asalam alekun)

  10. i like this university due some criteria that you fix in your site i need masters offer in qassim university when and how admission is

  11. asalamo aalikum.
    i am 30 year of age.i am fond of islamic studies. i want to addmisiom in Qasim University.i have passed F.A exam.plz give me addmission in university.i will thankful of you. [comment abridged by admin]

  12. aslm alaiku warahmatullah!
    what must i do if i want to apply at uni of qassim because my age is 30 something and also i am a new muslim and the rest of my family are not is wish is go and study in uni of qassim the correct aqeeda help me to find the way of nationality i’m South African

  13. pls Iam 22 year old i want the qassim university help to give me admission next year for my further islamic study in order to help the muslims society Thank you, Iam living in Nigeria west africa.

  14. pls Iam 26 year old i want the qassim university help to give me admission 2015/2016 for my further islamic study in order to help the muslims society Thank you, Iam living in somalia africa

  15. Assalam alaykum.av seen the list what about malawian student.for those who aplied when are they going to be accepted?

  16. Assalamu alaikum please help me to see the Nigerian list

    what is the link of accepted students at qassim university

  17. assalalualaikum warahmat ullah e wa baraka tuh

    pleas send me all about admission as as scholarship international student from pakistan and date of admission from to……..

    every year,s


  18. Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah!
    I send my documents this year through mail and website. Pls when the list out??? JAZAKUMULLAHU KHAIRAN.

  19. Assalamu alaikum wr wb

    Dear Bros/Sis in Islam

    We (husband and wife) are in our early 50s. We have been looking for a place where we can study the classical Arabic language. We have no prior knowledge of the Arabic language. We (husband and wife) have left our job and seriously, it is for taking a full time Arabic language in an Arabic speaking country. We hope you [Qassim Univ.] have classes for adults, especially non-Arabic speaking Muslims. We have some religious teaching background in teaching Islam and also currently active in the Dakwah, teaching Deen to new Muslims in English. We are able to read the Quran in Arabic with Tajweed. The Arabic courses available here are only part time, that is after office hours. We believe the environment plays an important role in learning the culture and language. Please let us know if there are programs in your [QU] institute, suitable or effective for adults like us. Let us know how we can enroll, and give us some details on your [QU’s] program, cost fees, accommodation and visa requirements. May Allah s.w.t guide us and all in His preferred path. [Message edited by admin]

    Abdullah Abdul

  20. I am a student who is going to english school and am having my final this year and after my final exams I want to come to Saudi and start Arabic school their and forget about the English learning,but I don’t know what to do so that I get a scholarship to come and study their or what steps should I take to come and study their please I really want to come their and learning about my religion please…….thanks

  21. Assalam alaikum.I really need to study at this university pliz help me in any that u can manage. Through my email n my contacts pliz admi do wat ever u can do for me to study at this university ihav all the documents but i need ur help n guidance plis.wahatha salam alaikum

    • As-salaamu alaikum.
      Dear sir, i am from Bangladesh. I want to study in Qassim University. So, advice me and help.

  22. pls Iam 26 year old i want the qassim university help to
    give me admission 2015/2016 for my further islamic
    study in order to help the muslims society Thank you,
    Iam living in india kashmir …..

  23. assalam aleikum I am Somali by nationality. and there is no Somali students in the list please we need assistance as a Somali students thanks.

  24. I am nigerian I want to study optometry in qasim univsersty,I neet your help about hw can I get the new adimition 2016/2017. I hope your cosnsder my request.thank you.

  25. Assalamu alaikum, pls is there any information about qassim university acceptance list for this session? wassalamu alaikum

  26. Assalamu alaikum i am Abdullahi Rabiu Zangina from Nigeria i was in university of qassim last year in the month of Rajab before Ramadan i submitted my documents but don’t know what is going on about acceptance could you able to inform me about it , may Allah make with those studying in the university Amin!Amin!!Amin !!! Thanks be to Almighty Allah

  27. I am a muslim student, having passed afew days before class 12th with science subjects, with a percentage of 83 .can i get admission in MBBS IN ANY UNIVERSITY IN SAUDI ARABIA.I am from indian administerd kashmir.

    • Salam aleikum, please What is the difference between those studying Islamic study and those of western education in saudi arabia.

  28. Assalamu alaikum wharahmatulloh.please i want 2 study Economics at Qassim university .pls wat are ur qualification

  29. It was so nice that you had posted 2014-15 list of students admitted to you great insititute. I want to know when you call for admission to the Almadinal Islamic University?

  30. Is there any student from Pakistan or USA? Will you post the list for students admitted in 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18. I am impressed by your will educate muslim in SA. Do you admit non-muslim? I am sure you admit after high school – high school in USA is not what it is in India or Pakistan. Will you admit USA and Pakistan HS in the same level. Was salaam.

  31. Abdulrahman Abdulshakur from Uganda. I applied for admission to qassim university in 2016 and I was among the short listed students. how can I know that am admitted?

  32. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi shaykhanaa, may Allah preserve you. I have a question regarding Madinah University and studying abroad in general. I aspire to travel abroad to study the deen, but I want to do so married. I know there are difficulties and technicalities concerning bringing one’s family (i.e. just the wife) with them to Madinah University. Can you shed some light on the process or point me to the direction where I can get more information on the topic? Also, what are the options throughout the rest of the globe for a Salafi to travel and study? Locations where one can really advance and that are family-friendly. JazaakaAllahu khayraa, wa Ahsana Llahu ilayk.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. I never studied in Madinah University. Umm al-Qura University has a women’s campus, where one’s wife can potentially get her own scholarship and study as well, and they can live together in Makkah, so look into that. I cannot share anything helpful, as my experiences in getting my family there are nearly 25 years old at this point, and a lot has changed since those times. May Allah give you success.

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