When Does an Injured Person Make Tayammum & When Does He Wipe Over the Bandage?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Completing one’s wudhoo‘ (or ghusl) by wiping over bandages over cuts, broken bones, or other wounds is established as a legitimate concession according to all four traditional math-habs [1], just as tayammum (using earth, soil, or sand for purification) is a legitimate concession for those who cannot access water, or using water would cause harm to them. [2] So a wounded person has these options to consider when taking a bath or making wudhoo‘, but which one should he choose?

The basic rule is that tayammum is only valid when water is unavailable or harmful when used. So if making wudhoo’ normally and wiping over one’s bandage at the place of his injury is possible without harm, then this is the correct course of action. [3] If there is potential harm in wiping over the bandage with water, then the injured person is allowed to make tayammum in place of wudhoo’ in such a case.

Scenario A: A man has a wound which has a scab over it, and washing it with water does not cause any harm. In this case, such an injured person must make wudhoo’ and take a bath as normal, using water when available.

Scenario B: A man has a wound which is open, and washing it with water could cause an infection or delay its healing. In this case, such an injured person must not allow water to get in the wound, and he makes wudhoo’ or takes a bath with water as he does normally, except that he wipes over the bandage at the place of his injury.

Scenario C: A man has a serious wound on one of the limbs of wudhoo’, like a severe burn on his foot or a large cut on his forearm, and the affected area must be kept absolutely dry. Wiping over the bandages in this case Continue reading

Vaccines are Permissible; Differing on the Topic Ended Long Ago, as Salafi Scholars Have Said

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Recently, we learned from our respected scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him), that the scholarly differing over the permissibility of vaccines had actually come to an end long ago, when he informed us:

 فقد تكلم أهل العلم حول هذه القضية منذ زمن طويل لما بدأ ظهر أمر اللقاحات حصل بين ذلك أخذ وعطاء فيما مضى، ثم استقر الأمر على أن هذا الأمر من الأمور التي لا تنافي التوكل ولا تضادُّه، إنما هي من الأخذ بالأسباب الشرعية

“…The people of knowledge have indeed spoken about this issue, a long time ago, when the issue of vaccinations first came about. Some back and forth discussion took place in the past, until the matter was settled, that this is one of those issues that does not invalidate tawakkul (trusting Allah) nor contradict it. It is merely an issue of taking legislated steps [of safety]…”

Source: The recently published article, “Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine?” (click here to read)

This was surprising for many to learn about, as some had presumed that the scholars still differed over this topic. One might say: “Perhaps Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary misspoke when saying this, as we have not heard this from the people of knowledge (other than him), and claiming consensus is a very serious issue, as an established consensus among the scholars actually ends the discussion.”  Continue reading

COMPILATION: The Speech of the Salafi Scholars About Covid-19 & Other Helpful Resources

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a compilation of very important resources from the Salafi scholars living through this pandemic, aware of its specific details, in order to return matters of global emergencies to those qualified to speak about them for proper determination, as Allah has commanded:

return things to ahlul ilm in nawaazil

One of the most important and relevant resources on the topic for us in the West is this: Five questions from Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson posed to the senior authority of Fatwaa (Religious Verdicts) in this time, the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh (may Allah preserve him):

  1. How do we know exactly what nawaazil (pending issues in need of verdicts) are…?

  2. What should be done if we enter a mosque these days -the days of the Coronavirus-, and we find that the people of this masjid are not distancing themselves from one another, nor are they implementing the safety protocols of the authorities, in non-Muslim lands…?

  3. In the West, we have some doctors among the Muslims, people of Sunnah and [good practice of] Religion, people known for their love of Islamic knowledge and its dissemination. However, in these days specifically, they oppose the official Health agencies, saying that there is no need for the well-known protocols of safety which those officials instruct the people to observe…?

  4. What should be our stance on those who talk about So-and-So, the government official, in their private gatherings, actually naming one of the authorities in the land of the Two Sacred Mosques, saying that he is causing corruption in the land, because he closes mosques and puts restrictive limits on those who come for Hajj and ‘Umrah, requiring them to follow harsh safety restrictions, which leads to the ruin of the sacred places [of worship]?

  5. What is our stance on those who say that the governmental leaders in the Land of Tawheed have made decisions during this pandemic based on blindly following the West, without consulting the people of knowledge?

Continue reading

Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine? [Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a recent question posed to Shaykh Dr. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdir-Raheem Al-Bukhary (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1]. His insightful answer is yet another example of how our well-known and reliable scholars continue to offer sober and consistent advice during this pandemic about how Muslims are not to delve into these serious and crucial matters of safety and public concern, but rather we are to leave them for the qualified scholars of the Religion responsible for issuing such verdicts. May Allah allow this beneficial answer to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

هذا سائل آخر يقول هل يأثم من يُزهِّد في أخذ اللقاح ضد هذا الوباء الكورونا ويشكك فيه؟

QUESTION: Here is another questioner who asks: “Is a person sinful for discouraging [people] from taking the vaccine against this disease, Corona[virus], and for casting doubt on it?”

ANSWER by Shaykh Dr. Abdullah ibn ‘Abdir-Raheem al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him):

هذه القضية خاض فيها كثيرون، والخائضون في هذا كثير، هذه المسألة بارك الله فيكم لها شِقَّان، لها شِقَّان: شِقٌ شرعيٌ، شِقٌ شرعي متعلق من الناحية الشرعية، وشقٌ طبي أو صحي متعلق من النواحي الطبية.

This is an issue that many people have spoken about. Those who have spoken about it are many. This issue, may Allah bless you, has two sides. It has two sides: one side relative to Islamic rulings, and the other side is Continue reading

Shaykh Salim Bamehriz Offers Important Advice About the Covid-19 Vaccine and Tawakkul (Trusting in Allah)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a question posed to Shaykh Aboo Anwar Saalim ibn ‘Abdillaah Baamihriz (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1]. This is just another example of how our well-known and reliable scholars and mashaayikh continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return important matters related to the pandemic back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

هذا سائل يقول وهو يسأل من بلاد أوربا يقول عندنا بعض الإخوة السلفيين يخالفون فتوى العلماء في أخذ اللقاح لقاح كورونا ، معللين ذلك بأن هذا اللقاح ضار للانسان وله سلبيات كثيرة ولما نقول لهم إن العلماء أخذوا ونصحوا بأخذ اللقاح يقولون إن العلماء ليسوا بمتخصصين وعليهم ضغوطات من ولاة الأمر إلى آخره … وأكثر من ذلك أن بعضهم يستخرج شهادة التلقيح وهو في حقيقة الأمر لم يفعل. فهل هذا من الزور فما نصيحتكم لهؤلاء الشباب؟

QUESTION: A questioner from a European country asks: We have some Salafi brothers who oppose the verdict of the scholars about taking the vaccine against Corona[virus], explaining that this vaccine is harmful to people and it has many negative impacts. When we say to them: “The scholars have taken the vaccine and advise us to take it,” They say: “The scholars are not specialists, and they are under pressure from the rulers, etc.” Beyond this, some of them produce a vaccination record, but in reality he did not get it (i.e. he did not take the vaccine, as the record falsely indicates). Is this a kind of zoor (conspiracy of falsehood)? And what is your advice to those youth?

ANSWER by Shaykh Salim Bamehriz (may Allah preserve him):

أقول نصيحتنا  لهؤلاء الشباب بارك الله فيهم وهداهم الله تعالى أن لا يخوضوا في هذه المسائل التى هي ليست من شؤونه وإنما يخوضون في عبث وكلام لا جدوى منه إلا الإضرار بالمجتمع

I say: My advice to those youth, may Allah bless them, and may Allah, the Most High, guide them, is that they do not delve into these matters, things which are not for them. They are only getting into games and speech which has no benefit in it, just harm for Continue reading

Be Quiet and Leave Issues of Coronavirus Precautions for the Muslim Authorities and Scholars (Again!)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is yet another question posed to Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1], on a topic which continues to confuse many innocent Muslims, due to the excessive amount of misinformation and conjecture spread on social media – the issue of Covid-19 and the correct stance the Muslims should take on it and the related precautions.

Once again, the reader will note that our senior scholars and their top students continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return these important matters back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

حفظكم الله، يقول السائل: ما هو الموقف الصحيح من فيروس كورونا المستجد؟ يقال أنه ليس بأضر من الإنفلونزا الموسمية، وأن الإجراءات التي اتخذتها الدول مبالغ فيها، وأن التدابير الاحترازية من التباعد ولبس الكمامة لا تنفع. وبالتالي: فإن اللقاحات ضد هذا الفيروس في حقيقة الأمر، تضر الإنسان ويجب تجنبها. نود منكم الإفادة بارك الله فيكم.

QUESTION: May Allah preserve you. What is the correct stance on the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)? It has been said that it is no more harmful than the [regular] seasonal flu, and that the procedures implemented by countries are beyond what is necessary, and that the safety protocols like distancing and wearing masks do not serve any benefit. Also [they say], vaccinations against this virus are actually harmful to people and must be avoided. We would like you to benefit us [on this topic], may Allah bless you.

الجواب: في الحقيقة ليت هؤلاء يسكتون ويتركون الأمور لولاة الأمر وللعلماء، فإن هؤلاء قد شوشوا، قد مرت سنة كاملة ومات مئات آلاف، وأصيب من أصيب، وتألم من تألم، وحصل ما حصل من الأمراض لأناس أمام أعيننا، ونراهم يمرضون ويموتون، ثم فهؤلاء يقولون هذه مبالغة وهذا كذا وكذا، فليت هؤلاء يسكتون، ويتركون الأمر لولاة الأمر وللعلماء الذين قد أفتوا. ما دام أن العلماء قد أفتوا، ولا يفتي العلماء إلا بعد أن يتصوروا المسألة ويقرأون فيها وينظرون فيها، وهذا هو ظننا بعلمائنا. فإن كان العلماء قد أفتوا فلا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك وفيما لا تحسنه. اترك الأمر للعلماء.

ANSWER by Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him): In realty, we wish these people would be quiet and Continue reading

Do not Listen to Those Warning Against the Vaccine; Returning to the Truth is Better than Persisting in Harm and Falsehood


Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah preserve him) said:

أثبتت التجارب، ودل الواقع، وأيد ذلك توصيات المراكز الطبية، ثم القرارات الصادرة ثانيا، ثم وصايا العلماء بل ومبادرتهم، إلى أهمية أخذ التطعيم ضد الوباء، فلا ينبغي الإصغاء إلى أصوات تنادي بخلاف ذلك، مما أثبت الواقع بطلانها.

ونقول: الرجوع إلى الحقّ خير من التمادي في الضرر والباطل.

Experience (real-life interactions) has validated, and reality has proven, and further it is supported by the directives of the health centers, and then by governmental decisions secondly, and then by the advices of the scholars and even their own [personal] initiatives, [all of this demonstrates] the importance of taking the vaccine against the disease (Covid-19). So it is not appropriate to listen to voices which call to the opposite of that (i.e. those who warn against the vaccine), from that which reality has confirmed to be falsehood.

And so we say: Returning to the truth is better than persisting in harm and falsehood.

SOURCE: The shaykh’s official Twitter account (Arabic).

Translation: Moosaa Richardson


Questions From the West About Covid-19 Answered by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

One Who Cannot Wear a Mask During the Covid-19 Pandemic is Excused from Congregational Prayers, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and the Vaccination is a Conspiracy, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

PDF: Nine Advices As Relates the Novel Coronavirus by the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

PDF: A Summary of Verdicts Issued by the Permanent Committee of Scholars Concerning the Coronavirus Epidemic [Anwar Wright]

MP3 Audio: Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan on the Obligation of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Outbreak [Phrase-by-phrase translation]

PDF: Advice of Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhari About Coronavirus

Video: Healthy, Realistic, Practical Optimism During the Coronavirus Outbreak (Youtube)

PDF: Fleeing From the Decree to the Decree [Rahmaaniyyah, Abul-Hasan Maalik]

Video: Don’t Downplay the Seriousness of the Coronavirus! (Youtube)

MP3 Audio: Key Lessons About the Coronavirus [Hassan Somali]

Article: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

PDF: The Issue of Contagion – An Islamic Perspective [Taqweem Aslam]

Article: What Blessings Could Come From the Closing of Masjids?!

Khutbah: Coronavirus – How Muslims Understand it & Other Epidemics

MP3 Audio: Q&A About Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists [Hassan Somali]

The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever-Merciful…

The following is a question posed to Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1], on a topic which many genuinely confused Muslims may be considering due to the heavy amount of misinformation spread on social media. The reader will note that our senior scholars and their top students continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return these important matters back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

QUESTION: May Allah be kind to you, dear virtuous shaykh, there is a questioner from France who asks: Our shaykh -may Allah bless you-, the French government has passed a law that requires vaccinations against Coronavirus for many segments of the population. Restrictions will prevent people from entering many public places, traveling, and other things, unless a person can show medical records which confirm that he, the bearer of the records, is fully vaccinated. Due to what people share from some news sources and social media outlets regarding these vaccinations, that they are potentially harmful to one’s health, or that they are a worldwide conspiracy to wipe out mankind, some people are considering ways to avoid this vaccination, like paying money to someone who would provide him with forged documents, or conspiring with a doctor to lie and say that he is fully vaccinated.

So the question then, our shaykh -may Allah bless you- is: What is the ruling on doing this? And we would like you to direct some advice to Continue reading

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and Vaccination is a Conspiracy


Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah preserve him) said:

Insisting upon saying that coronavirus is a conspiracy, scheme, or even a lie (!!), and that vaccination is a deceit and deception, leads towards having ill thoughts about rulers, contradicting scholars, and neglecting that which is evidenced by reality, along with what this speech has of evil effects upon people’s lives. And so, this speech is not acceptable, neither religiously, nor intellectually, nor out of habit, and nor by looking at reality.

SOURCE: The shaykh’s official Twitter account (Arabic/English).

Translation by: The shaykh’s designated translator(s).

Continuing to Maintain Safety Protocols to Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

By the leading authority among the senior scholars of Saudi Arabia: The Mufti, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allah preserve him)

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all things. May Allah raise the rank of and grant peace to our Prophet Muhammad, and likewise all of his family and companions. As for what follows:

The Muslim continues to worship and perform good deeds which benefit himself, his family, and his Ummah. By way of that, he becomes capable of caring for the entire world. Indeed the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) praised the strong believer, saying:

(( الـمُؤْمِنُ القَوِيُّ خَيْرٌ وَأَحَبُّ إِلَـى اللهِ مِنَ الـمُؤْمِنِ الضَّعِيفِ وَفِـي كُلٍّ خَيْرٌ ))
“The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer, while there is good in both.”

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) meant by this: One who is strong in his eemaan (faith) in Allah, the Exalted, and in his creed, his soul, and his physical body.

So good health is a tremendous blessing, and the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) stressed its importance, saying:

(( نِعْمَتَانِ مَغْبُونٌ فِيهِمَا كَثِيْـرٌ مِنَ النَّاسِ: الصِّحَّةُ وَالفَرَاغُ ))
“Two blessings are neglected by many of the people: good health and free time.” [2]

So the body’s good health is a great blessing not fully understood except by those who have lost it. Thus, it is imperative that a person be keen to preserve his health and stay away from whatever would corrupt or harm it from diseases, contagions, and symptoms.

Islaam has instituted Continue reading

Nine Advices as relates the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic [Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh]

In the Name of Allah, al-Raḥmān al-Raḥīm…

In these days the world is witnessing the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) and is utilizing its collective abilities and potentialities to limit its spread and to mitigate the outcome as relates its health, economic, and societal impact. This matter requires that the scholars and students of knowledge assume their roles in clarifying the legislated methodology of dealing with this new epidemic or other contagious pestilence and illnesses, and in explaining the religious rulings of precautionary measures and protective protocols taken by competent authorities such as: suspending work and schooling; curfews and travel bans; the enforcement of social distancing, nose and mouth covering, and quarantine and home isolation for those who have it; as well as other precautionary and protective measures to safeguard human life.

It is known that Allah legislated the religion of Islam to be the methodology of human living so that they may operate in accordance to its laws and teachings. So there is no matter in life and no newly occurring problem except that it has a ruling in Islam. Allah (the Exalted and Most High) said:

“We have neglected nothing in the Book.” [al An’aam: 38]

From such measures and protocols that are legislated in our monotheistic religion that are befitting to utilize at the onset and spread of pestilence and contagious diseases—such as the novel coronavirus—are as follows:

1.) The ban from entering or exiting localities afflicted with pestilence & illnesses.

On the authority of ‘Abd al-Raḥmaan bin ‘Awf (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: I heard Allah’s Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) say: Continue reading

Standing Around the Udhiyah Sacrifice as a Family, Reciting Quran Before the Slaughter

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

يوجد بعض من الناس لدينا وخاصة كبار السن في عيد الأضحى المبارك يعملون الأعمال الآتية:
يحضرون الأضحية، ويقفون حولها كالعائلة جمعيا، وهم أهل البيت والرجل قبل أن يبدأ بالذبح، يقرأ الفاتحة، ثم آية الكرسي، وكذلك المعوذتين، والإخلاص مع ذكر الاستفتاح، مثل قول: وجهت وجهي لله رب العالمين إلى آخره، ويجعل الرجل يده على ظهر الذبيحة، ويمد بها من عند الرقبة إلى آخر الظهر، ثم بعد ذلك يقوم بذبحها بعد هذا الفعل، وإن بعضا منهم إذا لم يحضر ذبح الأضحية يقوم بذبح أضحية غيرها، وهم أهل البيت؛ لأنه يقول يلزمه حضور الذبح، لذا أرجو من الله ثم من فضيلتكم البيان لهم بالطريقة الصحيحة لمن يفعل هذا…

QUESTION: Some people in our area, specifically some of the elders, do the following things during the blessed ‘Eed al-Adha:

They bring the sacrificial animal, and they stand around it all together as a family. They are the members of one household. Before the head of household slaughters, he recites al-Faatihah, and then Aayat al-Kursee, and then the last three Soorahs, along with an opening prayer, like: “I turn my face unto Allah, the Lord of all things…” The man then places his open hand on the back of the animal, wiping it from its neck down to the tailbone. Only at this point does he carry out the slaughter. If some of the family members did not attend at the time of the slaughtering of the Udhiyah, he would then carry out a separate Udhiyah for them, whilst they are all members of the same household. This is because he says they are required to attend the actual slaughtering.

I hope firstly from Allah, and then from your distinguished selves, that you would clarify for them the correct manner of doing this (Udhiyah Sacrifice)…

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh (may Allah have Mercy on him):

هذا العمل الذي تعملونه عند ذبحكم للأضحية من وقوفكم عندها، وقراءتكم لآية الكرسي والسور المذكورة، وأن من لا يحضر لا يشترك في ثواب الأضحية، بل لا بد أن يذبح أضحية غيرها، كل هذا لا أصل له، وهو عمل مبتدع يجب عليكم تركه والتنبيه على أنه لا يجوز، وثواب الأضحية إذا كانت تبرعا يتناول كل من نوي فيها، ولو لم يحضر لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : إنما الأعمال بالنيات وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى.

These things you are doing when you slaughter your Udhiyah Sacrifice:

  • Standing together around it
  • Reciting Aayat al-Kursee and the other Soorahs mentioned
  • Believing that anyone who did not attend cannot share in the reward of the Udhiyah Sacrifice
  • That a separate Udhiyah needs done for those who were absent

All of these things are baseless. These are innovated practices which you must cease doing and advise others that they are not permissible. The reward for the Udhiyah Sacrifice, when done voluntarily, includes all of those who were intended, whether or not they attended the actual slaughter in person, due to the statement of the Prophet -may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace-, [which means] “Actions are but by their intentions, and each person shall only have what he intended.” [1]

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

And through Allah Alone is all success. May Allah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and may He grant them all peace.

SOURCE: Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (10/440-441 of the second compilation), translated by Moosaa Richardson.

FOOTNOTES by the Translator:

[1] Collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, from the report of ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him).

Can Money Be Given as Charity in Place of the Udhiyah Sacrifice?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز إخراج قيمة الشاة في العقيقة أو الأضحية وإعطاء هذا المبلغ للجمعيات الخيرية التي تكفل اليتامى والمساكين والفقراء بدلا عن شراء شاة وذبحها

QUESTION: Is it permissible to give money in place of the value of the sheep slaughtered for an ‘Aqeeqah or an Udhiyah Sacrifice? The amount of money would be given directly to charitable organizations that sponsor orphans and the poor and needy, instead of being used to actually purchase a sheep and slaughter it.

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

لا يجزئ دفع القيمة عن ذبح العقيقة وذبح الأضحية؛ لأن ذبحهما والأكل من لحمهما والتصدق منه عبادة لا يقوم مقامها التصدق بالقيمة.

It is Continue reading

Sending Money to Family Back Home To Slaughter the Udhiyah Sacrifice There

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجزئ المسلم صاحب العيال ترك عياله في وطنه إذا حان عيد الأضحى أن يرسل ثمن أضحيته إلى عياله في وطنه؛ لتذبحها العيال أو تنحرها نيابة عنه؛ لأنه مهاجر، وهو متأكد أن العيال تضحي عنه كما أمر، أو لا بد أن يضحي حيث هو؟

QUESTION: Is this acceptable: A Muslim head of household leaves his family behind in his homeland and when ‘Eed al-Adha comes around, and he sends them the amount needed to purchase an animal for the Udhiyah Sacrifice, so they could slaughter it on his behalf, as he is traveling. He is certain that they would actually slaughter on his behalf according to his instructions. Or must he slaughter it himself wherever he is?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

لا بأس أن يرسل المغترب ثمن الأضحية إلى أولاده في وطنه؛ ليقوموا بشرائها وذبحها في بيتهم، بل هذا هو الأفضل والسنة.

It is no problem for a traveler to send the value of the Udhiyah to his children back in his homeland, in order for them to purchase and slaughter it at their home. Actually, this is Continue reading

Does a Man in Charge of Two Households Slaughter Two Udhiyah Sacrifices?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

يوجد لي بيتان تبعد عن بعضها حوالي 15 كم، وأريد أن أضحي. فهل أذبح عند كل بيت أضحية، أم أذبحها في بيت واحد؟ مع العلم أنني ذبحتها عند أحد البيتين وأحضرت أهل البيت الثاني فحضروا الذبح.
وهل تكسر عظام الأضاحي بعد الذبح؟ وهل تكسر قرون الأضاحي بعد الذبح؟

QUESTION: I have two households which are 15 kilometers apart from one other. I want to offer an Udhiyah Sacrifice. Do I offer a separate Udhiyah at each house, or do I slaughter at one house only? Please know that I have already slaughtered one sacrifice at one of the houses, and I brought the family of the second house to be there for the sacrifice. Also, are the bones of the animal sacrificed for Udhiyah allowed to be cut after the slaughter? And are the horns of the Udhiyah animal allowed to be cut after the slaughter?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

يجزئ عنك أضحية واحدة لبيتيك ما دام أن صاحبها واحد، وإن ذبحت في كل واحد من البيتين أضحية مستقلة فهو أفضل، ولا شيء في كسر عظام وقرون الأضاحي.

It is sufficient for you to offer Continue reading

Trimming Hair or Nails in Thul-Hijjah Forgetfully [For One Who Intends to Offer an Udhiyah Sacrifice]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

رجل حلق شعره في العشر من ذي الحجة، وهو يريد الأضحية وهو ناسي، فما جزاؤه؟

QUESTION: A man who wanted to offer an Udhiyah Sacrifice forgetfully shaved his hair during the [first] ten days of Thul-Hijjah, How can this be corrected or compensated for?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

لا شيء عليه؛ لقول الله عز وجل: {رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِنْ نَسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا} وصح عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أن الله سبحانه قال: “قد فعلت” خرجه مسلم في صحيحه.

There is nothing he has to do [to rectify that], due to the Statement of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic [which means]: “Our Lord! Do not hold us accountable when we forget or err…” [2:286], and it was authentically reported from the Messenger of Allah -may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace- that Allah, the Exalted, has said, “I have done that.” This was collected by Muslim in his Saheeh [Compilation].

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

And through Allah Alone is all success. May Allah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and may He grant them all peace.

SOURCE: Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, (11/404 of the first compilation), translated by Moosaa Richardson.


Obtaining an Animal for the Udhiyah Sacrifice on Credit and Paying for it Later

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز للرجل أن يذبح ذبيحة عيد الأضحى وهي ليس مدفوع ثمنها، ثم تسدد بعد مدة؟ .

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a man to slaughter a sacrificial animal on the Day of ‘Eed al-Adha without having paid for it yet, and then he would pay for it sometime later?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

يجوز ذبح الأضحية ولو تأخر دفع قيمتها عن ذبحها.

It is permissible to offer the Udhiyah Sacrifice when a person pays for it later after slaughtering it.

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

And through Allah Alone is all success. May Allah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and may He grant them all peace.

SOURCE: Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, (11/411 of the first compilation), translated by Moosaa Richardson.


Should the Meat of the Udhiyah Sacrifice be Distributed as Cooked Food or Raw Meat?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

ما هو حكم الأضحية، وما هو الأفضل، هل تقسم لحما أم طبخها أفضل؟ علما أن فيه بعض الناس يقول: إنه لا يجوز في الثلث الذي يتصدق به أن يطبخه أو يكسر عظمه.

QUESTION: What is the ruling on the Udhiyah Sacrifice, and what is more virtuous – that it be distributed as raw meat or as cooked food? As there are some people who say that the third which is given as charity is not allowed to be cooked nor have its bones cut?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

الأضحية سنة كفاية، وقال بعض أهل العلم: هي فرض عين، والأمر في توزيعها مطبوخة أو غير مطبوخة واسع، وإنما المشروع فيها أن يأكل منها، ويهدي، ويتصدق.

The Udhiyah Sacrifice is a Sunnah Kifaayah [1], and some scholars have said it is an obligation on everyone individually. The manner of distributing it, whether cooked or raw, is Continue reading

Sharing an Udhiyah Sacrifice: Sheep, Cows, and Camels

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يصح اشتراك عدد من الناس (من غير الحجاج) الاشتراك في ذبيحة، وهل تعتبر أضحية لكل منهم؟

QUESTION: Is it valid for a number of people (not pilgrims on Hajj) to share in the slaughtering of a sacrificial animal? If so, could that qualify as an Udhiyah Sacrifice for each of them?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

تسن الأضحية بالنسبة للمكلف المستطيع، ويجوز اشتراك سبعة في واحدة من الإبل سنها خمس سنوات أو أكثر، أو في واحدة من البقرة سنها سنتان فأكثر، وتجزئ الشاة عن الرجل وأهل بيته سنها سنة فأكثر إن كانت من المعز، أو ستة أشهر فأكثر إن كانت من الضأن.

The Udhiyah is a Sunnah for every sane, adult Muslim who is capable of offering it. It is allowed for seven people to share in the slaughtering of a single Continue reading

Giving Some of the Udhiyah Sacrifice to Non-Muslim Family or Neighbors

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز أن يهدي المسلم شيئا لأهل الكتاب، وهل يجوز إهداء شيء من الأضحية لشخص من أهل الكتاب؟

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a Muslim to give gifts to the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), and is it permissible to give some of the Udhiyah sacrifice to someone from the People of the Book?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

يجوز الإهداء إلى الكافر وإطعامه من الأضحية وصدقات التطوع إذا لم يكن محاربا لنا؛ لقول الله تعالى:

It is permissible to give gifts or food to a non-Muslim, from the Udhiyah [Sacrifice] or other optional acts of charity, [1] so long as he is not at Continue reading

The Relationship Between Medical Quackery and Shirk (Polytheism)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The great scholar, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have Mercy on him) was asked once about bracelets worn to alleviate rheumatism. His brief and insightful answer includes a very beneficial principle that can be used to differentiate between real medical treatments and fraudulent medical quackery, as the real difference between the two is that of towheed (Islamic monotheism) and shirk (polytheism). With this in mind, understanding this issue is of the utmost importance.

He (may Allaah have Mercy on him) said:

“Know that a medical treatment is (merely) a means toward recovery, while the One who provides that means and makes it effective is (only) Allaah, the Most High. Thus, there exist no means or methods (of recovery) other than what Allaah, the Most High, has made to be a (genuine) means.

There are two types of genuine means that Allaah, the Most High, has made:

The first type are Continue reading

Confusion Ended: “Thanksgiving is a Day of Gratitude Observed by Most Muslims” [?]

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Thanksgiving Day is a modern Christian religious holiday observed on the fourth Thursday of November in America. Thanksgiving has been adopted as a national holiday as well.

The Permanent Council of Scholars in Saudi Arabia, headed by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have Mercy on him), was asked about the observance of Christian religious holidays, and they responded:

It is not permissible to take part with the disbelievers in their holidays and religious celebrations, due to the description Allah has given to the servants of the Most-Merciful [what means]: ( Those who do not witness “zoor”, and if they pass by falsehood, they pass by it with dignity ). [25:72] “Zoor” is explained to be: the celebrations of the disbelievers and witnessing them, attending them, or taking part in them.

Source: The Permanent Council’s second series of Fatwas (1/452-453). [in Arabic here]

Many other clear statements of the scholars about non-Muslim holidays and celebrations have been made widely available in English.

Aside from being a Christian holiday, Thanksgiving is commonly represented by images depicting the “peace” made between Continue reading

Nutmeg, the Well Known Spice, is an Intoxicant (Khamr)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Compassionate, the All- Merciful…

Nutmeg ( جوزة الطيب ) is widely known to have intoxicating properties.

 …Nutmeg’s intoxicating properties have long been known in Europe… it has been a substitute for other substances that for one reason or another were unavailable or unaffordable. Thus prisoners, soldiers, seamen and struggling musicians were among its users… In 1946, before his conversion to Islam, Malcolm X used nutmeg whilst in jail when his supplies of marijuana ran out. In his autobiography he wrote: ‘I first got high in Charlestown [prison] on nutmeg. My cellmate was among at least a hundred nutmeg men who, for money or cigarettes, bought from kitchen worker inmates penny matchboxes full of stolen nutmeg. I grabbed a box as though it were a pound of heavy drugs. Stirred into a glass of cold water, a penny matchbox full of nutmeg had the kick of three or four reefers.’ When the authorities became aware of such uses of nutmeg it was removed from many prison kitchens.

Source: http://www.moodfoods.com/nutmeg/index.html (Accessed Dec. 25, 2008)

Ahmad ibn Hajr al-Haytamee (d.974), the soofee ash’aree, however an authority on the Fiqh (legal rulings) of ash-Shaafi’ee according to his later followers, seems to have the most detailed information on the topic. Thus, his words and research on the matter are important, and our scholars have Continue reading

Ibn Taymiyyah on Using Haraam Substances as Medical Treatments

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

MARIJUANA as a medical treatment?! REALLY?

Muslims, let us please go back to our scholars on such issues!

“Seeking medical cures from filthy (haraam) substances is proof of a sickness in the heart…”

What follows is a complete translation of a detailed answer given by Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah [d.728] (may Allaah have Mercy on him) when he was asked about a patient whose doctors told him that the only (effective) medical treatment in his situation would be to consume intoxicants, canine (dog) meat, or even swine. He replied:

It is not permissible to use intoxicants and other filthy substances as medical treatments, based on what was reported by Waa’il ibn Hujr, [1] who said that Taariq ibn Suwayd al-Ju’fee [2] asked the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) about intoxicants, and he forbade him from using them. Taariq added, “But I only use them as medical treatments.” He (the Prophet) responded:

إنه ليس بدواء ولكنه داء
“It is not a treatment, however it is a disease (itself).” 

This (hadeeth) was collected by Imaams Ahmad and Muslim in his Saheeh. [3]

And on the authority of Aboo ad-Dardaa’, the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

إن الله أنزل الدواء وأنزل الداء وجعل لكل داء دواء، فتداووا ولا تتداووا بحرام
“Verily Allaah has sent down illnesses, and He has sent down the cures. He has made (available) a cure for every illness, so take medical treatments, but do not treat illnesses with haraam (substances).”

This (hadeeth) was collected by Aboo Daawood. [4]

And Aboo Hurayrah said Continue reading