Ibn Taymiyyah on Using Haraam Substances as Medical Treatments

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

MARIJUANA as a medical treatment?! REALLY?

Muslims, let us please go back to our scholars on such issues!

“Seeking medical cures from filthy (haraam) substances is proof of a sickness in the heart…”

What follows is a complete translation of a detailed answer given by Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [d.728] (may Allaah have Mercy on him) when he was asked about a patient whose doctors told him that the only (effective) medical treatment in his situation would be to consume intoxicants, canine (dog) meat, or even swine. He replied:

It is not permissible to use intoxicants and other filthy substances as medical treatments, based on what was reported by Waa’il ibn Hujr, [1] who said that Taariq ibn Suwayd al-Ju’fee [2] asked the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) about intoxicants, and he forbade him from using them. Taariq added, “But I only use them as medical treatments.” He (the Prophet) responded:

إنه ليس بدواء ولكنه داء
“It is not a treatment, however it is a disease (itself).” 

This (hadeeth) was collected by Imaams Ahmad and Muslim in his Saheeh. [3]

And on the authority of Aboo ad-Dardaa’, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

إن الله أنزل الدواء وأنزل الداء وجعل لكل داء دواء، فتداووا ولا تتداووا بحرام
“Verily Allaah has sent down illnesses, and He has sent down the cures. He has made (available) a cure for every illness, so take medical treatments, but do not treat illnesses with haraam (substances).”

This (hadeeth) was collected by Aboo Daawood. [4]

And Aboo Hurayrah said, “The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) forbade the use of filthy substances as medical treatments.” In one narration (of this report), “He meant: poison.” It was collected by Ahmad, Ibn Maajah, and at-Tirmithee. [5]

And on the authority of ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn ‘Uthmaan [6]: Once a doctor mentioned a certain medical treatment in the presence of the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), and he mentioned that a frog was used as part of it. The Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) then forbade the killing of frogs. It was collected by Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, and An-Nasaa’ee. [7]

‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said about intoxication, “For sure, Allaah has not made your cure to be found in anything that He has forbidden you from.” Al-Bukhaaree quoted this in his Saheeh. [8] This was also reported by Aboo Haatim Ibn Hibbaan in his Saheeh as a statement of the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace). [9]

These texts and other similar ones are explicit in their prohibitive wordings against using filthy substances as medical treatments. They explicitly declare using intoxicants as a medical treatment to be impermissible. Intoxicants are the mother of all filthy things, and they combine all types of sins (in the person who uses them).

Khamr (intoxicants) is a word used for everything that intoxicates, as is authentically established in texts from the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), as recorded by Muslim in his Saheeh, on the authority of Ibn ‘Umar, who said that the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

كل مسكر خمر وكل خمر حرام [وفي رواية]: كل مسكر حرام
“Everything that intoxicates is khamr, and every kind of khamr is haraam.” [And in one narration,] “Everything that intoxicates is haraam.” [10]

In the two Saheehs [of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim] is the report of Aboo Moosaa al-Ash’aree, that he said: “O Messenger of Allaah! Give us your verdict on two drinks that we make in Yemen: al-Bit’a, made from thickeners added to honey, and al-Mizr made of thickened barley.” The Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), who was given the ability to speak with a few words that carry such heavy meanings, said:

كل مسكر حرام
“Every intoxicant is haraam.” [11]

Similarly is the report of ‘Aa’ishah that was collected in the two Saheehs [of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim] wherein she asked the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) about al-Bit’a, a mixed honey drink drunk by the people of Yemen. He said:

كل شراب أسكر فهو حرام
“Every drink that intoxicates is haraam.” [12]

Also, Muslim, in his Saheeh, and an-Nasaa’ee and others collected a report from Jaabir, stating that a man from Habshaan in Yemen asked the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) a drink used to make from corn flour (or cornmeal) called al-Mizr. He asked, “Does it intoxicate?” The man said, “Yes.” He replied:

كل مسكر حرام، إن على الله عهدا لمن شرب المسكر أن يسقيه من طينة الخبال
“Every intoxicant is haraam. Verily Allaah has a pact with every drinker of intoxicating beverages that He shall make him drink from the pus of wounds (of the people in the Hellfire)” [13]

All these narrations are explicit in declaring every type of intoxicant to be haraam, that they are all conisdered khamr, no matter what type it is, and that it is not permissible to use any of them as medical treatments.

As for what some doctors say, that the only cure for this disease is this specific medication, then this is merely the saying of an ignoramus. No one who really knows medicine would ever say that in the first place, let alone someone who (also) knows about Allaah and His Messenger. That is because cures are not restricted to one specific thing ordinarily, unlike how eating (food) directly leads to one’s hunger subsiding. There are some people whom Allaah heals without any medicine. Others are cured by Allaah after taking certain germ-based treatments, some halaal and some haraam. These same treatments could be used by other people who find no benefit, due to a missing (unknown, hidden) catalyst, or due to the presence of an (unknown, hidden) inhibitor. This is unlike how normal eating leads to the satisfaction of one’s appetite. Thus, Allaah has allowed starving people to eat filthy (impermissible) substances in times of need to satisfy their hunger, as it (food), and nothing else, removes the condition of (near-death) hunger. Without it, a person can die or become very sick. So when a way is known to solve such a problem, Allaah has made it permissible in that case, as opposed to medical treatments using filthy substances.

It has been said: Seeking medical cures from filthy (haraam) substances is proof of a sickness in the heart, and that is related to one’s faith. If he were from the believing nation of Muhammad, (he would know that) Allaah has not made his cure in something He forbade him from. Thus, if he were in dire need of food, he would be required to eat some dead (improperly slaughtered, normally impermissible) meat. However, medical treatments with permissible substances are not even obligatory in the first place (when known to be useful) according to most of the scholars. They even differed over whether it is better to take them (halaal medical treatments) or avoid them relying solely on tawakkul (trusting in Allaah)!

Something that clarifies this further is that when Allaah forbade dead (improperly slaughtered) meat, blood, pork, and other things, he did not allow them except in cases on dire necessity:

( غير باغ ولا عاد )
“Not in disobedience, nor in transgression” [14]

And in another Verse:

( فمن اضطر في مخمصة غير متجانف لإثم فإن الله غفور رحيم )
“As for someone who is forced by severe hunger, with no inclination towards sin, then verily Allaah is All-Forgiving, Ever Merciful.” [15]

It is well known that someone using a medical treatment (to treat an ailment) is not forced by dire necessity to use it (i.e. it is not obligatory for him to use it). Thus, it is known that it does not ever become permissible for him.

Regarding things that are permissible for certain needs less than absolute necessity, like the wearing of silk, then it has been authentically reported in the Saheeh collections [of al-Bukhaaree and Muslim] that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) allowed Az-Zubayr and ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn ‘Owf to wear silk, due to a skin condition they had. [16]

This is something permissible according to the more correct opinion of the two positions held by the scholars, since wearing silk has only been forbidden (for men) due to the lack of need for it and the availability of many other materials. This is why it is allowed for women, as they need it to beautify themselves with it, and thus they have been allowed to use it to cover themselves with it as clothing in general. So to use it as a medical treatment is acceptable for an even more important reason. It has only been forbidden due to the extravagance, arrogance, and (false) bragging that commonly comes with it (among men). Once a person is in need of it, these things do not manifest in him.

Similary would be the idea of wearing it (silk) in cold weather or when a person has nothing else to wear. [17]

Source: Majmoo’ al-Fataawee (24/272-276).

Translated by: Moosaa Richardson


[1] Waa’il ibn Hujr: Aboo Hunaydah al-Kindee, A revered companion from the lineage of the kings of Yemen.

[2] Taariq ibn Suwayd al-Ju’fee: A respected companion from Hadramout, Yemen, he was referred to as “Suwayd ibn Taariq” (backwards) sometimes.

[3] Saheeh Muslim (#1984)

[4] Sunan Abee Daawood (#3874), with a weak chain of narration, however its meaning is supported in the many other narrations in this passage.

[5] Musnad Ahmad (2/305), Sunan Abee Daawood (#3870), Jaami’ At-Tirmithee (#2045), Sunan Ibn Maajah (#3459). Al-Albaanee called it saheeh.

[6] ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn ‘Uthmaan: at-Taymee, honored companion, one of Talhah’s cousins.

[7] Musnad Ahmad (3/453), Sunan Abee Daawood (#3871, #5279), and Sunan an-Nasaa’ee (#4355). Al-Albaanee called it saheeh.

[8] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (right before #5614).

[9] Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan (#1391 of Ibn Bulbaan’s re-ordering), on the authority of Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with her). The chain is weak, and it seems that the narration is more correctly attributed to Ibn Mas’ood as his statement.

[10] Saheeh Muslim (#2003). A different wording was collected by Aboo Daawood and at-Tirmithee: “Whatever intoxicates by the ‘faraq’ (container) is haraam by the handful.” In one of the wordings collected by at-Tirmithee: “Then one sip of it is haraam.” It was called saheeh (authentic) by Al-Albaanee in Irwaa’ al-Ghaleel (no.2376). According to Ibn al-Atheer in his famous dictionary of hadeeth terminology (An-Nihaayah), a “faraq” (container) is 3 saa’s, or 2.5 according to some measurements. In modern day equivalencies, 2.5 saa’s is about 7.5 litres, and 3 saa’s is about 9 litres.

[11] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (#5586) and Saheeh Muslim (#1733)

[12] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (#4344, #4345) and Saheeh Muslim (#2001)

[13] Saheeh Muslim (#2002)

[14] Soorah al-Baqarah [2]:173

[15] Soorah Al-Maa’idah [5]:3

[16] Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (#2921, #2922, #5839) and Saheeh Muslim (#2076)

[17] Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah has other more detailed words on related topics as well. In his time, marijuana was from the generality of smoked intoxicants called “sheeshah” (الشيشة), and it later became specifically identified as “al-Qanab al-Hindee” (القنب الهندي), or Indian Cannabis.

He actually considered herbal (smoked) intoxicants like marijuana to be worse than alcoholic drinks from a number of angles, and he felt that the calamities of Genghis Khan and the Mongols only befell the Muslims once they openly accepted the use of herbal (smoked) intoxicants widely in the late sixth and early seventh centuries. (Review: Majmoo’ al-Fataawee, 34/204-214)

RELATED: The Evils of Marijuana by Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, read and explained by Hasan Somali (YouTube)

72 thoughts on “Ibn Taymiyyah on Using Haraam Substances as Medical Treatments

    • Wa ‘alaykumus salaam,

      From what I understand and Br. Moosaa and others can correct if I’m wrong, the issue finally boils down to whether the final product i.e. the homeopathic pills intoxicate if consumed in large quantities or not? (This is with the assumption that intoxicating alcohol has a role to play in homeopathy). WAllaahu ‘aalam.

  1. Besides using intoxicants for medical treatment, what about when they are used in response to trauma such as giving oxycodone or morphine to people who are severely injured or ill or women who are given narcotics based drugs during labor?

    • What makes a person entirely unconscious is permissible under medical necessity (while there is differing on this point), as the loss of conscoiusness is not intoxication. However, khamr by Prophetic definition is anything that causes intoxication, which is a significantly impaired mental state, along with a feeling of being “high”. Morphine is clearly a khamr (an intoxicant), and not to be used in medical treatment. This is a summary of what I have learned directly from Dr. Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him), who has a special interest and research in the fiqh of medicine, and Allaah knows best.

  2. Salaam. Jazakullah Khairan brother Moosa for the above article. I found it very beneficial; especially since all the proofs are nicely collected and cited.

  3. A) Marijuana is still being researched in Canada, the U.S as well as Israel and other places in the world. Evidence regarding the substance is inconclusive due to lack of the body of research. In Islamic law it is important to conduct insight into the issue before proper conclusion can be drawn.

    B) Many autopsy reports conclude deaths from consumption of alcohol; are there any autopsy reports that concludes death from marijuana?

    C) In Islamic law if the good in a substance outweighs the evil then it is halal and studies so far is clear on the medical benefits of marijuana. Alcohol has benefits as Allah says in the Holy Qur’an yet we know that the harm outweighs the benefits. [abridged by admin]

    • Thank you for your visit and your comment.

      A) Marijuana is a known intoxicant, so it is included in the hadeeth of every intoxicating substance being a khamr, every khamr being haraam. (Referenced in the above article.) If the results of the studies you have mentioned are “inconclusive” then we return to our asl (original rule): All intoxicants are haraam. The need for more proper and conclusive research that you speak of would be for someone to consider it halaal, not for it to take its base ruling.

      B) Since marijuana is an intoxicant, it can be assumed that many evils have taken place as a result of its use. However, if no one ever died from marijuana use (directly), this has no impact on its ruling in Islam. People have died trying to make Hajj, and others have lived long lives of drunkedness and fornication, and this does not affect the rulings on those things.

      C) Alcohol has no medical benefit. The benefit mentioned in the Quran [2:219] refers to the financial gain from its trade. Review the statement of Ibn Mas’ood: “For sure, Allaah has not made your cure to be found in anything that He has forbidden you from.” (Al-Bukhaaree, as quoted in the article above) When my shaykh, Dr. Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool, was teaching us the fiqh rulings of Soorah al-Baqarah [2:219], I objected to him saying there is no medical benefit in intoxicants, and mentioned studies I had heard of in the West about a small amount of wine taken regularly providing some specific medical benefit. I assumed the Verse meant “general benefit”, so I allowed that as a possibility. The shaykh rejected what I mentioned of their claims of medical benefit, quoting the narrations in the above article, specifically the statement of ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood. He added that the correct tafseer of the phrase (which means) “there are benefits for people” was: In its profitable trade before it was prohibited.

      My advice: Consider that your current level of knowledge may not qualify you to speak on this topic. Let us try to identify and embrace our honest levels of knowledge. May Allaah bless you. And Allaah knows best.

    • I’m sorry brother Musa I beg to differ, it seems the Muslim world once again is not learning from the Ottoman Empire ruling on cigarettes initially. Additionally, why would the ruling on cigarettes change from mukrooh to haram based on its causes of cancer as this leads to death… [comment abridged by admin]

    • Scholars who considered cigarettes to be only makrooh were wrong. That was an opinion based on available information at the time, not the ruling of Allaah. Allaah’s ruling on the issue has not changed. Scholars opinions are sometimes wrong. We don’t say “the ruling” changed. We say that some scholars were right and others were wrong. I don’t believe cigarettes are or were considered intoxicants.

      That discussion was about something not known (to everyone) to be deadly at the time or have any other decisive proofs of its impermissibility. So it is understandable that some scholars would have considered it halaal, based on the original ruling for all foods and drinks. This discussion however is quite the opposite. It is about a known intoxicant, and all intoxicants are haraam as a base ruling.

    • ASA,
      What about other intoxicants, such as: tea, coffee, component of chocolate, Oxygen, H2O?
      What makes Marijuana a “known intoxicant”? And how and why does it differ from these other intoxicants according to the scholars/rulings? Too much water can kill (and has), just like too much oxygen can cause harm to the body, similar to how coffee and caffeine in cocoa acts as a stimulant in the CNS, an overload of which could cause excessive heart rate, anxiety, and depression, etc.

      I am asking not to cause trouble, but because I am a new female revert who has been smoking medicinally with my intention being to treat pain from MS and avoid haram and truly (proven) addictive opiods/narcotics.

      I was fairly open spiritually (not Christian) before reverting, but have always had a personal moral compass that aligned surprisingly well with Islam and so I converted. However, several lines of text from the Holy Bible remain with me involving plants and herbs of the earth being good, meant to heal the body, and “meat” for us. Please excuse me for not being able to provide exact quotes.

    • As-Salaamu ‘alaykum, welcome to Bakkah.net and thank you for your question! You’ve raised a number of issues:

      1) As you are a new convert to Islam, we welcome you happily, and we pray that Allaah blesses you and your life, and that He facilitates all types of good for you in this life and the Next.

      2) You have referred to tea, coffee, chocolate, air, and water as intoxicants. Quite simply, they are not intoxicants. Sure, they have various effects on the human body, but intoxication is not one of them. Extreme doses of some parts of them do not affect the ruling on them being permissible. This line of argument makes it seem like you are challenging the very existence of intoxication in the first place. Since it seems you are having difficulty with the ruling on marijuana, how does this line of argument of yours work with -for example- beer or wine (both originally from plant sources)?

      2) Marijuana (when smoked normally) is an intoxicant according to the Muslim scholars. It is known in Western studies as an intoxicant, which considerably inhibits the use of intellect, with a sense of pleasure. This is the exact definition of khamr (intoxicants) in Islam.

      3) I would advise that you increase your attachment to the Quran, a Book of Revelation available word-for-word in the living language of Arabic, the language it was revealed in 1,400 years ago, preserved by Allaah Himself. This amazing book easily replaces your search for truths in previous books of revelation, of which we only see fading resemblances of truth therein, mixed with much falsehood, translated from language to language to language, much of the ancient pristine teachings lost over the centuries.

      4) In the Quran there is healing for all types of illness. Its recitation is mercy and healing, and its proper study and implementation leads to Mercy in this life and the Next, the goal of every Muslim!

      5) Do your best to learn Quran & Islamic rulings from authentic sources. In the English language, I encourage you to listen to the lectures and classes of Ustadh Abu Hakeem Bilaal Davis and Ustadh Hasan as-Somali for example. Be critical and investigative, and avoid destructive paths of deviation being promoted by the likes of Yasir Qadhi (Almaghrib Institute), Nouman Ali Khan (al-Bayyinah), Hamza Yusuf (Zaytuna). May Allaah give you success! And may He ease your medical condition and grant you recovery and blessed health! We know its not easy, but be patient, dutiful to Allaah, trusting in Him, and know that your brothers and sisters are praying for your success.

  4. as salaamu alaikum,

    Barakallah feekum for this article it is very interesting and enlightening to say the least. The use of morphine and other opiate based medicines whether used pre & post-op surgery is very common even in the Muslim lands. Not to mention, opiate based pain relievers that don’t produce what is commonly considered as being “high”, but have either addictive qualities and/or keep a person in a drowsy or cloudy-like state. It would be appreciate it if you could provide further information regarding those type of medications even though you have provided some qawaa’id that could be applied. […] Scientists have now found ways to use the cannabinoids without getting “high” due to the need for patients to benefit from this medical treatment without getting “high”. I remember in the early 80’s my grandfather was given marinol which is a pill form of marijuana which would give the same effects as smoking it; it was used to promote hunger because he wouldn’t eat. Clearly, this is haraam. It would be very beneficial for someone to do an intensive study on the commonly given medications that are opiate based that produce the type of sensations that I mentioned earlier and list them so that we can ask for them not to be administered. [Slightly abridged by Admin]

  5. I do not agree that qiyas of alcohol should be applied to marijuana […] Marijuana is solid, alcohol is a liquid. People who consume marijuana do not get drunk, fall down or lose their senses, they are able to operate heavy equipment; whereas, alcohol is dangerous to the liver, causes drunkenness, inability to operate heavy equipment or drive and the list goes on. An analysis of the both substances are not the same thus I disagree with our loving scholars with their qiyas on this issue. For an analogy to be strong the both things compared must be of similar weighting. [Slightly abridged by Admin]

    • Thank you for you comment. However, it seems more correct to say that marijuana is a khamr (intoxicant) because it fits the Prophetic definition of a khamr, not that qiyas is being made with alcoholic beverages. Thus, it is not necessary for marijuana to match all attributes of beer or wine. Even if it were a case of qiyaas, qiyaas is a method that identifies the reason(s) for prohibition, and it does not require two things to match in all attributes.

      The statement “people who consume marijuana do not get drunk” seems incorrect, but I guess that is if your deifinition of “drunk” is what a beer-drinker behaves like. Drunkedness in the Sharee’ah is a state of impaired intellect with a delightful feeling (of being “high”). The descriptions you have mentioned (falling down, inability to operate equipment, being a liquid, liver damage, etc.) may or may not be found with an intoxicant. They are certainly not requirements for something to be considered intoxicating, whether through qiyaas or a direct application of the meaning of the word “khamr”.

      My advice: Consider that your current level of knowledge may not qualify you to speak on this topic. Let us try to identify and embrace our honest levels of knowledge. May Allaah bless you. And Allaah knows best.

    • I appreciate an exchange of knowledge and understanding so that in sha Allah I could drop faulty knowledge to pick up and act on stronger evidences. I am simply not satisfied with the “evidence” provided thus far; it means that if there is a clear establishment that marijuana “intoxicates” then I stand to be corrected. [abridged by admin]

    • Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said, “The cursed intoxicating hasheeshah (the family of herbs which cannabis is from) has the same ruling as any other intoxicant.” (al-Fataawee, 24/204) He also said, “Some people say it changes the state of mind but does not intoxicate. This is not correct, rather it brings on a trance-like state, with a ‘high’ feeling, just like khamr, and this is the reason why people use it!” (24/204) Please take three minutes to listen to this important comment from our brother, Abu Abdillaah Hasan Somali. May Allaah bless you and increase you in knowledge.

  6. Sorry if my question is unrelated to the topic, but it has to do with the transliteration of Arabic in the article. The question is: Is the plural of Fatwaa Fataawee, as written in the article? Because I have always heard it was Fataawaa on the radio and other places. Are they both right?

    • جمع فتوى فتاوي بكسر الواو ويجوز فتحها [فتاوى] كدعوى ودعاوي ودعاوى، كذا يقول أهل العلم، ورجح بعضهم الفتاوي بالكسر والله أعلم
      Both are correct, some scholars prefer fataawee over fataawaa, and Allaah knows best.

  7. Asalamalaikum ahki

    Jazak Allah khair for the beneficial knowledge in sha Allah people are able to benefit from it. Muslims who smoke Cannabis or cook or boil it in a way that makes it intoxicating and claim it is a medicine are clearly misguided. It is easy to actually be treated with forms of the plant that DO NOT intoxicate, such as eating it’s seeds, eating the parts of the plant void of thc or making them into an Oil, which has be done to treat cancer and many other diseases, the plant itself is actually extremely useful blessing from Allah but it seems Humans are determined to just seek pleasure inside of benefitting themselves or the others around them, And Allah Knows best.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Jazaak Allaahu khayran for the benefit, Abdul Kareem. In America there is a long-standing debate about the legalization of marijuana, and there are many pro-cannabis lobbyists who want it legalized. So if there is a medical benefit in the plant which could be obtained without smoking it or becoming intoxicated by eating some parts of it, then this is permissible. Eating the seeds from a plant in a way that would not intoxicate someone, nor could the seeds be smoked for intoxication, would be similar to eating grapes. We don’t claim grapes are impermissible because they could be turned into wine. They are halaal as grapes, and haraam as wine. Similarly, parts of the plant which are beneficial and can be eaten or used to cure things, wihtout intoxication, do not have the same ruling on the plant being smoked by people to intoxicate themselves.

  8. Assalamu alaykum

    Akhi Moosaa, can you write an article about the young from the Kuffar that die. Is there any distinction between the one from the kuffar that dies before or just after puberty?
    I remember on the old Salafitalk website you posted some of your research on this topic.

    Jazakallahu Khair

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. A discussion of the scholarly differing in the issue of non-Muslim children who die young can be found here. (112 min. MP3)

      By “children who die young” it is intended: those who die before the age of tamyeez (7 years old). As for those who die after puberty, then by ijmaa’ (consensus) they are adults, fully responsible for their own choices. Between the ages of 7 and puberty seems to be that they will be accountable for this choice of accepting or rejecting Islaam, and Allaah knows best. Listen to the audio for details and proofs.

  9. A very beneficial article!
    Is it permissible to use poppy(opium) seeds also known as khas khas in our food?
    I have heard that the trade of poppy seed is not allowed in Saudi Arabia is it true?

  10. BarakAllah feek for this clarification Moosa. Have you heard or know of if marijuana can be used as a medical treatment if the chemical that causes the high is removed? There are stories of kids who suffer from hundreds of seizures given a oil from the marijuana plant that doesnt produce a high.

    Also I read online that apparently some soft drinks like pepsi and coca cola have tiny traces of alcohol in it just from the natural process it is made from. Is it ok to drink?

  11. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

    With regard to some medicines that contain alcohol, if the effect of the alcohol in the medicine can be seen in the form of intoxication, then it is haraam, but if no effect is seen, and the alcohol is only added to it as a preservative, then there is nothing wrong with it, because the alcoholic content does not have any effect. End quote.

    Liqaa’aat il-Baab il-Maftoohah, 3/231.

    • Sadly we live in a time of widespread drunkedness, addiction, and alcoholism. Because of the culture we live in, we can actually expect that if a certain perfume could intoxicate a human being, someone is already using it and recommending it to others. In a culture of people looking for anything and everything to intoxicate themselves with, you can guess that if it were possible to become intoxicated by a certain substance, the people of such culture would have discovered it and talked about it. Certain kinds of glue for example do intoxicate, and they documents this. Certain kinds of salts, certain kinds of paint, etc.

  12. Can you please take a look at these 2 fataawa of Permanent Committee?

    Group 1, Vol. 25 pg. 39

    Group 1, Vol. 25 pg. 29

    “It is impermissible to mix drugs with intoxicating alcohol. However, if it is mixed with intoxicating alcohol in small proportion that has no effect on color, taste, and smell of drug, it will be permissible to take it. Otherwise, it is prohibited to take the medicine mixed with it.”

    JazaakAllaahu khayra.

    • Saajid – baarak Allaahu feek – If the intoxicating material was mixed into something larger (by someone else) and then it reached you, you judge the substance that reached you for what it is now as a whole. So if it is a medicine or a drink, if a large amount of it (as it is now) intoxicates you, then any small amount is impermissible, as it is a khamr. If large amounts do not intoxicate, then it is not a khamr, and it is perfectly permissible.

      However, YOU are not allowed to mix an intoxicating substance into something larger, since you are not allowed to purchase, possess, or transfer intoxicants in the first place.

      If you have understood this, then you know that a Muslim drink factory, for example, is not allowed to purchase and use intoxicating ingredients in their products, even if they dilute them down into a clearly non-intoxicating substance. That is because they were never allowed to purchase or interact with the intoxicating substance in the first place. I hope this helps, and Allaah knows best.

    • JazaakAllaahu khayra. It’s clear now. One last question remains what is considered “large amounts”? If you can give examples 1 litre of juice or 10 litres of juice or…

      AhsanAllaahu ‘ilaykum.

    • Once the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said (what means), “Whatever intoxicates by the ‘faraq’ (container) is haraam by the handful.” It was collected by Aboo Daawood and at-Tirmithee. In one narration collected by at-Tirmithee: “Then one sip of it is haraam.” It was called saheeh (authentic) by Al-Albaanee in Irwaa’ al-Ghaleel (no.2376)

      According to Ibn al-Atheer in his famous dictionary of hadeeth terminology (An-Nihaayah), a “faraq” (container) is 3 saa’s, or 2.5 according to some measurements. In modern day equivalencies, 2.5 saa’s is about 7.5 litres, and 3 saa’s is about 9 litres. And Allaah knows best.

  13. If the thc inside the marijauna is considered an intoxicant wouldn’t caffeine and nicotine also be considered an intoxicant since they both alter state of mind or no? None of these substances cause drunkenness but do change the way you feel. What is the criterion used to determine if a specific substance is considered an intoxicant from the sunnah? Jazakallahkhair brother.

    • I’m sorry, dear brother Sharif, but where is this argument coming from? The scholars of Islam who have spoken about Marijuana have all said it is an intoxicant, to the best of my knowledge. Is there a recognized scholar who said it does NOT fit the description of an intoxicant, i.e something that impairs the intellect with a feeling of being high? Is this a personal concern of yours, or did you hear this from someone else? May Allaah bless you.

  14. As salaamu alaykum akhi, I wanted to know if it is permissible to use thiopentone which is a barbiturate for general anasthesia? Can you also guide me to a scholar or a student of knowledge or any authentic salafi website for issues related to medicine, I being a medical student have a lot of issues regarding medicine and related stuff.
    Jazakallahu khayran.

  15. Asalam Alaikum.
    is propranolol halal medicine. .
    is it permissible to use beta blocker like propranolol for the person who is suffering from essential tremor

  16. Asalaam Walaikum rahmatuAllahi barakaatu, what about the use of rubbing alcohol and alcohol used in ointments. As well as acne treatments or hair products??? Do these run under the same guidelines to what Prophet Muhammad SAWS addresses…

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. The substance is judged according to what it is now (not what it used to be as individual ingredients); so if consuming a small amount of it (as it is now) intoxicates a person, then it is an intoxicant. Otherwise, it is not. And Allaah knows best.

    • Vanilla extract, which is usually between 20-50% alcohol, is something recognized as an intoxicating substance. There are cases where people have been arrested for drunk-driving after getting high on vanilla extract. So avoid it and use an alternative vanilla flavoring, or use natural vanilla bean directly for vanilla flavor, and Allaah knows best.

  17. assalaam alaikum,

    I was wondering whether it is permissble for us to use bouillon cubes? If I’m not mistaken, they use an extract/derivative from the meat (which isn’t slaughtered correctly), so I was wondering if that is the same as istihaalah? I read something on Salafitalk about gelatine and istihaalah, but it wasn’t really clear to me and I couldn’t find the class by sh Muhammad Bazmool anywhere.

    I hope you can help me out. I have a Christian family, so when I go and visit them there is a fair chance they use bouillon cubes when preparing food…

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. I believe bullion cubes are just animal fat with added chemicals. I do not believe there is a claim that the animal products in bullion cubes have gone through istihaalah and changed into another substance. And Allaah knows best.

  18. Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu… [personal details removed]…

    i read the fatwa u wrote from shaykh baazmool about its prohibition but what was failed to be mentioned was that under necessity, life and death, the haraam becomes permissible.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. That is the case in every issue of halaal and haraam. In individual cases, fatwas are sought. As for general rulings, they remain general rulings. You cannot have a special case where a fatwa was issued in favor of doing something not permissible in order to save a life and then blame someone for clarifying the general ruling of impermissibility. And Allaah knows best.

  19. Asamalykom brother Moosa. Can you tell me the ruling on spirit vinegar?It is in tomato kerchup and also brother I would like to know about Coke.I was informed that during processing a small amount of alcohol is produced.Is it permissable to drink? Jazak Allahkhair.

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. If the tomato ketchup intoxicates, it is an intoxicant. If not, it is not. The same for Coke. I’ve never heard any claims that either are intoxicating. And Allaah knows best.

  20. Asalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu. Is it permissible to consult a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor or Ayurvedic practitioner for health and medical issues? Likewise, is it permissible to look to these practices for dietary suggestions? Jazak Allahu Khairan

  21. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Alhamdulillah, I’m really glad and thank Allaah for the great knowledge i got from this clarification.
    Brother, please tell me about drinking pepsi, 7up, mirinda etc. I think they don’t intoxicate. But what if they contain pork fat or any other haraam substances because we don’t know the real i gradients. So what is the ruling on drinking such things and eating chocolates etc. Nb. Im living in a nonmuslim country and the country law dont prohibit anyone from using any haraam substance.

    • وعليك السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Chocolate and soft drinks are permissible, and if you don’t know of any haraam ingredients in them, they remain permissible. Re-focus on sincerity to Allaah, learning about towheed and the methodology (manhaj) of the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) and his Companions in practicing your religion. Learn the Qur’aan, the Sunnah, and the way of the Companions, and your life will be enriched so that you would no be worried about such abstract and random concerns. May Allaah bless you!

  22. Assalamu ‘alaikum
    Hayyaakkallah dear brother,
    What about the use of normal allopathy medicines except narcotics and other intoxicants?

    Some people claim that this is also haram to use these allopathy medicines for the treatment.
    Could you please explain it ?

    Barakkallahu feekum.

  23. Assalam W Alikum brothers,

    I pray to Allah you receive this message in the best state of Iman and health.

    I wonder if anyone can help me please. I am a herbalist and sometimes to treat patients I must make tinctures from herbs. in order to extract the active components of the herbs I must use Vodka. Without that you can not get all the benefits of the herb. After the completion of the tincture I can boil the fluid extract and reduce the amount of alcohol to 10-20% which is kinda used as a preservative. Furthermore, when the patient is taking the tincture 20 drops of the tincture is mixed with water which means there is hardly any 1/58th of alcohol left. Please help because without using alcohol to extract the herbs is not possible.

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The problem is not so much with the resulting products, but with the process, as you are not allowed to purchase Vodka, transport it, or use it. May Allaah guide you to a permissible alternative.

  24. Asalamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

    BarakAllahu feekum, beloved Teachers and Admins on this site.

    Would you regard Qaat (or Khat) to fall into the general definition of, and be classified as “مسكر”? Since the same arguements used to justify the use of marijuana are sometimes applied to justify the use of Qaat (and the likes…).

    Also… Just regarding the wording of a hadith you mentioned in the article above (you referenced it as 3. Saheeh Muslim 1984)

    إن الله أنزل الدواء وأنزل الداء وجعل لكل داء دواء، فتداووا ولا تتداووا بحرام

    Does the hadith not have the following wording, where الداء is mentioned before الدواء in the beginning? (like the following mentioned in Sunan Abi Dawood):

    قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( إن الله أنزل الداء والدواء ، وجعل لكل داء دواء ، فتداووا ، ولا تتداووا بالحرام .) ، رواه أبو داود 3376

    Forgive me if I am asking too many questions, or if i’m asking questions to which there are obvious answers, I really appreciate the work that you do. Thank you for everything.

    BarakAllahu feek(um) and May Allah admit you into jannatul firdous.

    Please make dua that Allah guides me and forgives me my sins.

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

  25. Asalaamualaikum wa’rahmatullahi wa’barakatuh,

    I am a resident working in a hospital here in the US and at times we have to prescribe heparin which is a blood thinner. Heparin is derived from the mucosal tissue of pig intestines. In certain cases where a person has a life-threatening condition (such as a heart attack) we immediately start them on heparin. But heparin is also used in non life-threatening conditions (to prevent a clots in anyone admitted to the hospital).
    What is the ruling on using porcine derived heparin in either of these cases? I would appreciate it if you could point me to some helpful sources

    JazakAllahu Khair

  26. please state from quran or hadith where khamr which is a liquid, suddenly becomes equivalent to drugs. i know you will say scholar this and scholar that… [Message truncated by admin]

    • You are the claimant stating that the term “khamr” used in the Quran only applies to liquid intoxicants, in opposition to the Companions, like ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab, who said: الخمر ما خامر العقل (“Khamr is whatever covers up one’s intellect, i.e. intoxicates.”) Might we know your evidence to make this restriction? Or the supposed evidence of one of those fake “shakes” that lied to you and told you its halaal, but just make sure he’s not on a bad trip when you ask him! And do those “shakes” also allow cocaine and heroin, since they are not liquids? Indeed, we live in a time when the ignorant are bold and audacious, giving legal verdicts on matters that destroy lives, while vilifying those who clarify the Islamic rulings to keep the people safe! May Allaah silence the charlatans and protect the Muslims from their evil. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل

  27. السلام عليكم

    What’s the ruling on voluntary DCD (Donation After Circulatory Death) of Kidneys, Livers, Corneas etc? If permissible, would it be permissible for me to make a living out of this: the transporting, selling and purchasing?

    جزاك اللهُ خيرًا

  28. Assalaamu ‘alaikum. Footnote number 7 says its in Sunan Abi Dawud #5279 whilst its actually #5269 when I checked Shaykh Al-Albaani’s checking of the Sunan. Just wanted to point this out thinking it could have been a mistake. Baaraka Allaahu feekum

  29. Assalamu alaykum Akh al Karim.

    What is the ruling on using products (oils, creams, foods etc) made from hemp seeds or hemp oil?

    BarakAllahu feek.

  30. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh. Are the chocolates and sweets made in non muslim countries like Switzerland etc allowed? My husband avoids them always on the basis of doubt of using haraam ingredients.

  31. Assalam alaykoum dear brother,

    I talked to my young sister (10 years old) about the fact that smoking is haram.
    I basically tried to recap this short clip of yours : https://www.spreaker.com/user/radio1mm/is-smoking-cigarettes-forbidden-or-just-

    I understood that smoking is forbiden beacause of its harm on our health and that others (cocaine, heroïne etc.) because the fact that they are Khamr plus their harm on our health.

    My young sister then told me, speaking about smoking, that she doesn’t understand how Islam can have a verdict on it since it didn’t exist at the time of the Prophet, sall Allah alayhi wa salam. I couldn’t answer.

    So I would like to ask:
    – can we use the verse “And do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful.” [An-Nissa:29] as a proof for saying that everything that harm yourself is haram. So we have the proof that Islam has a verdict on every existing or coming things harming yourself (then including smoking).
    – also, linked to my sister question, is there in the texts (Quran and Hadiths) something opening the doors for passing verdicts on things that will occurs / exists in the future ?

    If my question may create confusions, fell free dear brother to edit it or suppress my post, it is something that I fully understand.


    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The Verse you mentioned has been cited by the scholars as a Textual proof against smoking cigarettes. Also, Qiyaas (building upon a textual-based verdict and applying it to what matches its case) is a method used by the scholars since the time of the Companions, to apply Islamic rulings to new matters that did not exist in the time of the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace). Add to that: We have been commanded by Allaah to return to the scholars when we do not know. They are the ones who know how to extract the rulings on matters that most people do not know about. Allaah says what means:

      “Had they only returned the matter back to the Messenger and those in authority (i.e. with the authority of knowledge), those able to extract its ruling would have known it.” (4:83) And Allaah knows best.

  32. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

    Want to ask if you know anything concerning the ruling on opiate drugs such as codeine and morphine in cases of severe pain when there is no other alternative.

    Jazakallahu khair.

  33. Assalaamu alaikum

    What is the ruling on cannabis oil without the thc? And are hemp seeds permissible?

    Baarakallaahu fikum

  34. I am amazed at the audacity of people who dispute that marijuana does not intoxicate and can not be classified as haraam. How badly has your shaytan/qareen deluded you?

    If it does not an intoxicate, ask yourself, would you feel comfortable standing and praying Salaah in front of Allah after consuming it? If you say no, then there’s your answer. If you say yes, you need help.

  35. AsSalaamu ‘alaykum,

    My son is nine years old and has epilepsy. He is on medication that isn’t working, and has bad side effects maashaaAllaah. He is experiencing seizures every day, maashaaAllaah. The doctors are offering new medications to prevent seizures that are addictive and some are intoxicating, all the medications offered have the possibility of bad side effects.
    I remember reading that Shaykh Muhammad Baazmool has medical knowledge, is it possible to direct me to information from him or another scholar about remedies for epilepsy from the Sunnah and how to deal with medications that are prescribed for him by the doctors?


  36. As Salamu Alaykum Ustadh

    I’m not in a good place right now. I’ve been troubled by things for a while now. I’m a sister, and I’ve never had alcohol before. I’ve never been remotely intrigued by it but suddenly I feel like it would help to drown away my pain. I know this isn’t a good thought. I know it won’t harm me if I don’t act upon it. I know Islam comes with proper solutions. I just feel so defeated, I just want to stop feeling the things I feel for a while. I’m scared that one by one Haram things will become appealing to me if I don’t cut it off at the first instance. I don’t know how I’ve come to think like this when ordinarily I despise all and any intoxicants. Please advise me, BaarakAllaahu Feek.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Be patient, respected sister. The shaytaan has his ways to tempt us into what harms us. Trust your Lord and thank Him for forbidding harmful things like alcohol and intoxicants, things that ruin people’s lives every day!

      واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة
      “Seek [Allah’s] help through patience and prayer”

      Turn to Him with your supplications and prayers, read the Quran, and remain in the company of the righteous. Remember, the fact that you hate intoxicants and have never got involved in them is itself a tremendous blessing from Allah, so be afraid that if you do not thank Him for this blessing, it may be taken away from you. May Allah protect you and give you success.

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