Common Mistakes: Replacing the Father’s Name or the Family Name

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

A common mistake made in the West is when new Muslims are instructed to change their family names, or to change, replace, or abandon their fathers’ names. For example, a new Muslim named “Joe Smith”, whose father’s name is Michael, may be advised to change his name to “Abdullaah Muhammad al-Amreekee”. Often, without the right guidance, a new Muslim may be inclined against his family’s name and want to free himself of it. He may even feel this is required or encouraged in Islam!

In reality, from the most basic human needs preserved in all the divine religions throughout history is the preservation of the people’s ancestry. Islam, as the culmination of all previous revelations, gives this matter the utmost urgency, as our Lord orders us:

ادْعُوهُمْ لِآبائِهِمْ هُوَ أَقْسَطُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ

“Call them by their fathers’ (names), it is more just with Allaah” [33:5]

A Muslim is required to keep his father’s name, as well as his family name. This Islaamic manner of naming is so important that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) warned those who replace their fathers’ names with a very serious consequence:

مَنِ ادَّعَى إِلَى غَيْرِ أَبِيهِ، وَهُوَ يَعْلَمُ أَنَّهُ غَيْرُ أَبِيهِ، فَالْجَنَّةُ عَلَيْهِ حَرَامٌ

“Whoever ascribes himself to someone other than his (real) father, knowing that he is not his (real) father, Paradise is forbidden for him!” [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

We see clearly that changing one’s name in a way that replaces the father’s and/or family’s names with other names is absolutely forbidden, and we must not mislead new Muslims into major sins that harm their family relationships and alienate them from their parents and immediate family members. Accepting Islaam within a non-Muslim family often comes with a long list of very difficult personal challenges. A new Muslim often opposes the core religious views of his closest family members. In the middle of this, an unnecessary and impermissible name just makes matters more difficult and misrepresents the Religion.

If “Joe Smith” wants to be called “Abdullaah” – that’s fine!  He can simply call himself ‘Abdullaah Smith, or ‘Abdullaah ibn Michael Smith al-Amreekee. But he is not allowed to hide or change the name of his father.

NOTE: Calling himself “‘Abdullaah al-Amkreekee” sometimes does not mean that he is hiding his family name or his father’s name. The problem is when he tells people not to call him “Smith” or “ibn Michael”. Now he stands in opposition to Allaah’s Legislation.

Question: What if the father’s name has a meaning that is against Islaam, or he is not happy with the history and heritage of his family?

Answer: We have the best guidance in the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), whose grandfather, ‘Abdul-Muttalib, was THE name in polytheism. Idol worship at the Kabah in Makkah was widely referred to as “the religion of ‘Abdul-Muttalib”. Our Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) hated polytheism and freed himself of it from the beginning of his mission to his last moments, yet his name remained, as he used to say openly:

أَنَا النَّبِيُّ لاَ كَذِبْ، أَنَا ابْنُ عَبْدِ المُطَّلِبْ

“I am the Prophet, no lie; I am the (grand)son of ‘Abdul-Muttalib.” [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have Mercy on him) was asked about a person whose father had an objectionable name, and he replied that the name of the father remains as is (as part of the son’s name). [Click here for Arabic audio and transcript.]

Question: But I thought Muslims are to change bad names to good ones…!?

Answer: Yes, this is an established Islaamic manner. However, let’s make a difference between your name and other people’s names. You are allowed – maybe even recommended or obliged in some cases – to change your name. However, your father is another person. If he is alive, perhaps you could convince him to change his own name. However, if he has passed or refuses to change his name, then you continue to ascribe to him as he is/was known.  The proof is again the example of our Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), who continued to refer to himself Ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib, while names of ta’beed (“Abdul-___”) are not permissible except with Allaah’s Names, by established scholarly consensus.

Question: What if the new Muslim had been born out of wedlock (from fornication or adultery)?

Answer: If his mother was a married woman at the time of his birth, then he is ascribed to her husband, whether he is the “biological” father or not.  This is the verdict of the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace), when he said:

الولد للفراش

“The child belongs to the bed (i.e. the mother’s husband) [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

Similarly is the case of a woman who got married with a false and invalid marriage contract (thinking it to be correct at the time). This child is considered to be from his mother’s husband as well. Rules of naming, inheritance, maintenance, etc. are all based on this, according to the majority of the scholars.

If he was born to an unwed, divorced [conceived after the finalization of the divorce], or widowed woman [conceived after the death of her husband], then he is not to be ascribed to the biological father, rather he ascribes himself to his mother.

The Permanent Committee of Scholars in Saudi Arabia, headed by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, stated:

What is most correct from the positions held by the scholars is that a child (of fornication) does not ascribe to the fornicator (the biological father), unless the intercourse took place based upon a valid contract (which would not be fornication), or an invalid one (that was thought to be valid at the time), or a mistakenly assumed marriage…

…In such cases the lineage is established through the father, and they mutually inherit from one another. Otherwise, when the intercourse was (purely) fornication, the illegitimate child is not considered the son of the fornicator (the biological father), nor does he ascribe to him. Thus, he does not inherit from him either.

Source: Fatwaa Collection of the Permanent Committee (20/387). In another similar verdicts, they stated clearly that the child born out of wedlock is ascribed to his mother. (20/389, 20/391).

Additional Encouragement

When we hear of a Muslim named “‘Abdullaah Smith” we rejoice, because it is a sign that Islaam is spreading. It is great news that every Muslim loves to hear. So don’t be ashamed of the non-Muslim family names and hide them, instead use them to spread good news to your brothers and sisters!

Recommendation for Official Documents

It can be very confusing when a person from the West travels to the Middle East where the Islaamic naming system is in place, and people named ‘Abdullaah Muhammad are understood to be ‘Abdullaah, the son of Muhammad.  In the West, there exists a “middle name” which is usually not the name of the person’s father. As Muslims, we can use this middle name in an Islaamic way, by naming our children according to the Islaamic system of naming. How is that? ‘Abdullaah ibn Michael Smith can name his son:

FIRST: ‘Abdur-Rahmaan
MIDDLE: Ibn-Abdillaah (or “Bin-Abdillaah”)
LAST: Smith

He could also name his daughter:

FIRST: Aaishah
MIDDLE: Bint-Abdillaah
LAST: Smith

However, for the purpose of international travel, he should change his name on his official documents, lest he is asked, “So Joe, where is Abdullaah, the father of your wife’s children?”

It is hoped that this information is beneficial and it helps keep the Muslms properly implement the Islaamic system of names in their lives.

And Allaah knows best.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

206 thoughts on “Common Mistakes: Replacing the Father’s Name or the Family Name

  1. BaarakAllaahu ‘alaikum.

    You quoted the Permanent Committee – may Allaah preserve it – as stating: “… Otherwise, when the intercourse was (purely) fornication, the illegitimate child is not considered the son of the fornicator (the biological father), nor does he ascribe to him.”

    However, your statement: “If his mother was a married woman at the time of his birth, then he is ascribed to her husband, whether he is the “biological” father or not.” – seems to imply that if the intercourse took place out of wedlock but then the woman gave birth after the man and woman (who participated in fornication) got married, then the son would be rightfully ascribed to the man. This, to me, seems to go against the statement of the Committee quoted above since the child was a result of pure fornication even in this case, right?

    I would appreciate if you could bring some more light to this issue. Jazaakumullaahu khayraa.


    • Marriage to a pregnant woman is baatil (invalid). What is being referred to is a married woman having a child from alleged adultery.

  2. Baaraka Allaah feeka,
    What do you advise with respect to women who got married and for the sake of official purpose they are required to change their last name to their husband’s last name. This is a common practice in Nigeria. Others tries to use compound name instead as their surname, example; if she bears Hafsah AbdulHakeem and she is married to say Abdullaah Umar. She becomes Hafsah AbdulHakeem-Umar after marriage. Is this right?
    Jazaaka Allaah khairah

    • May Allaah help the Muslims in Nigeria to recognize the evils of following the West in how they change the wife’s family name to the name of the husband. This is based on the practice of the non-Muslims who considered themselves owners of their wives (like slave owners), so the women became the husband’s property and lost their family names. The hadeeth applies to women who (willfully) change their father’s names – they will be forbidden from entering Paradise, along with the sin of imitating the non-Muslims. If she has been forced to do it against her will, then the sin is on those who are forcing her to do this. This is a basic human right, which – when ignored – causes widespread confusion and corruption.

    • As salaamu alaykum,

      The changing of a woman’s last name to her husband’s last name is a common practice here in the Netherlands too eventhough it is not compulsary.

      Do you perhaps know of a specific fatwa from the scholars on this subject? Have been searching for one for a long time but wasn’t able to find it.

      And what some people do is keep their father’s last name and add their husband’s last name.
      For instance the woman’s family name is ‘Smith’, the husband’s name ‘Miller’. The wife officially takes the name ‘Smith-Miller’.
      Does this also fall under changing the last name?

    • wa ‘alaykis-salaamu wa rahmatullaah…

      What is in your first question is a violation of Allaah’s direct and explicit order in the Quran, which leads to neglect of one of the most important basic human rights (the preservation of accurate lineage). Furthermore, it is an impermissible act of imitating the disbelievers.

      The Permanent Committee of Scholars in Saudi Arabia headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz was asked about this exact issue, and their official verdict was published in their fatwaa collection (20/378): “It is not permissible for a person to ascribe to other than his father. Allaah the Most High says (what means): “Call them by their fathers’ (names); it is more just with Allaah.” [33:5] And a severe threat (of punishment) is for those who ascribe to other than their fathers. Thus, it is not permissible for a woman to ascribe to her husband’s name, as is the custom of the disbelievers and those Muslims who imitate them.”

      As for referring to a woman as “the wife of So-and-So”, then this is permissible (with texts in the Book and the Sunnah to back it up). However, it may not become her real family name and thus transcend into her lineage, and Allaah knows best.

    • As salaamu alaykum,

      May allaah bless you moosa. i am a revert from the uk and my father’s surname is Mcleish. after researching the meaning behind this name i have found this name to mean son of the servant of jesus which constitutes clear kufr and shirk. After reading some of the beneficial articles you have posted jazaakallaahu khairaa i see it a must to keep the father’s surname in islam.

      correct? baarakallaahu feek

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. You must keep your family name as part of your father’s name, even if the meaning is not permissible. Like our Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace): Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib. ‘Abdul-Muttalib (the slave/servant of al-Muttalib) is not allowed as a name, since “al-Muttalib” is not established as a Name of Allaah. Yet, our Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) did not alter his name, he even said: ( أنا النبي لا كذب أنا ابن عبد المطلب ) “I am the Prophet, no lie, I am the (grand)son of ‘Abdul-Muttalib.” [al-Bukhaaree & Muslim] Names are kept as they are for the sake of lineage remaining known, a basic human right. And Allaah knows best.

  3. This article is well overdue, may Allah reward you with good. I heard an African American brother once saying something to the affect that this doesn’t apply to African Americans, because the last name was the slave owners name, please shed light on this.

    • Islam is for kings and slaves. Allaah guides us to recognize our family histories and what we have been through. Slaves throughout history, Muslim and non-Muslim alike have kept their slave owners’ names, calling themselves in Arabic “Mowlaa Fulaan”. The word “Mowlaa” means “Freed slave of” and “Fulaan” would be the name of the former slave owner. The world recognizes that African Americans have been through a very brutal and inhumane, unjustifiable deviation of slavery, and they have every right to seek out their true heritage. Embracing one’s more distant heritage does not mean that we have to erase or disown our more recent history, and Allaah knows best.

  4. As salaamu alaikum. Barakallahu feek. Whats the case of the Muslim who was adopted at birth and given the name of his adoptive parents and has no knowledge of his biological parents at all.

    • wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah…

      فَإِنْ لَمْ تَعْلَمُوا آباءَهُمْ فَإِخْوانُكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَمَوالِيكُمْ وَلَيْسَ عَلَيْكُمْ جُناحٌ فِيما أَخْطَأْتُمْ بِهِ وَلكِنْ مَا تَعَمَّدَتْ قُلُوبُكُمْ وَكانَ اللَّهُ غَفُوراً رَحِيماً

      “And if you do not know their fathers, then (they are) your brothers in the Religion or your freed slaves. There is no harm on you regarding past mistakes, however, what your hearts intend (is what you are accountable for). And Allaah is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.” [33:5].

      For official paperwork, Shaykh Ibn Baaz gave a fatwaa regarding a similar case, an orphan whose parents were not known, how is he to be named? He said to name him the son of ‘Abdullaah, or any name like that ‘Abdul-____, and the same for the grandfather’s name when there is a need to register him for school. He added that it would be safer to name him the son of “‘Atiyyah” or “Hibatullaah” as these names are used for both males and females.


      Our Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree gave a similar fatwaa that I remember.

    • As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh,

      Is it possible for you to clarify the different types of orphans?

      A common explanation restricts a child being an orphan to the death of both parents or the father before puberty. From reading this post it seems perhaps there are other circumstances that cause a child to be considered an orphan islamically. Is this a correct understanding?

  5. What if a brother married a women while she was pregnant, and was ignorant of the ruling. Then later on had children with this women. Does the child take his fathers name?

    • There is no marriage to a pregnant woman. Shaykh Ibn Baaz explains: (Arabic) As for your question, then a fatwaa should be sought for the specific case, because there was something that they thought was a marriage, and some of the scholars mention the possibility of ascribing to the father from an invalid marriage thought to be valid, as mentioned in the article above, and Allaah knows best.

    • BaarakAllaahu ‘alaik.

      Please what is meant by “فراش” in the hadeeth and the explanation of Shaykh ibn Baaz – rahimahullaah:

      “(الولد للفراش وللعاهر الحجر). فالولد لأمه إذا كانت ليست فراش، فإن كانت فراشاً فالولد لزوجها”

      JazaakAllaahu khayraa.

  6. as-Salaamu ‘aleykum wa rahmatullaah,
    Is it allowed to change names from birth, eventhough you are born muslim if the name has meanings like “Winner”? I just heard from muslims this is not allowed. I dont liek my name because of the meaning it has.

  7. Salaamun alaikum,
    When I became Muslim, in my ignorance, I changed my name from Ronald Phillips to Ronald Ali. As I now know better, I sign myself as Ronald Ali ibn George Phillips.
    Is it required of me, is it obligatory, is it a must that I change my name back from Ali to Phillips..?
    Barak Allaahu feekum

  8. assalamu alaykum. i changed my name from a pagan first name to an islamic one. both my parents and all of my family accept it. i made my middle name ibn Marcus. and my last name Abdallah. Marcus is my fathers first name. is this permissible? also i have 3 generations of muslims on my mother’s side of my family. the oldest member being 80 years old. he changed his last name to Al Ghani. how do i advise him/them that this was wrong? especially when about 30 members of my family carry this name?

  9. Salaam Alaykum,

    May Allah reward you for answering these questions so thoroughly.

    What about the case of a non-Muslim woman who takes the name of her husband, then they convert to Islam years later. Does she have to change her name back to that of her father?

    Jazakallahu khayran.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      I am not able to talk about the Islamic ruling on registering name changes with non-Muslim governments. However, she must be known as “the daughter of So-and-So (her real father’s name)”, ascribed to her own family, not her husband’s (as part of her name). This is based on the clear Quranic order mentioned. And Allaah knows best.

  10. Assalamu Alaikum,

    What about calling short names or nick names ?

    Jazak ALLAHU khairan

    Shamaz Mohammed

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Thanks for your question, Shamaz. This discussion is about official full names, not nicknames. Nicknames are all permissible in general, so long as the meaning is good, not excessive, and no offense or injury is caused.

  11. A brother recently asked me: i have my mothers madien name as my last name. My parnets were never married.. do i keep my mothers last name or do i change the last name to my biogiocal fatrher i.e. john abdullah or john cythania blue or john bill brown

    in addition, is it correct to change my first name from john to yahya
    i just want to be identifed as muslim by name.
    barakallah u fika

  12. As’salamualaikum Brother Moosa.
    If I choose not to indicate/register my daughter’s name with my name(e.g Hafsah binti so xxxxx), will it be an offense in the Deen? Can I just name her ‘Hafsa’ only?
    Jazakallahu khair Brother.

  13. the ‘Family Name’ system is the type adopted by Nigerians. Is it then permissible for me to adopt my father’s first name instead of his family name.

  14. As salaam Alaikum wa ramatullilah I’m an American born and “revert” muslimah my name is not the name of my father, it is of my grandmothers husband (not my mothers biological dad but he was married to my grandma, thus my mother took his name and in turn gave it to me) reading the comments and responses I’m wondering should change my last name to my fathers name even though he’s not muslim he is alive, and even before I accepted this beautiful deen I wanted to have his last name! Jazakallah khairun

    • wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Your name includes your father’s name in Islam, your name is “Anonymous” ibn (or bint) FATHER’S NAME, and the family name that you both are known for. If it is possible for you to change your name legally to show this, then may Allaah make it easy for you to do so. And Allaah knows best.

  15. As-salaamu ‘alaykum. Who does a convert to Islaam who’s parents were not married when he/she was born inherit from? Is the father recognised as a zaani and therefore not inherited from?

    Baarakallaahu feek.

  16. As Salaam Alaikum

    I have taken my Shahadah sometime ago and have been considering changing my name. I understand I am to keep my fathers name as well. The name Fahmi Billah appeals to me. My birth name is James Lanham Jr. What would the proper way be for me to use this name along with my fathers name Isalmically or is this allowed. May Allah bestow knowledge on this matter.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      May Allaah bless you, dear brother. Why not consider the most beloved names to Allaah (‘Abdullaah and ‘Abdur-Rahmaan), or the names of the most beloved people to Allaah, the Prophets (Ibraaheem, Nooh, Moosaa, ‘Eesaa, Muhammad, etc.) and the Companions (Aboo Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthmaan, ‘Alee, al-Hasan, al-Husayn, Talhah, Sa’d, ‘Ammaar, etc.)?

      “Fahim” (not Fahmi), pronounced (and spelled also) “Faheem” has a good meaning, “a person of understanding”. While many Muslims have the name Fahmi, I do not know “Fahmi” to be a real Arabic word (in authentic Arabic). Nor do I understand how the second word would fit into the construction. If you meant, “someone knowledgeable about Allaah” then ‘Abdullaah is a much better choice, as the true ‘abd (worshipper) of Allaah worships Him upon a high level of awareness and knowledge.

      Or consider a name that is “mu’abbad” (denoting your servitude to Allaah), using one of Allaah’s Names, like: ‘Abdul-‘Aleem (servant of the All-Knowing).

      Remember, when a person takes a name for himself that includes praiseworthy attributes (like Faheem), he does so hoping that Allaah would bless him with that attribute, not claiming to fulfill the meaning of the name. And Allaah knows best.

  17. Asalamualaikkum,

    My name in my passport used to be Rizwan Ahmed and my family name is Sattoli. I wanted to add my family name after me and changed it to only Rizwan Sattoli. Reading the comments above, I am now confused.. Ahmed is my father’s name. I went through a lot of process to get it changed. Now would you recommend me to change my name again? If so, could you kindly let me know what it should be that pleases Allah?

    Also my wife’s name is Safeena champad and we were thinking of adding my name after her( Safeena Rizwan). Champad is her family name (not father’s name) and she never had her father’s name after her in any document which is Kasim (negligence, may be).. Now, Is it permissible for me to add my name after her, which will eventually be Safeena Rizwan or leave the way as it is, i.e Safeena Champad.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      Rizwan [bin] Ahmad is correct, and Rizwan Sattoli is correct as well. Neither name ascribes you to someone who is not your father.

      Your wife’s name “Safeena Champad” is correct, if “Champad” is her father’s family name. Safeena [bint] Kasim is also correct. However, you must avoid the non-Muslims’ custom of changing the wife’s family name to the husband’s name. She must not change her name to “Safeena Rizwan,” as you have nothing to do with her name, and Allaah knows best.

    • As Salaamu alaikum

      Is it correct to put “bin/bint (fulaan)” on your official documents, as your last name?

      Also, if your father’s first (like this brother did) name is one of Allaah’s names, do you also have to put “Abd” in front of it?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. If a woman’s name is Khadeejah and her father’s name is Muhammad Smith for example, then I would recommend the following way of usage of the first, middle, and family (last) names:
      FIRST: Khadeejah
      MIDDLE: Bint-Muhammad
      LAST: Smith

      And the question about Allaah’s Names depends on which names… Names that are shared like Azeez and Hakeem for example, the ‘abd- is optional, as people are allowed to be referred to with those names. However, with names exlusive to Allaah, like Allaah, as-Samad, al-Jabbaar, ar-Rahmaan, etc., such names for people must be prefixed with “Abd-” (the servant of). And Allaah knows best.

  18. As-salaamu alaykum.

    Do reverts whose parents were not married have to change their surnames if they have their fathers family name? And must they stop using his lineage? I.e. “al-Amreekee, al-Misree” etc.

  19. Are we allowed to write our husbands name, like if the husband name is farhan khan, can we write fatima farhan khan when we give gift to someone as it is a common practise in our culture to write as mentioned above when giving gifts to someone specifically on their weddings?

    • Sure, just write “the Wife of”, or in Arabic: ( امرأة فلان ) or ( زوج فلان ), Fatima, the wife of Farhan.

      However, “Fatima Farhan” would mean to many people: Fatima, the daughter of Farhan, so avoid that please.

  20. As Salaam Alaikum,
    I’m a revert from UK who would like clarity, insha’Allaah, regarding a word (‘divorced’) used in the sentence “If he was born to an unwed, divorced, or widowed woman,” in the article: “Common Mistakes: Replacing the Father’s Name or the Family Name,”
    Does this apply only to divorced women who have committed zinaa or also to married women who did NOT commit zinaa but were divorced for other reasons (none sexual) before there baby was born? So, if the baby is born after divorce & ex husband is the biological father, whose name those the baby take, is it the fathers name or the mothers?
    It seemed obvious untill i read that sentence.
    Jazaakumullaahu khayraa.

  21. My son’s name is Nabhan Ahmed and mentioned only as such in records like birth certificates, not followed by his father’s name along with his name explicitly. Is that an incorrect way of naming?

    Please advice.

    • Is Nabhan’s father “Ahmed” or are you saying he has been named “Nabhan Ahmed” as a kind of compound name?

  22. As- Salaamu ‘alaykum Moosaa,

    May Allah preserve You upon his Obedience and reward you with the Good For Your Conveying The works of our Salafee ‘Ulamaa .

    I was a child born out of wedlock given my biological Father’s name. I am Now Trying to Change my name to that of my Mother’s as this is what The evidence you relayed from Ahlul-‘ilm indicated and would like some advice concerning it. Do you write the full name of Your mother in identification just like that of the father in the article above or do you just write The Surname?

    BaarakAllaahu Feek

  23. Assalam mu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakahtuh ya Akh Moosa.

    Barakallahu feekum for your efforts in clearing doubts of the muslimin.
    I have a question. Im a chinese muslim. I bear my family’s name, “Tan”. But it is not my father’s name. My father is a revert and his muslim name is Aidil Tan. Must i take on his name or should i just retain our family name?

    Another question.
    It is very common in my country that, many muslims are getting pregnant due to fornicating. Allahu mustaan. as for a female child, if her parents got married after her birth, what must the child be named and who will be her wali when she reaches maturity and wishes to nikah.

    Jazakallahu khayr.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

      Name yourself according to your father’s name, as Allaah orders us in the Quran ( ادعوهم لآبائهم ) [33:5]. However, refer to your father in the same way. Meaning: You are Fulaan [your first name] ibn Aidil Tan ibn Fulaan [Your father’s father’s name]. You may also combine any family name your father started with your grandfather’s family name. All of these things have examples in the lives of the Salaf. And Allaah knows best.

  24. As Salaamu alaykum,

    I am a bit confused by the Fatwaa of the permanent committee:

    1. If a child is born to a widowed woman, then he takes her name yet our Prophet (Sall Allaahu alayhi wa Sallam) is ascribed to his father?

    2. Similarly if a woman was pregnant and then her husband divorced her and so her iddah is her pregnancy, once she delivers is the child not ascribed to the father? Similarly if the Kuffaar divorce a woman mid pregnancy then when the child is born who is he ascribed to? What if mid term that woman marries another kaafir man?

    Also the fatwa says:

    If his mother was a married woman at the time of his birth, then he is ascribed to her husband, whether he is the “biological” father or not

    So is it that if a woman got pregnant and then somewhere in the 9 months she married a man other than the biological father then the child upon delivery is ascribed to whom?

    I hope you can help clear the confusion.

    Jazaak Allaahu khayran


    Adil Zargar

  25. Asalamu-Alaikum,

    I have a question regaring my son’s name .
    I want to keep his name as Hamza but however my name is Syed Ahsan Hussain.
    So how can i keep his name ?

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaam. I don’t understand the problem. Your name is Syed. His name is Hamza. Why wouldn’t you be able to keep his name?

    • This name “syed” in some parts of world like indian subcontinent is given more like title of respect to people who are descendants of the family of the prophet and common people consider it a family name.
      However, does it really qualify as a family name ? if not then what family name would one who is a descendat of the family of Prophet (sallAllahu Alahy Wa Salam) keep in his name ?

      Another doubt i have is if one who is considered desecndant but cannot establish or doesn’t know the chain of his lineage back to Prophet (sallAllahu Alahy Wa Salam), should he continue ascription as descandant or better to leave it?

    • Whoever has a valid ascription back to the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), and is called “Syed” in his culture, then this is synonymous with “Haashimee” and any other term that could be used to refer to lineage that traces back to him. If it is culturally recognized as a family name, then it is a family name, however it is very distant and does not provide any information about his more recent lineage. It is normal to have multiple ansaab, some general, some more recent and specific. And someone who is claimed to be a descendant but cannot prove that with an actual chain of lineage, then he can refer to experts in lineage and try to trace his ancestry.

  26. Asalamu-Alaikum,

    My relatives parents have kept her name as shujata begum Her father name is shamsu miah
    The question is is shujata begum a Muslim name? She feels it isn’t searched also and can’t find no name as a Muslim name.. Now she has changed her name to Aysha akhtar.. Is that wrong of her to do? Most of her family still calls her by the name given to her by her father. She is confused please can any one help with this query

  27. Asalaamu alykum. May Allaah bless you with good Ameen.

    I would be ever so grateful if you can assist me as I have been unsure about this issue for sometime.

    When I accepted Islam I was unaware of the ruling and changed my first name and surname to a muslim name. However now that I am aware is it an obligation upon me to change my surname back to my father’s name and family name?

    BaaraakAllaah feek.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Do what you can to restore your father’s and family’s name. May Allaah make you successful.

  28. As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu,

    If someone was conceived whilst his/her parents were unmarried, but born after his/her parents married, do they take the name of their father or mother?

    Secondly, if a man denies that a child is his, even if there’s no other possibility, what name does the child take?

    May Allah reward you with the good of this life and the good of the hereafter.

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

      1) The marriage is invalid, as a pregnant woman is not eligible for marriage. Thus, the child takes the name of the mother (or some anonymous name like Abdullah), [Child’s name] ibn [Mother’s name], or …ibn ‘Abdillaah.

      2) If a married man denies the child, the child still ascribes to him, unless he ends the marriage with a mulaa’anah procedure. Then the child is considered a child of zinaa and ascribes to his/her mother or an anonymous male name, like ‘Abdullaah. (See Quran 24:6-9)

      And Allaah knows best.

    • As-salaamu ‘alaykum akh Moosaa.

      Regarding your (above) response;

      1) You mentioned that as a result of an invalid marriage (consequently resulting in zinaa) the children born out of that (situation) may take an anonymous name. Do Ahl al-‘Ilm restrict this name to ‘Abdillaah and its like or would it be acceptable to use any permissible male name? (e.g. …ibn ‘Umar)

      2) Does all of that which is found in your response to Michael’s question apply to parents who were in a state of disbelief at the time of having committed zinaa?

      Baarak Allaahu feek.

  29. Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
    Indeed very nice article and well explained. Jazak Allaahu khairaa.

    As far as the subject of this article is concerned it is usually intending for (New Muslims – “Common Mistakes: Replacing the Father’s Name or the Family Name”) however I think you mean to say it applies to any Muslim name. I would like to highlight in India we don’t follow this practice of placing father’s name in child name.
    Being Indian, what I have found the followings are the Common mistakes of Indian Muslim Names:

    – The father’s name is not included while naming the baby.
    – The name is kept without realizing the meaning and characteristics of the name.

    Please shed some lights on this.

    Baarak Allaahu feek.

  30. Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah

    Brother Moosaa I need your help on this very urgent issue in sha Allah. Firstly is this fatwa translated by you and does it apply here???

    Okay so the issue is I plan to marry this sister soon here in Philadelphia in sha Allah, It came to my mind that she was born out of wedlock when her biological father was in his pre Islam. Basically her biological father and mother had intercourse at the ages of about 13-16, at birth the daughter took the last name of the biological father. The biological father has accepted Islam alhumdulilah since the age of his early twenties and gave the daughter her shahadah at the age of 8 and has raised her. He’s claimed her since birth and claims that’s what happened before his Islam and his accepting Islam would erase that in sha Allah. The question now is, is she attributed to be his daughter??? and can he marry her off at this stage in her life now she is about 22???

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. If they were known as father and daughter as they came into Islaam, then that relationship is accepted as is, and it is not investigated. This is based on the general interactions of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) with the Companions coming to Islaam from Jaahiliyyah, and he did not investigate their previous relationships. This was taught to me by Shaykh Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him). And Allaah knows best.

  31. As-salam alaykum wa rahmatulahi brother

    I am married but I did not take my husband’s name but my question is in regards to the name of my children. For example if the name of their father is John Smith is it permissible for the child to be called Bow Smith. As this is the case with my son. If it’s not permissible what should i do.

    Jazakallahu khairan

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Yes, that’s fine. Children take the name of their father. Think of using the middle name as “Ibn-John”, if you are in a country that uses “middle names”. And Allaah knows best.

  32. My husband name is “Imran Mehmood” and his father,i.e., my father-in law name is “Jaffar Mahmood”. My daughter was named by my father-in-law as “Ameena Jaffar”. I argued that her name should be “Ameena Imran” since “Imran” is her father rather than “Ameena Jaffar” since “Jaffar” is her grandfather. Please guide me in this regard.

  33. As salaamu alaykum, barakaAllah feek, so my parents had be without marriage, and I do have my mothers name sake, so I’m ordered to keep it? JazakaAllah khayr akhi

  34. Brother Moosaa, what if someones father had an impermissle name, like ‘Rahman’? This name is only for Allaah, so how should the son adjust his name?

  35. Salam, Im asma , just got married in my muslim husband, but now i discoverd that he had a daughter from a non muslim woman and they are not married but the daughter is using my husband last name,, is it allowed? Specially if she want to come in his father country using my husband last name in her passport?

  36. Assalamu alaikum
    My name syed Yakub pasha father name sayed Abdul Sattar and grand father name sayed Abdul wahab
    My wife name is shaik.Tahera.I named my son as Abdul Hafeez only.
    If any argument comes in future.Abdul Hafeez write without surname.Abdul is Surname.I write my son name Allah mercifully as Abdul Hafeez.
    Without syed named only Abdul Hafeez no objetion.
    Can Muslims write surname complessory ?.

  37. Assalam alaikum. I read your articles they are such a good ones, and in the path way of the Sunnah. May Allah bless your efforts. I would suggest you add sharing bottom to you site. This will help a lot in conveying the message to so many people. And the real content of your write up will never be distorted. Wassalam alaikum.

  38. As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaah
    If your name (not the family name) means noble or nobility, is it obligatory to change it ? BaarakAllaahu feek

  39. Asalaamu aleykum waraxmatullahi wabarakatu.

    BarakaAllahu feyk for this beautiful article May Allah reward you with the highest ranks in jannah aameen.

    After reading this article I am really scared and don’t know what to do if this really allowed or not.

    I am in non Muslim countries for a decade and my documents is not same as my father and family name is totally different and I get married and got children walilahi hamd… But they have their names in the documents for the middle and last name of the name in my documents…. Only for the paper but for the Muslim brothers they called me my real name and for at work called me the name I have in the documents…

    So now I don’t know what to do to change this whole process is not easy and don’t know if this permissible or not …

    please reply to me I am falling under that hadeeth from the prophet “…. Forbidden for him the smell of the paradise…”…am I sinning and I made hajj having that name on my documents is my hajj valid please reply to me.

    I came to this country 10 years ago being in this country from young age went to schools…and all my documents fingerprints are under this name…etc.

    May Allah bless you and rewards you with good.

    Asalaamu aleykum.

  40. As Salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullaah I have a question about if I have to keep my last name or change it due to it being one of the 99 names of Allah (swt) should I change it to slave of the judge instead of it begin the judge. In sha Allah can you give me info this matter. [Message edited by admin]

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Your family name is Kadi, which I assume is “قاضي” (judge), yes, people are judges, and there is no violation in this name or as a description. I don’t know of any precedent for calling yourself “Abdul-Qaadhee”, and some of the scholars have mentioned that such a name is not permissible, as al-Qaadhee is not a name of Allaah we can confirm. And Allaah knows best.

      Besides, even if your family name were impermissible, you still keep it, as a historical reference to your ancestors, as our Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) was the grandson of ‘Abdul-Muttalib, and al-Muttalib is a name we do not have evidence to establish as one of Allaah’s Names, and he did not change his grandfather’s name, and he even referred to himself by it. And Allaah knows best.

  41. Assalamualaium

    My husband’s name is Saihad Shahid Rahman.
    As i came to know recently that one should not keep the name Rahman as it belongs to Allah, so we are planning to name our son Uzair Abdur Rahman.

    Is this a good name according to islam. We read that Abdur Rahman is the second best name in islam after Abdullah, but do we need to keep Saihad too in our son’s name?
    For example, Uzair bin Saihad Rahman? But then again the name becomes to long and it removes Abdur Rahman for the name of our son.
    Your advise will be highly appreciated

  42. As salamu alaikom,

    I have would like for you to clarify my name change inshallah. I am a new Muslim and was given the name Muhammad Amin, which I will make legal soon. My father’s name is Aurelio Valencia and my mother’s name is Valencia Valencia. Would it be permissible for me to take the name Muhammed Amin Abdul Rahman ibn Valencia? Or it will have to be Muhammed Amin Abdul Rahman ibn Aurelio Valencia?

    Please help inshallah. Jazakallah khair brother.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. My advice is that you pick a name, either Muhammed or Amin, and call yourself:

      Muhammed ibn Aurelio Valencia
      Amin ibn Aurelio Valencia

      This is closest to the Sunnah, and Allaah knows best.

  43. Salam alaikun.
    I am planning to wed with my wife in july 2016 and we are both yet to conclude on names issue.
    Pls, I will b glad to have ur help on this.
    My first name is Mutiu, Abiodun is my second name, Muritala is my (surname)family’s name. My wife’s name is Elizabeth Oreoluw (surname).
    Can we use my second name, Abiodun as the surname for our Children? Cos I don’t want to use the family name, Muritala for my kids to come. We want to agree on this before we start having kids. And I want to stay in line with islamic naming customs.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi. I don’t know what you mean by first and second name. In Islam, we have one name, and this is followed by ibn or bint with our father’s name, like: Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah, ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab, ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, ‘Aa’ishah bint Abee Bakr, Zaynab bint Jahsh, like this…

  44. Asalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, May Allah reward you for this beneficial article and this website ameen!!

    I am curious about the use of ibn/Bint. My children have a middle and last name which is the same as my husband’s first and last name. For example, Sarah John Smith and Amber John Smith. We did not put Bint in their names. Does this sound in accordance with sunnah?

    JazackAllahu khair!

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. It sounds OK, but in the West, a female having a middle name like “John” might be odd. That’s why I would recommend using “Bint-John” instead, but its just a suggestion for in the West only. In the Muslim lands, they refer to girls all the time like “Faatimah Ahmad”, “Zaynab Moosaa”, etc. using the girl’s father’s name as her second name. And Allaah knows best.

  45. Sallamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah.
    JazaakAllâhu khayrā.
    I have a question relating my firstname, I have two of them, Muhammad Masood, Ahmad is my surname and also grandfathers name.
    You said in Islām we have only one name, what do I do now I have been named with two firstnames which is a custom I think in Afghanistan..?
    JazākAllâhu khayrā.

  46. Assalam-o-alikum,
    My name is Shahid Rasool Shaikh. I want to name my son Ali Rasool Shaikh. Is it correct to put Rasool with Ali?
    Please let me know soon.

    • wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. If you name your son Ali, he will be: “Ali ibn Shahid Rasool Shaikh” (But I don’t know about your three names, are they all yours, or one is your father’s? Compound/multiple names are not easy to understand.)

  47. Hello, I’m from Bangladesh. Me and my wife are expecting to have a baby boy by the grace of Allah. We are primarily thinking of keeping his first name as “SAHABI” (companion). But since there is a defined list of sahaba in Islam, we are skeptical whether it is righteous to keep this name for our baby. It would be a great help if you please share your views about this matter. Thank you in advance for your assistance.

  48. I recently named my daughter jannah. A brother told me that this is no permissible
    And I can not think of nor find anything that prohibits this in Islam…..I’m seeking answers from ulema only jazakallah khayr

    • Let the one who forbade you from it show you what it wrong with it, with evidence. A jannah is a garden, it has a beautiful meaning. In general, names with good meanings are allowed, until there is a specific evidence restricting it. And Allaah knows best.

  49. As-salamu alaykum Moosaa. First of all, I’d like to thank you for the very informative knowledge you have posted about why you should keep your family name despite the fact that it can have a haram association with it.

    Secondly, I have a question regarding my last name. My last name is #####, derived from the Sikh religion of Hindustan (present day India). My great grandfather moved from India to Pakistan during the partition in order to be liberated from the continued discrimination towards Muslims in India. He became a muslim and continued with the practice of high last name to my grandfather and my father. Unfortunately, in the 70s when my father registered for his board exams in his government high school, he changed his last name without consulting/telling his own father. Instead of writing ##### as his last name in his exams, he wrote a different one.

    Just for the record, in Pakistan, whatever is written in your board exams is considered your permanent legal name in Pakistan. Meaning whatever name is registered on your board exams must also appear on your passport, id card, legal document, marriage certificate, etc.

    The funny thing is this though; when I was born in the US, my father gave me my grandfather and great grandfather’s name #####, continuing the tradition of last names. When I asked him why he changed his last name, he said he made a mistake.

    I always wanted to change my last name because I didn’t like it and knew it had a kuffar meaning associated with it but after learning from this article that you should keep your last name, I guess I will stick with it. But do I keep my father’s changed name or the continued last names of my great grandfathers and grandfather?

    As-salamu alaykum

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Whatever your father, grandfather, and all known ancestors went by are things that you can you to identify with. What you use on your official paperwork is only one portion of that. I do not think it is even possible to put all lineages and ascriptions in modern paperwork. So use whatever is easy and accurate. And Allaah knows best.

  50. Assalamualaikum,

    If my name is Syed Wajid Ahmed (Syed is family name), then can I give my son name as “Abdullah Syed” ?

    I want to do this to avoid confusion of first, middle and last name. Generally on documents like passport, they consider last name to be the family whereas in names like “Syed Wajid Ahmed”, it is first name “Syed” which is considered the family name

  51. As-salamu alaykum Moosaa . If a baby is conceived and born out of wedlock and the father is a non-Muslim. Must the baby take the mothers name or can he/she take the Father’s name?

  52. As Salam o Alaikum

    Is it ok to do this. If my name is Noman Khan and my fathers name is Ahmed Khan. Can my son name be:

    First Name: Muhammad
    Second/Middle Name: bin Folaan
    Last: Ibn Khan or Bin Ahmed

    Jazak Allahu Khair

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah, his name would be: Muhammad ibn Noman ibn Ahmed Khan, baarak Allaahu feek.

    • Better to phase it out, if it can be done without causing a great deal of harm, as the meaning is terrible in Arabic. And Allaah knows best.

    • Must I keep the names of those before my father [my grandfather and so on]. My own father omitted the name of his father when naming me. He did that because if not, it will be really long. However, he still keeps his father’s name. Is that okay? Should I include my grandfather’s name?

    • We can omit a name of one of our fathers or grandfathers (or more), essentially abbreviating our lineage, in some contexts. Like we say we are the son of Adam, omitting everyone between us and Adam! Or like how the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said he was the son of ‘Abdul-Muttalib, while that was actually his grandfather. When it is known, and not an attempt to hide the real father, this is permissible, and Allaah knows best.

  53. If you have a problematic name associated with the Raafidah/Sufiyyah such as (مرتضى), is it permissible to drop it?

    • Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson did mention “ascriptions to people with impermissible names is allowed” as you cannot change the names of the deceased.

  54. Asalamualaikum
    Very beneficial. May Allah reward u immensely.

    My name was fatima aziz, my dad hasan Aziz.

    After marriage I became fatima khan for 20 yrs . When I realised the command of Allah I immediately announced everyone I know that I’m fatima bint Aziz. Is that wrong?

    2. Also is it ok to announce that im Fatima bint aziz but keep my passport/ bank/ bills/ inland revenue etc in my old name fatima khan that I have had for 20 yrs?

    3. What’s the meaning of khan as my children take this as their surname?

    I will be grateful bro for your answers. May Allah accept your efforts.
    Jazakallah khairan katheera

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      1 & 2. What is forbidden is ascribing to other than your father, and it is OK to use a family name. If your family name is Khan, then you can use it, and you do not have to mention your father’s name every time your name is used. You just cannot claim to be the daughter of someone other than your real father. And Allaah knows best.

      3. “Khan” in Arabic means “he betrayed” so it should be avoided, yet if it established as the family name, meaning people have lived and died under this name, then it is not changed. Rather you are from the Khaan family, just like our Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) was from the family of ‘Abdul-Muttalib, while that name was not permissible to have. Since he lived and died under that name, it is historically established then, and we cannot change people’s names after their deaths. So ascriptions to people with impermissible names is allowed. And Allaah knows best.

    • Jazakallahu khairan katheera for your spontaneous response.

      May Allah always protect you and your family and reward you manifold.

      Just to clarify can I keep my husband surname on passport/ doctors/ government documents/ bills as they refer to mrs. Fatima khan?

      On other hand I have announced all those I know my name is now fatima bint Aziz.

      Is this permissible?

      JazakAllah for your time in reading and answering all our questions.

    • It was not clear to me from your original question that “Khan” is your husband’s family name, not yours. His lineage does not become your lineage. His family name does not become your family name, except that it can be said that you are the wife of Fulaan from the Khan family. This practice of the wife taking on the husband’s family name is from Western oppressive culture, from when the men would basically own the wife and all her property, so her taking his name was an indication that she had been sort of “owned into” that family, and Allaah knows best. Many people who know about this origin, I mean non-Muslims, refuse to drop their family names to assume their husband’s family names, and rightly so. And Allaah knows best.

  55. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. JazakAkkahu khairan for this informative article, however I have some questions :

    1) When I grew up I put my maternal grandfather’s name and surname instead of my father’s. Almost all of my documents have this new name. Do I have to change my name on these documents or it’s ok if I don’t ?

    2) People call me by this new name now so do I have to actively tell them to call me by my father’s name ?

    3) Also my father’s name was Noorali (i.e. light of Ali) as far I know the meaning. That might be considered words of shirk so considering this, do I still have to call myself by my father’s name ? Will I be sinning if I use my father’s name?

    PS – Me and my mother are not deviant anymore as Allah swt Has guided us to the true teachings of Islam, Alhumdulillah. I do not know of my father as I haven’t met him since I was a child. [Message truncated and edited by admin]

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      1) Change your name to reflect your ascription to your father on all documents, whenever possible.

      2) Yes. Ask them to refer to you as “[Your Name] ibn/bint Noorali.” (Your gender is not clear from the question, sorry.)

      3) Your father’s name is still his name, even if his name is impermissible. You still ascribe to him with the name he is known by. Our Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) referred to himself as “Ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib”, Servant of ‘al-Muttalib’ (not one of Allaah’s Names!)

      PS – Seek Allaah’s Assistance in rebuilding family ties with your father (even if he is a disbeliever), may Allaah grant you success.

  56. Salaam alakuim I was born out of wedlock and adultery. I married halal and reverted to Islam. My mother I had 8 children 6 different fathers. She doesn’t know who my biological father is. I have been using my grandfathers surname an English name. My question is do I keep it or am I able to go by my husbands surname?
    Jazakallah Kheir

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Keep your grandfather’s family name. Taking the family name of the husband is a terrible Western practice, left over from when men would assume ownership of the wife and all her property. And Allaah knows best.

  57. When I was born, I was given to my aunt and uncle. In order to avoid paperwork and all, I was listed as their daughter in all paperwork. So I was not given my biological parent’s name. I did not know that I was adopted until I was 13 since we live in another country.

    My father, not biological, is named Muhammad Hassan Chaudhary. When he went abroad he changed his last name making his name Muhammad Hassan.
    I haven taken his name making my name : Aaliyah Hassan.
    All his biological children carry this name as well. So for instance Muhammad Tariq Hassan, is this right?
    My mom, not biological, did not change her surname.

    Nobody knows that I am adopted except family. I actually want to keep this surname but is it permissible?
    And what about my father, is it a problem that he changed his surname?

    I have used different names for privacy purposes.

    • Try to rectify this matter by amending the official paperwork to reflect your true biological parents. Refer to yourself as X (your name), bint (the daughter of) Y (your real father’s name). Likewise all of your children should have this corrected as well. May Allaah bless you and give you success. And Allaah knows best.

  58. Assalamualaikum
    Hope ur doing well.
    Just wanted to confirm with you..
    Is it ok to right in passport as Nisar Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim. Is there anything wrong with compound names?
    Like we have two columns Surname and given name in the passport.
    And for my daughter can I write
    Aleena bint Nisar Ahmad.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Compound names are confusing and should be avoided. Think of the Companions, they weren’t Umar Ahmad, Muhammad Uthmaan, and Alee Abdullaah. They were just Umar, ‘Uthmaan, and Alee. Umar (the son of al-Khattaab), ‘Uthmaan (the son of ‘Affaan), and ‘Alee (the son of Aboo Taalib). When people hear Nisar Ahmad, they genuinely cannot know if you are Nisar the son of Ahmad or just “Nisar Ahmad” as a compound name, both names are you. In fact, the first one is the more likely assumption. And Allaah knows best.

    • Thanks for replying. I get your point. In my day to day life, I have always introduced myself as Nisar Ibrahim. My query was for documentation purpose like passport. Like in those two columns.
      Surname- I leave it blank
      Given name- Nisar Ahmad

      Father’s name- Ibrahim

      Do I need to add Ibn Ibrahim in the given name. Or that would suffice keeping only Nisar Ahmad.

  59. As Salaamu Alaikum.

    you mentioned in one of the replies a child born out of wedlock can take his mother’s name or some anonymous name like Abdullah.
    Can a unmarried woman change her last name to an anonymous name like Abdullah?

  60. Salaam. I wanted to get the naming convention right.
    If my name is Nayeem Abdul Aziz.
    Abdul is my middle name and Aziz is my family last name.
    I noticed middle names were getting dropped and ignored everywhere in conversations, legal.paperwork ,etc….so when I had a son I named him
    Ali Abdul-Aziz
    Ali is his first name and he has no middle name and his last name when we write it, we write the whole thing Abdul-Aziz. We had learned that you always need to say “Abdul” in front of one of Allah’s names when it is someone’s name.
    Now if I had a daughter. How would I name her? Say we picked the first name Ayesha. What would her whole name look like? Keeping in mind I still want my family’s last name included (Aziz). Is Abdul still required in front of Aziz? What would her name look like? If you could give suggestions on this naming convention that would be very helpful. Please let us know which is first and last and middle if needed. Shukriya!!!

  61. Asslamu Alaikum.

    I want to change my sons name as follow. Is it allowed in Islam.

    My first Name : Mohamad Akram
    Sure Name: Cader Mohideen.

    My sons name: Mohamad Akeem
    Surname : Mohamad Akram.

    What I want is can I change my son’s name to Akeem Akram? Or do I have to keep Mohamad Akram as his surname {fathers name }

    Jathakallu hairan


  62. As salaamu alaikum
    Jazakallah Khair Ustādh Moosa

    [A man divorced his wife.] Some time during her Iddah she had became pregnant. Later after she delivered it was found out that the husband wasn’t the father of the child due to a DNA test. allahu Musta’an. Is the child still attributed to the husband? This divorce happened three years ago. [Question reworded for anonymity by admin]

    Jazakallah Khair

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Zinaa is a serious offense and an accusation of zinaa is also very serious. False accusations of adultery warrant almost the complete punishment of fornication itself under Islamic Law. As our scholars have ruled: DNA tests, blood tests, fingerprints, not even video footage is sufficient to prove such a crime. No less than four competent reliable Muslim witnesses are required to describe the details of the actual penetration they witnessed without doubt or obscurity in order to establish such an offense in Islamic Law. And even if this did occur, the child is still attributed to the husband of the marriage, due to the statement of the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace): الولد للفراش “The child of adultery belongs to the bed (i.e. the husband).” [Bukhari & Muslim] Based on this, the child is the son of the husband from that marriage, from all legal aspects. Thus, the father must spend on his son, educate him, and fulfill his rights, just as that son must fulfill all his father’s rights as well. And Allaah knows best.

      There is the option of a Mulaa’anah case [See Quran 24:6-10], but this is only with absolute certainty, as it involves invoking the Curse of Allaah upon a specific Muslim, which is very heavy, so I do not recommend this at all. May Allaah give both parties patience and dignity in this life upon Allaah’s obedience, and honor in the Hereafter.

    • Would this ruling apply if the wife admitted to the act of fornication? Does the biological father have any rights over the child?

    • The case is studied by a judge. Confessions need to be real, not claimed confessions that a person does not hold to. Even then, we tell someone who confesses to repent privately and we do not encourage their confession. The “biological father” gets nothing. He may repent and show kindness to the child, yet he has no rights or obligations connected to the child.

  63. As salaam alaykum.
    A child who was born out of wedlock was given her father’s last name due to ignorance. Should that child last name be changed? Do A child’s father who is not muslim remain responsibile financially and be apart of the child’s life?

  64. Salam alaykum wa ramatulahi wa barakatuhu
    I am a revert and have a 2y/o son. His middle name is not his fathers first name. It’s just an additional name. He has just his fathers last name. Even though his father is born Muslim he didn’t correctly name him. Do I need to legally change his middle name to be his fathers first name?
    Jazakum Allahu Khairan

  65. Salaam alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Baralatuhu. My name is Ibrahim Khalil Ali. My father’s name is Muhammad Lawal Ali. Ali being the family name and also the name of my grandfather. Is it permiddavle that I use my current name i.e; Ibrahim Khalil Ali? (Khalil is my middle name).

  66. Asalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabaraktu

    My husband is a Chinese revert and kept his fathers last name, but legally changed his first name to a Muslim name. However, when we had kids together, we used his new Muslim name as the children’s last name, is this permissible? Or should my kids take on the Chinese last name of their father? Are both fine to do and which one is better?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I am not aware of the expectations of the names used on your official documents in your land, and so I apologize for being unable to answer. Both are acceptable in a general way, our Prophet for example (صلى الله عليه وسلم) is both Muhammad al-Haashimee, and Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah.

  67. Salaam I have a question maybe someone on here knows, Salman al-Farsi (Ra) used to give his name as Salman ibn al-Islam. He was a convert, from outside the dar’ al-Salaam, so his father’s name wouldn’t really mean anything when it came to knowing who he was, perhaps that is why but it seems to set a direct precedent that in some cases it is permissible for a convert to use other than father’s name, since it was done by Salman and Rasulullah saw did not admonish or forbid it. Technically that even makes it Sunnah, for one who meets the conditions to not be bound by the general ruling on taking other than father’s name, but what are the conditions? Perhapse there is no lie or covering the truth, since nobody is named al-Islaam people whould understand he didn’t mean ibn literally, idk, but there’s no getting around the fact that if there were not certain times when it was allowed, Salman would certainly been admonished by Rasulullah saw and or the other more senior Sahaba.

    • Salmaan’s father’s name has been preserved in his biography. His father’s name was: Boothakhshaan. Saying that he was “Salmaan ibn al-Islaam” was his way of outwardly showing his love for Islam and downplaying his amazing personal history, and Allaah knows best. Ascribing to other than your real father is a major sin, by clear unambiguous authentic evidence, so don’t get confused. If you love Islam and wish to say you are “Fulaan ibn al-Islaam” (So-and-So, the son of Islam), then feel free to do so, but do not change your lineage or replace your father’s name with another identity. And Allaah knows best. Also, for further reading on the topic of why we would delete things like Ra and saw in the wording of your question, please read this and may Allaah bless you!

    • Yes, the names of the Prophets are the best names. It is NOT, as the scholars say, NOT ALLOWED to refer to the Jewish state as “Israaeel”, the highly respected and honored name of a Prophet.

  68. Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu.

    Jazaakallaahu Khaira for information.

    I have a question.
    My name is Mohammed Mahboob Ali Kashif. Mahboob Ali is my Grandfathers name. I dont know why Mohammed was added to my name. And People call me as Kashif. My fathers name is Mohammed Manzoor Ali. And people call my Father as Manzoor. So do I have to change my name to Kashif Bin Manzoor ?

    This is a common practice in my place. People just select some good meaning words and name their children.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. You literally have FOUR names. I don’t know, pick one, and then call yourself “Kashif” (if that’s the name you like) ibn “[Your father’s name]” ibn “[Your grandfather’s name]”. May Allaah give you success.

  69. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

    My mother had reverted into Islam when I was very little and divorced my biological father (a hindu) and got married to a muslim man who is my step father. I have never met my real father and have been thinking of my step father as my real father since I was little until I was 8 years old when they disclosed this to me. As a result my mother had put my step father’s surname as my surname in all my documents like passport, religion changing certificate, school documents etc. Now I am 19 years old and read this article and was wondering if I still have to change my last name?

    • Wa ‘alaykis-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. You are required to identify your real father as your father and ascribe to him, and you are not allowed to continue ascribing to your step-father and his family name (if it is different from your father’s family name). Please take all steps necessary to correct and amend all erroneous legal records, and may Allaah give you success!

  70. السلام عليكم

    What if a persons fathers name is mispronounced due to the family being non-Arab- can the child attribute themselves to the Arabic equivalent of their fathers name? For example, the name Sameer is commonly mispronounced as Sameeya in the UK and some Muslims adopt that pronounciation of their name. So such a persons father may himself call himself ‘Sameeya’ and not Sameer. So if a person calls them self ‘…. ibn sameer’ Or ‘…..bint sameer’ Is that permissible or must it be by that which their father is known by from the mispronounciation e.g “…ibn Sameeya” “….bint Sameeya.” Likewise the name Jubayr which in some cultures comes to the pronounciation of Juber or Jubayer (jubayah) and so on but the intended name is Zubayr or Jubayr. Jazak Allahu Khayran.

  71. Asslam o Alikum,

    My son’s name is Hamza Rehman and i have recently heard that Rehman can’t be his surname as its one of Allah’s attributes.

    My name is Umar and my full name is Muhammad Umar Abdur-Rehman.

    My father’s name is Abdur-Rehman.

    Is Hamza Rehman okay? If not then do i need to change my son’s name to Hamza Umar or should it be Hamza Umar Abdur-Rehman?

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. While it might technically not be problematic to say “Hamzatur-Rahmaan” (The Hamzah of ar-Rahmaan), rarely would that construction be understood. He will likely be referred to as either Hamzah or Rahman, and for this reason, I’d advise that you remove “Rehman”, and Allaah knows best.

  72. Assalaamu ‘Alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. I have a question. My parents divorced when i was 1 year old. My mother got married to my stepfather who raised me and loved me as if his true daughter and they registered my name with my stepfather’s name as my surname but they don’t know the rulings in Islam about changing one’s family name. Since then, when i entered school i’m using my step-father’s name. I only knew that it is not permissible to use my step-father’s name as my surname when i got into college. I am now working. I could not easily change my surname because in our country, changing one’s surname will take a long process and i’m afraid if all my documents will be affected. What should i do now sheikh?

    Jazaakumullaahu khairan.

    • Wa ‘alayk as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. You need to ascribe to your real father, not your step-father. Take all steps necessary to correct any legal documents that inaccurately portray you as the offspring of the step-father, or having his family name. May Allaah give you success.

  73. AS Salaamu alaykum wa rahmahtullahi wa barakatahu
    this question is similar to the one before in regards to my surname, when I was born my father was not around at the registry of my birth and I was given my mothers family name,it was only recently I found out that I have to have my fathers name,but my mother did name me after his first name, is it sufficient to just have his first name or do I have to go by his surname and also he is an apostate from Islam may Allah guide him back ameen, do I still go ahead and make the changes in regards to having his surname or not to bother because he left Islam and i appologize for the lengthy question

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. You are required to ascribe to your father, even if your father was the head of polytheism in your area. Our Prophet’s name (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) is Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib. Both Abdullaah and ‘Abdul-Muttalib were polytheists. May Allaah give you success.

  74. As salaam alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

    I have submitted a couple of questions and it seems like they were not approved.

    I am not sure why. This really causes distress as some of us are trying to understand our Deen and do not have Mahrams that cares enough to help teach us or find answers for us. So imagine the discomfort in the heart when we ask questions that we are not finding the answers or may not understand and they are not looked at but yet other comments are looked at.

    If I’m breaking any rules with my questions I ask that you over look my errors for the sake of Allaah.

    But please help a sister with her questions if your are able to.

    In shaa Allaah I’ll like to be anonymous

    Jazak Allaahu Khair

  75. Asalaam O Alaikum,

    I would like to know if I named my son properly according to Islam. His full name is Bilal Azam Butt. The middle name is my grandfather’s name and last name is our family name. Should his middle name be my name or is it permissible to keep my grandfather’s name? Jazak Allah Khair

    • Wa ‘alayk as-salaamu.

      Based on the information provided in your question, your son’s full name is: Bilal ibn Mudassar ibn Azam Butt. This can be casually shortened to, the following ways, as examples: Bilal Azam Butt, Bilal Butt, Bilal Mudassar, Bilal Mudassar Butt.

  76. As salaamu alaikum. Is the name Faqeed appropriate for a Muslim boy? Is it better to name him something else or is that okay? Also, should your kunya be after your first daughter or first son? Jazakallahu khayran.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Faqeed (فقيد) means dead or missing. I have never heard of it as a name, not in modern times, nor in the past. Would you like your child as he grows up to cause everyone to ask, “What?! What is his name? Why?” I encourage you to name your child with a name which has good meanings, the best of which are names like ‘Abdullah and ‘Abdur-Rahmaan, or the names of the respected Prophets or the noble Companions or great imams of the Religion. And Allah knows best.

      And regarding the kunyah, it is most commonly the first-born son, but that is not required. A kunyah can be used with a daughter’s name, or even with a name that does not exist. Our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) address a young boy using a kunyah once, “Yaa Abaa ‘Umayr…” [Bukhaaree & Muslim] Ibn Taymiyah was Abul-‘Abbaas and an-Nawawee was Aboo Zakariyyaa, and neither of them had any children.

      The issue of kunyahs is easy and not restrictive. Whatever “settles” on you as a parental nickname is your kunyah. For example, maybe you wanted to be called “Umm Muhammad” after your first son. But in your masjid, there were four other ladies called “Umm Muhammad”, and so one day your third-born daughter served all the ladies at the masjid some food, so they started calling her “Mut’imah” (she who provides food) as a nickname of endearment. From there, they loved your daughter so much they started calling you “Umm Mut’imah”. You did not necessarily want to be known by that kunyah, but it just overwhelmed you and “settled” on you, especially when “Umm Muhammad” was not exclusive enough to identify you in your masjid. It works like that sometimes. And Allah knows best.

  77. Assalaamu alaikum

    My name in official documents is Shiras Usman Ponnambath.
    Shiras is my name
    Usman my father name
    Ponnambath is my mother family name.(in our area we stay with mother family. so we traditionally keep mother family name after the father name)

    is that ok to keep?

    Jezakallaahu khaira

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-salaamu wa rahmatullaah. It is fine to remain connected to your mother’s lineage and ancestors historically, and to know about that and keep records of it. However, to make it THE naming system, where every man ascribes to his mother’s tribe, as his official name, then this is an imitation of the Jews, a contradiction to the Quran [33:5], and something that will lead to the people losing track of their lineage (a basic human right), and Allah knows best.

  78. Assalaamu alaikum

    I converted to Islam in order to marry my wife. My wife’s official name is her ” first name my last name – her maiden name”. We are currently debating how our child’s name should be layed out. The first option is “First name Her family name My Family name” or First name My last name her family name. Any advice and clarification would be greatly appreciated.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Welcome to Islam, dear brother. May Allah bless you and make you firm.

      As for your concern, the wife’s name has nothing to do with the husband she marries. That is non-Muslim naming culture. She is named with her father’s name and family name, married or unmarried. The child will take the father’s name and lineage. May Allah bless you! [Read Quran 33:5]

  79. Assalamualaikom,

    When it comes to adoption I have always heard that the child must keep his/her fathers name. But if the child’s lineage is shown through his/her middle names, wouldn’t the lineage be kept? Let’s say I’d like to adopt a child named Sapha Hazim Mahmoud Mohammed…. Hamed.
    In our traditions the childs middle name is her fathers first name and is followed by his fathers first name and his fathers first name and so on. So in this case Sapha’s father’s name is Hazim his father, Mahmoud, his father Mohammed and so on. It goes on to the end. I was wondering if it would be possible to change her last name into her adopted families last name.
    First: Sapha
    Middle:Hazim Mahmoud Mohammed….
    changed to

    JazakAllah w khair

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Allah orders us to call them by their fathers’ names. Simply put, don’t get confused by non-Muslims’ cultures of “middle names” and similar things. In Islam, We have Muhammad the son of ‘Abdullah, with the tribal/family name al-Haashimee. Keep it simple, and be sure the orphans get their rights of ascription to their true fathers, and that they are not made to believe their lineage is connected to those who have cared for them from outside of their blood lines. And Allah knows best.

  80. salam alikom

    I want to ask a person who knows answer to my question.

    My question is , my name is Abdulmajid i am moslem alhamdola and my family name i would like to change.
    The reason for this is because my mother was divorced with my father when i was borned. And my father was said to abusive and bad person.

    So i would like to stay away from my father and his family name if it’s possible.
    Because i do not wish to represent him as bad person by carrying his family name anymore.
    I wish to be married so can i change my family name before marriage without making the God angry on me or deny me paradise?
    Because i think my decision the god will understand and i love god.

    Thank you in advance for your answer.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Even if your father was the biggest pagan on the planet, it would still be a major sin for you to ascribe to other than him. May Allah give you success. Also, it is an obligation to reach out and try to find and keep ties with your father, no matter what his case. Do not listen to people who encourage you to sever family ties, as that is another major sin. May Allah make it easy for you!

  81. As salaamu `alaykum wa råhmatuLlååhi wa baråkaatuH
    Would it be right to say that since it is generally understood that “Mrs.” in front of a name technically means “married to (family of)/زوجة” and not like “Miss” which would mean “daughter of/بنت”, everyone would know that one is not in that way saying that is the woman’s father’s name…that it would just be similar to the way Allååh referred to the wives of Prophet Nuuh and Luut `alayhimus salaam. It happens when filling forms after the name is filled in(Mrs.Fulaan), her maiden name would then be requested afterwards to know her father’s name. If this is what is generally understood…it it right to go by it at all? JazaakumuLlååhu khåyrån Sir…this is an issue that is causing a great deal of conconfusion over here and even our local teachers (students of knowledge they are too) are not really of similar opinion regarding it.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh.

      So, you’ve brought an excellent point about the Western usage of Mrs. vs. Miss. May Allah bless you! In older Western customs, Mary Smith who married John Brown would be called in social settings (not on paperwork): “Mrs. John Brown”. In that case, it is clear that this means: “the wife of John Brown”.

      However, this culture has not remained intact, and it has become blended with other ideas. One of the most un-Islamic values is what underlies this from Western culture. “Coverture” was the culture until the 19th century. Coverture was essentially the understanding that when a man married a woman, he assumed ownership of all her property. Her house, for example, inherited from her family, or something she purchased with her own money, would become his house 100%. So her family name was dropped at the marriage, as she and all her property basically became his property, and thus she became named with his family name. Islam never endorsed this, and Islam has always given women equal rights to lineage and property ownership. A woman maintains her money and property, and marriage has no impact on that at all in Islam. She remains ascribed to her father, by lineage, and, yes, she may ascribe to her husband in a way that is clear and does not lead to the loss of her family’s name. She can be called “The wife of So-and-So,” but remember: He may die or divorce her, so that may not be permanent. She may have many different husbands throughout her life, and she could be called “The wife of So-and-So” at each occasion. Yet, she will ALWAYS be “Bint-Fulaan” (I say this thinking about my own beloved daughters!), and this is her unchangeable name and permanent, absolute identity in this life and the Hereafter, as Allah says:

      ادعوهم لآبائهم هو أقسط عند الله
      “Call them by [the names of] their fathers, that is more fair with Allah.” [Quran 33:5]

      And in the hadeeth collected by Ahmad and at-Tirmithee:

      أتدرون ما هذان الكتابان؟ فقال للذي في يده اليمنى: هذا كتاب من رب العالمين فيه أسماء أهل الجنة وأسماء آبائهم وقبائلهم
      “Do you know what these two books are?” He said regarding the one in his right hand: “This is a book from the Lord of all things, in it are the names of the people of Paradise, and the names of their fathers and tribes…”

      See: as-Silsilah as-Saheehah (#848).

      So men and women alike take the names of their fathers and their fathers’ family and tribal names, not that of their spouses. Marriage records take the place of the legitimate: “Imra’atu Fulaan” (the Wife of So-and-So) formally, and saying, “the wife of So-and-So” has its place socially. However, the official name, related to a person’s unchanging identity and lineage, needs to be preserved, as the daughter of Fulaan, because without doing so, we risk the loss of lineage, one of the five main goals of all prophets’ legislation. And Allah knows best!

    • Imam sahib, can you please remind us of these 5 main goals of all Prophet’s legislation. May Allaah reward you with good. جزاك الله خيرا

    • As Salamu Alaikum will this rule still apply if the wife have her mother last name and not her father last name. I have heard some say, If you don’t have your father last name, you can take on the husbands last name. Please clarify. Shurkan jazakallah khair

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. People are to be named by their fathers’ names. In the case of being a child of fornication, and no father-child relationship is allowed, then a name is taken that does not include any confusion in lineage. “Bint-Fulaanah” is fine, being named with the mother’s name in such a case. And Allah knows best. In the West, and in places affected by the dominating culture of the West, we need to push back against the oppressive culture of misguided people who stripped their wives of their names when they took ownership of them (married them). Changing her family name to the husband’s family name is a leftover culture from that terrible era of oppression of women.

  82. Assalamu alaykum wa rahmathUllaah Shaykh
    jazakAllaahu khayran for the beneficial article.

    My Elder son’s name is M****** H***** (I believe it is called compound/multiple name), this naming was done following a general practice in our land. My name is A**** H****m (also compound). Some call me A****, some call me H**** and I believe this is the same with my son too. All my other kids have single names, Alhamdulillaah. Also my kids has been named with my name in the end, example my third child T******* Bint H****.

    Please can you clarify:
    1. Should I be changing names officially in legal documents to one name for both of us or should I be just leaving the legal documents as it is and hereafter address and introduce us with one name?
    1.1 – I noticed Shaykh Albaani’s full name is Mohammad Nasirudeen Al Albani bin Nooh, is his a compound name as well?

    2. Kunya – I used to identify myself has Abu T****** (female offspring name) and I came to know the practice of kunya is to take from the first Child (or elder son). Should I be identifying myself as Abu M***** (male offspring name) in this case?

    3. My father’s name is not mentioned in any of my legal documents like passport or ID etc, should I add it or leave it as it is?

    Please hide the names while responding or accepting this question for privacy reasons and feel free to correct/edit any parts if my question is inappropriate.

    JazakAllaahu khayran

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. 1. If you travel internationally, and the name change is important to you, then sure, change it on the legal documents.

      1.1. His name was Muhammad ibn Nooh; Naasir ad-Deen is a laqab (nickname).

      2. Whatever sticks, see my other more detailed answer to your other question on this page.

      3. If you wish to change your “middle name” to IBN FULAAN (your father’s name), that would be OK. He’s on your birth certificate though, I would assume. So there is documentation of your father’s identity.

  83. Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
    May Allah bless you and your family Ameen.
    My father was a revert. May Allah reward him and have mercy on him. My parents got married after I was born. My father reverted to Islam when I was 15 years old. By that time my parents were divorced and my father took custody of us and he had been raising us alone since I was 10. We were given my father last name at birth. Alhamdu lillah I am also a revert and learned about this rule recently. I have always used my father’s last name. For example Fatima Smith. Should I change my last name to my mother’s maiden name because I was born out of wedlock?

    Jazakumullahu khairan

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. No, you do not change your name to exclude your father, as Islam recognizes all relationships from Jaahiliyyah. So you have always been known as your father’s daughter; Islam does not require that to change. It is reported that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab encountered this dilemma during his Caliphate, and his verdict was to ratify the father-child relationship understood from people’s Jaahiliyyah when they came into Islam, among those born out of wedlock (before they came into Islam). And Allah knows best.

    • assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

      My parents got married after my older sister was born. My father is muslim & my mother converted around when they were married. This was almost 40 years ago & even though my father & mother lived in a 80% muslim country, at the time people were very very ignorant of islam. Such was the ignorance that when my sister was born my father did not even know how to make salah!

      I only learned that my sister was born out of wedlock recently as my father passed away over 4 years ago & we are changing some official documents. During the course of changing documents we ran into problems with my sister delaying the process & as I was inquiring her husband told me this out of wedlock story. I was born after my father married my mother & learned how to pray. The question;

      Is my sister attributed to my father? Does she have a right to his inheritance? Is it true that there is a difference of opinion regarding this?

      Jazakumullahu khairan

    • “Is my sister attributed to my father?” I don’t know.

      “Does she have a right to his inheritance?” I don’t know.

      “Is it true that there is a difference of opinion regarding this?” Yes.

  84. Asalamuaalikum waa rahmathullai waa barakathu.
    Can you please advise me how to makeup the missed prayer due to intoxication as it is mentioned in a hadith. And I don’t remember how many of them (salah) i have missed.

    Barakh Allah feekum.

    • Wa ‘alaykumus-Salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. It is a common misconception that one should stop praying after becoming intoxicated for 40 days. This is baseless. Rather, his prayers will not be accepted for 40 days, meaning he continues to pray, yet no rewards are connected to those prayers, yet whoever abandons the prayer leaves the fold of Islam. So it a terrible misconception that leads to apostasy. If you mean a prayer or two that was missed at the time of being drunk, then these prayers are made up as soon as the person regains his awareness without delay. If you do not remember if it was 2 or 3 prayers for example, then estimate the larger number out of safety, and pray 3. May Allah accept your repentance and keep you firm and distant from Umm al-Khabaa’ith, the mother of all evils (intoxicants), and Allah knows best.

      (ADMIN: Please keep your questions/comments relevant to the topic of the article.)

  85. Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Ustaadh,

    It is a little bit off topic but I have a question.
    When I was born my non-muslim parents weren’t married, they married later, is my non-Muslim father a mahram for me? Is it permissible for me to take my jilbab off at home etc.

    DjazakAllaahu khayran

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Islam honors all contracts and relationships from Jaahiliyyah in general, so yes, the man you knew as your father before Islam remains to be considered your father after accepting Islam, as ‘Umar used to connect the children of fornication to their fathers from Jaahiliyyah, once they came into Islam. This means he is your father in all senses of the word: Spending, hijaab, mahram, inheritance*, etc. And Allah knows best.

      *Correction: There is no inheritance here because of different religions, a matter which blocks inheritance.

    • As-salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

      What about adopted siblings you grew up with prior to Islam?

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. Parents and siblings through adoption are only considered mahram relatives for each other if the adopted child was breastfed by the adoptive mother at least five complete times during the first two years of his/her life. Otherwise, adoption is just a form of kindness extended to orphans and those in need. Those raised in foster care or by adoptive parents have a duty to show gratitude for the kindness shown to them and repay that as much as possible, yet we do not follow the West and actually pretend there is shared lineage. And Allah knows best.

    • Alsalamu alaykum ustadh,
      I noticed that you said

      “This means he is your father in all senses of the word: Spending, hijaab, mahram, inheritance”

      Umm Qaylah mentioned that her father though married is still a non muslim, so is he still considered her father in all of the above senses? Particularly in inheritance, a muslim inheriting from a non muslim?

      Jazāk Allāh khayra ustādh.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Jazaakum Allah khayran for this comment. No, a non-Muslim father does not inherit from a Muslim daughter, nor does she inherit from him. If he accepts Islam, then this right returns to him in full.

  86. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    May Allah bless you and keep you and your beloved ones on the straight path. Ameen.

    Ustaadh I need to know, before I started practicing my Deen I was jahil, I was in a relationship for 10 years. We were never married, but we did live together and everyone saw us as a married couple.
    We also got 3 children.
    Is he considered being their father?

    May Allah forgive me and all my brothers and sisters.

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      May Allah accept your repentance and grant me and you stability upon what pleases Him!

      Everyone who disobeys Allah is JAAHIL (ignorant) to some degree, as jahl (ignorance) is at the root of disobedience. If you were Muslim, then it is known to Muslims that fornication is forbidden, and the zaanee (biological father of a child from zinaa, possibly*) in Islamic Law gets no ascription to the child of fornication, and Allah knows best.

      *Possibly: Meaning that people of zinaa are not trustworthy, so who knows how many men the woman was with. How does the man who thinks he is the biological father actually know he is the biological father? Just as she fornicated with him, she could have very well fornicated with another man, who could be the real biological father. Fornication is truly a filthy path!

    • السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

      Ustaadh, I just read the answer you posted on twitter an hour ago replying to a similar question, my ex was also non muslim, he became Muslim 3 years after we separated. Does that mean he is also considered their father?

  87. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    خيف حالك أستاذ؟
    Basically, I am from South part of India, where in my locality I can freely practice my religion outwardly without an any issues Alhamdulliah.
    Will the hijrah(migration) wajib on me?
    When I talk about the migration with my parents, where they are not in favour of it and completely opposing it.
    Thus, please advise me in this regards.
    جزاكم الله خيرا و برك الله فيكم

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      As things are now, perhaps this is true. Yet, look around, and see how many Muslims being harmed terribly in their Religion in different parts of India had previously thought the same thing a few years ago. May Allah bless us with insight! In the authentic hadeeth collected by Imaams Ahmad and Aboo Daawood, from the narration of Mu’aawiyah:

      لا تنقطع الهجرة حتى تنقطع التوبة ولا تنقطع التوبة حتى تطلع الشمس من مغربها
      “Hijrah shall not cease until repentance ceases; Repentance shall not cease until the sun rises from its Western horizon.”

      So be patient and look for opportunities to make hijrah, and for opportunities to help your parents understand its importance, even if it is just as a back-up plan for when/if things get bad and you can no longer practice your Religion freely. May Allah bless and protect you and all our brothers and sisters in India, and remove the harm of the oppressive pagans from them, with great honor and dignity in Islam!

      (ADMIN: Please keep your questions/comments relevant to the topic of the article.)

  88. I live in England U.K., and I’ve just had a baby son. We’ve named him Sulayman; as for his full name on his birth certificate, can we put it as following:
    FIRST NAME: Sulayman
    SECOND NAME: Bin Suhayl
    My husband states we cannot write either ‘bin’ or ‘ibn’ on a birth certificate and it should just be my husbands name ‘Suhayl’. Is this true? If not, what is the difference between ibn and bin – which one is preferred islamically? I do not want to put Bin/Ibn as a middle name, as it will simply be left out when people refer to him.

    I would ideally like people to refer to him as Sulayman Bin/Ibn Suhayl, regardless of whether the disbelievers know what it mean, it would be nice hearing his name referenced to him correctly in the Islamic manner from the tongues of people. Please advise us accordingly as it’s already causing arguments!

    • I think adding “Bin-Fulaan”, “Ibn-Fulaan”, “Bint-Fulaan”, or “Ibnatu-Fulaan” is a good thing for middle names in the West when hyphenated middle names are allowed. If not, then using the father’s name as the middle name is good, too. I think it would be easy and beneficial to explain when people ask, “So what does this Bin-Fulaan mean?” This is just my opinion, and Allah knows best.

  89. As-salamu alaykum.

    My family comes from a background where they lived under communism , which enforced my grate grandparents to ad “ski” on their last names to sound more christian. So for example Ali would be Alievski. But my grandfather changed that in our last name.

    I’m now the third generation in a western country and am very dissatisfied with my last name. Firstly my last name is of an relatives name at least five generations back, not my fathers name which it should be if my family where more religious. Secondly my fathers side of the family have been torturing me mentally so I would not like to associate with them. So I wanted for a long time now to change my name, however we have very strict laws here regarding changing last names, so you can only change to an existing last name in your family ( which isn’t an option since everyone has the “ski”), if you get married and want to change to husbands name ( which is not possible since I’m way to young to get married and it’s not permitted as you mentioned) or that you use one of the most common names in the country ( which there aren’t Muslim names, but object such as river, lake etc names one could take). Also you can’t use for example your parents names if it weren’t given to you at birth.

    I’m in a very hard position mentally and really need the change, and was wondering since I can’t be called my fathers name and is changing my last name which is an relatives , if it’s premitabel.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. The best of Allah’s creation kept his name with his lineage intact, Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), while Arab polytheism of his era was called “the religion of ‘Abdul-Muttalib” (named by his grandfather). Shirk (polytheism) was, of course, the most offensive thing to this great man, yet he did not change his name or lineage. So take him as your example, and do not change the names of your fathers or your family or tribal name. And fear Allah and do not cut off ties of kinship with your father’s side of the family.

      “And fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship). Surely, Allah is Ever an All-watcher over you.” [Quran 4:1]

      If they are harmful, then avoid their harm, but keep ties in ways that do not facilitate any harm, like by sending them letters, gifts, or kind greetings and messages through others.

      Once, a man said to the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), “O Messenger of Allah! I have some relatives that I try to keep ties with, but they keep severing the ties. I treat them nicely, and they treat me badly. I am easy on them, and they behave ignorantly with me.” So the Prophet said (what means): “If it is truly as you have said, then it is as if you are feeding them hot ashes. So long as you continue like this, you will be aided by Allah in your dealings with them.” [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree Muslim, no. 2558]

      “Feeding them hot ashes” means that they are the ones who are being harmed, since people who eat hot ashes are only harming themselves, and those who behave well towards them are not harmed. His kind treatment to them while they mistreat him becomes something that burns in their hearts and overtakes them. And Allah knows best. Refer to: Sharh Muslim (8/331) of an-Nawawee, and al-Mufhim (6/529) of al-Qurtubee.

      May Allah bless you and give you success!

  90. My husband’s ex wife admitted to committing zina with him while he was present. She had video of them speaking where she told him we have to stop this (sexual relations) and get married, he did not object or correct her. Can this be used as a proof and should the wife seek a khula? This is not the first time such doubtful matters has come up regarding him and other women. The husband has admitted to talking to the ex wife in a haraam way but has not admitted to zinaa. Please advise us. BaarakAllaahu feekum

    • Four witnesses who have seen the graphic details of the act are required in the Book of Allah. [24:4, 24:13] The accused may confess to a judge, yet this is discouraged, as Allah is as-Sateer and He loves to screen sins. But if a man insisted on confessing, then this was acted upon in the time of the Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace). Otherwise, anyone who accuses a Muslim of fornication or adultery (even if they witnessed it surely), and they do not bring forth four reliable witnesses, then such an accuser is lashed 80 times, his/her testimony is rejected, and he/she is considered a liar and a faasiq, until he/she repents and retracts the accusation. [See Quran 24:4-5,13] When a man is involved in inappropriate behavior with a woman, less than zinaa, then he can still be punished by ta’zeer, a discretionary punishment set by the judge, and it could be grounds for requesting a divorce or khul’ if the situation was not resolved in a satisfactory way. You should consult someone of knowledge about your case specifically in private. May Allah give you success.

  91. Alsalamu alaykum ustādh,
    May Allah reward you with mich good.

    Forgive me if I’m repeating a question already asked.

    My parents weren’t married when I was conceived or born, according to English customs I would be considered a bastard, but I was and am considered by my family to be the son of my father.

    My parents never got married and my father died upon disbelief.

    I have his surname, when I name my children am I to pass on his family name onto my children?


    Ibn Walid
    Ukeni (father’s family name)


    Ibn Walid

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Whatever contract or relationship was known and established in Jaahiliyyah, then the base rule is that Islam does not negate it or challenge it. As mentioned many times here in the comments, ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab used to confirm parent-child relationships from Jaahiliyyah, without investigating the validity of the marriages or the absence of them.

  92. Assalamu alaykum.

    Is it permissible to use the great grandfather’s name as a surname. My family name which is used legally and are well known by in the country is that of my great grandfather. However, family and the community will call you by your name and then your father’s name. For example: Fatimah bint Muhammad ibn Umar ibn Ali is known as Fatimah Ali?

    BaarakAllahu feek.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. That’s fine, as our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) would refer to himself as Ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib, the son of his grandfather. But this cannot be paired with any attempt to hide the father’s identity, so that the lineage is obscured.

  93. Assalamu alaykum,

    Would the child’s middle name be the fathers legs name OR the Islamic name they chose to be called after reverting.

    For example, John reverted to Islam and wants to be called Nasirdeen. When he has daughters are they then called

    Hafsa bint Nasirdeen or Hafsa bint John.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Since we are talking about official paperwork and government records apparently, then I would advise that names on official documentation match whatever names others have on their official documentation. So if Hafsah’s father is a man named John who accepted Islam and became Nasirdeen, but he never changed his official documentation, then Hafsah should be referred to as “Bint John” + their last name, if possible. When you travel to the Muslim lands, this might make a very important difference. This is advice I offer after encountering difficulties myself when overseas. I was asked about my daughter “Bint-Musa” (on her documentation), “Where is her father?” I said, “Its me.” They said, “No, you are Mark. Where is Musa?” (I had not changed my name on my documentation.) So, the point of official documentation for international travel is not to explain how “Mark” is really “Musa”, because that relies on the officer or government representative trusting you, and perhaps he’s never met you. So trust me, it is much better when all the names just match up properly on the documentation.

    • The scholars consider any liquid, solid, or gas discharge from either the front or the back as “khaarij as-Sabeelayn” and something that invalidates wudhoo’.

  94. Assalamualaykum moosa… I’ve had this question burning inside of me for a while, I’d just like a bit of clarity. I live in the UK, I was born out of wedlock, my parents are both non muslims, I knew my dad however from birth I was given my mother’s surname as they were not married my father has passed away.

    After reverting I had changed my name officially 8 years ago to Ahmed…
    my name is Ahmed Smith for example..

    Smith is my mother’s Fathers surname as she was born in a valid marriage contract.

    Is it permissible for me to use our lineage as my surname in example Al juyani as they’re from Guyana… or am I only limited to using his surname as mine….

    The next question is… is it permissible to use my name as my child’s surname in example
    Ali bin Ahmed
    Ali Ahmed
    Ali Ahmed smith
    Ali Ahmed al juyani
    Are all of these options permissible.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. So firstly Ahmed, your father should legitimately be considered your real, Islamically recognized father, if you converted to Islam, assuming that he was not a Muslim. This is because ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab used to connect the new Muslims to their parents from Jaahiliyyah, even when they were children of fornication, based on the concept that he was known and recognized as your father in Jaahiliyyah, and so all relationships like this come into Islam, as they are, without investigation. So, it is most befitting that you ascribe to your father and his family name, wal-hamdu lillaah. As for your children, then you can name your son for example: “Ali ibn Ahmed Jones” replacing “Jones” with your father’s surname. And Allah knows best. “Ali Ahmed Jones” is not as good, as people could wonder if his name is compound, he’s “Ali Ahmed” or is he “Ali ibn Ahmed”? Juyani is a nisbah, which is also valid as a name, but it is more advantageous for the sake of lineage to use your father’s surname, if you must pick only one family/last name for documents. And Allah knows best.

  95. As salaam aleykum…..Aasif yaa akhii….is it allowed for the husband to take another wife on the nights of other wife saying he is punishing the one her nights was taken by boycotting her after giving nasaha first….and still repeating the mistakes

    Baarakallaahu feek

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Boycotting the BED of the wife does not mean taking her nights away from her. Allah says:

      واللاتي تخافون نشوزهن فعظوهن واهجروهن في المضاجع
      “And those [wives] whose disobedience you fear, admonish them, and [then, if needed] boycott them, regarding the place where you lay (i.e. the beds)…” [4:34]

      Ibn ‘Abbaas said this is done by turning his back to her in the same bed. Others said: By sleeping elsewhere (within the same house).

      The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

      ولا تهجر إلا فى البيت
      “And that you do not boycott them, except [while remaining] in the [same] house.”
      (Ahmad, Aboo Daawood, see: Irwaa’ al-Ghaleel, no.2033)

      When he seeks to correct her behavior by boycotting her bed (intimacy), she misses his normal warmth and good companionship, so she reconsiders her actions. It is an amazing corrective measure when done right. Leaving her alone in the house for the night, alone with the Shaytaan to whisper freely to her, can easily lead to further problems and contempt for you, so stay with her, but sleep on the couch (or somewhere other than her bed), or share the bed, but turn your back to her, if you intend the legislated method of corrective hajr to help her rethink her actions and rectify herself, and may Allah give you success.

  96. Assalamu alaikum rhamatullahi wa barakatuh.

    What evidence is there one has to go by a surname? As long as one goes by his father’s name what’s the issue? So If I wanted to drop my surname (a western practice) and legally go by “ibn (father’s name) as a last name. is that permissable? It still attributes to the father and the lineage is maintained. (comment abridged by admin)

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. If you wanted to put “Ibn-Muhammad” as your family name or surname in official documents, nothing stops you from that. However, I believe it is more appropriate to use a broader, more collective tribal/family name for the surname field, while using the “middle name” field for mentioning your father. That seems to work really well when traveling to the Muslim lands; everyone can easily understand it. And Allah knows best.

    • Assalaamoe ‘alejkoem wa rahmaatullahi wa baraaktuh,

      to go further into this Moosaa,

      1. supose someone’s father has a compound name, is it valid to ascribe to him like this?: MYOWNNAME bin COMPOUND NAME OF MY FATHER

      1.2 your earlier reply above (However, I believe it is more appropriate to use a broader, more collective tribal/family name for the surname field), supose someone’s father was born in Afghanistan, would the tribal name then be ‘Al-Afghani’? Is that sufficient?

      1.3 I have read that for ‘official purposes’ registering only your name as ‘first name’ and bin COMPOUND NAME OF THE FATHER as surname is sufficient, but when registering also the tribal name, is it then like this: using my name as ‘first name’, using the compound name of my father as middle name and using the tribal name as surname ?

      [1.4] Suppose what is stated at point 1.3 up here is implemented and I am only being addressed with my first name and surname (tribal name) like ‘Abdullah Al-Afghani, is this problematic? As then I am not being called by my father’s name.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh.

      1. No problem, ascribing to fathers with impermissible names is required, so what about compound names which are not impermissible, but just something confusing and better avoided. The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said, in a hadeeth collected by the two imams, from the report of al-Baraa’ ibn ‘Aazib:

      أنا النبي لا كذب، أنا ابن عبد المطلب
      “I am the Prophet, no lie; I am Ibn ‘Abdil-Muttalib.”

      ‘Abdul-Muttalib is not a permissible name, yet our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) attached his name to his grandfather’s name, without changing it.

      1.2 Yes, that’s fine.

      1.3 Either seems fine.

      1.4 That’s fine, so long as you are not ascribing to someone else other than your father, and so long as you are not denying your father. Allah says:

      ادعوهم لآبائهم هو أقسط عند الله
      “Call them by their fathers’ names; that is more fair with Allah.”

      And in the narration of Sa’d ibn Abee Waqqaas in the two Saheehs, the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

      من ادعى أبا في الإسلام غير أبيه، يعلم أنه غير أبيه، فالجنة عليه حرام
      “Whoever ascribes to a father in Islam other than his [real] father, knowing that it is not his father, Paradise is forbidden for him.”

      These texts prove the obligation to ascribe to one’s real father, not someone else. It does not mean that every time a person is mentioned, his father’s name must also be mentioned as part of his name. Rather, in general, he does not ascribe to someone else, and when it is appropriate to mention his full name, he does not hide his actual father’s identity. And Allah knows best.

  97. Asalaamu Alaikum In regard to this i have a few questions in Shaa Allah you can answer them

    If i asked for a khula while pregnant Is it permissible for him to be in the room during delivery beings as though I will be exposed.

    When my son is born in shaa Allah and is breastfed what is required of his father?

    What is the ruling on naming my son? Because from my understanding only the last name is obligatory

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah.

      1. If you asked for a khul’, we need to know, did he grant it or not? If yes, then you are strangers to one another at that time, as there is no rescinding (taking back) a khul’. You would need to separate immediately. If he did not grant the khul’ request, then you are still husband and wife, and all interactions that are permissible between spouses remain permissible, including seeing each other naked.

      2. A father must educate his children and be a good example of a Muslim man. He must remind his children of their responsibilities and warn them against disobedience, teaching them how to worship Allah by example. He must also financially maintain his children as an obligation.

      3. The child’s parents must name their child, with a first name. The “first name” in our modern culture is the one that is specific to each person. The “last name” is a shared family name which indicates lineage. I have no idea what you are referring to when you say only the last name is obligatory. The “last name” (in our modern culture) is the family’s/tribe’s name, which is merely a statement of fact (i.e. that he is from the family of So-and-So), not a choice of the parents or anyone else.

      And Allah knows best.

    • Yes, and her istibraa’ period of waiting (like an ‘iddah) after this separation is until the baby is delivered. She may re-marry after that. And Allah knows best.

  98. Assalaamu alaykkum usthad
    If the father name was given as an initial.
    Like Rania H officially .
    Should the name be changed to Rania Harrison.

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. Yes, a known family name should be restored fully if it was truncated. And Allah knows best.

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