Hadeeth Qudsee: “Neither My Earth nor My Heavens Could Contain Me…” [?]

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever-Merciful…

A hadeeth qudsee is a narration which is attributed to the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), that he narrated words from Allaah which are not part of the Quran. Unlike the Quran, these narrations have to be studied and authenticated before they can be accepted and acted upon.

One such narration commonly quoted and attributed to Allaah as His Words is as follows:

ما وسعني أرضي ولا سمائي، ووسعني قلب عبدي المؤمن…
“Neither My Earth nor My Heavens could contain Me, whilst the heart of My believing servant does contain Me…”

I found this hadeeth once while I was searching the manuscript archives at Umm al-Qura University. I came accross a title listed in one of the indexes on the topic of criticism of some unauthentic hadeeths in al-Bukhaaree and Muslim attributed to Ibn Taymiyyah. So I rushed to get the microfilm and print out a copy, thinking to have found some amazing treasure not known to even the scholars previously. When I began to read it, I found that it was actually a previously known work called “Ahaadeeth al-Qussaas (Hadeeths Used by Storytellers) by Ibn Taymiyyah, which has been printed already, and in fact it was even (for the most part) included in Ibn Taymiyyah’s large Fataawee Collection (18/122-128, 375-385).

What’s the connection? Well, the hadeeth qudsee in question is actually the first hadeeth mentioned in that book. About it, Ibn Taymiyyah said:

This is something they (storytellers) narrate from the Israa’eeliyyaat (narrations of the Jews and Christians). It has no known chain to the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace). Its meaning would be (if it were authentic): His heart contains belief in Me, love of Me, and knowledge of Me.

Otherwise, anyone who would claim that Allaah Himself is present inside of the people’s hearts is more of a disbeliever than the Christians, who restricted that (Allaah’s actual presence within the creation) to the Messiah alone.

Other scholars of hadeeth, like al-‘Iraaqee, as-Sakhaawee, and Al-Albaanee, agreed that there is no known basis for it. See: Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth ad-Dha’eefah (#5103).

Az-Zarkashee said, “It is baatil (falsehood), it was fabricated by some malaahidah (severe deviants, or perhaps: athiests).” This was quoted by as-Sakhaawee in al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah (#990).

Six Points of Benefit Related to this Discussion

[1] Allaah does not dwell in or manifest Himself within His creation. He is Lofty and Most High, above His Throne, as He has described Himself in the Quran (20:5).

[2] A hadeeth qudsee must be verified before it is accepted, and there are many of them which are actually unauthentic and even fabricated.

[3] The scholars have always alerted the people to the difference between storytellers and real people of knowledge.

[4] The methodology of storytellers is usually one of carelessness; they are usually not precise in what they narrate. This is especially dangerous in these times because so many storytellers are being promoted as actual scholars, and their baseless and false narrations are commonly accepted by the masses without question. For example, consider how far the fake hadeeth about “Jesus and the Third Loaf of Bread” has spread.

[5] Narrating a hadeeth qudsee like this (without clarifying its lack of authenticity) is a form of lying upon Allaah, by attributing things to Him that we have no basis for.

فمن أظلم ممن افترى على الله كذبا ليضل الناس بغير علم
“And who is more oppressive than one who lies upon Allaah to lead people astray, without knowledge?” [6:144]

[6] The soofees and advocates of the heretic concepts of hulool (believing Allaah to be manifest within His creation) do not cease to spread this narration as some kind of proof in their favor! From the distinguishing signs of the people of innovation is their reliance upon unauthentic and fabricated hadeeths.

And Allaah knows best.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

13 thoughts on “Hadeeth Qudsee: “Neither My Earth nor My Heavens Could Contain Me…” [?]

  1. I am tariqul from Bangladesh. I want to study in Al Imam University. But I didn’t get any admission online portal. So. how can I apply in that. Pls send a feedback as early as possible.

  2. This Hadith is 100% correct because my heart says it is correct. I am the slave of my Heart, you are the slave of your Heart, every person is a slave of His heart. Why you need Jannah, because your Heart loves Jannah? If your Heart starts loving Hell, you will be 100% comfortable in Hell as well. In short, all of us do whatever our Heart likes. Even Allah is the sla… [Admin: SUBHAAN ALLAAH! These are Words of clear apostasy, removed by admin]…

    • May Allaah guide you, Irfan. May Allaah save us from becoming slaves of other than Allaah alone. Silence is a virtue. With this level of ignorance and audacity, you need to fear Allaah and not speak. May Allaah guide you.

    • Irfan, if we were to judge whether a Hadeeth is correct or incorrect using our own personal feelings, then anyone could invent anything they want into the religion.

      ISIS could say “Kill innocent Muslims and non-Muslims because my heart says it’s correct.”

      Or Pharoah could say “I am Allaah because my heart says it’s correct.”

      This causes differing in the Ummah and Allaah revealed the Quran to resolve the differing that happened. See verse 213 of Soorat al-Baqarah.

  3. Assalaamu aleikum

    Barakallahu feekum,

    From what I understand, Fir’aun had inner conviction of the Oneness of Allah, but He denied it outwardly. Sheikh Fawzan hafithahullah explained that in the last chapter of Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat.

  4. This hadith is not referring to Allah being physically confined to the heart of a believer, its referring to…. [comment abridged by admin]

    • Its a baseless fabrication, not allowed to be attributed to the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace). Maybe read the article a second time, seeking Allah’s Assistance, and may Allah bless you!

  5. How would one understand the location of the heavens based on a globe earth model since “upwards” is in opposite directions on opposite sides of the globe?

    • Subhaan Allah (Exalted is Allah!), this is what happens when we get into philosophical argumentation: Basic concepts like “up” and “down” become too difficult to understand!

      Quite simply: The heavens surround the earth, and from wherever on earth you are, you can look up, and the heavens are above you.

      Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have Mercy on him) said:

      السموات مستديرة عند علماء المسلمين وقد حكى إجماع المسلمين على ذلك غير واحد من العلماء أئمة الإسلام: مثل أبي الحسين أحمد بن جعفر بن المنادي أحد الأعيان الكبار من الطبقة الثانية من أصحاب الإمام أحمد وله نحو أربعمائة مصنف. وحكى الإجماع على ذلك الإمام أبو محمد بن حزم وأبو الفرج بن الجوزي وروى العلماء ذلك بالأسانيد المعروفة عن الصحابة والتابعين وذكروا ذلك من كتاب الله وسنة رسوله وبسطوا القول في ذلك بالدلائل السمعية. وإن كان قد أقيم على ذلك أيضا دلائل حسابية. ولا أعلم في علماء المسلمين المعروفين من أنكر ذلك؛ إلا فرقة يسيرة من أهل الجدل لما ناظروا المنجمين فأفسدوا عليهم فاسد مذهبهم

      “The heavens are spherical (round in shape) according the scholars of the Muslims. More than one of the scholars, the imaams of Islam, have cited consensus of the Muslims over this, like Abul-Husayn Ahmad ibn Ja’far ibn al-Munaadee, one of the great senior scholars among the secondary tier of al-Imaam Ahmad’s students, having about 400 books authored. Consensus over this was also cited by al-Imaam Aboo Muhammad ibn Hazm and Abul-Faraj Ibn al-Jowzee. This is a matter the scholars have narrated with their well-known chains back to the companions and the taabi’oon. They mentioned it from the Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), and they explained it in detail with textual evidences, even though it was something already established by mathematical/astronomical evidences. I do not know any of the well-known scholars of Islam who objected to that, other than a small group of the people of debate/argumentation, and when debating the people of astrology, they corrupted their position…”

      Source: His Fataawee collection (6/586)

      For detailed discussions on the topic, read from the works of Ibn Taymiyah on the topic, in ar-Risaalah al-‘Arshiyyah, where he explains concepts like the ihaatah (encompassing, surrounding) of the heavens and the Throne, the takweer (the wrapping around, in a circular or spherical way), relative directions and perceptions, and other important detailed discussions, for those who have been affected by the “flat earth theory”. And in general, be on guard against popular “debate” targets among the non-Muslims, issues that they take such serious emotional stances on and isolate themselves from those who do not agree with them. It is not permissible to split the ranks of the Muslims up with these topics. Let us encourage ourselves and our brothers to get back to patient, consistent, and continuous study of our creed, methodology, manners, and worship. And Allah knows best. May Allah bless you and keep you safe. (My apology for the harsh tone of the response, but may Allah make it beneficial.)

    • Jazakallahu khayr,

      The question was not intended to be philosophical, rather naturally confusion arises with a globe model when discussing direction because someone pointing upwards in the UK is pointing in the opposite direction to someone doing the same in Australia according to the globe model.

      It is clear from your response that the scholars agreed that the heavens surround the earth.

      What was the view of the scholars regarding the shape of the Earth?

    • Wa jazaak khayran dear brother. Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him) said:

      الأرض كروية عند أهل العلم قد حكى ابن حزم وجماعة آخرون إجماع أهل العلم على أنها كروية
      “The earth is round(*) according to the people of knowledge; Ibn Hazm and others had cited consensus among the scholars over it being round.”

      Source: https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/5966/%D9%83%D8%B1%D9%88%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B6

      Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have Mercy on him) said:

      الأرض كروية بدلالة القرآن والواقع وكلام أهل العلم.
      “The earth is round(*), by way of evidences in the Quran, [observable] reality, and the speech of the people of knowledge…”

      Source: https://binothaimeen.net/content/7371

      Follow the above two links for more details on the topic (in Arabic).

      (*) Round: Literally: kurawiyyah, “ball-shaped”, spherically round (to be abundantly clear)

  6. Assalam Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
    Someone mentioned a beneficial book called ar-Risaalah al-‘Arshiyyah, in the comments. I wanted to read a translation of it for benefit. Where can I find it?
    Jazakallah khair

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