Benefits From the Life and Works of Imaam Ahmad – Introduction to the Series

[ The introduction to a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

The praise is for Allaah, the One who keeps a group of scholars available during the times when there is no messenger, scholars who bring those who have strayed back to the Guidance, curing their blindness and bringing them back to life using Allaah’s Book. For how many have they brought back to life from those killed by Iblees? And how many strayed and then were guided by the scholars?

What great effects they have on the people! And how filthy are the effects of the people on them! They expel from the Religion of Allaah the perversions of the people of falsehood, the twisted explanations of the ignoramuses, and the plagiarism of those who have strayed, those who bear the flags of innovation and dispute over the Book of Allaah.

I praise Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted, and I thank Him. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allaah, and that He is alone without any partners, and I further testify that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger, His pure one, His chosen friend. May Allaah raise his rank and the rank of all his family members and Companions, and may He grant them an abundance of peace.

To proceed: I ask Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted, that He grants me and all of you beneficial knowledge, righteous actions, and submissive hearts. O Allaah! Teach us what will benefit us, and benefit us by what you teach us, and increase us in knowledge, good deeds, guidance, and adherence to the Sunnah! Hear our call, as You are the Most Merciful One!

Dear Brothers,

This lecture has been entitled From the Fountains of Imam Ahmad. What is intended from this title is that Imam Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Hanbal, the one born in the year 164, the one who passed away in the year 241, was described as being like water that flowed from a spring. Like the spring that a thirsty person goes to in order to quench his thirst, he was like the spring that those who have been overcome by sins go in order to cleanse their souls. So all kinds of people used to go to him to quench their thirsts, and they would all be able to fulfill their various needs by going to him.

The people have agreed that Imam Ahmad was an Imam of guidance, the very head of the Imams of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. They have also agreed that loving him and studying his history is an indication of someone’s love for those who studied the Sunnah of the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam).

The people of the past were tested regarding their love for Imam Ahmad. Whoever loved him was considered someone on the Sunnah; whoever spoke ill of him was someone of innovation and misguidance.

This is not something strange, since the life story of Imam Ahmad, from his earliest years to the end of his life, is the history of a companion of the Sunnah, someone who followed the Sunnah devoutly. His is the history of an Imam, a scholar of Hadeeth and Fiqh, a person of knowledge who spent his days and nights in acts of obedience worshipping Allaah.

Continue reading… Part One – Dedicating One’s Youth to Worship

Or go to the Index of articles in this inspiring series.

Translation, Titles, and Footnotes by: Moosaa Richardson

Originally published on 1423-05-16

4 thoughts on “Benefits From the Life and Works of Imaam Ahmad – Introduction to the Series

  1. The greatest scholar, once Imam Ahmad was asked why he was still trying so much on getting knowledge. To that Imam Ahmad responded: “Getting knowledge till the grave”. Yes it was him – million of hadeeth, great books, his great fight for the truth – Victory. Extremely big number of people participated in his funeral. Life of Shaikhul Islam Ibn Teymiyyah is similar to life of Imam Ahmad – Ibn Teymiyyah won all the debates and in all courts – so imprisonment was the only solution to silence the great scholar… May Allah be pleased with brothers in Bakkah for such excellent topics, May Allah put you in Adn!

  2. assalaam alaikum, at 9.48 (in the audio which is on youtube, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to share the link on this site) I think the shayg says صلاح, so the translation should be something like ‘righteousness’ rather than the effects of ‘prayer’. (the part when he is talking about the youth who seek knowledge and should work on their nafs).

  3. Assalaam alaykum. JazaakumuLlaahu khaeran for this. Please apart from KSA, which other gulf country can you recommend to learn the deen. I mean that one can get salafi scholars to learn from. I wish to make hijrah (in shaa Allaah) but I don’t know where to search for job in them so as to have the opportunity to learn. May Allaah guide us all to the right path. Aameen.

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