Menstrual Cycle Starts After Beginning an ‘Umrah – What to do

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

When a woman has begun her rites of ‘Umrah by entering into a state of ihraam, what does she do if she gets her menses before she manages to complete her ‘Umrah?

The great scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have Mercy on him) said:

فإذا حاضت المرأة قبل أن تبدأ بالعمرة فإنها تبقى في مكة حتى تطهر، ثم تطوف وتسعى وتقصّر،.

When a woman gets her menses before beginning the ‘Umrah (after assuming ihram), she is to remain in Makkah until she becomes pure (i.e. her menstrual cycle ends), after which she is to make tawaaf (around the Ka’bah), perform Sa’ee (between Safaa and Marwah), and shorten her hair.

فإن دعت الحاجة عند سفرها إلى الطائف أو جدة أو غيرهما، سافرت وهي على إحرامها ترجع حتى تؤدي طواف العمرة وسعيها

If some necessity related to her trip requires her to go to Taif, Jeddah, or elsewhere, she may travel there, remaining in a state of ihraam until she returns to perform the tawaaf and sa’ee of ‘Umrah.

إلا إن كانت قد قالت عند الإحرام، “فإن حبسني حابس فمحلي حيث حبستني”، ثم أصابها الحيض، فلها التّحلل، يعني إذا أصابها عذر، حبسني حابس، يعني: عذرًا كالحيض، فإنها تحلّ ولا شيء عليها، أو أصابها مرض

This is unless she had stipulated when assuming ihraam, saying (what means): “If something prevent me (from completing ‘Umrah), then the place where I stop (my ‘Umrah) shall be wherever you prevent me.” Then, if her menstrual cycle comes, she may discontinue her ihraam (i.e. come out of the state of ihraam), meaning: if she faces any problem, “something prevents me,” an excuse like menstruation. In such a case, she may come out of ihraam (without completing her ‘Umrah), and there is nothing further upon her to do (i.e. no expiation or obligation to repeat the ‘Umrah). Similarly is the case if she becomes sick.

Source: From a recording of the live radio program, Noor ‘Alad-Darb (18/93 of the Shuway’ir compilation). [Arabic source]

Translated by: Moosaa Richardson

17 thoughts on “Menstrual Cycle Starts After Beginning an ‘Umrah – What to do

  1. What if she intends to perform umrah and her menses starts before she assumes the ihram should she assume the ihram or what is upon her? kindly elaborate

  2. As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,

    Is it recommended for an international traveler to say what is stipulated in bold in the final paragraph? That is to say, given that an international traveler likely has set travel dates to return home, and they may get sick or have something else prevent them, then that stipulation could relieve them of a potential hardship. Would it then be good to make that stipulation? Does gender matter?

    Jazakallahu khayran.

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. It is for people who foresee potential problems which may prevent them from finishing their ‘Umrah. It should not be that everyone makes the stipulation without need, and Allaah knows best.

  3. As salamu alaikum,
    [1] What is the ruling on a woman who wants to become Muslim while on her menses. [2] The ruling on touching and reading the mushaf while on her menses? [3] Does a woman need witnesses to her shahadah and if so details. [4] Is there any benefit or sunnah in sending duas with someone going to umrah/hajj for the person to make for you?

    • wa ‘alaykis-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      [1] She takes a complete bath and pronounces the shahaadatayn: There is no deity worthy of any worship other than Allaah, and Muhammad was His Messenger. At this point, she is a Muslim. She should get in touch with her sisters in Islaam to learn more about her Religion, giving priority to her ‘aqeedah and her prayers. She refrains from praying until she comes off her menses and takes a bath.

      [2] She may read the mushaf without touching it. Shaykh Ibn Baaz said that she may touch the mushaf with a barrier like gloves being worn. (here)

      [3] Her honest and intended shahaadah, with knowledge of its meaning, is valid with Allaah without any human witnesses. However, if she would like to be considered a Muslim by the people around her, then she needs to tell them. Meaning: She may take her shahaadah and then tell them about it, or she may take he shahaadah in front of them. If she has taken her shahaadah, then she is not asked to repeat it in public, as many people misunderstand. You simply give the good news to the Muslims and support your new sister. There is no “shahaadah ceremony” in Islaam. If she fears abuse or harm from announcing her Religion, she may conceal it from the people, and it will be valid with Allaah. However, how will anyone know to bury her as a Muslim or seek forgiveness for her if she dies, if they never knew about her acceptance of Islaam? So she really needs to get in touch with someone, as Islaam is a community Religion, and she has rights and obligations connected to the Muslim community.

      [4] You may ask any Muslim at any time to pray for you, however, you need to realize that you have a direct relationship with Allaah yourself, so focus your efforts on calling upon Him yourself, as it is the best form of worship. We should not follow any custom of sending du’aas with people for Hajj. I do not know of any basis for this from the actions of the Companions. Take your own list directly to Allaah and ask Him yourself, in the last third of the night, between the athaan and iqaamah, and at all times in general.

      وإذا سألك عبادي عني فإني قريب أجيب دعوة الداع إذا دعان
      “And when My Servants ask you about Me, (tell them) I am surely close, I answer the prayer of the one who supplicates, whenever he supplicates to Me.”
      [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:186]

      And Allaah knows best.

  4. Assalam alaikum, I am planning to go umrah,I live in India,my last mensuration period came 2 times in a last month,so now it came on same date as same as last month first period came on date so I will go for umrah in next month and my flight date is same,so shall I postponed umrah,or else what to do pls help me to go right path of our islam

  5. URGENT PLEASE. Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah

    There is a woman who has a strong desire, especially during her menses.
    1. Is she sinful if she requests her husband to fondle the upper part of her private part (NOT where blood exits from) until she is satisfied?
    2. If he satisfies her, is she then required to make a ghusl before reading Qur’aan?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The Sunnah is for the woman to wear a lower garment, like a waist wrap, and enjoy acts of intimacy while avoiding the area of harm (her crotch). And Allaah knows best. #2: I don’t know.

  6. Assalamualaikum,

    Dear Shaik,
    My question is, a women makes niyya of umrah. Reaches Harmain Shareef and completes tawaf.
    During Sai 4th round she notice that her menses starts.
    So what she has to do know ???
    Please require your urgent guidance.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The article above was published to answer this question. Please scroll up and read it.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. No, our Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) ordered a Companion who had mathee excretions to wash his private parts and sprinkle water on the surrounding clothing. And Allaah knows best.

    • 1) What happens if one does not realize that he has had madhee excretions or has had a wet dream and prays?

      2) Does a normal bath that reaches all parts of the body count as a complete Ghusl?

    • 1) Without knowledge of something, no action is required.

      2) Yes, with the intention of ghusl. Its called al-ghusl al-mujzi’, the minimum washing sufficient for ghusl to be accomplished. What is better is to perform the complete ghusl as done by the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) consistently. And Allaah knows best.

    • Assalaamu’alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barkaatuhu..

      Ustaadh, jazaakAllaahu khayran for this benefit u mentioned about just sprinkling water on the surrounding clothing being sufficient.

      Is this also sufficient in the case of a person who has a urinary tract problem such that despite passing the urine in the toilet, a drop or 2 of urine comes out when the person goes into sujood?

  7. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Dear shaikh,

    How should a woman deal and/or cope with family members making her feel shame about her menses, calling her broken and useless? They are aware that it is Allah’s decree and that the woman cannot control it, yet she is made to feel ashamed and disgusted; criticism mostly comes from male members, like her father or her husband or her brother. JazakAllahu khairan.

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      What you have described is pathetic behavior, resembling that of the Jews. No upright Muslim man would mistreat any female family member in such a way. The female slaves of Allah are to be honored and respected, so men who mistreat the women must fear Allah and repent earnestly. Our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

      استوصوا بالنساء خيرا
      Be reminded (and remind one another) about good treatment of the women!
      (Bukhari & Muslim)

      Send them my salaams, along with this reminder, and a further reminder to worry about the day we stand before our Lord to be questioned about everything, and are we going to be safe on that day with these kinds of interactions coming back upon us? And we thank Allah that He has left the door of repentance and rectification wide open for His believing slaves! May Allah give you and them success, and may He forgive us all.

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