Pork By-Products in Food, Medicine, or Cosmetics

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever-Merciful…

The Permanent Committee of Scholars in Saudi Arabia was asked a question about foods, medicines, and cosmetics containing pork and pork by-products, like fat, oil, hair, or bones (crushed into powder).  They replied:

When a Muslim knows with certainty or near-certainty that pork, fat from the pig, or crushed pig bones are found in any type of food, medicine, toothpaste, or the likes, it is not permissible to eat, drink, or wipe it (on one’s body). And he is to leave whatever he is uncertain about, due to his statement (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace):

دع ما يريبك إلى ما لا يريبك

Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.

And through Allaah is success.  May Allaah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and grant them all peace.

[Shaykh] ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Qu’ood

[Shaykh] ‘Abdullaah ibn Ghudayyaan

[Shaykh] ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ‘Afeefee
Vice Chairman

[Shaykh] ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Baaz

Source: Verdicts of the Permanent Committee (22/281).

Translated by: Moosaa Richardson

9 thoughts on “Pork By-Products in Food, Medicine, or Cosmetics

  1. AhsanAllaahu ileyk,does this encompass gelatin?As this is widespread,i.e.that pig gelatin is halaal because it has been altered.

  2. Are we alowed to take those medicines which has some nonveg source and we are not sure of it as for from where it is and what it is?

  3. Assalaamu ‘Alaikum Ustaadh Moosaa,

    Is it correct to say that prayer is not accepted when food is being served?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. It depends how much the person is distracted. The scholars say the prohibition of going to the prayer when the food is served is:

      A) Strict and absolute, when the people would be distracted considerably from his prayer if he were to leave without eating the food.
      B) or not so strict, but rather an encouragement to eat before going to the prayer.

      In the case of A, some scholars hold that any strict prohibition related to prayer means that such prayer would be invalid whenever the prohibition is violated. Yet it is a matter of differing. And Allah knows best.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. This is an issue of differing, whether the process of tanning makes pig leather permissible or not. The evidence in the case, like the hadeeth in Musnad Ahmad, (إيما إهاب دبغ فقد طهر), meaning: “Any skin which is tanned is purified.” This seems to support that all hides and skins are purified through the process of tanning, yet there are still concerns because of purchasing part of what was from a pig, something not permissible to purchase. The safest opinion is to avoid it, while it seems potentially correct to say it is allowed. This is the best I can offer at this time, and Allah knows best.

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