List of Accepted Students at Madeenah Islamic University, Saudi Arabia 1434-1435 (2013-2014)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The Islamic University of al-Madeenah in Saudi Arabia has announced its latest list of accepted students. The following names have been nominated for acceptance for the academic year of 1434-1435 (2013-2014).

UNITED STATES: [screenshot]


UNITED KINGDOM: [screenshot]


IRELAND: [screenshot]


CANADA: [screenshot]


FRANCE: [screenshot]


GERMANY: [screenshot]


TRINIDAD: [screenshot]



You may check the lists of accepted students from other countries, or verify the above names by checking the university’s official portal here:

The University’s official website also offers the following message to students who have been accepted:

Dear nominated brother!

To complete the procedures of your acceptance and travel , kindly consider the following notes.

• a valid passport is required.

• a new medical checkup is a must.

• the instructions in the acceptance notice should be followed.

• Your file should be completed with all required documents and they should be duly attested by the authorities of concern in your country in addition to the Saudi embassy.

• As soon as you collect your entry visa through deanship’s website, you have to immediately approach the Saudi embassy in order to collect your visa. So, please be there in time. Any delay will result in making your visa invalid.

• Your issued ticket must be used as designated and your final destination route is Almadinah. In case of not travelling in time, extra fares might be charged.

• Our receptionist will collect you from Almadinah airport.

Accepted students may also find the following article very beneficial, in shaa’ Allaah:

What to Know Before You Go

May Allaah bless the students and grant them success in their studies. We pray that Allaah guides them, by providing them with true love for knowledge and its people, sincere efforts in attaining it from them, and upright actions in accordance with the best of what they learn.

245 thoughts on “List of Accepted Students at Madeenah Islamic University, Saudi Arabia 1434-1435 (2013-2014)

    • assalam alikum
      Dear you can effort for admission by getting contect with us.mail me and get admission

    • Assalamu alleykum am from kenya dear admin I have applied for an admission at madina uni. 2012 how can I get admission plz. Shukran

    • Sallam. I from Cameroon I applied to the jamiah university .when I open my application no I see the interview form, it says interview for for 2017_2018 interview form and my picture is there, what do I need to do? Please help me am confused.

    • ya akheel Kareem I am in need of the admission I hope ALLAH will lead the way for me into the system Ameen ameen Ameen ya rabby

    • asalaaam alaikm yaa ahbaaabnaa alkiraaaam am inquiring about acceptance with my application number DEF9CC83 SHUKRAN

    • Salam , I’m from Malaysia and I applied since 2012 and still waiting to be accepted. My application is still under consideration. My ref number is A1B5CB9F. Can anyone pls help me asap, Jazaakumullahu khayran’ katheera.

    • Salamalekun good-day sir,this Ismail Adebowale Owoseni please i want to know when the 2015 admission is coming up.I look forward to hear from you.thank best regards.ismail

    • May ALLah grant us the golden opportunity to be among the in the next 2yrs.ameen .{Abu suhail al-Bakinsamuwiy}

  1. asalamu aleikum my dear brothers what is the criteria to be accepted is it by chance or there are specific criterias to be selected jazakumulah

    • Tamim Abdullh Alhassan Assalaamu alaikum warahmatuLLah. I,m praying hard to be part of those you should be kindly accepte. Sukuran may Allah help you to help me .

  2. For the brothers who are accepted. Can any of you see your ‘Printing notice of acceptance’ or ‘Printing Visa Number’ after you enter in your application number in admissions website. Does it say ‘Leave of Absence’ and ‘send’?

    Does anyone know why this is?

    • it hapens to me also…it hapens when we take english way..try arabic way…In Sha Allah u will get…i also got Alhamdhulillah

    • Assalamu alaikum. we apply and put hope that insha Allah we will get it.brothers assist us with ur du’ah please.Ibrahim Isa Rifa’i fr Nigeria

    • salam alaikum my name is saidu ahmad my dream is to study at the university of medina under the faculty of medicine or faculty of computer with your help i believe ALLAH will make my dream come true inshaalah….thank you [message truncated]

  3. Asaalam Alaykum, in the area i live i cant find nobody to translate my documents please somebody clarify for me if its mandatory or if i can just sumbit in english. I am having a very hard time finding someone who will spend time into it.

  4. assalamu alaykum, i am young Gambian muslim who seriosly want to know the true deen of islam, in that regard i reall want you to sent me the admission form of the university of Madina for Allah’s Sake.

  5. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah. I applied for medinah late last year, however I didn’t have my documents translated into arabic and I don’t remember getting a code. So does anyone know 1)when my application is considered for? 2)if its a requirement to translate the documents? 3)how to get a code if one has lost it? 4)what does it mean if a code hasn’t been received when application was completed?

    • W if u lose ur code try asking help from ur countrt mate in uni…u have to give ur applied email and pp number and adress(all applied)…however if u couldnt find it on tht way also then isbir…u r name might be on the accepted list…if u find ur name on tht list n u forgot ur code, near the place where u write code there is send button and forgot ur forgot ur password then fill it what they ask…In Sha Allah u will find it…May Allah bless u my brother

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The entry visa has an expiration date written on it. But I think you mean how long can one stay and study. If so, then as long as you are enrolled in a program of study, the “iqaamah” (legal residence permit) is continually renewed.

    • may allah grant them success and make us those accepted next year insha allah amin

  6. I applied to the school and it said that I applied for the 2015-2016 year, but I thought that it would be for 2014-2015. Which year did I apply for?

  7. Assalamolkyom does any one know the university ID number for MOFA/Enjaz for this year i heard they change it every year

  8. Bismillahi rahmani raheem
    Assalaamoualaikom warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

    Dear brother,

    Someone got accepted for both universities. Umm al qura and Madina. Where should he go? Can you advise us regarding this matter baaraka Allahu fiek? This person wants to get married in about 2 years. We d like an answer in private baarak Allahu fiek.

    • asalam o alaiku brother can you told me plzzz that how can i got admission in madina university an also in umulqura ???

  9. I tried applying for the 14-15 school year and the website is telling me that I would be registering for the 15-16 year. Has the deadline for the 14-15 year already passed?

  10. assalamu alaykum i apply for 2014-2015 session but the site said i was applying for the 2015-2016 session, what does that mean?

    • ASSALAAMU-ALAIKUM WA RAHMATUL-LAH. I would like to know weather there will be results for Liberia for the academic year 2013/2014, if there will be any, when will it be published.

    • Assalamo alaykom.w.w why the 2015-2016 not publishing acceptance student

      My beloved our teachers…

  11. As-Salaamu alaykum! I have a query which I see a few brothers have already asked. Unfortunately though, their questions haven’t been answered.

    Please inform us whether applications for the year 2014/2015 are closed already? Because when applying online it shows that one is applying for 2015/2016…

    Kindly look into this and notify us what the situation is. It will be sincerely appreciated!
    Jazaakallahu Khairan!


  12. Aslm,i am from Nigeria who applied for admission to study in ummul qurah and the university of madina but i cannot find the list of accepted students for ummul qurah and whenever i put my application number for the university of madina they usually send me this statement”your application is under considiration”those it mean that there is another list to be posted

  13. Assalamu Alaukum My Name is Umar Abubakar from Machina Local government Yobe State Nigeria.I went to your University Last year may 2013 for an Interview but yet i am still looking for the admission.This serve as a Reminder to you as you already promised to me that i will given the admission.Lastly i am hoping and Looking forward to have the admission.Thank you and Allah blessed.Umar Abubakar from Machina Yobe State’assalam

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaam. “I went to your university” – Umar, this is an informational website, that is all. You should contact the university with your concern.

    • please soomany years i want you to have admission into your university and you refuse to give me. my country is , Ghana ,Tamale

  14. Assalaam alaykum. Please i want to know if there is a way a male over 25years can study islaam in ksa. Either learning directly from shuyookh or gaining admission to university. Or can i first secure a job (male nurse) in ksa to have the oppourtunity. If i need to secure a job, how do i go about it? Please, i need your answers. Note that i live in nigeria.

  15. Assallamu alaykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu ikwaani

    I would like to start off by praising Allah subhanahu wata’aala and thank him for giving is the tawfeeq to apply for the jami’a and send blessings upon our beloved prophet muhammad saw.

    Akhi, I would like to ask when will the acceptance list be out for the academic year 2014/2015?

    I wanted to clarify if the list would come out late like the previous year or will it come out normal time of September this year?

    I ask Allah subhanahu wata’aala to answer all our Duas

    Barakallahu feekum ikhwaani

  16. Application For Admisstion in to islamic uni. maddinah. Bsc. program. i hera by apply for the above subject matter. i want study islamic courses for …

  17. assalamu Alaykum i applied to islamic university madeenah for the year 2014-2015 session,but it says i am applying for 2015-2016 session. pls explain it for me.

  18. Asalamualikum I am currently doing bachelor in IT which will finish in december 2015. I am confused should I apply now for 2015-2016 session or wait and apply for 2016-2017 session at isalmic university of madinaj.

    The only problem is I will be above 23 in October 2016 so I will cross the age limt for other uni’s like umm-ul qura and imam saud by then.

    Is it possible to apply now for 2015-2016 and if I get accepted by the will of Allah , delay the acceptance to feburary 2016.

  19. SA, I am a current student as an scholarship in the U.S. for 2013-2014 academic year. I am seeking to apply a scholarship from to at Islamic University of Medina.
    I will continue my education in Turkey, my country in 2014-2015 semester. After finishing my education in Turkey, I would like to apply for Islamic University of Medina for 2015-2016 academic year.
    Do you accept student from Turkey also? Where can I find Application process or form?

  20. Assalamu-alaykum, wa sallallahu alaa nabiyool khareem! i was born in kwankwaso… i will like to enroll in islamic university of madinah. Pls accepted me to be the one of your students. [abridged by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykum salaam Muhammad, you are welcome to apply to Madeenah University, may Allaah give you success. This website is for informational purposes only, we have no official connection to the university. Here is the university’s website:

    • Assalamu-alaykum am very-sad am among the accepted list for 2013-2014 but am using nokiaX2 it will not open heavy page. How can i do?? I will like to get admission in your university jami’atul-islamiyyah!! Alhamdulillah,am poor man. Here is my name (Muhammad ibn Adam kwankwaso at nigeria) my document is already saved. May Allah makes yoy to acccepted me ameen.

  21. Asalamualaikum warhmatulahi wabarakatuhu
    I am a Gambian who has not the scholarship before but I want to apply this time around. And I want to know is Gambia still part of the eligible countries To apply ? And when is the next open application again?
    Hope to hear from you soon!
    Asalamualaikum warhmatulahi

  22. assalam o alikum every one. i lost his application number that was gave from madina universty . what should me to do. can any person help me…??

  23. salaamu alaikum?pleas i applied to Princes Ameera Nura University for the academic year 2013-2014 but up till now i havent heard any information concerning the application or heard any news about them can some one please get me any info about their admission?Wassalaamun alaikum warahmatullah.

  24. salm aleikum our brothers i thank you for that but when to release the list of accepted students2014/2015

  25. As-Salaamu Alaykum wa rahmatullahi Wa barakatu.

    Alhamdulilah I have applied to the Islamic university of Madeenah and I have had my interview. But I have some questions.

    1. I plan on getting married, and I know there aren’t any colleges in the university for the sisters to attend, so they do not get a student visa, I know she would get the entry visa but that doesn’t last very long, so how do I extend her stay?

    2. I heard that the Married couples live off Campus, so how far is it from the campus? Is it walking distance or is their a bus heading there?

    3. Do the married couples have to pay rent for the University housing? If so how much is it?

    4.If your have any other advise to the married couples applying to the university, please share it with us, Jazakallahu Khair.

  26. How can we feel the application forms? Is there any particular site or the forms should obtained from somewhere. Kindly advice,

  27. Salamu ‘alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    One day after i applied to the jami’ah i logged in to the application inquiry and it says The period for amending your application has not yet expired, you can still modify your appllication if needed. Does that mean i didn’t come in because i read somewhere thats mean your not accepted but how can that be i applied only one day ago.

    Please answer

  28. Asalamu alaikum I am 27 years old and I heard the condition of exceptence in madina university is that a person must be below 25. The problem was that I started my Alim course in south Africa late because I became a Muslim late. But Alhamdulillah I finished now and I wanted to futher my studies in sharia and I’m married is there any chance for me ? Please help I realy wana futhure my studies

  29. asalamu alaykum i am 22years old i have all the needed condition of exceptence my in position to get chance of further study

  30. Asalam aleikum warahmotulai waba raka tuh,Why my application is still saying under consideraation, jazakalahu khoiron .

  31. I want to know when will the 2014/2015 acadamic year list of accepted students will be released. counting on your usual co operation.

  32. As-salamualaekum I (38AFE4D7) Number from Nigeria pls sin 3Years a go i m apply for Admission but till know i don’t se my name on the list, pls i will expect my name this year in sha ALLAH .Jazakumullahu kaera .

    • May Allah bless you. Please delete your ID number. It should kept secret and safe. Anyone can access your application with the above information you posted.

    • Assalamulalaikum,
      Please i want to apply for 2014-2015 how i can apply and which documents i need to translate to apply… Please give a list actually which documents i need for apply Islamic University of Madeenah..

      May Allah bless you

  33. السلام عليكم


  34. Assallam Allaikum my Name is Adam shittu from Nigeria and hv memorize the whole qur’an in hafs pls my question is this I did my interview in madina year 2013 to 2014 nd I was tex by recitation dey told me I hv a good tongue so am qualified but nw hv see d list but my name was not among nd wen I cnt d name it’s all 50 students was listed is there more names coming up wassllam am ADAM SHITTU from Nigeria

  35. A.s I applied in June 2013 when I check it’s تحت الدراسة under consideration. What. a meaning?

  36. Assalamu alaikum, may Allah almighty grand you with his ahsanul jaza’a.
    And we appreciate the way you do in Jami’atul Islamiyya, and wishing to bee among accepted student in 2014/2015.

  37. Assalamu alaykum wa RahmatuLLAHi wa barakatuh,

    I applied this year in the month February / March and was also at the university and introduced myself. When will announced the list for the accepted students for next year. I applied for the year 2015

    My name is Anuar Hajjioui and I am from Germany.

  38. Asallaam alykum
    my name is fareed tawakkal from Malawi .
    I just wanted to ask if you apply how long it takes to get admitted.

  39. Assalaamu Alaikum, admin i am Aliyu Abubakar from nigeria my question is i have applied for admission in islamic universiy of almadeenah since 2012, but any time i checked my application they replied me, Your application is under consideration. Please is there any hope for the next admission or not? Please i need your reply. Ma’as salaam.

  40. sir, i am a student of and i want to study further. sir for this purpose i want to enroll in the 2015 winter in m.s (finance) in the al madina university… i want to continue my studies please till me the whole procedure how i can apply for that. [email abridged by admin]

  41. assalam alaykum am from a masai tribe previous 6 years converted to islam and complited thanawi level and fomfour level.willingly need to join what to do.thanks ASSALAM ALAYKUM.

  42. salam. please sir qm a native of ondo state i have applied to almadinah university since may 2014 but my name have not been accepted.
    please when shold will be expecting the next list. am doing this because their is no much of muslims in my state, please if accepted i will be very greatgull sir. my application number is 5197B242. ones again my name is MUSA MUHAMMED ADEMOLA. From nigeria Alnigeri.

  43. Assalamalaikum Warahamatullahi Wabarakatuhu,

    May Allah bless you akhi and may He increase you in knowledge and understanding.

    Akh Moosa, I checked my application on Madinah University’s website, and I had applied for 2013/2014. It states : “APPLICATION UNDER STUDY طلبك تحت الدراسة”

    BarakAllahu feek akhi,
    Would you be able to assist me in this regard.
    JazakAllahu Khairan,

  44. I apply for dis year admission, i know Allah will accept me for 2015/2016, wama taofeeqii Illa billah, hala’i tawakkaltu, waihla’i huniiiiib.

  45. asalaMu alaikuM i did apply for this university since year and still dont have any feed back.. waiting to hear froM you in sha Allah..

    • Assa lamu alai kum , we are in Same situation bro. Have you gotten visa no and ticket no yet?

  46. Here engineering faculity is available and l know that english and arabic now lam studying in 12th standerd before my goal is to go indian institute of technology but after I heard about islamic university of madina that is better is iam understanding

  47. Assa la mu alai kum , warah matullahi wabara ketuhu.
    My name is Muhammad Yusuf ( passport name : MAIMAITIYUSUFU WULAYINMU) I’m from Xinjiang China . I’m applied by islamic university in Madinah . I found my name in the list of accepted students in 9.2014 .ma shaa Allah , I am so happy , however, I am still waiting for visa number , does anyone give me any information about when could I receive the visa number ?
    Jaza kallahu hayran kaseeran .
    Assa la mu alai kum , warah mutallahi wabara katuhu.

    • السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
      I am amiir ahmed l want the madina university of Saudi Arabia please eccapt my request for scholarship

    • Wa alai kum assa lam wa rah matullahi vabara katuhu!bro!
      I’m just a student or a person who is accepted by islamic university in madinah. Moreover, there is a problem even I couldn’t resolve yet .
      In short, in shaa Allah, I will help you if I could. But I couldn’t help you .

  48. Assalam aleykum, i am kaltone from samburu,kenya i applied for islamic university on23rd august for 2014-2015 intake bt every tym i check it’s under consideration..when exactly will be the next list be out.maasalam

  49. my name is Ahmed Ahmed from nigeria. pls i need admission to jamia madinah pls help me for it. jasakumullah Akheira (amen)

  50. Asalam halykun….. I am from nigeria, I thank god for my accepted and am waiting for my visa….pls is anybody know wich time will be out ….please am waiting for your reply…..

  51. salame o alykom!
    i have applied to 2014 but my name have not been accepted.
    please when shold will be expecting the next list. please if accepted i will be very greatgull sir. my application number is Name MUHAMMAD FARHAN We have successfully completed the submission of the application for the academic year 1436-1437 Date of submission of the application 05/11/35 10:10:23 p Application No. 7B38A9AD. pls i will expect my name this year in sha ALLAH .Jazakumullahu kaera.

  52. Assalamu alaikum we pray to all academic planners success. in their life & hereafter.I am from Nigeria yours faithfully Muhammad jamilu Saidu.

  53. Asalam alykum w ,wbrkatuh
    This is muhamedi umaru a student of islamic university in uganda kampala campus ,offering abachelor degree in public administration,i would lyk 2 upgrade by doing abachelor degree in shari-a at islamic university in medina insha-Allah.
    may u acept my humble request,Ameeeeeeeeeeeen

  54. As alaykum i have apply at madina since 2012 and my number till now is underconsideration so when i will be accepted (on list) my fellow consideration have alread been accepeted

  55. You may check the lists of accepted students from other countries, or verify the above names by checking the university’s official portal here:
    The University’s official website also offers the following message to students who have been accepted:
    Dear nominated brother!
    To complete the procedures of your acceptance and travel , kindly consider the following notes.
    • a valid passport is required.
    • a new medical checkup is a must.
    • the instructions in the acceptance notice should be followed.
    • Your file should be completed with all required documents and they should be duly attested by the authorities of concern in your country in addition to the Saudi embassy.
    • As soon as you collect your entry visa through deanship’s website, you have to immediately approach the Saudi embassy in order to collect your visa. So, please be there in time. Any delay will result in making your visa invalid.
    • Your issued ticket must be used as designated and your final destination route is Almadinah. In case of not travelling in time, extra fares might be charged.
    • Our receptionist will collect you from Almadinah airport.
    Accepted students may also find the following article very beneficial, in shaa’ Allaah:

    muhammad s. usman


  56. Sir,
    Assalamu alaykum,,
    I wanna know that, when will the selection going on for addmision 2015-2016…
    Plz reply

  57. السلام as salaam alaikum,iwas process an admission 2 islamic university since december 2013, bt if i try 2 check it, it will write<under consideration, what can i do??

  58. M.AbuBakar Niaz
    Aslam o Alikum
    My name is M.AbuBakar Niaz From jampur Dist Rajan Pur Pakistan, I need admission in Islamic study to Jamia Islamia Madina.
    M.AbuBakar Niaz

  59. As alaykum i have alread to apply at madina since 2012 and my number is Under Consideration so i want t know when i will be accept because it take long time since to be Consideration.Some one could direct me.Insha allah ALLAH will help us.

  60. Assalaamu Alaikum, admin
    I am M.Abubakar Niaz from pakistan my question is i have applied for admission in islamic universiy of almadeenah since 2015 to 2016, but any time i checked my application they replied me, Your application is under consideration. Please is there any hope for the next admission or not? [comment abridged by admin]

  61. brothers in Islam am Dahir Omar Ahmed from Kenya i have applied madina university last year 2014, hopping to be in the last of acceptance in 2014/2015 academic year inshaallah please i need your du’as so that i can a achieved my goals and our goals too. i mean our goal is da’wa as the mentioned in holy quran chapter 3 verse 110.

  62. Assalamoalaikum, my question is what if more than 5 years have passed since the completion of my secondary education ???am i still eligible for the scholarship?? Please notify as soon as possible.. Jazakallah..

  63. Assalamu alaikum. we
    apply and put hope that
    insha Allah we will get
    it.brothers assist us
    with ur du’ah
    please.ASHIRU YUSUF from Nigeria

  64. slm i ahmad muhammad gumbi here by apply for admission in to uslamic university i hpe my application will be concidered

  65. Assalamu alykum warahmatullah , Am saidi from kenya I need an application to the university of Al- madinah for the year of 2014/2015 an for more I have alot interest in islamic university I finished my high school last year and I could be very apprecciative alot if I wil be considered as among of list of the 2015 inshallah ..Thank alot

  66. assalamualikum, i am ariful from bangladesh, at first i applied for (2014-15)
    then i am trying for (2015-16) but i have forgotten my first time applying date
    which is needed for second time application. my ID showed under consideration. so how can i get this date and what should i do in this situation?
    please answer me if possible quickly, May Allah be pleased with you.

  67. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    I see a lot of brothers asking the admin when will this be released or when will we be accepted. Brothers be patient this is not in the hands of the admin when you get accepted you will get accepted and if you get rejected you get rejected you just have move on and find other places to study. Yes we all want to study in Saudi but sometimes that’s not the case… [message truncated by admin]

  68. Assalamoalikum I am Muhammad Zishan From Pakistan. I have Applied For admission in madina unIversity last year. When the `list of accepted students of 2015/ post.

  69. Assalam alaikum my name is yahuza ibrahim from nigeria i applied university of madinah since 2014, but my application is still open i am not considered. and some of my friends were under considratin but mine is still open

    PLEASE reply me if u get my question masha ALLAH

  70. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah
    I am so happy if i become in the one of the student that has accepted, since when i was young i will make effort to further my islamic study then i wish my brothers all best in their life and i advice my brother to be patient for the university, May Allah bless us

  71. As alaykum brother i have aplied since 2012 and my aplication is under consideration till now so please answer me when i will be succeed.

  72. salamu alaikum admin please tell me the website that should I check my admission status wit my application number given.

  73. As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmantuallah Allahu Akbar wa allahlilhamd may Allah grant all of you success in this life and the hereafter and i ask Allah may you all benefit from this course and remember the brothers like myself who now has become too old of age to attend(30) but will continue to seek beneficial knowledge from Qur’an and Sunnah and the Righteous Salaf and pray we all can benefit this beautiful ummah of Muhammad(saw) Ameen

  74. assalamu alaikum admin .. I Abdullahi salisu Adamu please asist me this is my application number 47AOEBAD check me my admission status …..jazakallahu khairan ya akeei

  75. Assalamu alaikum, i wish, i hope that am become in the acceptance student for yr 2015, but till now i am not applied. i am asking for; when the application for 2015 is closed, the passfort office was wasted my time. plz tell me the date plz help me i love islam wal muslim. i wish you z best thanks.

  76. said:
    SA, I am a current student as
    an scholarship in the U.S. for
    2013-2014 academic year. I
    am seeking to apply a
    scholarship from to at Islamic
    University of Medina.
    I will continue my education
    in Turkey, my country in
    2014-2015 semester. After
    finishing my education in
    Turkey, I would like to apply
    for Islamic University of
    Medina for 2015-2016
    academic year.
    Do you accept student from
    Turkey also? Where can I find
    Application process or form? pls help me

  77. السلام عليكم
    plz my name is muhammad musa. have apply to madinah university 2015/2016 academy year, plz my name is not yet out plz ur help is needed. my application number is 5197B242 Please may almighty Allah be with us Ameen. from Nigeria. JAZAAKUMULLAU KHAIRAN

    • hey brother, as i saw your application, i think you did not finish all the steps, and for more you should keep in secret your “application number”, and my advice to you is talk with any student that is knowledgeable about this.

  78. Assalamu alaykum wa RahmatuLLAHi wa
    I applied this year in the month February /
    March and was also at the university and
    introduced myself. When will announced the
    list for the accepted students for next year. I
    applied for the year 2015

    my name is sifiyanu abubakar i’m from nagire’an

  79. Assalamoalikum I am Zakaria Islam From Bangladesh. I have Applied For admission in madina university last year. When the `list of accepted students of 2015/ post

  80. *** not 100% correct***. Check in administration your code and see any news, I heard that in the middle of Ramadan will come the first names the will be accepted. Pray for me to be accepted, again this news was taken by a Student that is now in Medina(it is not official)

  81. I am interested in securing admission into Jamia Islamiyyah in Medinah in order to further my Islamic education and am married also blessed with a daughter. How can I secure this admission?

  82. Assalam alaykum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Please when would the application for 2016/2017 end and when would the session commence. And what is the program like in terms of teaching Arabic before you commence your course full time. I heard you’ll be taught Arabic for a year or 2. Jazaakallahu khayran.

  83. How to contact to jamia islamia to attending in it from my country (myanmar)and i have different kinds of form to applie in jamia.Please guide to me .Salam

  84. I want to be one of the student of this jami’ah and I pray to Allah to make us among thr succeeders amin

  85. What is the meaning of, ‘your admission is under consideration’?. It is means the same thing to everybody or not?

  86. Assalaam alaikum, my name is Muhammad Mpasa from Zambia. I saw my name tagged that i was accepted at madina university but when i check using my application code im not accepted please help and Please please please add me my brothers.

    • Salam aleikoum, how yu know that you are accepted ? This is not possible because the list of accepted student is not come out. So wait for this in sha Allah

  87. Assalam alaykum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Please when would the application for 2016/2017 end and when would the session commence. And what is the program like in terms of teaching Arabic before you commence your course full time. I heard you’ll be taught Arabic for a year or 2. Jazaakallahu khayran

    • The application for 2016-2017 is still open until early next year,so i advise u to apply very soon before the application for 2017-2018 opens.As for the ARABIC course,it depends on your ability, if u learn very fast then it will be for 1yr but if u don’t understand ARABIC after 1yr then it will be for 2yrs,i got this information from a STUDENT in the uni
      MADINAH running his master.I hope u benefit from the answer i gave u,dear brother.

  88. Am Abdinasir Bille Buul from Kenya.
    I have been accepted 3 month ago but yet i didn’t get the visa.kindly may i get help

  89. My name is ambali murtador please i want know when the 2015 admission should be get out so that will be able to get prepear for aspired for it. May Allah bestow his blessing upon every one us inshal Allah,Amin

  90. Please i want to knw when the new admission should be release out for 2015 candidate,so that i will be able to aspired for it insha Allah may Allah bestow is blessing upon evry of us.

  91. said:
    Assalamoalikum I am Salah Uddin From Bangladesh. I have Applied For admission in madina university last year. When the `list of accepted students of 2015/ post

  92. I graduated BSc from Lucknow university right now l am imam o khateeb in a masjid raygarh maharastr india
    I am looking for a chance to com to this universty to ilsmic and science resurch

  93. Assalmu alaikum wa rahmatullah, When are we search for our admission 2015/2016 academic session?? Thank you for your cooperation.

  94. Asslm aleykoum warahmatoul laahy wabarakaato.
    my name is nourou from benin, i applied for the academic year 2015/2016 in the university of madina.the number that they gave me is:#########.may Allah help me to be among the list of accepted students of 2015/2016.i dont have anybody exept biggest wich in this life is to studi at university of madina.i beg fiy sabiilil laahy help me to be accepted.this is my phone number:############. May allah bless you and put you in paradise.

  95. Aslm alkm
    is it true that every persons whose applied after the 21 of January 2015 their application are considered as the 2016 2017 session pls is there any brother that known the fact of this.
    pls brother help for us to know our position

    • Yes, is is confirmed by students that are studying in University, they took this info from the administration.

  96. Asslamu alaikum…my name is usman Ali from Nigeria and I what be one of the student of this university of madina to study hadith or shari’ah…pls help me my brothes in is my phone number…#############….pls help me..pls thank u so much…Asslamu alikum.

  97. Assalam o alaikum I hope u will be fine and Allah keep healthy. Dear brother I m from malakand agency pakistan I m applying since 2013. And I want to study hadith. Now when I give my code ur application is under concideration wt is this? Wassalam

    • It is a sign that u will be selected and accepted for 2015-2016 Insha Allah.mine is also like that.

    • I don think so, you are wrong, but i will find the source to prove it, sorry but according to my knowledge if you aren’t accepted for specific year then you should apply for another year, again tomorrow i will find sources inshallah

  98. i am muhammed abdul raheem from INDIA,kerla.
    i want a chance for study in Islamic University in saudi-arabia
    i was apply for admission in university, please give me a chance
    for study in islamic university by,
    muhammed abdul raheem

  99. asalaam idi isabirye from uganda,قال المصطفي (ص من طلب العلي سهل اليالي. i applied for adegree since 2004 upto now but ma request is not yet considered yet am the only son who studed arabic in my family. with due request,l humbly requesting you kindly to answer my request.أسأل الله سبحانه وتعالي أن يجعل الفردوس مثواكم وان يجعل حسن أعمالكم في ميزان حسناتكم. والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله. am waiting for any possible reply. وشكرا لكم


  101. Asala mu Alyikum wa rahma tu llahi wabara katouhu.
    Sir, I am a Sierra Leonean by nationality staying in The Gambia , Sir when the 2015-2016 result will be post, and how can i know ?

    • salam akha. please let me know whats the status of your application is. new students names are updating now maasha ALLAH. is your application saying thats ” your application is under consideration?””

    • Assalamu alaykum please we the Nigerian students that have applied need your assistance. Please when is the accepted list of student for 2015/2016 going be publish? We are very concern about it,especial i that have applied from a vicinity were non muslims are the dominate.

  102. Asslam-o-Aliakum…
    Dear Brother !!
    i am Abid Ullah from Pakistan. I have completed High School diploma/ certificate ( science subjects) in 2014 from Govt College, with excellent position 84/100. I have also studded Islamic education upto six years and have passed wifaqulmdaris Al-Arabia Pakistan Examination ( darja Khassa, Equal to BA).I have also English and arabic language proficiency certificates/Diplomas with excellent position.I want to Study BS in any Muslim country with full scholarship especially in Saudi Arab.I have applied for BS ( in any Subject Engineering or Islamic) to islamic University Madinah in start of october 2015.Please tell me How much chances for my selection and will result will be announced??ALSO Please guide me if you have information about the islamic uni scholarship or any other bachelor Scholarship.
    Your sincere
    Abid Ullah

  103. Assalaamualaykum warahmatullah wabarakatu

    My name is Alshid Tarang , Im 17yrs. old and i want to study there at saudi, i want to study there shu’ba in Arabaic Language This coming NEXT SCHOOL year 2016-2017 but shiekh i dont know how to DO frown emoticon can you guide me on waht should i do?

  104. Anybody tell about the new publish accepter student from the madina university Anybody Please.
    When will be publish the result?

  105. As salaam alykum my name is Lukmon adegoke Akinbade am from Nigeria I need admition to Islamic university in Saudi Arabia, pls help me

  106. Asalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahe wabarakatohh……
    Any one cane tell me that my Application number is 9198B85D and i apply in 2015 and i can not recive any conformation and any response from university side ………can any one tell me how contact or get any information from university that my application is rejected or accepted???????????????????????????

  107. Asalam alaikum my name is SULAIMAN VAMUYAN SHERIFF i am a Liberian and a senior student at the University of Liberia. I want to study at your university in madinah how can i apply and be considered?

  108. My name is Ahmad Rufa’i Abdullahi i am a nigerian i want to study at jami’atul madina pls help

  109. as-salamu alaykum warahmotulah wabarakatu, I apply last year I never see result, may Almighty Allah let any one of us try to enter this madinah school in-sha-allah they we enter. this school we go forward, my name is ISIAQ MUH YUSUF

  110. assalam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I Abdul kabeer from Nigeria please I want admission to your university what are the things that you need
    shukran jaseelan

  111. My name is Al,amin Yahaya muhammad i am
    nigerian i want to study at jami’atul madina please I hope my request will be duly considered THANks.

  112. AssalamuAlaikum,for the students accepted in 2018, I cannot my country which is the Gambia.Please help me so I can see my country

  113. Assalamualaikum. Good day . My name is fairouz Najib from Nigeria. Am seeking of scholarship to study in islam university Medina . I have completed my o level and have the result. Pls help me sir.
    Jazakumullahu khair.

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