Q&A on Potential Dangers Found in Many Accounting Jobs

A Muslim concerned about his income asks:

I am an accountant that presents the financial statements of my organization to my employers. The banks pays interests (riba) on the company’s funds (the company is involved in halal business) saved with the banks and in the periodic statements they (the bank) send to us (accountant and my employers) they show clearly the analysis of the transaction my organisation has done with them over the period.

In the normal accounting profession, we are supposed to report this interest (riba) as well as all other transactions in the financial statements to the company, and the financial statements will not be complete unless they are shown, and thus the accountant has no choice but to report the riba as well. Do you not think that one will fall under the curse of the Prophet (though, all these transactions are now done over the computer and no longer written) or does the curse in the hadith only relate to those that actively support/promote riba, e.g those working in riba based banks?

I am referring to the part of the hadeeth that says “who write riba” and “They are all alike (in guilt).”

The scholars have spoken specifically about this issue.  The following is a translation of a question and answer published in the Permanent Committee’s Fataawee Collection (v.15, p.5):

Question: What is the intended meaning of the “scribe who writes the ribaa” mentioned in the hadeeth of Jaabir that Muslim collected: “The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) cursed the one who takes ribaa, the one pays it, the scribe, and the two witnesses.” And he said about them, “They are all the same.” Is the “scribe of the ribaa only the one who recorded the actual occurance of the transaction itself? Or does it include any individual no matter how distant he was from the original occurance of ribaa, like the example of an accountant who gathers and calculates numbers in record books other than the original ribaa contracts, as is expected from him? Is such an accountant considered a “scribe of ribaa”, or is the phrase specific to only the original transaction and not the secondary ones (records), and thus the curse does not apply to him? Please inform us, may Allaah reward you well.

The response of the Committee:

The hadeeth cursing the scribe of ribaa is general, including the scribe who recorded the original transaction, as well as someone who copied it when it got old (to preseve it), as well as the one who recorded the amount in accounting records, as well as the accountant who calculated the amount of usury and added it to the capital amount, as well as the one who sent it to be deposited, and their likes. And through Allaah is success, and may Allaah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions, and grant them all peace.

Signed by:

  • Shaykh ‘Abdullaah ibn Qu’ood (member)
  • Shaykh ‘Abdullaah ibn Ghudayyaan (member)
  • Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee (vice president)
  • Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (president)

This fatwaa was read back to Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have Mercy on him) before his death. He approved of it, allowing its publication.

Furthermore, it is very specific about the point of an accountant who keeps records of ribaa contracts, while other claims attributed to Shaykh Ibn Baaz may have confused some people.  [Review this for more related fatwaas and discussion of the topic.]

And Allaah knows best.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

57 thoughts on “Q&A on Potential Dangers Found in Many Accounting Jobs

  1. As salaamu ‘alaykum akhee,

    In India almost all salaries are deposited directly in bank accounts which give interest. Every year as per government Income Tax rules all tax-payers have to make an “Interest Statement” which gives the breakup of how much interest a person was given by the bank.

    Is making such a statement also included in “the scribe”?

    JazaakAllaahu khayra

    • Whoever falls into haraam, riba-based transactions and wants to repent from that has to get rid of this haraam interest by spending it on the poor and needy or on charitable projects that serve the common interest, such as hospitals, schools, orphanages and so on.

      The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas said:

      It is essential to get rid of the bank interest because it is a type of haraam riba. So it should be spent on the public interests of the Muslims, such as giving it to the poor and needy, in order to get rid of it. End quote.

      Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 16/532

  2. As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

    I was researching some fatawa on alifta regarding usury, and I kept running into a phrase which means, “…permissible as long as it is hand to hand…”

    It occurred to me that debit card/electronic purchases/exchanges might not qualify as “hand to hand” since they take until the end of the day, or one day, or two days, or more than that to “reconcile.” Can you please clarify whether or not debit card purchases (not credit card), or online purchases, or other forms of electronic purchases are permissible given that they take at least one day until the money moves from one side to the other? I couldn’t find any fatawa to clarify this.

    May Allah reward you for your continued assistance and efforts on our behalf. Jazakallahu khayran.

    • السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

      I have few questions related to Online shopping –

      is it allowed to engage in online shopping becasue i remember reading that buyers must be physically present and be able to see and inspect the actual product before buying it ?

      does online shoping, as it is nowadays on major e-retailers, involve them selling goods which are not owned by them ?
      suppose if we assume that an e-retialer sells prdoucts he doesn’t own, does the prohibition only apply to seller and can the buyer still choose to buy the product if he wishes ?

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      1. The scholars say that an accurate description of the product is sufficient for the buyer to be considered knowledgeable enough of what he is buying and thus the product is not unknown. They do not need to be physically together in the same place.

      2. Selling items not owned by the seller is not permissible. If you know someone is doing that, then you cannot purchase from him/her. If someone has done that without your knowledge, it is on them, and you are free of any blame. And Allah knows best.

  3. As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,

    If a Muslim business owner has a credit card but never pays interest, and at the same time refuses to stop using the credit card, is his accountant among those mentioned as cursed in the hadeeth?

    Jazakallahu khayran.

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. If he has not documented any usury-based transactions, then the hadeeth does not apply to him. However, the religion is sincere advice, so let him advise his Muslim brother about the contract behind the credit card. A logical question may be helpful, like: “Would you take a loan from a person who stipulates that if you do not pay on time, you have to drink whiskey or commit adultery when paying it back?” Of course, no one would agree, even if they were completely confident they could pay back the loan on time! So how could someone agree to pay an amount of ribaa (usury, interest) if he does not return the money on time? Ribaa, intoxicants, adultery… these are all major sins from the first crimes to be strictly forbidden in Islam! Look how Shaytaan has tricked us and made one of them seem acceptable in our agreements! And Allaah knows best.

  4. Asalamualaikum Ustaadh, I was given $200 for opening an account with Chase, I received a tax form stating that the $200 was income interest. Also there was a time Chase deposited $34 into my account by mistake and after informing them, they said they wouldn’t be able to take it back and that I can keep it. Are these funds considered interest and if they are, how do I dispose off them? BaarakaAllahfeekum

  5. Ustaadh, is it allowed to build softwares for a money transfer company like PayPal? They allow bank, debit and credit cards for the transfer and they earn by charging their fees on the transaction. Is it allowed to work as a software engineer for such a company?

  6. Assalaamu ‘Alaykum. What is the ruling on working as an accountant for a retail company, that has late fee contracts with its suppliers? The payments are always made on time and the late fees never paid.

    If an accountant writes down these transactions, do they come under the curse of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Yes, he is actually a scribe keeping records of ribaa. He is the same as those involved directly in the transaction, based on the hadeeth, and its application in the world of accounting, as explained by scholars such as Shaykh Ibn Baaz. And Allaah knows best.

  7. Aslamalikum

    I work as an accountant, I write bank tranactions but when I come to interest transactions I do not record them.

    However I do send send off accounts thats have interest without recording. Is this ok. JazakAllah Kheir

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. How would that be acceptable to any employer? Anyway, if you are making records/copies of those contracts, sharing them, organizing them, etc. then you are falling into the prohibition. And Allah knows best. May Allah bless you and aid you.

  8. Aslamalikum

    I have been offered a role for an accountancy software company where my job is to work as a helpdesk operator supporting clients with any quires in regards to the software.

    Is this permissable for me. JazakAllah kheir.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. If the job involved assisting people in recording information which is not permissible, like records of ribaa (usuary) transactions and the likes, then Allah forbids us from cooperating in issues of sin and transgression. See: Quran [5:2]. Accounting is a dangerous field in non-Muslim lands, as much of it connects to usury quite often, so be very careful. And Allah knows best.

  9. Assalamualaikum ustadh moosa, my question is if tax is haraam? Please get back with a answer barakallhu feekum may allah preserve u!

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. If you mean getting the taxes which were taken from you without right, through the tax return system in place, legally (in accordance to US law), without cheating or lying, then yes, this is permissible. It is recovering your money that was taken from you without right. Allah did not legislate that 20% or 30% of people’s basic income can be taken in taxes. Doing this is oppressive and wrong. Yet it is required by Western law when living in their lands. So if there is a way to get it back, legally and honestly, then yes, it is your money, and you have a right to it. And Allah knows best.

  10. As salaamu aliakum how are you O teacher? Is it permissible to be a car salesman to offer financing to your customers but they don’t pay you the riba payments but rather they pay the bank. Also you don’t give them the loan from your own money but rather you get them approved from a bank to purchase the car you’d be selling them? Keep in mind that The car salesman wouldn’t be getting riba payments from the bank neither but rather the bank will pay the car salesman their asking price for the car. Which leaves the customer and the bank having to settle the customer’s payment of borrowed money which the bank gave the car salesman on behalf of the customer. Barakallahu feek

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The problem is not in a buyer having a deal with a third party that you are not part of or responsible for. The problem is, as you state in the question, “You get them approved from a bank.” This involves clear cooperation upon ribaa, and even worse: facilitation of it, and therefore it is forbidden. And Allah knows best.

  11. As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,

    Tangentially related to the topic, but I’m not sure where/how else to ask the question. I was a state employee (teacher) that was required by law to partake in a state-managed pension fund that earned interest. I requested a religious exemption that was deliberated upon and litigated for two years before they rejected the request. Once I was able to withdraw the money, I did. But it includes the interest. My understanding is as follows:

    1. I cannot use the interest to pay any penalty for “early withdrawal.”
    2. I must donate the interest without it counting as a good deed.

    Is my understanding correct?
    Also, in donating the interest, must it be given to a certain category of charity or individuals? Are there prohibitions on how the money can be used by those to whom I give it, or restrictions on who can receive it? Is it best if I don’t tell them the source was riba (interest)?

    Any advice that you can offer would relive me of a significant burden (it feels like I’ve got hot coals in my hand – I just want to get rid of them as soon as possible). May Allah relieve you of any burdens on the day when no one else can help you.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh. Since you have already taken the impermissible ribaa money, you cannot use it to pay fees or fines, so your understanding seems correct, and Allah knows best. You do not give the money to people. Rather, you purchase & distribute toilet paper or lowly things likes this, which do not lead to people consuming ribaa. And Allah knows best.

  12. Assalaamu ‘alaykum Shaykh,

    What is the advice for students academically or institutionally required to affiliate with chartered accountancy firms for CA articleships, Accounting major student placements at interest-based banks/insurance companies or microcredit/microfinance NGOs for professional internships as part of job training, business experiences and fulfillment of academic degrees? Likewise, what is the suggestion on taking/giving Accounting lessons with interest-centric calculations, releasing reference/recommendation letters to business students or supervising dissertations for such interest-oriented accounting learning placements in corporate firms?

    JazaakAllaahu Khayran. Baarak Allaahu feek.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      Learning about how interest works to appreciate the prohibition is fine, like if someone walked you through the yearly accumulation of interest in an example or two. Learning and practicing the details of interest-based transactions in a focused study for the purpose of becoming skilled and qualified in the profession is forbidden. And Allah knows best.

  13. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    May Allaah preserve you, Shaykh, is it permissible to buy halal stocks (companies that don’t deal with haram), from 3rd partys, such as Cash App or others?

    May Allaah reward you with good

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Buying shares/stocks is permissible, so long as the company does not deal in haraam products/services or have haraam transactions, like riba loans. This sadly eliminates most companies today. The question about buying from a third party is unclear. I do not know what the relationship of the third party is. If they are a representative of the company, selling on their behalf, then being a third party is fine here. If they are selling things they do not own, but will buy after they sell them, then this is not permissible, as it is forbidden to sell what you do not have.

      «لا تبع ما ليس عندك»
      “Do not sell what you do not have.”

      It was collected by Ahmad and the four compilers of the Sunan, authenticated by Shaykh Al-Albaanee. And Allah knows best.

    • Assalaamu ‘Alaikum Ustaadh Moosaa,

      A doubt someone may have is that participating in stocks is gambling since you don’t know where the company is going. I wasn’t sure what to say to that.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Sure, there is an element of a gamble (possible big win or loss) in every business venture, yet Allah has made trade and business HALAAL. Stocks, which have the ruling of sharikah (partnerships), are most commonly impermissible because the goods, services, and/or transactions of the company are simply not permissible. And Allah knows best.

  14. Assalaamu ‘alaykum ustaadh.

    May Allah preserve you and grant you and your family good health and high eeman.

    Is direct selling halaal? I really want to make business with tupperwares that focuses on direct selling. According to them, they are not a networking business or pyramiding in nature. Jazaallahu khairan.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Directly selling something halaal to someone with a halaal payment arrangement is halaal. But perhaps the phrase “direct selling” is a trick and the company behind it means INDIRECT selling of things you do not even own? I really wouldn’t know what they mean unless you explain it further.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Everything that branches off from a haraam thing is also haraam. So all the tiny details of what happened to the ribaa’, where it is stored, taxes paid on it, etc. ita all under the generality of being a scribe of ribaa, and Allah knows best.

    • السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

      A person works for a company that rents homes, and this person puts together a report that reports on what outwardly appears to be statistics that are ok, they report on the number of homes that went vacant, how many homes renewed, How many homes owe more than $500 etc. It just counts homes, or percentages. However, the way these homes are grouped on the report is by bonds issued by the company. So it will say in x-named bond this many homes out of the homes bought with this bond issue went vacant etc. technically not one cent of riba is anywhere to be found on the report but this question/answer seemed like a pertinent place to ask.

      What is your assessment of a Muslim working on this report?

      And if you deem that this is impermissible, would it be impermissible to “trade assignments” with someone else? I.e. tell someone else to work on it and you work on something Permissible of theirs ? Or is that kind of like selling something haraam?

  15. Assalamu Alaykum Ustadh
    May Allah Azzawajal Bless you. I would like more clarity on the following.

    I work for an Oil/gas refinery global company which manufacturers petrol/diesels and its likes. The company has given me shares as part of my annual salary. Can I use this shares and convert them to cash? For many years I did not touch thinking shares are totally haram until I came across the below mentioned explanation. The company only deals in selling and buying oil gas and chemical, utilities i.e steam, electricity etc products.
    Jazaakallahu Khairan.
    on May 17, 2020 at 12:36 pm said:
    وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Buying shares/stocks is permissible, so long as the company does not deal in haraam products/services or have haraam transactions, like riba loans. This sadly eliminates most companies today. The question about buying from a third party is unclear. I do not know what the relationship of the third party is. If they are a representative of the company, selling on their behalf, then being a third party is fine here. If they are selling things they do not own, but will buy after they sell them, then this is not permissible, as it is forbidden to sell what you do not have.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Try to opt out of the shares, and get a cash equivalent, or even less than equivalent. If the company’s dealings are haraam, then you cannot accept the shares as gifts in the first place. Just refuse them, or request other options. And Allaah knows best.

  16. Assalamu alaykum,

    Pretty much all energy/mobile phone/water contracts have late payment charges and the like in them which you cannot avoid. What is the ruling on this?

    Barakallahu feek

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Avoid as much of it as you can. When you are forced into such agreements, due to there truly being no alternative, and the need being genuine, then we do not use this as a basis for optional contracts with similar late fees stipulated. And Allah knows best.

  17. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    please help me because i have serious worry,
    I just find very difficult to imagine a work today that is free of anything haram associated with it, you know like interest transactions, wearing pants, trimming beards, lying and cheating , free mixing with oposite gender, mixing with people of innovation/fasiqs and dealing with them in diplomatic manner, photography, missing prayers and the list goes on..

    Is it correct to understand that in our times a completely halal rizq is unacheivable and that we simply try do the least sinful work and seek forgiveness for the unavoidable haraam earning and other sins ?

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      There is good, halaal work out there. This feeling of being overwhelmed is from the Shaytaan, to make you give up and follow your desires. Allah says:

      الشيطان يعدكم الفقر ويأمركم بالفحشاء والله يعدكم مغفرة منه وفضلا والله واسع عليم
      “Shaytaan threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit obscenities, yet Allah promises you Forgiveness from Him and a Bounty, and Allah is Expansive in Bounty, All-Knowing.” [2:268]

      And He says:

      إنما ذلكم الشيطان يخوف أولياءه فلا تخافوهم وخافون إن كنتم مؤمنين
      “That is just the Shaytaan scaring his allies, so do not fear them, rather fear Me, if you are indeed believers.” [3:175]

      And Allah says:

      يعدهم ويمنيهم وما يعدهم الشيطان إلا غرورا
      “He [Shaytaan] promises/threatens them and gives them false hopes [in disobedience]. All that he promises is but delusion.” [4:120]

      Regarding this Verse, al-‘Allaamah as-Sa’dee -may Allah have Mercy on him- said:

      يخوفهم عند إيثار مرضاة الله بكل ما يمكن وما لا يمكن مما يدخله في عقولهم حتى يكسلوا عن فعل الخير
      He scares them when they prefer what pleases Allah, with every possible or impossible thing which could enter their thoughts, so that they are too lazy to do any good.

      May Allah give you insight and steadfastness, bless you, and guide you to halaal provisions.

    • some workplaces prohibit Muslims men keeping longer beards, We seek refuge in Allah from this. No doubt for that reason it wouldn’t be allowed for any one to trim their beard. However, would it be allowed if one were to neatly tie or tuck their beard using bands and clips which would give appearance of being trimmed without actually being trimmed, so they can continue to work without compromising and trimming beard?

    • It is permissible to trim the beard, so long as it is kept full. Some of the Companions used to trim it down to a fist’s length. Most notably, the Companion known for devout following, one who narrated hadeeths about the beard: Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). In general, the scholars say: A companion who narrates a hadeeth is most knowledgeable about its meaning and application. And Allah knows best.

  18. In offering a product to someone, if a seller were to use an ambiguous statement, that is not a lie, but they know will be interpreted in a different way then what is intended, and doesn’t technically cause tangible harm, is that a kind of forbidden deception in business? I’ll give you an example:

    Someone says, If you buy this product by X date you’ll get it at 50% off the original price. But if the customer were to buy it after the date the seller would sell it to them at 50% off the original price. So the statement is technically not a lie, but the seller just wanted to make it seem like they’re getting a good deal if they purchase sooner. Is this a forbidden kind of deception?

  19. Asalamu Alaykum Usthaath,

    I am still a little confused. Would not the ruling of the scribe who records the Riba not be referring to an authorizer/manager who, without their approval, the Riba based transaction cannot be carried out, and so he signs the cheque for the loan or something of the sort?

    As an accountant, we have no role in dealing with or authorizing any sort of financing or transaction that involves Riba AlhamduliLaah, neither are we present at the negotiations with banks to apply or request for loans.

    The preliminary role of the accountant with relation to these sorts of transactions would be a nominal entry into a statement or ledger which acts as a historical figure as a way to track expense/profit. Or another aspect could be the formation of cash-flow statements which a company would show to a bank to get approval of a loan etc.

    Subhan’Allah it is not an exaggeration to say it has come to the point where especially in this field, almost all corporate companies, private or public limited, even not-for-profit organizations are linked in one way shape or form to Riba. The same is the case for many Muslim countries sadly. The whole sector of Accounting/Finance includes some linkage to Riba and it reminds one of the hadith:

    The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), said, “A time will come upon people when they will consume riba.” They said to him, “Is that all of the people?” The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Whoever does not take from it will be afflicted by its dust.” Source: Musnad Ahmad 10191 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to As-Suyuti

    I guess the point I am getting at is, just like some aspects of living these days are a necessity like certain insurances which are literally unavoidable, could a Muslim still work in this sector avoiding any dealings with approving/transacting with Riba and in general Fearing Allaah.

    “So keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can”

    What would you Advice Dear Usthaad?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. My advice is to be patient and hold fast to your religion in times of corruption, and do not be deluded by the masses who destroy themselves, and be strong when only a few people are holding to obedience. May Allah bless you and give you strength. Strength and stability are needed when facing widespread corruption, and this is only sought from Allah alone. Imagine if we fornicated because most people are fornicating, or if we starting getting drunk and high because most people are doing it. Refuge with Allah is sought. Toobaa (glad tidings of Paradise) to the strangers, those who hold fast to the Deen in times of widespread corruption! The rizq of Allah is guaranteed, all provisions are set, so be obedient, noble, and dignified in how you seek your provisions! May Allah give you honor!

    • Adding onto what the shaykh said, taking a defeatist mentality and making that little compromise to open up some of the dunya assuming the problem is a ‘lost cause’ will only worsen the issue, and is exactly what the Shaytaan wants from us in the first place. How will we be when the Dajjal comes, and we get withheld from almost all the dunya unless we give up all of our deen to follow him, when right now we compromise a bit of our deen just for the sake of some extra worldly benefit?

      Also, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen said within his Sharh of Riyadus Saaliheen (Hadith #1) regarding the one who strives for the dunya (explaining verses 18 and 19 of Surah Isra’ – you can also refer to the books of tafsir such as Ibn Kathir for these verses) that: Allah did not say He will give them (the one who desires the world) everything they desire, rather He will give them what He wills to whom He likes. This means some people who strive for the dunya (possibly compromising some of their deen for the sake of it) will get all of what they wanted, others only a part of it and some not any at all. On the other hand, the one who strives for the akhirah will get from it exactly what they desire and more. Thus, we can take from this that no matter how hard we strive for this dunya (whether we succumb to taking impermissible means or strive to suffice with permissible means no matter how difficult the latter becomes), we will never get more than what Allah decreed for us in the first place.

  20. As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.

    I have been searching for white-collar jobs and have been having much difficulty finding one that will allow time off for Jumu’ah I am 22 and have been unemployed for around 8 months now. Primarily because recruiters will just cancel moving forward when asked for time off on Fridays or entire offers are rescinded due to this request. (Both have happened to me and makes me).

    Do you have any advice on how to present this to an employer?

    Jazaakum Allaahu Khayra

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. In America (not sure that is where you are), there are serious legal repercussions for not hiring someone because of his religious beliefs, which include his right to attend at his weekly service. Consider avoiding mention of the issue until after being hired, and then inform them about the need for time off on Friday, thanking them for supporting your religious freedom. Keep all of this documented in writing (like in emails), so there is an official record. Consult a lawyer and consider legal action if discrimination occurs. And Allah knows best.

  21. Assalamu alaykum Shaykh.
    my Question Is related to job or work in tax related companies or agencies?
    Can we doing job or work as a tax advisor or is Islaam Allow us to doing work with Tax agencies or firms? or these tax agencies halal or haram in india?…

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. To learn the non-Muslims’ tax system, so as to legally minimize one’s tax liability and avoid being over-taxed, as many people who are unfamiliar with the details are, is a beneficial worldly matter. When a person learns the tax system with this intention, to avoid being over-taxed, for himself and/or his brothers and sisters in Islam, or to avoid being penalized for improper filing and other harms, while be displeased with the system of taxation of non-Muslims, then this is a beneficial matter which our Muslim communities need. And it is important to note that we never involve ourselves in lying or deception in our dealings or work, nor do we assist people (Muslims or non-Muslims) who have income which is impermissible (like from ribaa or impermissible occupations), in matters related to their haraam income. And Allah knows best.

  22. I have a doubt a revenue made by ads in youtube where they shows halal ads and haram ads .is that money is halal .I wanted to create a youtube channel and jazzak allah hair

    • Monetizing content with ads which invite people to disobedience of Allah (polytheism, psychic services, financing homes with ribaa-based schemes, alcohol, intoxicants, music, etc.) is not permissible. It is not permissible for any Muslim to agree with any company to provide content which will then be used to promote impermissible things through ads shown before, during, and/or after such content, and furthermore the money made from such an agreement is impermissible, since Allah has forbidden cooperation upon sin and transgression (see: Quran 5:2), and Allah knows best.

  23. I have been paying some bills of my Mother that are balances of “payment arragements” for electric, Mobile, etc.

    After doing some research, including this article, it appears that this is Ribaa.

    Is it permissible to pay this knowing that they do not intend to stop entering these contracts?

    • Pay off what is “due” now, not because it is Islamically legitimate, but in order to keep further additional harm away, and then change the payment options to avoid late fees and ribaa-involved payment options. And Allah knows best.

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