List of Accepted Students at the Islamic University of Al-Madeenah 1435-1436 [2014-2015]

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The Islamic University of al-Madeenah in Saudi Arabia has just announced its latest list of accepted students. The following link shows (a large updated list of) the names which have been nominated for acceptance for the academic year of 1435-1436 (2014-2015):

NOTE: The list has since been updated to include many new names and countries, wal-hamdulillaah.

The University’s official website also offers the following message to students who have been accepted:

Dear nominated brother!

To complete the procedures of your acceptance and travel, kindly consider the following notes.

• a valid passport is required.

• a new medical checkup is a must.

• the instructions in the acceptance notice should be followed.

• Your file should be completed with all required documents and they should be duly attested by the authorities of concern in your country in addition to the Saudi embassy.

• As soon as you collect your entry visa through deanship’s website, you have to immediately approach the Saudi embassy in order to collect your visa. So, please be there in time. Any delay will result in making your visa invalid.

• Your issued ticket must be used as designated and your final destination route is Almadinah. In case of not travelling in time, extra fares might be charged.

• Our receptionist will collect you from Almadinah airport.

Accepted students may also find the following article very beneficial, in shaa’ Allaah:

What to Know Before You Go

May Allaah bless the students and grant them success in their studies. We pray that Allaah guides them, by providing them with true love for knowledge and its people, sincere efforts in attaining it from them, and upright actions in accordance with the best of what they learn.

814 thoughts on “List of Accepted Students at the Islamic University of Al-Madeenah 1435-1436 [2014-2015]

    • Pls i want to apply 4 an addmission into the islamic university of Madina pls i want a guidance pls on d procedure to follow and when is it starting.

    • Required Documents
      Required Documents:
      1. High School/GCSE/A-level Certificate.
      2. High School/GCSE/A-level Transcript.
      3. Testimony of Conduct.
      4. Birth Certificate.
      5. Passport.
      6. Identity Card (where applicable).
      7. A Color passport-sized (6×4) Photograph, which must be taken without glasses, against a white background, without covering the head.
      8. A medical letter or report, indicating the health of the applicant’s body, his sight and hearing, and lack of infectious diseases. It must be issued by a reliable medical centre.
      9. A letter of introduction/recommendation from an Islamic foundation in the applicant’s country of residence, or from two eminent Muslim individuals, testifying with regard to the applicant, his religious devotion and Islamic morals.
      10. Certificate of accepting Islam, for those who are not Muslim by birth (if available).
      1. The applicant must scan his original documents, along with their translations, using a scanner, in order to display the documents in their original colors.
      2. The applicant must attach the Arabic translation of any document written in other than the Arabic language, preferably attested by a reliable organization.
      3. In case of an applicant being granted admission, the accepted student must bring his original documents, attested by the Saudi Embassy. If there is no Saudi Embassy in his country, he should have his documents attested by an authority recognized by the university.
      4. In the case of errors in the basic information found on the applicant’s original documents (such as name, date of birth, place of birth, etc.), the applicant must correct such mistakes with the responsible authorities before sending his application, since the University Council forbids the correction of this fundamental information after admission.

      Click English

    • pleas my name is not among of does who you accepted, pleas when the next list is going to releas? am from nigeria. pleas help my application number is 5197B242. Allau waliyu taofeeq JAZAAKUMULLAU KHAIRAN. pleas Reply

    • assalam.. I applied in 2013.. but now still showing under concideration.. what about it ?

    • Asalam-o-Alikum I’m apply in University but how can I get the information and when the of accepted students reveal

    • Pleas add my name to accp students my name is عبد الحكيم يعقوب my code is EDADEA 9B

    • SLM iwant to study at islamic university al modna pls help me to are study fore here.

    • i want to apply a free scholarship in your institution for the year 2017 academic year

    • Assalamu alaikum my name is Usman but I know I can’t get this high school because I am Poor but I like madinah and their people and every student whose in university of madin I want to see my self at madina even in my dream I’m from nigeria in kano state any time I’m pray to madinh people may Allah Blessing you and protect madina and all muslim in the world than Allah bissalam

    • assalamu alykum sheikh. i am Abdulaip A. Kanjang from Philippines, i was apply at your respective university last 21-8-2014, through your website .. when and how i know that i am accepted ? jazakallahu khairan,

    • Brother you applied for 2015 so you will need to wait until the list is published (around September this year).

    • Assalamualaikum shaik i applied for admission in madina university
      how i know thak i accepted? Plz reply me jazakallaho khaira

    • assalamu alykum sheikh. i am taufeeque Ahmed Khan From India , i was apply at your respective university From last continiue last four years through your website .. when and how i know that i am accepted ? jazakallahu khairan,

    • pls when the names come out ,my name is zahraddeen nuhu, i,m from nigeria but idont kwo how i can check the names

    • salamu alaikum nuhu. i think the names may be out this August, because that was wen it came out last yearyear


    • Assalamo alaykom.w.w ya sheikh please help me for my aplaction please check my nmber aplacation ######### my is salahudin Daud

    • assalamo alaikom… Im also applyed in university of madina I hope Im belong to accepting this year.. please help me.. thank you

    • Assalamu Alaikum. When is the accepted students list for 2015-2016 coming out? Asi t’s nearly end of the month of August.

      Jazakallah Khayr


    • Salam alaikum admin,pls when will the 2015/2016 list of. Accepted studends. come out ,thank u

    • I’m a Doctor by profession… Last year I submitted my brother named Abdul Hanan’s documents for the admission in Islamic University Madinah Munawara. More than year passed but the admission has not been granted yet…
      Please let me know when it would be granted as we are very much interested to get his admission in Madinah Munawara Islamic University KSA…

    • Asalamualikum brother,i want to ask something about addmission, brother i am from pakistan i am done matriculation (SSC) also known secondary school certificate, will you please tell me that can i take addmission with this certificate? and i am hafiz e quran also……plz tell me

    • i want admisson in madina unievercity when started admission of uni and wht s colleffecatoin requierd of uni..

    • Salaam Alaykum WarahmatuLlah

      Please I am a graduate in Islamic Studies in Nigeria and I’m planning on applying into the Ummul Quraa university but what I do not know is that after the 2 year preparatory Arabic institute will I be able to go do the masters degree or I’ll have to go through the Bachelors Program in the university.

    • Assalamu alaikum
      Ya sheikh me i don’t why if i try to my documents or try to complete it as i enter my application number and submit it it’s showing me ” i can inquire bout my application only ” and i don’t understand what does that means

    • When will be able to find the accepted list of 2015-2016 for Madina University?

      We are losing a lot time from our life time.


    • Salam alaikum i’m from italy,pls when will the 2015/2016 list of. Accepted studends. come out ,thank u

    • I am Somali my name ismail iidle I need focolty of fiqi in islaamic univ hope to answer me sayallah

    • Pls I will like to know what I should support to do before the Admission start and pls list the courses can I prepered.

    • When is list of nominee start to be published and when does it end? Is it in muharram ou before etc

  1. Salaam alaykum brother
    I am accepted at the university !!!!!!!
    But my question is i heard that the language insitute is not very strong in madinah
    So do you advise someone if he have the chance to go to imaam uni or mekkah ?

    • Salam brother is nigeria is in the list and if is in, then pls hlp me see name is in UMAR ABUBAKAR FADA. Thnks

    • Please brother what does this sentence means ” you can inquire about your application only ” this is what it’s showing me if i put my application number to view my documents

    • Assalamu Alleikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu. Brother am from Kenya at Mombasa. Am 26 year old. I want to study at your university. Is it possible with this of age? I am a salafy.

    • Assalamulaikum i am from pakistan i want at study at your universty please help me to are study for here. i am salfi and hafizul quran alkareem. And i love the islamic uneversity jazakallahu khaera

    • There have been cases where brothers over the age of 25 have been accepted. Make du’a ya akhii, may Allah accept us.

  2. as-Salamu ‘alaikum,

    Any news on whether they will be publishing renewed visa numbers for students who requested deferral, like they did last yr?

    JazakAllahu khair.

    • Apparently, this is because no students were accepted from the Philippines this semester, similar to Maldives, India, Pakistan, and other countries that normally have students on the list. We don’t know the reason behind it, but to speculate…

      UPDATE: The list has since been updated to include students from the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Maldives, and other countries that were not listed initially, wal-hamdulillaah.

    • Assalamualykum. Can i ask the list of accepted students from Philippines at university of madinah

    • Aselemoualeykoum
      I would like to know when the french list is going to be given please?

      Barak Allahou fikoum

    • Assalam aleikum. My name is jamiu musbaudeen please in the name of ALLAH i want to apply for the islamic university schorlarship,please i want you to help me on it. I have the GCSE sertificate with me am from Nigeria… Unsurnii wallahu yansurkum

    • wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Nigerians may apply like anyone else. In fact, one of the largest groups of new students this year is coming from Nigeria, by Allaah’s Permission.

    • السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
      Send me an e.mail where I can sbmit my documents into.

    • salam.. I Abdullahi salisu Adamu from Nigeria …I among those who applied since 2014 through. . “international relief of Islamic organizations of kingdom of Saudi Arabia”. we submitted all requirement you need but yet don’t get any reply and we are not listed….so admin please when are you admitted us….kindly assist and waiting your reply about us….
      jazakallahu khaira jaza’ihi

  3. I am firdous from sri lanka. My question is if i check my application number, that is show me as “your application is undet consideration” what meaning this sentens.(will we accept or not) Reply pls.

    • it means that you have neither been accepted nor have been declined. rather they are still thinking about it

  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    More names have been added to the list of accepted students from the United Kingdom. This could be the case for the other countries and could also mean that the University have not yet released the full acceptance lists.

    والله أعلم

    • وعليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Thank you brother, that was very helpful! Jazaak Allaahu khayran.

    • Aameen, wa iyyaaka akhee. I’m glad I could contribute even a little to the benefits that can be taken from this very helpful website. Baarakallaahu feek.

    • salamullaah aliykum my name hassan mohamed I end secontry school iwant to apply for madina unversat

    • 23 Pakistanis were accepted. Follow the link provided above under “OTHER COUNTRIES” to view their names. May Allaah give you success.

    • اسلام عليكم ورحمةالله وبركاته
      Whr is india’s 2015_16 accept list??

    Dear Sir,,
    Good Day,,,,

    I am Mohammad Shahiduddin Desamukh i am from INDIA Could You Please Suggest Me,

    I am selecting are not,, If I Select where i can check my name?

    Waiting for Your Reply

  6. Asc brothers and sisters. I was wondering if anybody had any idea whether the list of accepted students is now fully updated since there have been two added names to the list for U.S. since the screenshot posted on this site.

  7. Is it Under Must you should we should write a TOEFL test if you are applying for Islamic University of Madinah? Thanks I will be waiting for your reply. Jazakallahu kairan

    • No, there is no connection between TOEFL and applying to the university. At Madeenah, your studies are in Arabic, not English.

  8. السلم العليكم.
    Please, when will the full list will be updated. And what is the dead line for we that our ” YOUR APPLICATION IS UNDER CONSIDERATION ”.
    What will the application display when it will not be accepted.
    And when should we applicant be hoping for the supplimentary list.
    ‏‎ ‎جزاكم الله خيرا‎.‎

  9. Sallaam 3alaikom im selected for the new schoolyear 2014 2015 Walhamdulilah but my aplication number don t work what do i have to do can some one help my please djazzaka Allahoe gairen

  10. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

    Brothers does anybody know when the list of the accepted students at Imam and Malik Soud universities will come out?

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  11. أسلام عليكم ورحمةالله ‏Akhi I applied at the university of Madeenah al munawarah in 24/05/35. When I shall get the list of accepted student?‎‏

  12. asslam alykum.. i m shoaib from Rajasthan, india…. i qualified RAIYAZ UL ULOOM, delhi with 87%…nd i trying last 2 years for addmission in jamia islima madina uni…. bt all time rejected….. WHY….
    Plzzz help me…

    • Ya akhi, know that Allah wants the best for you. Don’t despair. If you don’t get in, check your application etc. Did you do your best? If you did, then ask Allah to grant you success and enter you into the uni. However, if it still doesn’t happen, then keep trying. Allah knows best. Patience is key.

    • Assalamualaikum sir i am abubakar usman from nigeria i apply to university of madinah in 2015 still yet i did not have any information please sir when will they call us back

  13. I apply for the university of madinah in January 2014 and when i type in my application number on the school’s website it still says, “The period for amending your application has not yet expired, you can still modify your application if needed.”, which it said from the day that I applied. What does this mean?

  14. Is there another list to come for this year, or is this the final list of accepted students at Islamic University of al-Madinah?

  15. Salamu alayqum Abu Fulaan,
    I’m from India, I’d like to know the process to study in Madinah Munawwara or in Riyadh university? i mean what is the criteria to enter in this university? any pre-tests conducted ? please give more details on this ….
    JazaakAllahu qairaa

  16. Asalamualaikum warahmatullah
    I applied for admission for madina univrsty,the list of selected students appeard my name is not there and i m waiting frm 2 years,in my inquiry box written “your application under consideration” what does it means kindly help me can i be select this year or not

  17. As-Salaamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

    I have one question. I talked about that issue few times with students of knowledge from outside of Saudi Arabia, Students from Saudi Arabia and students who knows students in similar situation as mine. My problem is that i have diploma from gymnasium, is less than Madinah University wants from students, but lot of peoples advise me to apply because im from Poland and not many peoples apply from here.. I want to ask you about that, is this a good decision to apply in my situation? In sha Allah.

    • Wa’alaykum assalam wa rahmatallah. I just applied and i really dont know much about saudi arabia and the university except from what ive read. I think you should pray salatul istikhara and see whats best.

  18. Before i prepare my documents, translate them etc i want to be sure its good idea or not.. One brother from Riyadh told me that i can finish high school there in Saudi, is that possible?

  19. asalamu aleykum werahmetullahi weberekatuhu i want to apply for 2014-2015 in medeenah islamic university so what can i do now

  20. assalamu alaikum……there i have got an information about the acceptace list for university 2nd time there final allotment remaining???is any names should added for india again?????pls answer

  21. Please can you help us with the list of Qassin University, we did not her anything, and brother Kamil Ahmed too did not give us anything till date, they said they will send to our mails and so afr non has got anything, Please help us please.

  22. Assalamu Alaikum

    I have been nominated for admission in the academic year 2014-2015 (I’m from Ireland for anyone who wants to know).

    I have all the documents required and I have contacted the Saudi Embassy in Ireland. They gave me some forms to fill in and told me I need to attest some of my documents. All that is well Alhamdulillah.

    They require a VISA number and I have yet to receive it. It says on the Islamic University website “Visa Number: soon”. The Saudi Embassy here in Ireland say they can’t proceed without a VISA number.

    How soon do you think I will get the visa number from the deanships website? I’m very confused at the moment.

    • wa alaikoum salaam akhi

      i have the same problem, i’m from Belgium.

      they say to me that i must to call tot the university for my visa number.

    • Wa ‘alaikum Salam akh Islam.

      The visa numbers should be out in the next 2-3 weeks inshaAllah. Sabran.

  23. Salam,I submitted the required documents this year so I want to know if my name should be in the 2014/2015 list and am from nigeria

  24. assalmu alykum sheikh. I am abdulatip A. Kanjang i was apply at your prestigious university, this year 2014 when can i know the result if i am accepted ?

  25. assalmu alykum .. may i know if i am accepted at your university sheikh? i am very much concern my study arabic sheikh,,,,

  26. Sallaam Alykum,,,,,,,,
    I apply for the university in December 26/13 and when I type my application number it says “The period for amending your application has not yet expired, you can still modify if needed,”what does this mean??


    Please I need help in Applying to university of madinah, I just apply and I was told about interview… And when ever I tried to take the interview at the website… My browser is not ticking the options (answer) given!!! Please is that normal…
    Am looking forward on your reply…


  28. Assalamu Alaikum.I have applied on the madinah islamic university in fabruary 2014.please tell me,when this result will be publishid?

  29. Assalamu Alaikum
    I have been accepted wa lillahi hamd…so i went to Saudi embassy in my country to collect my visa but they told me i have to give them a visa number.. so i checked the university’s site and it says that the visa number would be out soon.. so do i just sit and anticipate now or is there something i can do.

  30. assalamu alaikum may allah increase you in taqwa. is it ok for me to apply now? if yes, when will i expect the admission list? and if no, when will i apply. Jazakallahu khaira.


  32. Assalamu alaikum wa rahma tullahi wa bara ka tuhu…please when are you going to released the 2015/2016 session admission list?

  33. my name is Sufyaan Gafoor (South Africa) and I have been accepted to study at the unversity but I still haven’t received my visa number as yet , can you please assist?

  34. i am in the islamic international university islamabad in the faculty of usuluddin………..
    i from afghanistan i am in very financial problem ……… i want to get the scholarship of imam muhammad bin soud university

  35. Assalamu Alaikum warahmatulla please i want no which time thé visa of nigerian accepta ce student of 2013/2014 will come me Allah help you.

  36. Assalamu alaikum, brother I have filled the application form, and I have all required documents, but I don’t have the email that I can send my documents, please help me to get the email, wassalamu alaikum

  37. As salmu alaikum my Brothers in Islam.
    My Brother ask the university in madinah about the visa numbers for those brothers who where accepted late. I also didn’t get my visa number until now. The reason for that is, that the university build new buildings for the students. My brother said that the students will get there visa numbers in January inshallah. We must have patient.

    • walaikum salam akhi who did your brother ask exactly?
      I have also heard from people who spoke to the university but who gave me a different version saying the delay of visa numbers is due to the ministry of exterior. waAllahu alem, may Allah increase us in patience :)

  38. Assalamualaykum,
    I applied to the Islamic University of Madinah on 14th Oct, 2014.The website is showing that my application is still in period of amendment. Its been over a month. When will my application be submitted?
    And please tell what do I need to do next.
    I want to personally come to Madinah into the university to give the interview in person if its required.
    Please reply regarding this.

    • Walakum asalam!
      I also have the same problem :(
      i applied on 4th of Dec,2014 but still in period of amendment .
      Have you came to know what the problem is?

    • There is no problem akhie. You just have to have patience, that’s all. Soon your documents will be under consideration in’sha’Allaah because you applied for 2015-2016. Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuhu.

    • I have also the same question . About date line of submitting online application isn’t mentioned in that website .

  39. Assalaam alaykum, I want to know;how can I check the progress of my application,i have given a number after being applied for admission to madinah Islamic University. thank you wa jazaaka Lalah khair.

  40. Assalamu Alaykum.

    My name is Abdullah Al-Mashhud
    I know you brothers will be very busy so my questions are listed (kind of) in order of priority.

    Application number 70773F0F
    British brother

    1. I was told after I came for an interview at the jaami’ah that I had been accepted! The Shaykh even ticked all the mumtaz boxes Alhamdulillah but I recently was told that there would be no list in January for the second semester (as the Shyakh told me there would be) so will there be a list around January time?

    2. My application is not yet closed so if you get a chance in sha Allah can you please inquire if this is due to incompletion of my application or for any other reasons?

    May Allah give you brothers ajr and barakah for helping so many Muslim brothers!

    Wassalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah

    • As salamu alaikum akhi,
      My name is Abdoul. I’d like to know if you were accepted for the 2015-2016 year or are you still waiting for a response

  41. please I want to apply into the Islamic university of madinah since 2012 but am not qualify please help me am from Nigeria and our email for me pls

  42. Asslam o alikum wa rahmatullah wabrakatuh
    I wants know about the admission of in Madeenah university that when will start admission in Madeenah university??
    give me answer early please?

  43. Asa~salam ‘alaykum warahmatulah wabarokaatuhu. Am a student of Islahudin Arabic school iwo, Nigeria. I Passaed out in the year 2013 and 2014 setion. I am with the certificate of nine years in Arabic studies, (ATH THAANAWIYAT). And i wants to further into University level, ( AL JAAMI’AT). Which i would like to continue in your country through the scholarship insha Allah. How can i do the processing to acheive my aim?…..jazaakumulohu khayr! Amin.

  44. my name muhammmad mueen uddin. i was apply my all document of last year in the islamic university of madinah…..but my name not publishd university web site…..please help me

  45. Assalamu alaikum…. pls i applied for 2015/2016 academic session and i want to when will our list going to be released.

  46. Assalamu Alaikum
    I have applied into Islamic
    University of Medina in February
    Please, tell
    me when this result will
    be published?

  47. Assalamu alaikum …….. please, i applied for 2015/2016 academic session and i want to know when will the acceptance list is going to be released?

    • Assalaamu alaikum yaa akhi Islam, is it really? I have also same question. Jazaakallah.


      Reply ↓


  49. Assalamu Alaikum..!!!
    I participated face-to-face interview in one of my visit to the university. dec. 2013, madina.
    my credential are ok, my age as well as other things required: eg i hav three riwayat in quran, including tafseer al mufradat.

    thanks, mashaa Allah, brothers in islam am stil waiting. [message truncated by admin]

  50. Salamu alaykum warahmotullahi wabarakatuhu i am a nigerian i just came across this for my first time bi idhnillahi,and i have been longing to have a scholarship into a blessed(mubaarak) university like this, pls for Allahs’ sake how can i apply for this although i have seen the required document and InshaAllah i tink i can get them all so my question is that what are the courses available and how can i apply for it. i will so happy if my request can be granted .jazaakumullahu khayran jazaa

  51. IAM sekikofu abdul hakiim having acertificate in quran and thanawin so I ask ascholarship to get degree in sharia BARAKA LLAHU

  52. Dear admin,
    Assalamu Alaikum ,
    I am Muhammad Fariduddin,from Bangladesh(application no is :AF0B17D5) applied to the IUM ON DECEMBER 2012. Since 2013, still now it is shown that “YOUR APPLICATION IS UNDER CONSIDERATION” after entering my application number. So what can I do no? Shall I wait or apply again? Please help me by giving answer and instructions.والله في عون العبد ما كان العبد في عون أخيه

  53. Aslam u alikum
    I have applied for the Islamic University about a Month ago, but whenever i check the status of my application, it says you can still modify if needed.
    I want to know whether it is okey or not. As along time has passed but still not under consideration?

    • Wa alaykum assalam. My application used to say the same. Just give it time and inshaAllah me and you get accepted.

  54. Assalamu alaykum. I checked my applications status the other day and it said it was under consideration. Now when i check it it says the number i enetered was incorrect. I tried a lot of times and no use. Please someone reply soon because i want to know if its a mistake or they cancelled my application. i only applied once.

  55. I am from Tanzania, I applied for admission to Madinah Islamic University 2014/2015 unfortunately, I didn’t accepted to join for this year. what shall I do? I still have applicant No. Is it functional for checking status of my application if still valid and how can I check if Iam among those who are in consideration in the year 2015/2016 to those who are.
    Jazaakallah Khair
    Salim M. mapunda

    • Since we’ve already included KAU in the list, we added on a link to their Arabic Language Institute. Jazaak Allaahu khayran.

    • is this application only for males? because there is no option for gender selection.. only male there. but it is mentioned in the rules that female applicants must provide proof of mahram.. if anyone is aware please reply.

    • I just tried to apply the documents are hard to download I guess they must be a certain size…

  56. Assalaamu’alaikum Admin,

    (feel free to respond to me via email if you’d prefer that instead)

    After reading all of the comments above, i’d have to admit most of my questions have been answered.

    I’ve noticed in particular that there’s essentially no deadline for turning in an application for the 2015/2016 term, which i guess, has always been the case for the Islamic University of Madeena.


    1. When does the academic year begin?
    —–For one of the comments posted, I’ve noticed your answer regarding the time period where one should expect the final list (of acceptance) would be september of 2015. So does the semester begin shortly after?

    2. I have a B.S. degree in Psychology and a minor in Arabic from a University in the United States, would that relinquish my chances of being considered, given that it has been 5 years since i graduated from High school (which is the max requirement stated in the online application)?
    ——-I am currently 23 yrs old turning 24 this upcoming month of February, so i still havent reached the 25 yr cut off age.

    3. Does having a College degree decrease or increase my chances of acceptance?

    4. Even though there isn’t a deadline per-say, are my chances of consideration significantly lessor if my application is completed within the month of February?
    ——I am working on getting letters of recommendation from 2 prior graduates (current Imam’s) of the University who i know very well. But getting such recommendations would take a little while.

    5. Would getting a recommendation from one of my arabic professors at the university i went to help with the application, even though our relationship was strictly academic based, and not theological (islamic based)?

    6. Does joining the Arabic program fall within the age limit?
    ——could the applicant be 25 years of age if he wants to be admitted into the two year arabic program (meaning he would be 27 years old at the start of the actual B.S. program in Islamic Studies at the University of Medina).

    7. If I (whose turning 24 years of age this coming February 2015) don’t accepted for the 2015/2016 term, would i still be able to be considered next year (2016/2017 term) being that i would be 25 years of age then (would turn 25 February of 2016)?
    —–Of course this depends on the answer in question # 6.

    Jazak Allahu Khairan for considering to answer any of the top questions :-).

    May Allah shower you and your with blessings for your services in this forum. Ameen Ya Rabbil-A’aalameen


  58. I am only interested in getting my son admitted into the Islamic University of Madeenah. His name is Abdulkareem Adamu Abdullahi from Abuja Nigeria.

  59. I have sent my application documents many times by people going to sawdi but i no answer from them or the university can you chek my name and be kind to send me an email i have tryed for many years but now i am frustrating.

  60. As Salaamu ‘Alaykum ikwaan has nothing to do university of Medina as far as acceptance.They only convey what they know about the universities they can not accept you into Any University in Saudi Arabia. Alhumdulilah our brothers at Bakkah keep us posted on recent affairs of the Universities May Allah reward them. I repeat brothers and sisters cannot accept you into the university but can help you after already getting accepted as far as information on studying in Saudi Arabia.May Allah bless us with entry into the land of prophet Muhammad Alayhi salatu was salaam and benefit from the Salafi mashaykh there and may Allah bless all those involved in this website

    • Ameen ahkee sorry for the late response yes ahkee I’m Salafi by the permission of Allah Azza wajal may he make our feet firm upon it…Ameen

  61. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barkatuh,,,

    Respected Sir,
    I m Rahat Ayub from India. I have applied for admission 2015-2016 ..
    I wanna know that,,,, In which month the selection session will held on for admission 2015-2016 ????
    Plz Reply’

    • The accepted list is going to be released immediately after the month of Ramadan in sha Allah.

  62. Asalam alekun waramot lahi wabarakatuhu. Respected sir, im sheriffdeen buseri from nigeria i have applied for admission 2015-2016 i wanna know that…. In which month the selection session will held on for admission 2015-2016 ????

  63. Asalam o Alikum admin, I want to study in I.U saudia university But i dont know how i fill up the form can you please tell me that how i fill my form

  64. Respected Sir,

    I want to read in islamic university of Madina Shareef Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez completely coprate with me

    I will be thankful
    Best Regards,
    Hafiz Usman Ramzan

  65. Asselamu aleykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh dear brother,

    May Allaah bless you and your family.

    Could you tell me: What is the deadline for applying to the university? Let’s say that I want to be one of the students of the year 2016-2017. What is the deadline for applying to be considered one of them?

    Baarak Allaahu feek

  66. Assalaamualaikum .

    brother I have completed secondary school(10th) and Hifz ul Quraan. I wanted to join University of Madinah, I am 21 years old an Indian. When and how to start the process as earliest as possible ?
    please explain the complete process with all deadlines for applying ?

    Jazakallahu khairun.

    • Its easy you just have to apply via internet and scan your papers , you apply via the madinah university website.

  67. assalamu alykum bros in islam im bro ismail from Zimbabwe i jus applied to IUM nd my application still says it can be modified so do i have hope for consideration in this case? and hw much chance do i have fo i do nt some of my documents translated

    • Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatulahi wa barakatuh brother. If you can still modify your documents then translate your documents as soon as possible because that’s necessary akhie.

  68. Assalam-0-Alikum
    When the last Date of New Admission in Madina University Saudia ?
    Please Quickly Respons me
    i am Pakistani I want to apply this University.I Shall be very thankfull to you

  69. Assalamu alaikum.

    I am from India. I want to study in Islamic University Madinah, When and how to start the process as earliest as possible ? please replay for me how to apply and join in it.

  70. Assalam o Alikum brother…
    I am Kashif Shahzad from Pakistan.I had applied to university on 03 MARCH 2014 but the problem is this that i have not received the confirmation regarding the acceptence at Madinah University… I am doin my B.S in BOTANY from a PAKISTANI university…please give me information about the list of recomended students…. i shall be very thankfull to you..

  71. I applied for 2015 when will i know if i got in or not. And if i wasn’t accepted for 2015 do i need to apply again or will they have my application for the next year.

  72. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I am Eritrean and I want to apply for the iu Al madinah, but we are not given general certificate(for 12th grade) can I apply using the 11th grade certificate so that u can accept me? Please reply quickly so that you can accept me this is because few Eritreans are accepted! !!

    • brother. may you help me in knowing if i can bring my wife to the jammat in madina

  73. assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,i am from and my age is above 30 something,i ve been trying to apply since 2011 up until now seems due my age i will study in jamia al which place now is better than madina for studying the correct manhaj?

  74. assalam alaikum warhmatullah . i just pray ALLAH to rewerd you with his pradise firdausi .abaut helfing people that you a doing and i pray allah to put me on list of acceptence sutudent of the yer 2015/2016 allahumma amen ya ALLAH ,ya rabbi .

  75. As’salamualaikum, shaikh can you please elaborate a bit more on the documents that are necessary for admission and also what the deadlines are.
    jazakallah khair.

  76. Assalamualykum akhee .
    Can you please inform me which month does the Arabic course for Islamic University of Madeenah & for Umm Al Qura University start ? When is the deadline for submitting the application via online ?

  77. I applied for 2015 when will i know if i got in or not. And if i wasn’t accepted for 2015 do i need to apply again or will they have my application for the next year.

  78. Salamu Alaykum. I have completed my application dated 26/02/2015. and I was given application number, but I don’t know how to check my name in the list, whether my name is among the list released or yet. Jazakumullahu khairan.

  79. AS salamu alekum. Please I need your information,I accepted by what I have being received,but the code is not give me full information, I request another process that I will get dateil information of your center.

  80. Assalam o Alaikum
    can some one plz tell me for the sake of Allah SWT that what is the last date of sending documents to Islamic University of Madinah and Umm al Qura University…
    i want to study Islamic Studies there

    i am confused and i dont know what to do and when to do so plz hep me and give me information that i need

  81. Assalamu alaykum, I made an online. Application since 23-2-2015. My questions are 2.

    1-I will be considered for the academic year for 2015-2016 or 2016-2017?

    2-I completed all my application, but when I check it says”you can still modify if is needed” may Allah help you and us ameen.

  82. Brother Suuara Abdullah ajani what is it saying/displaying when you try to put acode that is telling you that you have been accepted?

  83. Assalamu-alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!!! Afwan. My quesion again is…. When i used to check My Interview-form it show me that. I was considered for the academic year For 2016-2015. This is not counted as evidence that i will be acccepted In this year 2015 August/septe…. Insha Allah? It can Be for 2016-2017 even My interview show 2016-2015? May Allah bless us and help By following your Book(qur’aan) and The sunnah Of our prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah(sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) ameeen.

  84. salamu alaikum warahamatullahi wabara katuhu pls i want to apply 4 an addmission into the islamic university of madina
    pls i want a guidance pls on d procedure to follow and when is it starting.

  85. Brother muhammad if your application shows that is ‘under consideration’ then that is the evidence that You will considered this August inshaAllah may Allah accept us Ameen.

  86. Wa alaykum ssalaam, Brother tahir go to this website( it will tell u all the information about application baraaka llahu fiika

  87. Allahu-Akbar !Masha Allahu! May Allah accepted us In this year ameeen. Taking picture with cap Or without cap wich one is Better according to accceptance shurud?

  88. Assalaamu Alaykum Warahmatulaahi wabarakatuh..

    I need your enligtenment brother. My situation goes like this: I am currently working as a nurse here in KSA and I already applied to be a student at Islamic University of Madinah. I am actuaĺly new in my work, but I am eager to study at the Jaamiah. I already to madinah for interview and it was done. My question is, If I’ll be accepted as student at the jaamiah, What will I do considering my work here is not yet finished (by contract)? need an advice on what to do..


  90. salam alekioum. i applied from america in September. i read on here that the 2015 acceptance will come out in September. how do you know that? i thought it comes out after ramadan? please let me know
    jazakAllah khair

  91. Assalamualaykum. pls I would like to study in Islamic university am from Nigeria. And I would like to know the requirements and how to apply also the course offer,am a female and I just finished my secondary school last year am 18years old . when will the form be out for 2015/2016. jazakallahu khairan.

    • Wa’alaikumus salaam… Sister I am sorry there is no admission of females (the university is only for men) so, kindly apply for another university

  92. As salami alaikum
    Saudi Embassy far away from my city , I can not submit my document
    Let me say a simple way

  93. salamu alaykum! I was applied before 2013, and it was stated that my name will be the list in 2015!? the question is when the result will published!?

  94. peace be unto you all(Assalamu Alaikum Warahamatu lah)
    when shall the list of the accepted students for 2015/2016 come out?
    Can a student be allowed to do a computer science like information technology(IT) within the University?

  95. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh:

    I went for ‘Umrah and took the interview about 3 weeks ago and I applied in 2014. My question is should I apply this year, for the 2016-2017 session or should I wait to see if I am accepted this year? Please write back. May Allah reward you.

    • I suggest you just wait to see if you get accepted first.

      Wallahu A’lam


    • Jazakallahu khayran for the reply.

      When is the usual deadline to come in for interview? I was told that anyone that comes after January, his interview would be considered for next year not that year. Please confirm if this is true. May Allah bless you.

  96. Assalamu alikum.
    I m from Bangladesh .
    I m hafiz of Quran.
    I got HSC in 2015. I this year
    I want to study Quraan subject in madina university. I need scholarship.
    so please sir
    suggest me what should I do now.

  97. As salaam alaykum.
    I applied at madina university in Dec 2013 for admission 2015/16,,I checked my applications status the other day and it said it was under consideration.And now when i check it it say ur application isn’t expired if needed ur can modify it what this means???

  98. asslam alekum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    I am belong to india.I am hafiz of Quran. I applied at madina university in 2014 for addmission 2015. I wait to see that i am accepted this year or not?. please write back.
    Allah bless u

  99. I applied online and now my id number is not even going through I can’t modify or even access it. Is there a problem with the portal I’m not the only one experiencing this. Should I reapply.

  100. Salam aliykum I want to apply for secondary institute in the Islamic university madinah so how should I apply same like university or different ?

    • Yes brother. Just apply as usual. Read thru the procedure. Translate the documets that needed to be translated. The application for 2016-2017 intake is already open. So that means the application for 2015-2016 intake is already close.

    • Jazak Allah khair , yes I went to apply for 2016-17 next year I will be at 9th so I will apply for 10th at Islamic university of madinah

  101. brother I applied medina university September 2014 2015-16 but my application says you can modify i went to reapply again this September and December going to umrah for interview so can ido that applied new application September will they give me interview

  102. brother before my application says you can still modify and today it says your application under consideration what is that mean

  103. Assalam alaikum
    I would like to know that .. when will the 2015 accepted students of madinah university result come out..

  104. During or immediately after ramadhan insha Allah/ Mr Ali Aden it means your application is in selection/consideration process.

  105. Assalamu alykum I want to enrol into Islamic university madinah 2016 program. pls how can I do DAT. pls help me your brother in Islam my number iz ########

  106. asalmu aleykum warahmatullah
    when will the 2015/2016 accepted student of madina come out

  107. asalam alaikum, am a daiya in lagos, nigeria. i have madrasa for learning Quran .aslo a graduate of university of ibadan,Oyo state.i studied islamicand arabic education in department of Teacher Education.i seriously need arabic to read islamic book for dawah.i need your respond ugently. Thanks

  108. asslam alekum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    I am belong to pakistan. I applied at madina university in 2014 for addmission 2015. I wait to see that i am accepted this year or not?when the list of accepted students is going to publish for the year 2015-2016. please write back.

    • please, read first the comments made before and if you don’t find your answer then put your question! Many students that are in Medina said that list of “accepted students” will come Inshallah in the middle of Ramadan in the end of Ramadan, this news is not official from the university. So pray to Allah in this blessed month of Ramadan to be accepted and pray for me too!

  109. Assalamualaikum. I did submit my son application through website. Upon checking the status, it show ‘Your application is under consideration’. What does it mean. Please advise.

  110. Wa alaykum ssalaam.What do you mean brother, what is the exactly massage the code is giving, is jst ”you are in process”?

  111. The 2015/2016 acceptance list for The Islamic University of Madinah should start to come out in July or August…

    …It is likely that the names of the newly accepted students for 2015/2016 will come out bit by bit. He said this because last year it took months for all the names to come out. He stated the reason for this was that the internal ministry would only send bunches of verified names at a time. Last year four loads of names for the British students came out over a four month period.

    We also found out that the University stopped accepting applications for the 2015/16 intake on the 21/01/2015, so anyone who applied on that date or after that then their application will be considered for the 2016/2017 intake. We were very sad to hear this because up until last week the admissions department website was still stating that new applications were for the 2015/2016 intake of students.

    If you applied between 7 December 2013 and 21 January 2015 then your application is for the 2015/2016 intake… [abridged by admin]

  112. I want to admission in madinah university Please u guide me I want to study in this university
    Name..Md. Ehsanulhaque

  113. Assalaam alaikum, my name is Muhammad Mpasa from Zambia. If i check using my application code its showing that im in a process, what does that mean?

  114. Sir, i want to study in Madinah university. I am from Pakistan. Plz, tell me how many expenses i need.

  115. i am a student at the university college of management studies in Ghana and need a scholarship to study Islam in your country

  116. salaam alaikum my name is Muhammad pls l have been apply since2010 am not see any reply till now what can l do?

  117. assalamoalaikum brother, Please inform me about the deadline to apply in the university for the session 2016-2017

  118. Assalamualekum, I applied for course in Islamic University of Madinah last year in the month of Oct 2015. I personally went to the University to submit my application. Right now, I am in New Delhi and would like to know when are you going to publish the result for 2015-16 ?

  119. I see the website of the university is now asking for verification for acceptance on the side where you choose your language

  120. As salaamu Alaykum may Allah grant the salafees entrance , and those who got accepted that do not ascribe to salafiyyah may he bless them to accept salafiyyah and remain firm upon it so they can aid the salafees by the permission of Allah to get in the jaamiah and inshaAllah the jaamiah puts out another batch of students who applied ..آمييييين

    • Is your last name saleh if so I saw a sefat saleh on the list also list is on universities website I’m not saying it’s the final list but Some names are out

  121. Brothers is not fair to ask a question after you have seen the answer of your question, Listen, the university’s new acceptance list is not yet out,wait in two to three weeks time to come out.

  122. Assalaamu alaikum ikhwaan.

    You can currently access two lists. Two different pages.

    One page shows last years list 2014-15.

    And the other page show a mix of 2011-12 2012-13 and 2013-14 lists.

    But the second page I mentioned has removed the 2014-1435 sign (which the first page still has) and has put up new countries with some people accepted. It seems its in the process of updating the lists.

    As for the main countries then they have NOT been put up yet. Inshaa allaah should be soon.

    • Na’am he’s right forgive me brothers but that list I saw was a mix between 2011-2012 13-14 I don’t know why but inshaAllah we make it on the new list may Allah aid us

  123. Bissmillah wassalatu wassalamu Ala rasulullah wa’alihi wasabihi ajma’in , after that I welcome all of you with Islamic greeting Assalamu alaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatu, please my dear brother in Islam I want ask you a question please when are you going to release the names of the acceptance student?

  124. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Allahuma baarak feekum and all praises belongs to Allah.
    Dear Dean [… message removed by admin]

    • You are confusing this information-based website with the official website of the university. Please visit and direct your enquiries to the administration of the university there.

    • As Salaamu’alaykum Warahmatullaah. First question, Please is there any University in Saudi Arabia for English speaking Salafee Muslims? If any, then what are the requirements please.
      Second question, please do you know of any trustworthy Salafee student of knowledge in Nigeria that you advice me to take my religion from? Please I need your reply. Jazaakallaahu Khayran

  125. Assalamu alaykum,
    The list is not out yet. Does anyone if it’s After Ramadan or before the end of Ramadan?

    May Allah bless you.


    • hope this will help.
      My application is still open after 10 days!!!

      When an individual applies to the Islamic University online they receive a message stating that they have 10 days to amend their applications, however huge amounts of westerners have found that their application remain open and are still able to edit their applications.

      ||Some students||* spoke with the head of European acceptance department in the University to discuss this issue. We were told that the application of Westerners are generally left open and are not sealed after ten days to allow them the opportunity to improve their applications, such as adding new educational documents. An application remaining open does not mean that it has not be received by the University, however if an application is missing required documents it will be considered incomplete and will most likely not be considered until it has been completed.
      And Allah knows best.

  127. Salam if your application is saying by this time you can modify so may it will not be for 2015 -2016 but 2016-2017

  128. As Salaamu’alaykum Warahmatullaah. Please is there any University in Saudi Arabia for English speaking Salafee Muslims? If any, then what are the requirements please? I need your answer please.
    Jazaakallaahu Khayran

  129. assalamu alaykom. i have complied with all the requirements neede for the scholarship. When do the classes start? and how do i know I am officially accepted? please do reply. jazakallahu khayran.

  130. assalam o alaikum
    i m samir khan s/o israil khan from pakistan. i have sent my admission to madinah university one year ago. when i enter my application no. it is declared that , “your application is under consideration”.
    what is expected status of this statement?
    kindly reply me soon

    • It means that they are taking a look at your application and might accept you or push you back

  131. Assalamualaikum. I went into madinah website it seem not working. Is the website under construction?. Need to ask when is the acceptance list going to announce.

  132. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  133. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
    I’m Noorudheen from India
    When will release the list of acceptance students 2015-2016

    Jazakallahu ahsan

  134. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  135. Is there any error in university website? I can’t load admission page why?is announced name of acseptd students of 2016?

    • It is not an error,the page will be opened the day they will upload the accepted students after Eid-Sallah,Insha Allah for 2015-2016 session.

  136. assalam o alaikum
    i m sajjad gani s/o usman gani from india. i have sent my all Documents for Admission to madinah university 04/01/36:03.52 when i enter my application no. it is not declared that , “your application is under consideration”.
    what is expected status of this statement?
    kindly reply me soon

    • First maybe you made a mistake in the question, “””””it is not declared that , “your application is under consideration”.”””””. The word is not (I can’t understand but i will answer in case that word “not” doesn’t exist. OK
      – according to my knowledge you are in same status like all of us. So you need to wait until the accepted list come out.


    • Yes there is an eror with the university website it is on two to three weeks under construction,try next of next week.

    • Assalaam Alaykum,brother how did you know it was under construction,because my brother who is studying master in the university of madeenah told me it was not an error,but they are on holiday and they will resume nxt week Insha Allah.

    • It is well known that not much (dunyaa) work gets done in Saudi Arabia during the last week of Ramadhaan or in the first week or so after ‘Eed. Be patient.

    • please brother ask from your respected brother that when will be the list uploaded for the year of 2015-2016. I will be very thankful to you………..

  138. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  139. assalamu aleykum warahmatullahi wabarkatu ramadan kreem
    my name is abdullrahman.
    I come from somalia and Iam applying islamic university madina
    next year insha allah

  140. As selem alaikum brother. All must in scha Allah have sabr. Its not good when we know after eid in scha Allah will be comes the list also please stop asking. Look when your name its then in the list ok when not then please dont ask why.

  141. Assalam Aleycum…let we all have faith broders.By Allah’s willing we shall be among the acceptance once,let have ‘sabr..’despite u scan all the required document need just keep on praying and praying asking Allah S.W.A For success,for In sha Allaah everything shall be done…and about the issue of acceptance date,it is any moment 4rm nw to ending of dz month and probably few weeks in August…May Allah S.W.A see us through..Aameen

  142. asslamo alaikum,i am samir khan s/o israil khan from pakistan.i submitted my documents to madina university 9/9/2014. kindly tell me, when will be inform me about my admission progress.jazakallah

    • Assalaam Alaykum,the university of Madeenah’s website has been opened this morning

  143. please tell me my application is accepted or not a have letter of mr .sirajulhaq ameer JAMIAT E ISLAMI PAKISTAN

  144. Assalamo Alaikum.. brothers i think the university is busy in finalizing the list of accepted students.. so let us have patience and faith in Allah S.W.. insha Allah we will be among the accepted students..

  145. Assalaamu Alaykum I am one of the nominated students for the year 1435-1436H but my visa expired due to unforeseen difficulties and set backs with my medical tests and examinations. I have spoken to many students and they have told me to wait for the visas to be re-issued but I am not sure what to do beyond waiting or how the university will even know to re-issue me another visa. If you have any information please contact me.

    Last year it took them several months well into the new year(at that time 1436H) to finally send visas to new students. Is it likely to be the same wait time? Jazaak Allahu Khayran for any time you can spare.

  146. Salaam Alaykum Brothers, be informed that islamic university’s website is now active/opened you may now check your application status.

  147. Abdul khadar from India in 1.3.2015(march)me applied .is possible to accept me?for2015:2016?also my age is 25! And there is no my name in accepted list,

  148. Attention! maybe the accepted list has already came out, because when i visit the page it appears to me “Server too busy” I hope to be among those students that university will accept.

    • Breaking news* as I heard after 10 shawal the holidays will end in saudi so InshaAllah the list will come out. “This is not official”***

  149. Assalamu-alaykum.. Is there anyone whose his status changed from Under-consideration to congaratulation? Because before publishing the list.. The status has changed from under.. To congaratulation.. May Allah cus to accepted us In this year ameeen…

  150. you brother comented ‘From 21 of January 2015, all applications will considered to 2016-2017.’but me applied in march2015 and web giving me message that you are under consandration is it means there is possiblities acepted for 2015-16 ?

    • [Some] British students in Medinah… said: “We also found out that the University stopped accepting applications for the 2015/16 intake on the 21/01/2015, so anyone who applied on that date or after that then their application will be considered for the 2016/2017 intake. We were very sad to hear this because up until last week the admissions department website was still stating that new applications were for the 2015/2016 intake of students.” [comment abridged by admin]

    • You may be considered for 2015-2016 but it is most likly be for 2016-2017 Insha Allah

  151. Aslamau Abdinasir Bille from Kenya.I have been accepted but yet no visa i receive till naw.may i get help please!!!!
    waiting your response

  152. Assalama alaykum dear Brothers,

    Be patient inshaAllaah, according to the Islamic University’s official Admission’s Department’s twitter accout (, the Final List will come out after Shawwal inshaAllaah.

    This is according to the Admission Department at the Islamic University of Madinah. So expect the list to come out during the 2nd or 3rd week of August.

    May Allah allow us to be among those who are accepted.


  153. There is no one who even knows when the list will be published.. Is a rumour.. Just keep praying… May Be u will be on the list!!!

  154. السلام علیکم ورحمه الله وبرکاته
    i m from afghanistan i have aflied for university of madina
    when will anounce complet list of accept students

  155. Assalam alaikum
    Today morning It shows that “your application is under consideration” …. what does this mean …. or is the list not yet out

    • I don’t think it’s the list of admission of 2015-16 but I think it’s 2014-15 as there are 6 similar names than the 2014 15 admission in France. Can someone tell me if it is the true list thanks jazakallah .

    • That list is not 2015 it is the list of students who got accepted but didn’t go for some reason from 2012 to 2014

    • Are You sure , please do not speak without a trustful source , you may lead people to mistake …

    • I’m pretty sure because it doesn’t have the yeat on the top and I went and checked the names from 2012 till 2014 and all the names were on that list were old names. Allah knows best. It’s just my observation

  156. Assalam alaikum
    Brother AFRIDA FAWAZ may i please ask that which year is that link list.? it is not written like in other lists

  157. You can see in university arabic web page in left side of calender an colam and in this colam writen in arbi accept list from here i copyd link so. … alllahuu alam

  158. I think that the names are not yet out….but they will be out in either july or august …. please keep praying ..insha’allah we will be amongst the accepted ones

  159. Assalam o alaikum my name is nadeem ahmad and I belong to batkhela, malakand agency KPK pakistan and I am applying since 2013 but I am not accepted yet now.

  160. Assailant o alaikum my name is nadeem ahmad I belong to batkhela, malakand agency KPK Pakistan. I m trying since 2013 but not yet accepted.

  161. Assailant o alaikum my name is habiburrahman. I want to annotate u that I m from swat pakistan. I APPLIED TO READ HADITH PLZ DO SOMETHING FOR ME. JAZAKUMULLAHO KHAIRAN

  162. Assalam o alykum I m Muhammad fawad belong to batkhela malakand pakistan. I APPLIED TO this university nd desire to learn HADITH. When wl be the result PLZ . Jazakumullah o khairan

  163. Salaam alaykum brothers,i dont know if there will be any changes , But the islamic university’s official notice about the knew acceptance list for 2015/2016 shall be announced in hajj time/september insha Allah,So be patience.

  164. Salam aleikoum incha Allah we will be among accepted student. I have a brother who is accepted last year he told me that on his returning visa the university said they must return before 22 august. So the names will come out before that date incha Allah

  165. assalamu alaikom warahmatullahi wa barakaatu.
    I am Amer Hassan, I come from the Philippines. I also applied for a scholarship grant in Islamic University of Madinah. Along the process, I was sent a letter saying I got admitted in the said university thus need to have my diploma red-ribboned in the DFA and Passport. Now, I have complied with all the requirements and am unsure if I will be able to study there. How can I be sure I,d be able to study there? When will the classes begin? And Will there be an interview for the newly admitted scholars before they can go on with their study?
    Please do reply. I really am worried about my application status right now. Jazaakallahu khairan.

  166. Asalam oiliakom,

    Bishmi allah irahman irahim.
    A, Sallam alla Muhammad,Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.

    My name is Abdelhak Benamar,

    I live in Belguim whit my wife en kid, and i want to move to Medina to study for

    Islamic Religion. Alhamdullilah Iam a Muslim whit Muslim parents.

    But i have notice it is so difficult to get a visa whitout a sponser.

    Please can you help me whit any information may Allah bles you and youre

    Thank u, Allah subhan wa ta alla

  167. Is here any brother from Bangladesh who has been selected for the university? I’m from BD. please give me the good news. I also wanna study there.

  168. assalamu alaikum,

    One of the first lessons as student of knowledge is patience, if you do not have patience now, then what about later when seeking knowledge?

    The list is NOT out yet and will be released AFTER Shawaal (hence after the 15th of August) as per the universities acceptance department.

    So be patient, make dua, and check again after a few weeks:

    Questions regarding acceptance should not be posted here as Ustaadh Moosa has clearly outlined in the rules.

    You can contact the Admission Department yourself under their official twitter account, on which they reply on a regular basis to any questions posted (@AdmissDeanship):

    May Allah grant you success.

    • By the grace of Allah in August 2015 maashaallah.just keep on praying Allah .

  169. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    No one knows when the list will come out, some day after shawwal, some say after hajj. No one knows, be patient, and make dua for us to get accepted… [abridged by admin]


  171. Assalaam alaykum.I applied for 2015/2016 academic year,when I enquire my application it says application under consideration but when I check my interview form is giving me my interview form with my details on it.Is it normal like this or it has a meaning?Shukran wassalaam alaykum

  172. Assalam alaikum
    Today in the morning i checked it still says …”your application is under consideration”…

    I think that the list is not yet out.

  173. The list Alhamdulilah started to come out, so the university is updating the list every day. Hope to be among them!
    – The Islamic University tends to release names in batches, so don’t fret if your name isn’t present initially, as it may be added later in the year.

    • The website stated that every individual should constantly check the website for updated names. It means, its coming out soon insyaAllah. Allahualam.

    • Assalamu alaikum.
      I can not see the full list of accepted students. Only I can see about 73 names from 270. Please help me. Jajaakallaah.

  174. Assalam alaikum
    If i recall correctly … it said that “REVIEW THE WEBSITE FOR THE ACCEPTANCE LIST OF NEW STUDENTS ”
    Can anyone give the link of the website

  175. I went to check the latest updates of names, they were the past years accepted students. So i assume that it is not out yet. Allahualam.

  176. from the depth of my heart i requested to vice chanclor of madina university and other shaukh in madina university to accept my application of{28AE8041} for admissoin in university of madina. shah abdul aziz pakistani.

    • The administration for sure don’t have time to read comments here, but do not publish(make public) your secret code, and another advice is pray and ask to Allah to make posible, stay connected with Allah not people(when regarding HOPE*)

    • And for more, I observed your application and I saw it was open, sorry but as I saw your application is open that means you didn’t complete the registration and you are not in the list for this year. Real sorry but you should knew it. May Allah help and find you the best solution that is best for you!

      May i ask that what have you ment for the word “open”.

      Can you please elaborate..

    • Go and check the brother application. Open has a simple understanding here ” not finished “

    • And another thing is, you applied in 30 of January 2015, and all we know is that who applied after 21 of January will not considered for 2015/2016.
      Find a person in your local areas and ask him for help to finish your application so for next year(2016-2017) to be prepared.

    • Brathr I am applied after this date and when I checked in web it giving message you r under consendration is there any meaning for waiting to publishe names of 15/16

    • And when I checked my interview form there written that 2015/16level interview form thus bcz there are any possility to considered for this year

  177. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Please, I want to apply for Master Program, I am a graduate of KING FAISOL UNIVERSITY, N’JAMENA, Republic of Chad.
    please kindly put me through.
    جزاكم الله خيرا

  178. السلام اليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Am from India.I wants to know when the acceptance list of Islamic university of madinah in the year 2015-2016 will publish if anyone know please inform me

    جزاك الله الخيرا

  179. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    I would like to know when the list will come out please help me

    جزاك الله الخيرا

  180. If you are able to modify your application, but status is under consideration. Will I still have a chance or is it for next year. Thanks

  181. Is there published any one States names ?you r saying that this result is of1436,37 really this year (36)going to end next month is muharram new year!!!!!!!!!!

  182. nothing is precise* in Saudi system(meaning in exactly day). but what we know is that every year we have new students that applies and new students that are accepted, Alhamdulila.
    what you should do is to stay connected with any student or visiting web page like and Inshallah you will be informed.

  183. There are no exact days on when the list will be published and nobody really knows it. It could be tomorrow or in 2 months from today, we need to have sabr in shaa Allah.

  184. two yrs back I applied fr admission,the inquiry showd u are under consideration so I was waiting frm two yrs,now written ur appliction is out of date,i didnt understand wt does it means,if it is rejection r what,if it is out of date then y under consideration,need help?????

  185. I am belong to Pakistan as Pakistani I has highly interested take Admission in Islamic university of madina please help & guidance me thanks

  186. As salamu Alaykum. I began my application but my computer that was with me was outdated and would not let me upload my documents. I moved onto a new computer after 4 hours of non-compliance from the old computer. Unfortunately, I had to start a new application when I got to a capable computer. Do any brothers know how to contact the university and explain my situation? I am afraid that since I started another application that the apps would cancel each other. Though only one was finished. Thank you for your time, hajzak Alah khaira

  187. Aslamalykum,,,,
    How can i know when i am accepted? i hope i will get accept
    at you university insallah,
    thank you very much,


    • Wa alaykas salaam. Akh if you applied September this year then in shaa Allaah you will get accepted for 2016 not this year. Be patient and have trust in Allaah Subhana wa Ta’ala BarakAllaahu feek.

    • Please when about if you applied on 07/01/2016 when should I expect my acceptance Noticement?

    • Brother I think no anyone know when it will publish and in which date ended the last date of application for15-16 keep sabar and see whent it come out

  189. Assalamu,warahama tullahi ta’ala wabara katuh. My dear muslims brother’s less keep on prayer 2 Allahu subhana huwata ‘ala 2 make us succeed in our application ameen.

  190. Assalamualikum. Brother, when the result of madina, king saud, qasssim, imam & ummul qura university of this year will be published?? Because almost September has finished but yet no result publish. This is a matter of worried! Please tell me in details.

  191. Asalamu Alykum Warahmato Lahi wabarakatuho
    Sir,I am a Sierra Leonean by nationality staying at The Gambia , I do apply with my English , I want to know if the University of Madinah will grant me wit scholaship because I want to be a CALLER to call to the Islam

  192. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته.
    Sir, would you please clear my doubt? I applied for the scholarship last year, 2014 and the result is not still out up to now. The time for application for the 2016/2017 is ripe. Should I apply for 2016/2017 or should I wait for the result of 2015/2016? Thank you for your previous help. Allah bless you.

    • U hav to wait for 2015/2016 list to come out if u did not see ur name then u can now apply so dat ur application will not be cancelled.

  193. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    please i wants know when the acceptence list of madinah university in the year 2015-2016 will publish,If any one knows please inform me
    جزاك الله خير

  194. Asslam-o-Aliakum…
    Dear Brother !!
    i am Abid Ullah from Pakistan. I have gotten High School diploma/ certificate ( science subjects) in 2014 from Govt College, with excellent position 84/100. I have also studded Islamic education upto six years and have passed wifaqulmdaris Al-Arabia Pakistan Examination ( darja Khassa, Equal to BA).I have also English and arabic language proficiency certificates with excellent position., .I want to Study BS in any Muslim country with full scholarship especially in Saudi Arab.I have applied for BS ( in any Subject Engineering or Islamic) to islamic University Madinah in start of october 2015. so please tell me about the result Date and my acceptance chances . alsoPlease guide me if you have information about the islamic uni scholarship or any other bachelor Scholarship.
    Your sincere
    Abid Ulla

    • my dear brother keep in touch in ur Dui Allah wiil makes u amon tose will be selected!may allah join alla of us in Madinah !
      I wish u all the best
      dear brothers:is it possible to apply on both Theoretical/Islamic and Non-theoretical part in faculty choice?
      please help me for answer!
      I confused which one to select!

  195. dear brother a/a i have submitted a form for studying in the islamic university madinah. but the selection of students is not yet declerared. so i want to know when will b the list out. jazakallah

  196. what’s the way to admit in madeena university also what expence will come?
    pls.. give me a guidence for my question:
    I m from Indian

  197. Asalaamu alyakum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatu
    May Allaah bless you my dear brothers please check your countries for new names. It is possible that jaamiat put up names slowly by slowly one at a time. So Some new names may have come out so please check your respective countries for clarification.
    And Allaah the most high knows best.

  198. Plz… I have obtain for d university and hv seen nothing yet… I mean this 2015 application… Plz what is wrong. ?

  199. Assalamu Alaikum

    I have a question for all candidates
    Can you your application under “application modification” still change ?

    BarakAllahu feekum

    Please shiekh am mutebi ma adhi from uganda what am requiring from is i have O’ LEVEL certificate of theology(idaad) and A’ LEVEL certificate of circular but now i want to continue but i have no ability(money) so shiekh can how can i be helped,how can i apply.barakallahu fiiki


  202. Dear brothers before 2 days my application status was underconsendration but nw changed and you can modefay application is stated? What it means?and some says in this year university doesn’t resiwing new students what is the reality

  203. ‎السلام عليكم‬
    Please brother reply,
    I was just wondering is all the names of accepted students published? If so, please tell me where I can view them from
    ‎جزاك اللهُ خيرا‬

  204. Assalamu alaikum brothers, please I’ve completed the registration but carelessly I lost my registration number, please what should I do?

    • DO NOT CREATE A NEW APPLICATION once you have obtained your application number. In the case of losing your application number, follow these steps so that you may obtain back your application number, inshaaAllah.
      (1) Go to :
      (2) Select any country.
      (3) Click on any details beside any students’ name.
      (4) Click on ‘Forget Application Number’.
      (5) Follow through the questions asked, and answer the questions as how you did answer while applying.
      (6) Follow them correctly, inshaaAllah, you would be able to retrieve your loss application number.

  205. Assalamu-alaykum! My status has been changed from”underconsideration”to “your application period has not expire you can modify if needed” it means that am Not among the accpted studenst In this year 2015/2016? May Allah reward U with Jannah ameen.

    • Really!!!? Is this true that if the status changes to “your application period has not expire you can modify if needed ”
      And other thing if my status still is “under consideration” does it mean that I sill have chances.
      And if my status change to “your application period has not expire you can modify if needed ” does it mean that 100% I am accepted

  206. Assalaamu Alaykum. But if they change someone application from undaconsidaration to u cn nw modify if needed does that mean that they have drop that person and cant get admission this year again. plz reply.

  207. assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathahu….

    indian students acceptance lisst is not yet published on web…

    plz can anyone find it and let me know .. the ways of searching indian students name for 2015-2016 acceptance list..

  208. Alhamdulillah….. The first batch list of accepted students of the 1436/1437…. Is out but most of the countries are not included

    • There are around 450 names that came out.
      So please be patient because there are 1500 new names that will be published (like last year)

    • To help me?
      i applied for 2015/16
      on jan 2014 .
      and my app this time in inqueiry status (Your Application is under consideration)
      and in modifcation not status and open the my application for modifying .
      but this issue for 3/4 months and last 5/6 months ago my application not open in modify option and show the massage (Your Application is under consideration)
      and this time open the my app …..
      and last 7/8 month ago my app (Your Application is under consideration) and For a few days the massage(You can change the application)
      please help me and sorry to all brother becouse my english is bad….
      and dua for me I accept the Aameeenn

    • Brother very simple, just wait for the names to came out! And you will understand if you’re accepted or not.

  209. To help me?
    i applied for 2015/16
    on jan 2014 .
    and my app this time in inqueiry status (Your Application is under consideration)
    and in modifcation not status and open the my application for modifying .
    but this issue for 3/4 months and last 5/6 months ago my application not open in modify option and show the massage (Your Application is under consideration)
    and this time open the my app …..
    and last 7/8 month ago my app (Your Application is under consideration) and For a few days the massage(You can change the application)
    please help me and sorry to all brother becouse my english is bad….
    and dua for me I accept the Aameeenn

  210. assalamu alaykum,i am abdulqodir from Nigeria,please brothers can i apply with my idahdiyat certificate so that i can join the university thanawiyah?jazakumu llahu khayran for the great job.

    • dearest brother in islam not only yours so many applicants are in the same situation as you me too,
      for all those who applied after 20.01.2015
      your application will be either at the end of 2015 intake or first intake of 2016
      please have a patience!
      may allah grant us success!

  211. Assalamualaikum
    Dear islamic brothers.. I’m graduated one …23 old..can I send application to the university…Does anyone knows age criteria of the university..? plss help..may Allah reward you..

    • Brother, I heard that you can apply up to age 25 (and sometimes even older). I would advice you to try and apply in shaa Allah. I hope you we get accepted.

      Was-salaam alayk

  212. Salamualeikum dear Brothers i have questione: i apply for university of medinah in december when the List can come out???????? pls anwser for me Assalamu aleikum

    • please and please,is it nigerian on the list,let’s us know the truth,is it second batch of names will come out in this semester or not,tell us the fact sir.

    • Ahkee this isn’t the website to ask when the second batch is comin out,call the university or Visit the universities Twitter account..they can answer you there..

    • please akhee,help us to call them for Allah sake,or true the twitter,and let’s know what them say,because we have tired.

  213. السلام عليكم


    I would like to ask you a question and please reply as soon as possible.

    I applied for the Madina university before 2 days ago ( January 8th 2016 )

    So I am just wondering if there is a chance for me to get accepted this years on September 2016, so do you think I will get accepted this year ?

    note: my first language is Arabic, and I live in Canada

    please reply today :)

    • OH I don’t think you to get this year bc even i ahve applied on 07.04.2015 yet now I haven’t get
      all those who applied after 20.01.2015 their application is for 2017
      Allah knows the reality!

    • I think whoever exceed 20 January 2016 whilst application,
      He should consider his application for Sept.2017.

    • Tarik, please show us the reference where you seen that they closed the 2016 session application by first January.

    • Please if we want to talk,talk with reasons and manners,
      We raised a question to you, but up to now you couldn’t answer.

    • i did not find the second batch there ooooo, help oooooo am from Nigeria, what us the next thing we are tired.

    • the list still says daf’atul oula which is first batch so this is still the first batch but just more names added and also I see just 2 americans which is why I think and Allah knows best that the list is not finished.. I ask Allah by his most beautiful names and attributes he allows you and I to study in the University Of Medina only seeking his face AZZA WAJAL….Ameen Ya Rubb

    • Asalmolakom brother what website did you find the 2 American names that are excepted to the university ?

    • The admissions department has issued a list of previously accepted students and gap year students who have had student visas reissued for them. So this is not a second batch. May Allaah aid us all in our affairs.

    • Other thing to be added, I know some students that the Saudi Embassy has called them in phone and told them brink other papers and your visa is ready, but their names never came out from university.

  214. asalam alaikum am ahmed from somalia
    Does anyone know that when will the next batch of names come out?
    second what about those who applied at the end of 2015?

  215. Assalamu Alaikum dear brothers,

    there have been several complications with the acceptance procedure of students this year at the University, that’s why the delay.. That’s why the names of students from many countries have yet not been fully published. Nobody really knows when the problem will be sorted out but for those who applied for 2015/2016, have patience and make duaa to Allah to get accepted. May Allah make it easy on all of us.

  216. Asalamu Alaikum wa rahamtul lahi wa barakatuh.

    Dear Admins,

    If I were to apply at the beginning of this year, is it possible for me to be considered in the Sept. 2016 admission list?

    Sorry if this message causes any inconvenience. I hope to hear from you.

    Thank you in advance.

    • Wa alaikum assalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh,

      Brother, I’m not an admin but I read somewhere that last year they didn’t consider the applications made after January or so, to that year’s list. So it’s unlikely.

  217. Assalamu Alaikum brothers. Just got news that the remaining names of the accepted students have still not arrived to the university. They are still waiting for them to come from Riyadh foreign affairs office. May Allah grant us patience and success. Ameen

  218. Salam alaekum,
    Pls, is there a chance of deferment of admission in IUM if yes what are the procedures for deferment?
    Jazakumul Lahr Khairan

  219. Assalamu alaikum, please i have applied to the University and the University has given me an application number but i have tried the interview form but it keeps showing application number incorrect, and up to 2 weeks now still the period of amending my application has not yet expired

  220. When opening inquiry application .
    It says , the period of amending your application , you can still modify if needed. What is meant by it

  221. As-sala-mualaikum.
    Brother, I am studying B.Sc(Engineering) in Bangladesh.But I am eager to know about islam briefly.That is why I want to study in Madina Islamic University.I did not study my high school in any islamic institution and i do not know how to speak in Arabic.Can i apply?Which time is suitable for applying?Please tell me.

  222. Assalamu Alaikum, I have the same problem above, please reply. I can’t open the interview form it says ‘ the number entered is incorrect’ but when I try the applicatio inquiry it says your application is under consideration. Thank you Jazakallohu fikum

  223. assalamu alaykum, am from somalia i finished may secodary level the year 2015 and now want to join a university plzzzzzzzzzz help in me. thanks..

  224. I want to join university and I m live in madina near haram my qualifications nadwatul ulama Lukhnaw India to Arabic

  225. I am from Bangladeshi
    Assalamu Alaikum, I have the same problem above, please reply. I can’t open the interview form it says ‘ the number entered is incorrect’ but when I try the applicatio inquiry it says your application is under consideration.what’s problem plz tell me sir. Thank you Jazakallohu fikum.

    • Insha Allah there is no problem,it’s normal for anybody that they will accept,mine also is like that.May Allah make them to accept us.

  226. Assalaamualaikum,
    I went to Madinah on may-2015 and gave interview in Madinah University and I passed it.
    But I haven’t heard from them after that. Neither email or call nor my name is on the list.
    I am from Nepal. and the problem is I don’t know my registration/application number,
    what should I do? Is there any way I can get my registration Number?

    and I would also like to clarify that anyone asking If they can apply even if they don’t have any islamic/deeni education. They just have to be a highSchool graduate.

  227. Assalam alaikum
    I have made my application today and when I open says the number entered is incorrect

  228. shahadat bin abdul jalil on May 6, 2016 at 1:04 pm said:
    I am from Bangladeshi
    Assalamu Alaikum, I have the same problem above, please reply. I can’t open the interview form it says ‘ the number entered is incorrect’ but when I try the applicatio inquiry it says your application is under consideration.what’s problem plz tell me sir. Thank you Jazakallohu fikum.

  229. Assamualaikum sir. I am from the Philippines. I was included in the latest list of accepted students for scholarship. My problems now is that I cannot ooen anymore my application in your website. I dont have the reference no.used in the processing of my scholarship application and couldnt see any updates especially my visa if you have already send me.

    Kindly send me my application reference no so that i can open and be updated of any infotmation that you send us.

    Thank you so much for immediate response.

    Very truly yours,

    Abdelbasser B. Jamjiron

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. There is no application process on this website. Perhaps you are confusing us with the official site of the university. May Allaah give you success.

  230. As salaam aleykum, how can I retrive the cord given upon application to the Islamic Universtity of Madinah?

  231. hi,my name is mashhuur mowlid i applied june 2015 and i forget my inquiry number how can i get the number. my second question is when will the list be out?
    thank you i will be appreciated.

    • DO NOT CREATE A NEW APPLICATION once you have obtained your application number. In the case of losing your application number, follow these steps so that you may obtain back your application number, inshaaAllah.
      (1) Go to :
      (2) Select any country.
      (3) Click on any details beside any students’ name.
      (4) Click on ‘Forget Application Number’.
      (5) Follow through the questions asked, and answer the questions as how you did answer while applying.
      (6) Follow them correctly, inshaaAllah, you would be able to retrieve your loss application number.

  232. Asalaam-alykum is their any news on when the British list will be updated or when any new names will be added.

    Jazakalah Khairan


    Abdul Rehman.

  233. As-salamu alaikom akhi,

    I have a 15 year old currently living in Saudi with his father. I wish to enroll him i University in Medina or Mecca. Is it possible to get him in them without High School Diploma? He is currently a high schooler but I have been dealing with this thought and I thought I should seek guidance as I believe that is the best form of Ilm and perhaps to keep him learning his worldly knowledge at the same as he can.

    BarakaAllaah feek

    Umm Abdullah

  234. When is the list of names going to come out. It has been about 2 years since new people have been accepted from Canada. May Allah grant us acceptance to the university. Ameen.

  235. Alhamdulillah may Allah the almighty bless the moslem ummah at large and may He accept all our good deeds and forgive our short comings .I am a Cameroonian of age 20 wishing to study islam in the university of the blessed city of the prophet pbuh,but I do not have the means so if there is any moslem brother who could help let him do so and Allah will reword him!Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarkatu.

  236. Salam alaikum yaa admin my is ibrahim hammed adewale i am from nigeria ede osun state. i apply for 2015/2016section pls which time ther will start accpt us bcoxx will ar wating sir..pls i need to kw the time o tell us. JAZAKaLahu AIRan

  237. assallamunallaikum.. my name is sokodabo musa ridwan. i applied for the al-madina islamic university for the year 2016, but i don’t know the year that the admission is going to be out.. can you please help me with the time it’s going to be out?

  238. Asalam O Alaikum
    Brothers ,
    i want to about the acceptance of students , i am from PAKISTAN i applied on 20-12-2015 when i will be accepted . and i am facing difficulties on the website on interview form ” the form is something like
    INTERVIEW FORM FOR THE YEAR 2017-2018″ and my application statuts says

  239. Asalam o Alaikum
    my problem is that when opening application inquiry ” Its says The PERIOD OF AMENDING YOUR APPLICATION IS NOT YET EXPIRED , YOU CAN STILL MODIFY IF NEEDED ”
    and when opening interview form ” ITS JUST LIKE A FORM FOR THE YEAR 2017-2018 ”
    i don’t know what it means and what to do now
    waiting for your kind reply

    Asalam o Alaikum

  240. I want to admit in islamic university of Madina. I completed Fazil from Islamic university of Bangladesh. Please guide me.

  241. allhamdulilahi happy sallah to all Muslims brother’s my names are IBRAHIM HAMMED ADEWALE I need anyone who can tell me a particular time that the university will accept the new students for 20152016 section jazakalahu Aidan jazz a

  242. Asalamu Alykum Dear Admin. i hope you can reply my comment as soon as you read it, In-Shaa-Allaah

    I am from Somalia, i personally applied the University on April 17th 2016, up to know my application is an open to modify, i checkout many time of there is something wrong in It but i don’t see it, please Ra’akallaah could you share with me this problem if its a problem and could cause delay upon my acceptance. thank you.

    Jazakallahu Kheiran Waracaaka

  243. Assalamu-alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!!! Afwan. My question is….when I used to check My interview-form it show me that (the period for amending ur application has not yet expired) I was considered for the academic year for 2017-2016. this is not counted as evidence that I Will be accepted in this year 2016 August/September inshaallah? it can be for 2018-2017 even my interview show 2016?
    May Allah bless us and help by following your book (Qur’an) and the Sunna of our noble prophet Muhammad bn Abdullah (S. A.W) ameen. [Admin: sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam]

  244. asalaamu alaekum
    please I want to know if this will not affect me, I was offered admission but the name I entered is different from the name on my passport. I entered Uthman Muhammod Maroof as stated on my certificate but the name on my passport is Adesanya Usman Abiola. enlighten me please.

  245. I want admission in jamia ummul qura..but I don’t know full please give me full information about admission date and decoments compulsory

  246. Slm am assidiqulakbar i apply 2015,,2016 season pls cn anyone tell me wen d list is comigout pls. Wassa lamu’alay kum.

  247. Assalamu Alaikum,
    My names are MUHAMMAD TUKUR IDRIS from Nigeria.
    I applied for admission since 10/08/2015.
    How would I know that I am accepted?
    Wassalamu ‘Alaikum.

    • Wacaleykumu asalam wait until the list of acceptance from Nigeria came out then look your name from that list.

    • muhammed tukur idris please am also frm nigeria is they choose you dont forget me please becacause i also applied in 2016

  248. Assalamualikum My name is Md Mazharul Haque . I am from India and I have applied in jamia ummul qura in session 2014 /2015 But till now I couldn’t known that when Results will be came out
    Plz sir tell me ????

  249. Assalaam alaykum admin, am cassim frank from MALAWI. I want to know exact month when the selection names of 2016-2017 academic year will be out?

    • Wacalekum Salam brother cassim exact month is not known just wait until the list came out.

  250. Assalamu alaikum… I’m Saaqib Zubair from India…. I applied for Islamic university of Madinah on 6.2.16 for (2016-2017)… Wen wil the accepted list for this batch be announced…. N wer to check….

  251. Aslamalikum
    Dear admin i resived an mail from university that says it is confirmation email.and me aplied in 2015 march.and this mail says that intetrview time will send my mail.what means this mail…?

    • Sallamu ‘alaykum akhi.
      I also received this email, I think it means following:
      That they want to confirm it’s your correct email, and if you are chosen to be interviewed, then they will send you another email inshaa’Allah with date and time of the interview.

    • Everyone that applied for 2016/2017 got that email. Its just to confirm your details incase you are given a skype interview. Since they are doing skype interviews starting form this year.

    • Anyone who applied for 2016/2017 got sent that email. Its just to confirm your details incase your are offered a skype interview.

    • Skype interview? what if you already did an interview in person?

      Are you sure its a skype interview? Also when will the list come out?

    • I have done my interview at th university also, and i have received that email regarldless. Doesnt matter but if you get offered the skype interview i would advise doing it. Also the list should come out in shaa allah this january 2017. May llah Accept us

    • who told u my bro…..

      aslamualikum brothers i got mail from saudi embassy india which about jamia islamia madina..can anybody tell me why they send me this mail regairding admission
      plzz reply

    • Is this an email for verification of your data? Because alot of people received a verification email. Can you tell me what kind of email it was?

    • Assalaam aylekoem wa rahmatulahi wa barakatoeh.

      How do you know that the list will be published next week in January if I may ask?

  252. Assalam Alaaikum,

    My daughter is 2 years turning now , my sole goal is to learn understand quran as well as something for society . i wanted to check what age i can get admission to Madina University so i could prepare her well for getting admission . My home country is in India, if madina university is affiliated to any university from India so i can get provision to get enrolling process to madina university ..

  253. 2017 started and up to now there is no nwes about the list of 2016/2017 الله المستعان وعليه التكلان.

    • If the list will not be out January then it will be the month of Ramadhan coz the second term it starting 5 February 2017

  254. Brothers no one has clear details about when the list will came out so have patience and pray Allah to be among accepted ones in this year may Allah accept us all.

  255. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله كيفكم ايها الاحباب is there any one from najeria or from masar( Egypt) to confirmed for us the news that saying those two country were accepted yesterday.

  256. Names have started to come out I have been accepted alhamdulilah but there is no acceptance letter yet ? I’m wondering if will be expected to attend the semester this feb or the next one ? Could anyone help me out who has information for the newly accepted students… baarakallahu feekoom

    • brother how did you know that you have been accepted?
      can you please share with us the link?

    • from somalia. the somali list is not updated yet. is it finish or it will be out inşallah.

    • It is not yet out brother. When did they say they will announce? Whom did you contact with him?

    • Please help me brother which certificate did you use because me I av two certificate one from modrasa and one is waec please explain to me

    • You need to just keep checking your country on the madinah website and new names are popping up on each list. There were a few new names on the American list that came out this week also

  257. Salamu alaykum. The 2016/2017 list is OUT! Names have been added. However this list is not complete and more names are too be added InShaaAllah.

  258. 09-January-2016:
    Alhamdulillah New names of accepted students to the Islamic University have finally started to come out.

    British List:

    All other countries:

    Last year only a small number of students were accepted, it may be the case that the newly accepted students are actually the final names from last year’s list.

    Names are displayed under the country you hold a nationality in and not necessarily the country you live in. For Example a Somali who has a Norwegian passport but lives in UK should look for his name under Norway.

  259. Assalamualaikum

    I wanted apply for medina university which i didnt able it last hear because of my delay in my A/L result when is aplication acceptance starts for 2018/2019 year

  260. Assalamualaikum my name is Saidu Dumbuya I apply since 2014 but any time I check my application number it tell me that my application is under consideration. What does that from Sierra Leone. May Allah grant our application successful this year

    • It means your application is still under consideration,so make dua and be patient and check the list under your country.

    • Akhi go to any name of any country in the list of accepted students and click on the ‘details’ beside it,then you can see the option ‘forget application number’ and answer the questions they ask correctly.baarakAllahu feek

  261. Assalam alaikum how can i find the list names of south African student who have applied on 2015 im one of them jazagalahukair.

  262. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah. I have to my respective admin. Is there any test lyk toefl exam. Before applying for schorlaship in to the university thankyou.


  264. Theres been an update on the 6th and 7th march and more names have been added. All these names are from 2015/2016.

    No names have come out yet for 2016/2017.

    • For 2016/2017 means those who applied in 2015 right?so there is still chance for those who applied for 2016/2017 right?do you know when those names will come out?? JazaakAllahu khayr

  265. Assalamualaikum,

    How long does it take usually for the status to change from ” The period for amending your application has not yet expired, you can still modify your appllication if needed.
    to “your application is under consideration”

    barakallahu feek

  266. salam alaikun yaa jamat muslimina .pls and pls can sombody tell us the particular time we will be acept becox we are all waiting especial the 2015/2017 section卜((

  267. salaam alaikum my name is Abdul ahad pls l have been apply since2017 am not see any reply till now what can l do?

  268. Salaam alaikum my name is saminu sani sarki pls I have been apply since 2016 I’m not see any reply and my name on the list Pls what I can do?

  269. Assalamu Alaikum Dear Sir
    i was attended direct interview on 2012 they said they will replay Please Consider my request Please Replay me as you can possible

    Thank You [Message abridged by admin]

  270. Assalamu alaykum, my question is how many years that the student number of the university of madinah will be expired?

  271. sallam alaikum abudl hammed ibrahim adewale is greeting evry body especialy the admin of this website ,pls and pls i av been aply to the univesity since 2015 up till av not been acept pls what happen ,and av get the information that they av been acept students now

  272. Salam Brothers, I am not sure but I heard more names will be released In sha Allah. Keeping Making Dua Brothers

  273. Salamu alaikum warahamatullah,

    My name is Abdanllah bin Ishaq, a Ghanaian and very interested in the Islamic University of Madinah on scholarship basis.
    Kindly send me the details of the application requirements to enable know whether i am legible.

    Jarzakallahu khairan.

  274. Please how can I know the updates of my application, because I have applied already for this year Ma Shaa Allah!…

  275. Assalamu Alaikum
    What it is mean if the status change from your application is under consideration to your application is under study?
    Pls anyone who is known help me with answer.
    Jazakumullahu khairah

  276. Assalamu Alaikum,I am from India.I very like to study at Islamic university of Madeena at soon.In this year I enter to My 17th age(I.A). Which age is permitted to enter there?Allah help me and others who is waiting to enter there.Jazakallahu Khair.Assalamu Alaikum

    • After hajj in shaa Allah, as posted by the admission department twitter profile in response to a similar question.

  277. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    i am Pakistani I want to apply in Islamic University Madinah Munawwarah.
    I want to know that when admission of students in university will open.

  278. salam allykum ABDULHAMMED Ibrahim adewale yaa jamat Muslim pls and pls am not accepted since 2015 av been posted to d university pls anybody can tell me what happened ooo m

  279. Alhamdulillah the new acceptance names of the islamic university have finally started to come out,more new names has been added to the some countries like uk,and us,insha Allah more new names will be added.



    • Ya akhi sabr, your name will show up next year inShaAllah, ive also recently been contacted by the saudi embassy and inShaAllah this is for next year our names will be there

  280. Peace be with you dear sirs and madams,
    I’m currently a Senior High student at OLPHS Malabang.
    I was looking for a scholarship for this coming year 2017-2018, when I see this website of yours.
    I am looking for an opportunity to apply in any scholarship available. I hope you can give me information on how-to gain scholarship.

  281. As salaam Alaykum warahmatullah, the owner of this Application number should check his inquiry box 28AE8041,for transfer of admition to next year.

  282. As salaam Alaykum warahmatullah, the owner of this application number 5197B242 should check his inquiry box for transfer of admission to next year.

  283. salamou anleikoum Brothers please if your application was under consideration and now they are telling you to tranfer it to next year what did it mean? your response is welcome insha Allah May Allah help us…

    • Wa Alaykumus Salaam Warahmatullah,if you are been asked to transfer your application to next year then there is a very strong hope that you will be accepted next year Insha Allah.I saw so many application that have been cancelled by the university because it is long they applied. Only few people who applied for the academic year 2015/2016 till date were given that opportunity to transfer to next year. The same thing happened to me and my brother also studying his master degree in Madeenah confirmed for me from the admision office, and they told him that I should just wait for the next year admission Insha Allah.Brothers let’s keep praying.

  284. asalamu alaykum ya ikhwa
    i applied on november 2017 is there any chance that my name can come up on the january list
    if so when does the january 2018 list come out
    when does the january list come out

    • asalamu alaykum brother alamin
      sorry for the really late reply but i applied for 2018/19 school year. my application is still under consideration.

  285. Assalama alykum warahmatullah, I Muhammad Munawwir Muhammad I was applied lsmic university since 2016 and if I was inquiring my application and the result will like that “your request is complete and is under study and differentietion”and pls when an admission is out? Wish you well craft.

    • Wacalaykumu salam I know a couple of brothers that have gotten the same message but it changed recently to you have gotten accepted to the university.
      I heard that this message means that your application was accepted by the university but was transferred to minister of education for approval, and that is a very good sign. Akhi I wanted to know did your message change or does it say the same thing

  286. Assalamu alaykum

    I’m a reverted muslim, want to study in Madina university. I’ve an official certificate proof for my shahadhaa. My question is, Should I’ve to change my old name in all my certificates & ID proofs ?

    Normally people would respond with different opinions as non muslims are not allowed in Makkah & Madinah.
    Pls respond ustadh as this is one of my important queries i’m searching answer for…
    Jazakallahu khayran..

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Your name being English or Arabic has no bearing on your application at all. There are lots of Johns, Mikes, and Steves (on their official documents) that have studied & continue to study at Saudi universities.

    • Tayyib.

      What about entering into Makkah & Madinah?

      Am I able to come for umrah & appear in interview there ?

  287. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah.Please when will the 2018/2019 commenced and how can I apply.

  288. asalamu aleikum warahamatu llahi wabarakatuhu my name is nasiru Abdulrahaman I have apply for this university now but I don’t get admission yet pleass let me now admission date

  289. Salaamalekum wahramotullahi wabarakatuh brother and sister, I have registered for the Islamic University Medinah this year 2018. I’m looking up to Almighty Allah for my acceptance in the University and may Allah reward me and all ummah in Islam for seeking more knowledge about our Islam Aameen summa Aameen.

  290. Assalaamu alekum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brother and sister, my brother MUHAMMAD WAQAS KHAN have registered for the Islamic University Medinah this year 2018. I’m looking up to Almighty Allah for my acceptance in the University and may Allah reward me and all ummah in Islam for seeking more knowledge about our Islam Aameen summa Aameen.

  291. Assalamu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh sir, I applied around August 2019, but my application is still showing “under consideration for the year 2018/2019. Hope it not a problem sir.
    Jazaakumullāhu Khayrān

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