The Meaning of the Word Towheed

Part 2 of a series of translated articles from the book, Lessons from the Noble Quran (pp.11-12) by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (may Allaah preserve him), translated by Moosaa Richardson.

[ In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, may His Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger, and upon all his family members and companions, to proceed… ]

What exactly is this towheed that is so important, that which holds such a high position?

Liguistically, the word towheed comes from the word wah-hada, which means to make something waahid (singular). Waahid is the opposite of two, three, etc., the opposite of plurality. So waahid is something that will continue to be singular and never become a partner of something else.

As for the Sharee’ah’s definition, the towheed means to single out Allaah with all forms of worship, so that you make all of your worship for Allaah alone. Allaah says [1]:

( …and the religion will be entirely for Allaah )

The word religion in this verse means worship, as Allaah says [2]:

( and I have not created the Jinn nor Mankind except to worship Me )

And Allaah says [3]:

( and worship Allaah, and do not ascribe a single partner to Him )

Allaah also says [4]:

( So call on Allaah, making the religion entirely for Him, even if the disbelievers detest it )

This is the meaning of towheed – to single out Allaah in all acts of worship and to abandon the worship of anything else.

Part 3 – The Categories of Towheed…


[1] The meaning of Soorah Al-Anfaal (8):39

[2] The meaning of Soorah Ath-Thaariyaat (51):56

[3] The meaning of Soorah An-Nisaa’ (4):36

[4] The meaning of Soorah Ghaafir (40):14

1 thought on “The Meaning of the Word Towheed

  1. Assalamualaykum akhii moosa.

    We read in thalathatul usool, in the matn that shaykhul islaam defines shirk as:
    و هو دعوة غيره معه

    It is to make dua to other than Him along with Him.

    So we know that if someone believes that Allah and so and so ALONG WITH HIM creates, provides or disposes affairs, this is associating partners with Allah in His rubuubiyyah and shirk akbar.

    Similarly we know if a man prays, fasts, give zakaah and on other hand sacrifices and makes dua to dead or absent, this man has associated partners with Allah in His worship and is a mushrik.

    But what about people of other religions like Hindus for example?

    They worship other than Allah like animals, humans, their idols, but they do not worship them alongside Allah.
    Rather they completely worship their طواغيت.
    So here ‘معه’ doesnt appear.
    Is this still termed as ‘shirk’ legislatively?

    Please clarify this for me in sha Allâh.

    And if you could also tell the linguistic and legislative meaning of shirk to clarify this issue for me.
    Baarakallahu feek.

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