Pooling Ideas: Advise Your Brothers & Sisters Trying to Get Married [Interactive]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Some of us were married, and those marriages did not work out. Instead of focusing on the negative side of such an event, let us be productive and help others by sharing what you would advise a brother or sister considering marriage to ask about before the marriage.

Others of us got married, and Allah blessed us with good marriages. This is also a great resource for others. Your success -a gift from Allah- includes steps in a process that worked out well. So share what worked out well for you, perhaps someone might find a great deal of benefit in it!

The topic is potentially very broad. Culture and local customs can play a role.

Let me begin by offering some general reminders that some of us might find helpful, by Allah’s Permission. (Contribute to the content of this article by using the “Leave a reply” feature below.)

1. Marry people of upright religion.

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

إذا أتاكم من ترضون خلقه ودينه فزوجوه إن لا تفعلوا تكن فتنة في الأرض وفساد عريض
“When someone comes to you with manners and religion you are pleased with, then marry him [to your wards]. If you do not, there will be trials in the land and widespread corruption.” [1]

When a person fears Allah and upholds his/her duty to Allah, such a person will respect and honor your rights, since Allah is the One who gave each person their rights. Openly disobedient people show the world that they Continue reading

Resources for the 4th Islamic Seminar at Masjid Alfarouq in Edmonton

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

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Here you will find helpful resources and guidance, by Allah’s Permission, connected to the seminar at Masjid Alfarouq in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada), which took place starting on Muharram 29, 1445 (Aug.16-20, 2023), wal-hamdu lillaah, along with special information about the official seminar workbook and some exclusive images of its content.

In anticipation of the seminar, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson stated:

Upon visiting our brothers in Islam and Sunnah at Masjid Alfarouq in Edmonton, Alberta (Canada) earlier this year, based on the advice of Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maghribi (may Allah preserve him), I was delighted to find such beautiful cooperation at an emerging community upon Salafiyyah there. May Allah bless them and increase them in good. Their good efforts to learn and host special events for the benefit of their community and the Muslims of Edmonton at large are exemplary and deserving of our support…

This upcoming fourth seminar, scheduled for the end of Muharram 1445 (August 16-20, 2023), in shaa’ Allah, is another five-day event, similar to the last one. This time, Shaykh Abu Muhammad will be broadening the focus of family matters to include more practical advice and guidance for parents and children, siblings, as well as spouses, in shaa’ Allah. I will continue sharing and explaining verses from the same poetry on Islamic Legal Maxims. After considering that a significant number of the local congregants grew up in communities and households where the Maalikee math-hab is taught, I thought to explain a small text in basic Islamic Creed by an exemplary Maalikee scholar of old, al-Imaam Ibn Abee Zayd al-Qayrawaanee (may Allah have Mercy on him).

Continue reading

Self-Issued Verdicts: Nullifying One of the Three Divorces After Final Separation Has Occurred

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy…

QUESTION posed to the virtuous Shaykh, Dr. Arafat al-Muhammadi, may Allah preserve him, from his brothers at al-Masjid al-Awwal, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America. [1]

As Salaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaathu… There has occurred in America, where there are no Islamic courts, instances of a man who divorces his wife with the third legislated divorce, and he takes witnesses to that effect, and then he desires to return to his wife that he has irrevocably divorced so he thinks about the number of divorces that he has issued and cancels one of them having decided this for himself, without returning the matter to the People of Knowledge, nor to those able to judge correctly in the affair, that it is permissible for him to continue to live with his wife by taking her back, or marrying her with a new contract, or simply returning to her as if nothing ever happened. Many of these husbands claim that one of the three divorces was incorrect (did not take effect) due to his anger, and then he and his wife mutually agree that only two divorces actually occurred; thus, they return to marital life despite having taken members of their community as witnesses to the third and final irrevocable divorce. This is done in opposition to the advice given to them by their teachers in the Islamic Centers (of their city) and the responsible parties therein (i.e. masjid administrators). So, what is your advice to these men and women who are in this circumstance? What advice do you have for the Islamic centers there (dealing with these issues)? How do they (administrators) handle such evil occurrences? May Allah reward you with good.

Masjid Administration


Wa ‘Alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu…

We say to these individuals that they must fear Allah within their own selves and be aware of Him; for whomsoever seeks to deceive Allah, then Allah deceives them. This woman is no longer permissible for him until Continue reading

Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree on Neglecting Child Support

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The respected scholar of al-Madeenah, Aboo ‘Abdil-‘Azeez ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Sulaymaan al-Jaabiree al-Hamdaanee (may Allah preserve him) was asked the following question:

One of my relatives divorced his wife and left his three children with her, and then refused to spend on the children, assuming himself to be free of them. He has continued in this way [of dealing with the matter], and he is still doing this now. What would you advise him with? May Allah reward you.

The shaykh replied (may Allah bless and preserve him): Continue reading

Standing Around the Udhiyah Sacrifice as a Family, Reciting Quran Before the Slaughter

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

يوجد بعض من الناس لدينا وخاصة كبار السن في عيد الأضحى المبارك يعملون الأعمال الآتية:
يحضرون الأضحية، ويقفون حولها كالعائلة جمعيا، وهم أهل البيت والرجل قبل أن يبدأ بالذبح، يقرأ الفاتحة، ثم آية الكرسي، وكذلك المعوذتين، والإخلاص مع ذكر الاستفتاح، مثل قول: وجهت وجهي لله رب العالمين إلى آخره، ويجعل الرجل يده على ظهر الذبيحة، ويمد بها من عند الرقبة إلى آخر الظهر، ثم بعد ذلك يقوم بذبحها بعد هذا الفعل، وإن بعضا منهم إذا لم يحضر ذبح الأضحية يقوم بذبح أضحية غيرها، وهم أهل البيت؛ لأنه يقول يلزمه حضور الذبح، لذا أرجو من الله ثم من فضيلتكم البيان لهم بالطريقة الصحيحة لمن يفعل هذا…

QUESTION: Some people in our area, specifically some of the elders, do the following things during the blessed ‘Eed al-Adha:

They bring the sacrificial animal, and they stand around it all together as a family. They are the members of one household. Before the head of household slaughters, he recites al-Faatihah, and then Aayat al-Kursee, and then the last three Soorahs, along with an opening prayer, like: “I turn my face unto Allah, the Lord of all things…” The man then places his open hand on the back of the animal, wiping it from its neck down to the tailbone. Only at this point does he carry out the slaughter. If some of the family members did not attend at the time of the slaughtering of the Udhiyah, he would then carry out a separate Udhiyah for them, whilst they are all members of the same household. This is because he says they are required to attend the actual slaughtering.

I hope firstly from Allah, and then from your distinguished selves, that you would clarify for them the correct manner of doing this (Udhiyah Sacrifice)…

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh (may Allah have Mercy on him):

هذا العمل الذي تعملونه عند ذبحكم للأضحية من وقوفكم عندها، وقراءتكم لآية الكرسي والسور المذكورة، وأن من لا يحضر لا يشترك في ثواب الأضحية، بل لا بد أن يذبح أضحية غيرها، كل هذا لا أصل له، وهو عمل مبتدع يجب عليكم تركه والتنبيه على أنه لا يجوز، وثواب الأضحية إذا كانت تبرعا يتناول كل من نوي فيها، ولو لم يحضر لقول النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : إنما الأعمال بالنيات وإنما لكل امرئ ما نوى.

These things you are doing when you slaughter your Udhiyah Sacrifice:

  • Standing together around it
  • Reciting Aayat al-Kursee and the other Soorahs mentioned
  • Believing that anyone who did not attend cannot share in the reward of the Udhiyah Sacrifice
  • That a separate Udhiyah needs done for those who were absent

All of these things are baseless. These are innovated practices which you must cease doing and advise others that they are not permissible. The reward for the Udhiyah Sacrifice, when done voluntarily, includes all of those who were intended, whether or not they attended the actual slaughter in person, due to the statement of the Prophet -may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace-, [which means] “Actions are but by their intentions, and each person shall only have what he intended.” [1]

وبالله التوفيق وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.

And through Allah Alone is all success. May Allah raise the rank of our Prophet Muhammad, and that of his family and companions, and may He grant them all peace.

SOURCE: Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (10/440-441 of the second compilation), translated by Moosaa Richardson.

FOOTNOTES by the Translator:

[1] Collected by al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, from the report of ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him).

Should the Meat of the Udhiyah Sacrifice be Distributed as Cooked Food or Raw Meat?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

ما هو حكم الأضحية، وما هو الأفضل، هل تقسم لحما أم طبخها أفضل؟ علما أن فيه بعض الناس يقول: إنه لا يجوز في الثلث الذي يتصدق به أن يطبخه أو يكسر عظمه.

QUESTION: What is the ruling on the Udhiyah Sacrifice, and what is more virtuous – that it be distributed as raw meat or as cooked food? As there are some people who say that the third which is given as charity is not allowed to be cooked nor have its bones cut?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

الأضحية سنة كفاية، وقال بعض أهل العلم: هي فرض عين، والأمر في توزيعها مطبوخة أو غير مطبوخة واسع، وإنما المشروع فيها أن يأكل منها، ويهدي، ويتصدق.

The Udhiyah Sacrifice is a Sunnah Kifaayah [1], and some scholars have said it is an obligation on everyone individually. The manner of distributing it, whether cooked or raw, is Continue reading

Sharing an Udhiyah Sacrifice: Sheep, Cows, and Camels

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يصح اشتراك عدد من الناس (من غير الحجاج) الاشتراك في ذبيحة، وهل تعتبر أضحية لكل منهم؟

QUESTION: Is it valid for a number of people (not pilgrims on Hajj) to share in the slaughtering of a sacrificial animal? If so, could that qualify as an Udhiyah Sacrifice for each of them?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

تسن الأضحية بالنسبة للمكلف المستطيع، ويجوز اشتراك سبعة في واحدة من الإبل سنها خمس سنوات أو أكثر، أو في واحدة من البقرة سنها سنتان فأكثر، وتجزئ الشاة عن الرجل وأهل بيته سنها سنة فأكثر إن كانت من المعز، أو ستة أشهر فأكثر إن كانت من الضأن.

The Udhiyah is a Sunnah for every sane, adult Muslim who is capable of offering it. It is allowed for seven people to share in the slaughtering of a single Continue reading

Giving Some of the Udhiyah Sacrifice to Non-Muslim Family or Neighbors

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

هل يجوز أن يهدي المسلم شيئا لأهل الكتاب، وهل يجوز إهداء شيء من الأضحية لشخص من أهل الكتاب؟

QUESTION: Is it permissible for a Muslim to give gifts to the People of the Book (Jews and Christians), and is it permissible to give some of the Udhiyah sacrifice to someone from the People of the Book?

ANSWER by the Permanent Committee for Religious Verdicts, headed by Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have Mercy on him):

يجوز الإهداء إلى الكافر وإطعامه من الأضحية وصدقات التطوع إذا لم يكن محاربا لنا؛ لقول الله تعالى:

It is permissible to give gifts or food to a non-Muslim, from the Udhiyah [Sacrifice] or other optional acts of charity, [1] so long as he is not at Continue reading

How Should a Man Behave as the Walee of His Own Mother?

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Often, especially in the West, a man may find himself in the position of being his own mother’s walee (guardian) for marriage.  Of course, we know the walee’s approval is a necessary requirement for the validity of a marriage contract. This predicament can be a difficult one to navigate, since in Islam he is required to obey, respect, and honor his mother. Yet, if she wishes to marry a man whom he is not pleased with, can he actually refuse to consent and prevent such a marriage? How does he balance between obedience to his mother and this apparent position of authority over her, as limited as it may be?

To aid our brothers who are faced with such a dilemma, I posed the following question to Shaykh Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah bless and preserve him):

شيخنا من كان وليًا لأمه ولاية النكاح كيف يتأدب معها إذا كان لا يواقق على اختيار رجل لها فيه رغبة
Our shaykh, regarding someone who is a walee (guardian) for the marriage of his mother: How does he uphold good manners with her if he does not agree with the choice of a man she is interested in?

He replied: Continue reading

Are a Muslim Woman’s Non-Muslim Relatives Acceptable as Mahram for Traveling?

In the Name of Allaah, the All Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

As reported by Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) and collected in the most authentic Hadeeth sources like al-Bukhaaree and Muslim, the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) forbade believing women from traveling without a mahram.

A mahram is a woman’s close male family member, like her father, grandfather, son, grandson, brother, or uncle.

Traveling means to leave one’s city, by a distance considered according to local customs to be a journey, not just normal daily movement around and outside of the borders of one’s city.

In the West, a woman often accepts Islaam and thereafter faces the difficulty of being the only Muslim in her family. She may ask: How am I to implement this hadeeth? Since my immediate male relatives are disqualified from being my walee (guardian) in a marriage contract, are they also disqualified from being my mahram during a journey?

This issue was recently addressed by Shaykh Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him), Professor of Higher Studies at Umm al-Qura University in Makkah. He stated: Continue reading

Correction: The Widow’s Period of Mourning (‘Iddah) and Her Prayer (No Connection)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

In an audio clip uploaded to YouTube entitled, “The Concern of Giving Full Preference to the Kaafir Calendar,” (15 min., 35 sec.) I became confused about an issue and spoke incorrectly.

Discussing the harms of living by the Gregorian calendar, I mentioned the point of the ‘iddah (mourning period) of the widow – four months and ten days. After mentioning the difference of two or three additional days that would be mistakenly included within her ‘iddah by following the Gregorian calendar, I then erred by mentioning that she would begin making her prayers up a few days late, since she would not be praying during her ‘iddah.

This is clearly erroneous, as there is no connection between the mourning period and performing the prayer or leaving it. To be absolutely clear: Women leave their prayers during their menses, not during their ‘iddahs.

While I am personally very embarrassed about this error, it is my duty to correct it using my available resources. I hope that my brothers and sisters would help me by informing anyone who has uploaded it about this retraction. Then, it could be edited out (15:35 to 16 minutes), along with a reference to this article. If it cannot be edited, then at least let it be paired with the retraction.

May Allaah bless the sister who informed me of the mistake, and may Allaah bless all of those who help me to correct it.

And Allaah knows best.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

Common Mistakes: Replacing the Father’s Name or the Family Name

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

A common mistake made in the West is when new Muslims are instructed to change their family names, or to change, replace, or abandon their fathers’ names. For example, a new Muslim named “Joe Smith”, whose father’s name is Michael, may be advised to change his name to “Abdullaah Muhammad al-Amreekee”. Often, without the right guidance, a new Muslim may be inclined against his family’s name and want to free himself of it. He may even feel this is required or encouraged in Islam!

In reality, from the most basic human needs preserved in all the divine religions throughout history is the preservation of the people’s ancestry. Islam, as the culmination of all previous revelations, gives this matter the utmost urgency, as our Lord orders us:

ادْعُوهُمْ لِآبائِهِمْ هُوَ أَقْسَطُ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ

“Call them by their fathers’ (names), it is more just with Allaah” [33:5]

A Muslim is required to keep his father’s name, as well as his family name. This Islaamic manner of naming is so important that the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) warned those who replace their fathers’ names with a very serious consequence:

مَنِ ادَّعَى إِلَى غَيْرِ أَبِيهِ، وَهُوَ يَعْلَمُ أَنَّهُ غَيْرُ أَبِيهِ، فَالْجَنَّةُ عَلَيْهِ حَرَامٌ

“Whoever ascribes himself to someone other than his (real) father, knowing that he is not his (real) father, Paradise is forbidden for him!” [al-Bukhaaree and Muslim]

We see clearly that changing one’s name in a way that replaces the father’s and/or family’s names with other names is absolutely forbidden, and we must Continue reading

Hadeeth About Not Naming Children Ya’laa, Barakah, Aflah, Yasaar, and Naafi’

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Merciful…

I was asked about the following hadeeth:

Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullaah reported that the Prophet (S) decided to forbid names like Ya’laa (elevated), Barakah (blessing), Aflah (successful), Yasaar (wealth) and Naafi’ (beneficial) (Reported by Muslim)

[1] Firstly, as an obligation, we say ( صلى الله عليه وسلم “sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam” when mentioning our beloved Prophet, which may be expressed in English with the phrase: May Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace.  It is not permissible to change legislated phrases of thikr into abbreviations, like (S), (SAW), (PBUH), or the likes. Review the detailed verdicts of the scholars and further explanations here.

[2] Secondly, this prohibition has been collected by Imaam Muslim and others from two of the Companions, Samurah ibn Jundub and Jaabir ibn ‘Abdillaah, may Allaah be pleased with both of them. There are some slight differences in the wordings of their reports, and the wording mentioned in the question above seems to mix some of them together.

[A] Samurah’s wording is explicit, that he forbade four names: Aflah, Rabaah, Yasaar, and Continue reading

The Stillborn Fetus Will Drag Its Mother into Paradise by the Umbilical Cord!

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Ever Compassionate…

Imaam Ibn Maajah collected an amazing hadeeth in his Sunan, on the authority of Mu’aath ibn Jabal, may Allaah be pleased with him, who said that Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

 وَالَّذِي نَفْسِي بِيَدِهِ إِنَّ السِّقْطَ لَيَجُرُّ أُمَّهَ بِسَرَرِهِ إِلَى الجَنَّةِ إِذَا احْتَسَبَتْهُ

“By the One in whose Hand is my soul, verily the stillborn fetus will drag its mother into Paradise by the umbilical cord if she accepts it (i.e. deals with it patiently, hoping for reward).”

Source: Sunan Ibn Maajah, Kitaab al-Janaa’iz, Chapter: Regarding Those Afflicted with a Stillborn Fetus (#1609).  Al-‘Allaamah al-Albaanee called it “saheeh” (authentic) in his checking of the book.

My shaykh, Dr. Muhammad ibn ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him), said:

If a woman gives birth prematurely, or has a miscarriage, and what comes out is in the form of a human, then it is considered a siqt (stillborn). And the blood that comes with it is nifaas (post-partum) blood, and thus takes the related rulings (ie. 40 days of not praying or until the bleeding ceases).

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

ST Archives – Originally Published 09-13-2003

Don’t Play Games with Wilaayah (the Right of Being the Walee for a Marriage)

In the Name of Allaah…

In the West, it is not too uncommon to find a woman who disputes with her father about a potential spouse, who then goes to an Islamic center to get another walee (legal representative for the marriage) appointed for her, so she can get married without the father’s permission.

Sometimes, another relative is brought in to take the father’s place, and other times a walee is requested to be appointed from outside of her family.

Let’s be perfectly clear here – Playing games with wilaayah (the right of being the walee) can lead to the marriage contract being invalid, even if Continue reading

Common Acts of Religious Excessiveness (Ghuluww): Overplanning an ‘Aqeeqah

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

Allaah says, addressing the Jews and Christians with a stern admonition that Muslims are required to also heed and live by:

يا أهل الكتاب لا تغلوا في دينكم
“O people of the Book!  Do not go overboard in your religion!” [1]

His Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said:

إياكم والغلو فإنما أهلك من كان قبلكم الغلو
“Be warned against ghuluww (religious excessiveness), since that which destroyed the people who came before you was ghuluww!” [2]

To help fulfill this Prophetic order, this series of brotherly reminders highlights some everyday manifestations of religious excessiveness that Muslims may commonly fall into, so that we can be on guard against them and warn others of them.

Overplanning an ‘Aqeeqah

An ‘aqeeqah is when a Muslim father slaughters two sheep after being blessed with a newborn baby boy, or one sheep for a girl. Continue reading

Giving Charity in Silver Equal to the Weight of the Newborn’s Hair

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him) was asked: Our shaykh!  It has been reported that Faatimah – may Allaah be pleased with her – used to give charity (in silver) equal to the weight of her newborn’s hair after shaving it on the seventh day.  Is that a Sunnah she got from the Prophet – may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace – or was it her own preferred way of giving (optional) charity?  May Allaah reward you and bless your time and deeds.

He answered:

Yes, what seems correct is that it was a Sunnah she learned from the Messenger – may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace – to give the weight of the newborn’s (shaven) hair in silver.  Al-Albaanee alluded to this in al-Irwaa when he traced the sources Continue reading

Can a Lady’s Step-Father or Maternal Uncle Act as a Walee (Legal Representative) for her Marriage?

The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Legal Verdicts, headed by Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz [d.1420] (may Allaah have Mercy on him), was asked about the step-father and maternal uncle of a young lady – Can they take the position of the walee (legal guardian or representative) in a valid marriage?

They replied:

The step-father is not a (valid) walee for his step-daughter, and nor is the maternal uncle (from her mother’s side).  Instead, only the male inheriting blood relatives can be legal representatives (for marriage), Continue reading

Kunyahs (Nicknames) for Men Based on Female Names

Is it against the Sunnah to have a kunyah (parental nickname) based on a female child’s name, like Aboo ‘Aa’ishah (the father of ‘Aa’ishah) or Umm ‘Aa’ishah (the mother of ‘Aa’ishah), because they are the parents of a girl named ‘Aa’ishah?  Someone told me that the Sunnah is to use male names only in kunyahs.

While male names were predominantly used in kunyahs, there is nothing against having a kunyah based on a female name, like Aboo ‘Aa’ishah.

A group of the Companions had kunyas like this, namely:

  • Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan (Aboo Laylaa)
  • Aboo Hurayrah
  • Aboo Umaamah
  • Aboo Ad-Dardaa’  Continue reading

The Ruling on the ‘Aqeeqah (Slaughtering for a Newborn)

In the Name of Allaah…

‘Aqeeqah: Slaughtering sheep after the birth of a newborn, two for a boy, one for a girl, preferably on the seventh day after the birth.

Ibn Qudaamah (d.620), may Allaah have Mercy on him, said:

“The ‘aqeeqah is a Sunnah (recommended deed) according to the vast majority of the scholars, like Ibn ‘Abbaas, Ibn ‘Umar, ‘Aa’ishah, the jurists of the taabi’oon (those who came after the companions), and the scholars of the various lands, with the exception of Ahlur-Ra’y (the Hanafees), who held that it was from the customs of Jaahliyyah (the pre-Islamic period of ignorance)… And Al-Hasan (al-Basree) and Daawood (ath-Thaahiree) held it to be an obligation…” [1] Continue reading

Preferring to Spend on One’s Poor Parents Over Slaughtering Sheep for an ‘Aqeeqah

Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee (d.1376), may Allaah have Mercy on him, was asked, “If someone has poor parents, should preference be given to spending on their needs over slaughtering sheep for an ‘Aqeeqah (i.e. for a newborn child)”?

His answer: Continue reading