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Seeking Safety and Good Health When Supplicating

[ Part Ten of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Seeking Safety and Good Health When Supplicating

Al-Khallaal was a student of Imam Ahmad. I tried to bring a statement from each one of Imam Ahmad’s students who narrated something noteworthy, so if I did not fully accomplish this, then know that his history was rich, his sayings were many, and his school deserves that you study it and reflect over it. You will find that he was truly the imam of Ahlus-Sunnah in his speech and actions.

Al-Khallaal said, “I heard Ahmad ibn Hanbal saying, ‘I had memorized the Quran. Then when I began seeking the narrations, I became busy.'” When he began seeking and memorizing the narrations, he became too busy to keep track of the Quran, and forgot some of it due to his occupation with the narrations. Continue reading

Seeking Knowledge Until Death

[ Part Nine of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Seeking Knowledge Until Death

Imam Ahmad had two sons, ‘Abdullaah and Saalih. They were half-brothers, meaning that each of them had a different mother. Saalih, the son of Imam Ahmad, said, “A man saw my father carrying a mih-barah.” A mih-barah was a wooden inkwell that students used to carry along with their pens.

He said, “A man saw my father was carrying a mih-barah, and said, ‘O Abaa ‘Abdillaah!’ Look at how the all the people were fascinated by him, even the elders of the people! He said, “O Abaa ‘Abdillaah! You have reached this position, you are the imam of the Muslims!” He had a problem seeing Imam Ahmad carry his mih-barah as the young students would carry it, or that he would still read books or shoulder the same responsibilities that the youth did.

Imam Ahmad replied with a statement that nullified this man’s whole understanding. He said, “With the mih-barah all the way to the maq-barah (the graveyard).” What did he mean? Continue reading

Memorizing the Quran

[ Part Eight of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Memorizing the Quran

From the noteworthy sayings of Imam Ahmad (may Allaah have Mercy on him) is his statement, “‘Azeezun ‘alayya that the dunyaa melts the hearts of men whose chests comprehend the Quran!” He said (repeating), “It is hard for me to accept that the dunyaa could melt the hearts of men whose chests comprehend the Quran.”

If a man is able to carry (memorize) the Quran with him by heart, then verily Allaah has given him a great bounty indeed. On the Day of Judgment it will be said to the recitor of the Quran: “Read, ascend, and recite with rhythm as you used to recite rhythmically in the dunyaa! For verily your place will be determined by the last verse you recite.” [1] Continue reading

Praying at Night

[ Part Seven of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Praying at Night

One of Imaam Ahmad’s students, ‘Abdus-Samad ibn Sulaymaan, said something that I mentioned earlier in this lecture, “I stayed with Ahmad ibn Hambal. He left for me a container of water. In the morning he found that I had not used it. He said, ‘A companion of the narrations, and he has no activity in the night?!’ I told him, ‘I am a traveler.’ He replied, ‘Even as a traveler!'”

This is an outstanding lesson from Imaam Ahmad! The student of knowledge must keep himself upon some rites of worship, he must have an eagerness to get close to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic. Continue reading

Identifying Religious Innovations and Staying Away From Them & the Importance of Hadeeth

[ Part Six of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Identifying Religious Innovations and Staying Away From Them & the Importance of Hadeeth

From Imaam Ahmad’s other noteworthy sayings, may Allaah have Mercy on him, is his statement, “I do not know any people more in need of learning hadeeth than the people in our time.”

They asked him, “And why is that?”

He replied, “Innovation has spread, so whoever does not have the Sunnah, or the narrations, then he will fall into innovation.” Continue reading

List of Accepted Students at Imam University in Riyadh for the Spring Semester 2012

In the Name of Allaah…

Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh has just announced their list of accepted students for the second semester (Spring term) of the 2011-2012 school year.  The following names appear on the list of accepted students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake):  


ادغوز الوف بختيار ابن غول آغا





محمد خبيب عبدالذاكر





عبالحق حجييف ابن هاشم





محمد رفاقت محمدى


PH0158091 Continue reading

Loving and Hating for the Right Reasons

[ Part Five of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Loving and Hating for the Right Reasons

From the noteworthy sayings of Imaam Ahmad about the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah is his statement, “Love the people of the Sunnah according to the degree that they are upon the Sunnah.” This means that your love should be based on the Sunnah, that you do not love for petty reasons, nor for some worldly reasons. Real love is for those who are upon the Sunnah.

It could be that a person of the Sunnah, a person of the correct ‘aqeedah, does some evil things. However, due to his correct ‘aqeedah, his clarity, and his submission to Allaah’s Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam), you find that he is a person whose heart is free of innovation and doubts. Continue reading

Biography: Shaykh Saalih ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

From a family of grounded knowledge, Shaykh Saalih ibn ‘Abdil-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh is the grandson of the great scholar, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aal ash-Shaykh (d.1389).  Shaykh Muhammad was the grandson of Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Hasan (d.1285), the author of Fat-hul-Majeed, an outstanding explanation of Kitaab at-Towheed of his grandfather, Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab (d.1206).  May Allaah have Mercy on all of them.

He was born and raised in Riyadh in 1378 (1958 on the Christian calendar).  He studied Quran Sciences at Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, where his exceptional level of knowledge stood out, and thus he became a teacher there and taught for about 15 years. Continue reading

Recognizing the High Status of Islamic Scholars

[ Part Four of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Recognizing the High Status of the Scholars

From his other noteworthy sayings, may Allaah have Mercy on him, elevate his and our positions, and reward him with the best reward, the most plentiful and loftiest one, “Whatever the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have detested, then it is evil.” He (Imam Ahmad) said (repeating), “Whatever the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have detested, then it is evil.” He meant that the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah are to be referred to in affairs of what is to be considered evil and what is not.

So whatever the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have detested in the issues of ‘aqeedah, then it is evil. Whatever the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have detested with regards to manners, then it is evil. Whatever the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah have detested in affairs of ordering righteousness and forbidding evil, then it is evil. This means that a man must return to the scholars of the Sunnah if he wants to know about the affairs of the Sunnah, about the proper understanding of righteousness and evil. Continue reading

Living in Fear of Allaah

[ Part Three of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Living in Fear of Allaah

Al-Mar-roothee [1] was one of Imam Ahmad’s companions and students, and he relayed many issues from him. He said to Imam Ahmad, “O Abaa ‘Abdilllaah! There are so many people that call on you!”

He looked at him and said, “I fear this may be something that gradually leads me to something evil.” Continue reading

Speaking Only About Beneficial Matters

[ Part Two of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Speaking Only About Beneficial Matters

Aboo Daawood Sulaymaan ibn Ash’ath, the author of Sunan Abee Daawood, was a student of Imam Ahmad who related many issues from him, issues that are published today. He said, describing the Imam, “I have not seen anyone like Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal He never used to talk about the things that the people talk loosely about from the worldly affairs, but if some affair of knowledge was mentioned, he would talk.” Continue reading

Benefits From the Life and Works of Imaam Ahmad – Introduction to the Series

[ The introduction to a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

The praise is for Allaah, the One who keeps a group of scholars available during the times when there is no messenger, scholars who bring those who have strayed back to the Guidance, curing their blindness and bringing them back to life using Allaah’s Book. For how many have they brought back to life from those killed by Iblees? And how many strayed and then were guided by the scholars?

What great effects they have on the people! And how filthy are the effects of the people on them! They expel from the Religion of Allaah the perversions of the people of falsehood, the twisted explanations of the ignoramuses, and the plagiarism of those who have strayed, those who bear the flags of innovation and dispute over the Book of Allaah. Continue reading

Dedicating One’s Youth to Worship

[ Part One of a series of inspiring articles from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad” (“Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad”) by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him) ]

Dedicating One’s Youth to Worship

Since his childhood, Imam Ahmad (may Allaah have Mercy on him) could be seen with signs of nusuk on him. [The term nusuk will be explained shortly.]  Ma’roof Al-Karkhee (may Allaah have Mercy on him) said, “I saw Ahmad ibn Hanbal when he was a young boy, and he had signs of nusuk on him. I used to hear him making statements that were full of benefit.”

This statement describes how he was upon guidance even as a young boy. He used to be seen with signs of nusuk on him. What is meant by nusuk is worship and acts of obedience. The effects of worship and obedience are not only physical ones seen in the appearance and dress, but their effects are also found in one’s speech, manners, in the acts of worship and obedience themselves, and in one’s preference for the next life over this one.

Imam Ahmad said about his own self, “I did not marry until after I reached 40 years of age.” His companions said that this was because he used to be busy traveling to seek knowledge before that. He went to Makkah, and from there to San’aa’. There is a story about this trip:

He set out with his companion, Yahyaa ibn Ma’een, for Hajj. He said to Yahyaa, “When I finish Hajj, verily I am going to Yemen to meet the scholar of Yemen, the scholar of Hadeeth, ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ibn Hammaam As-San’aanee.” As-San’aanee died in the year 210 after Hijrah.

When they reached Makkah, they found that ‘Abdur-Razzaaq was making Hajj that year as well. So Yahyaa knew who he was and met him. He saw him going around the Ka’bah, and since he knew him, he went and greeted him. Yahyaa said to ‘Abdur-Razzaaq, and they knew each other, “This is Ahmad ibn Hanbal” So ‘Abdur-Razzaaq became happy about this and said, “It has reached us that he is a person who has a lot of goodness.”

When they prayed their two rak’ahs after making tawaaf, Yahyaa said to Imam Ahmad, “Ahmad, our provisions for the journey to San’aa’ have been used. And here is ‘Abdur-Razzaaq, so let us stay with him so we can take some narrations from him.”

Ahmad said to Yahyaa ibn Ma’een, “My intention is still present, and I will not oppose it. So I will continue on to San’aa’.” This shows the effects of his commitment to the hardships of seeking knowledge. A trip to San’aa’ in that time was not made in cars or airplanes or the likes, rather it was only made with great hardships, the realities of which can not be described.

Ma’roof said, “I saw Ahmad ibn Hanbal when he was a young boy and he had signs of nusuk on him.” In reality, this is what we should see in our children, that they work hard to correct themselves in their youth, in their early years. Because at this, if they do not build upon this foundation with what is correct, with acts of worship and obedience, then it will be very difficulty after that, except for those whom Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted, excludes.

Whoever holds to His Religion in his youth, firmness will return to him. Someone being devout or obedient is not just a claim or a verbal ascription to something, nor is it something seen only from the outside. Rather devoutness in the Religion entails one taking on serious rituals, he must worship, and he must be obedient.

This leads us to the story when Imam Ahmad once hosted one of his students in Hadeeth, ‘Abdus-Samad ibn Sulaymaan. When he was hosting him in his house, and it came time to sleep, he brought him some water to make wudhoo’ from or for general use. Then he went to sleep. When the morning came, Imam Ahmad saw that all of the water was still there, so he asked about it. ‘Abdus-Samad replied, “I did not use the water.” Imam Ahmad said, “A student of the narrations who does not do anything at night?!”

He meant, “All the way to the morning, you did not pray in the night?! You did not worship!? You did not even pray two rak’ahs?!” ‘Abdus-Samad replied, “Verily I am a traveler.” He said, “Even as a traveler!” Meaning, “Where is the witr? Where is the prayer?”

So without a doubt, if this was important in that day and time for cultivating one’s soul and getting set in the proper direction, then we are in more need of it today. This is the case especially with the youth who seek knowledge, those holding tight to their guidance, those who show outward signs of righteousness, and those who are keen in doing good deeds. [1]

One must keep his soul tied to some acts of worship. No doubt, one must keep his soul tied to some acts of obedience. If you force the soul to be obedient, it will become obedient. If you abandon it, then it will be a soul that gravitates toward wrongdoing.

It has been related that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said (what means):

“Whoever shows enduring patience, Allaah will make him firm upon patience. Whoever seeks knowledge, Allaah will teach him. Whoever seeks out good, he will be given it. Whoever takes steps to avoid evil, he will be protected from it.” [2]

Therefore, this description of Imam Ahmad proves that he had an upbringing based on obedience to Allaah and acts of worship, so much so that he used to force his soul to shun many worldly things and to take on great hardships. The result of this was that he established his soul firmly upon obedience to Allaah, the Mighty and Exalted.


[1] This paragraph was updated to correct a mistake in the original translation. (1435-06-23)

[2] The first part of this hadeeth, “Whoever shows enduring patience, Allaah will make him firm upon patience,” it is found in Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree, on the authority of Aboo Sa’eed Al-Khudree (may Allaah be pleased with him).

Continue reading this series…
Part Two – Speaking Only About Beneficial Matters

Or go to the Index of articles in this inspiring series.

Translation, Titles, and Footnotes by: Moosaa Richardson

Originally published on Bakkah.net: 1423-05-16, updated: 1439.08.13.

Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad – Index of Articles

The following is an index of all articles in the inspiring series called “Benefits from the Life and Works of Imam Ahmad” by Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allaah preserve him), from a recorded lecture entitled, “Min Ma’een al-Imaam Ahmad”.


Part One – Dedicating One’s Youth to Worship

Part Two – Speaking Only About Beneficial Matters

Part Three – Living in Fear of Allaah

Part Four – Recognizing the High Status of Islamic Scholars

Part Five – Loving and Hating for the Right Reasons

Part Six – Identifying Religious Innovations and Staying Away From Them & the Importance of Hadeeth

Part Seven – Praying at Night

Part Eight – Memorizing the Quran

Part Nine – Seeking Knowledge until Death

Part Ten – Seeking Safety and Good Health When Supplicating

Part Eleven – The Effect of Knowledge on One’s Writings

Part Twelve – Humbling Oneself and Rejecting Popularity

About the Author: Who is Shaykh Saalih Aal ash-Shaykh?

Translation, Titles, and Footnotes by: Moosaa Richardson

Originally published on Bakkah.net: 1423-05-16

Kunyahs (Nicknames) for Men Based on Female Names

Is it against the Sunnah to have a kunyah (parental nickname) based on a female child’s name, like Aboo ‘Aa’ishah (the father of ‘Aa’ishah) or Umm ‘Aa’ishah (the mother of ‘Aa’ishah), because they are the parents of a girl named ‘Aa’ishah?  Someone told me that the Sunnah is to use male names only in kunyahs.

While male names were predominantly used in kunyahs, there is nothing against having a kunyah based on a female name, like Aboo ‘Aa’ishah.

A group of the Companions had kunyas like this, namely:

  • Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan (Aboo Laylaa)
  • Aboo Hurayrah
  • Aboo Umaamah
  • Aboo Ad-Dardaa’  Continue reading

“…Before Fitan (Trials and Tribulations) of Pitch-Black Darkness Appear…”

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

The great scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (d.1420), may Allaah have Mercy on him, was asked: [1]

What is the meaning of the disbelief mentioned in the hadeeth, “A man will wake up as a believer, and be a disbeliever by nightfall; and a man will go to bed as a believer and wake up as a disbeliever, selling out his religion for some small worldly commodity”?  And what is meant by “selling out his religion”?

HIS ANSWER: Continue reading

Three Points about Joking

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

Let us be reminded that while light-hearted, honest joking from time to time is permissible, there are indeed dangers in joking that many of us may not think about and therefore fall into, so let us be warned about them:


Indeed the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) warned us severely against using lies in our joking, with his statement:

ويل للذي يحدث بالحديث ليضحك به القوم فيكذب، ويل له، ويل له
“Woe to the one who lies to make people laugh, WOE TO HIM, WOE TO HIM!” Continue reading

Q&A: A Hadeeth that Identifies Olive Oil as a Cure for Hemorrhoids?

In the Name of Allaah…

Can you tell me if the following hadeeth is authentic?  ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir narrates that the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) said, “You have the olive oil from this Holy (mubaarak) tree, treat yourself with this, since it cures the Anal fissure (Basoor).”

This is not a hadeeth from the Prophet (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace).  Rather it is mowdhoo’ (fabricated, invented). Continue reading

QUIZ: Is That Chapter Makkee or Madanee? [50 Questions]

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Is That Chapter Makkee or Madanee?

Here are 50 random questions about 50 chapters of the Quran. Test your knowledge of the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas we studied and see if you can correctly categorize all ten into Makkiyyah and Madaniyyah. Review the video recording of the class here before taking the quiz: https://www.patreon.com/posts/usool-at-tafseer-91112999

1 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH SAAD (Chapter 38 of the Quran)

2 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH ADH-DHUHAA (Chapter 93 of the Quran)

3 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH ASH-SHAMS (Chapter 91 of the Quran)

4 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AS-SAFF (Chapter 61 of the Quran)

5 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH TAA HAA (Chapter 20 of the Quran)

6 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH YOONUS (Chapter 10 of the Quran)

7 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-FAT-H (Chapter 48 of the Quran)

8 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-HAAQQAH (Chapter 69 of the Quran)

9 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH GHAAFIR (Chapter 40 of the Quran)

10 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH QAAF (Chapter 50 of the Quran)

11 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-AHZAAB (Chapter 33 of the Quran)

12 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-HADEED (Chapter 57 of the Quran)

13 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-'ANKABOOT (Chapter 29 of the Quran)

14 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TAGHAABUN (Chapter 64 of the Quran)

15 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AS-SAJDAH (Chapter 32 of the Quran)

16 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH HOOD (Chapter 11 of the Quran)

17 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-IKHLAAS (Chapter 112 of the Quran)

18 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-HAJJ (Chapter 22 of the Quran)

19 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-FAATIHAH (Chapter 1 of the Quran)

20 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AN-NAJM (Chapter 53 of the Quran)

21 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-BAQARAH (Chapter 2 of the Quran)

22 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH MUHAMMAD (Chapter 47 of the Quran)

23 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH NOOH (Chapter 71 of the Quran)

24 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-ANFAAL (Chapter 8 of the Quran)

25 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH ASH-SHARH (Chapter 94 of the Quran)

26 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-QIYAAMAH (Chapter 75 of the Quran)

27 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MASAD (Chapter 111 of the Quran)

28 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH MARYAM (Chapter 19 of the Quran)

29 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-QAARI'AH (Chapter 101 of the Quran)

30 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AN-NABA' (Chapter 78 of the Quran)

31 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TAKWEER (Chapter 81 of the Quran)

32 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH SABA'  (Chapter 34 of the Quran)

33 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH QURAYSH (Chapter 106 of the Quran)

34 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-INSAAN (Chapter 76 of the Quran)

35 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-KAHF (Chapter 18 of the Quran)

36 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AN-NISAA' (Chapter 4 of the Quran)

37 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TALAAQ (Chapter 65 of the Quran)

38 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MU'MINOON (Chapter 23 of the Quran)

39 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MUNAAFIQOON (Chapter 63 of the Quran)

40 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TOOR (Chapter 52 of the Quran)

41 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-WAAQI'AH (Chapter 56 of the Quran)

42 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MUMTAHINAH (Chapter 60 of the Quran)

43 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-AN'AAM (Chapter 6 of the Quran)

44 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AD-DUKHAAN (Chapter 44 of the Quran)

45 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-A'LAA (Chapter 87 of the Quran)

46 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AN-NAAS (Chapter 114 of the Quran)

47 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH FUSSILAT (Chapter 41 of the Quran)

48 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AN-NAAZI'AAT (Chapter 79 of the Quran)

49 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH ALINSHIQAAQ (Chapter 84 of the Quran)

50 / 50

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-HUJURAAT (Chapter 49 of the Quran)

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QUIZ: Is That Chapter Makkee or Madanee? [25 Questions]

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Is That Chapter Makkee or Madanee?

Here are 25 random questions about 25 chapters of the Quran. Test your knowledge of the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas we studied and see if you can correctly categorize all ten into Makkiyyah and Madaniyyah. Review the video recording of the class here before taking the quiz: https://www.patreon.com/posts/usool-at-tafseer-91112999

1 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AALI 'EMRAAN (Chapter 3 of the Quran)

2 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH MUHAMMAD (Chapter 47 of the Quran)

3 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-JAATHIYAH (Chapter 45 of the Quran)

4 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-AN'AAM (Chapter 6 of the Quran)

5 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AR-RAHMAAN (Chapter 55 of the Quran)

6 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH MARYAM (Chapter 19 of the Quran)

7 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MULK (Chapter 67 of the Quran)

8 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MUDDATH-THIR (Chapter 74 of the Quran)

9 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AD-DUKHAAN (Chapter 44 of the Quran)

10 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-FAJR (Chapter 89 of the Quran)

11 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-BUROOJ (Chapter 85 of the Quran)

12 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AZ-ZUMAR (Chapter 39 of the Quran)

13 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH YOOSUF (Chapter 12 of the Quran)

14 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-BAYYINAH (Chapter 98 of the Quran)

15 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TAKAATHUR (Chapter 102 of the Quran)

16 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH IBRAAHEEM (Chapter 14 of the Quran)

17 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TOOR (Chapter 52 of the Quran)

18 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH QAAF (Chapter 50 of the Quran)

19 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-WAAQI'AH (Chapter 56 of the Quran)

20 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-MASAD (Chapter 111 of the Quran)

21 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-FALAQ (Chapter 113 of the Quran)

22 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TOWBAH (Chapter 9 of the Quran)

23 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AL-QASAS (Chapter 28 of the Quran)

24 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AN-NAJM (Chapter 53 of the Quran)

25 / 25

According to the narration of Ibn 'Abbaas mentioned by Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyootee in his book, al-Itqaan, identify the following chapter of the Quran as makkiyyah or madaniyyah:

SOORAH AT-TALAAQ (Chapter 65 of the Quran)

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10 FAQs About Studying at Umm al-Qura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia

In the Name of Allaah, the All-Merciful, may His Salaah and Salaam be upon His final Messenger Muhammad, to proceed…

The following frequently asked questions are answered in this article:

  • I’m over 25 years old. Is it possible for me to be accepted?
  • How can they put an age limit on seeking Islaamic knowledge!?
  • I have a family and I would want them to live with me during my studies. Is that possible?
  • What is the difference between Umm Al-Quraa University and the Islamic University of Al-Madeenah?
  • I heard that Umm Al-Qura University does not allow non-Saudi students into any of the colleges. Is that true?
  • What is the best way to submit an application?
  • Is it a must to include pictures in my application?
  • Can women study at Umm Al-Qura University?
  • As a female student, can I bring my uncle or grandfather to live with me in Makkah to fulfill the condition of having a male relative with me?
  • Can you please give me special consideration for acceptance? Continue reading

List of Accepted British Students 2011-2012: The Islamic University of al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allaah…

The Islamic Univeristy of al-Madeenah has just announced their list of accepted students from for 2011-2012.  The following names appear on the list of accepted British students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake): 

  • abdulmajid mohamed hersi
  • Adnan Khan
  • HAROON METWALI Continue reading

List of Accepted Canadian Students 2011-2012: The Islamic University of al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allaah…

The Islamic Univeristy of al-Madeenah has just announced their list of accepted students from for 2011-2012.  The following names appear on the list of accepted Canadian students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake): 

  • OMAR MAO Continue reading

List of Accepted American Students 2011-2012: The Islamic University of al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allaah…

The Islamic Univeristy of al-Madeenah has just announced their list of accepted students from for 2011-2012.  The following names appear on the list of accepted American students (names may be spelled phonetically, with more than one mistake): 


Regarding Prayer Interrupted by the Iqaamah in the Masjid

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee (d.1376), may Allaah have Mercy on him, was asked about the proper application of the authentic hadeeth that means, “Once the prayer is established there is no prayer other than the obligatory one.”

He replied: Continue reading

The Ruling on the ‘Aqeeqah (Slaughtering for a Newborn)

In the Name of Allaah…

‘Aqeeqah: Slaughtering sheep after the birth of a newborn, two for a boy, one for a girl, preferably on the seventh day after the birth.

Ibn Qudaamah (d.620), may Allaah have Mercy on him, said:

“The ‘aqeeqah is a Sunnah (recommended deed) according to the vast majority of the scholars, like Ibn ‘Abbaas, Ibn ‘Umar, ‘Aa’ishah, the jurists of the taabi’oon (those who came after the companions), and the scholars of the various lands, with the exception of Ahlur-Ra’y (the Hanafees), who held that it was from the customs of Jaahliyyah (the pre-Islamic period of ignorance)… And Al-Hasan (al-Basree) and Daawood (ath-Thaahiree) held it to be an obligation…” [1] Continue reading

Preferring to Spend on One’s Poor Parents Over Slaughtering Sheep for an ‘Aqeeqah

Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee (d.1376), may Allaah have Mercy on him, was asked, “If someone has poor parents, should preference be given to spending on their needs over slaughtering sheep for an ‘Aqeeqah (i.e. for a newborn child)”?

His answer: Continue reading

Biography: Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee

In the Name of Allaah…

He was the shaykh, Aboo ‘Abdillaah, ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee, from the tribe of Tameem.

He was born in the city of ‘Unayzah, in Saudi Arabia, on the 12th of Muharram, 1307.  He memorized the Qur’aan and mastered its recitation before reaching the age of 11.  He then engaged himself in seeking knowledge, studying with the scholars of his city and those who visited it. Continue reading

Following Math-habs and Ascribing to Salafiyyah

Shaykh Muhammad ‘Umar Baazmool (may Allaah preserve him) was asked the following question:

Please I would like to know if there is anything wrong with not subscribing to a math-hab. I learn from both the Salafees and Sunnees (ie. I try to adhere to the Qur’aan and the Sunnah) but I don’t like to claim either of the two because I fear that pride that might grow in me and cause me to avoid the truth if it comes from another source. In other words, I don’t want to be like some people who follow a math-hab and don’t want to change when the proof is against them. Please advise me. Continue reading

Biography: Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Umar ibn Saalim Baazmool

His kunyah: Aboo Maalik, also called: Aboo Munthir (both are names of his sons – may Allaah bless them, their siblings, and their parents).

His lineage: al-Kindee, from a Yemeni tribe, Kindah, with a rich history.

His position in Umm al-Quraa University: Among the highest ranking and most respected professors in the university, he teaches in higher studies, oversees MA and PhD research, and takes part in their criticism and defense.

Some of his teachers: He had significant contact with Shaykh al-Albaanee (may Allaah have Mercy on him) by phone. Continue reading

“All of My Ummah will be Excused, Except for Those who Make Their Sins Known” (13 Points of Benefit)

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful…

Imaam al-Bukhaaree stated in his Saheeh (#6069), Book of Manners, Chapter: The Muslim’s Screening of Himself, with his chain to Aboo Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), who said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) saying:

“All of my ummah (nation of followers) will be excused, except for the mujaahireen (those who make their sins known).  And verily it is a kind of mujaaharah (exposing one’s sins) that a man does something (sinful) at night, and then in the morning, when Allaah has screened his sin for him, he says, ‘Hey So-and-So!  I did such-and-such last night…’  And the night passed with His Lord screening him, and he wakes up casting aside the screen of Allaah from himself.” Continue reading

When is the Time of ‘Eshaa’ Prayer Over?

In the Name of Allaah, the Merciful, may His Complete Salaah and Salaam be upon the finest of His Creation, His last Messenger Muhammad, and upon all his family members and companions, to proceed…

The great scholar, Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420), may Allaah have Mercy on him, wrote in his exemplary book, Tamaam al-Minnah (pp.140-142):

As for his (Sayyid Saabiq’s [1]) statement:

“…And as for the time of ‘Eshaa’ Prayer then it extends until the time of Fajr, and this is understood from the hadeeth of Aboo Qataadah who said that the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) said: Continue reading

Advice and Reminders for Responsible Website Administrators

In the Name of Allaah…

All praise is due to Allaah, and may He raise the rank of His Messenger…

The following advice will aid responsible administrators of Islamic websites in benefitting the people and avoiding harms and doubtful matters, in shaa’ Allaah

1) Present beneficial articles that help the Muslims understand their Religion with evidences and clear language. Continue reading

Passing on Reports from an Unnamed “Thiqah” (Reliable Person)

Shaykh Rabee’ ibn Haadee Al-Madkhalee, well-known Hadeeth scholar and retired professor from the Islaamic University of Al-Madeenah, sheds some light on the status of reports that come by way of unnamed “reliable” people (thiqaat). 


We understand that accepting the report of a thiqah (trustworthy person) is from the Deen, however how do we know who is thiqah and who is not? Many people are spreading reports on the authority of “someone who is thiqah,” but they do not reveal who he is, possibly because they really doubt his reliability. Continue reading

Does Bleeding Break One’s Wudhoo’?

[ This is Part Four of the article, Splitting into Groups and Parties, by Shaykh Muhammad Naasir ad-Deen al-Albaanee (d.1420) – may Allaah have Mercy on him.  Here, the shaykh elaborates on another specific example of classic differing. ]

…Let me give you another example, and I will sum up our talk with this one. I am only bringing a lot of examples here because of the importance of this point, for I have seldom found it explained clearly and properly in the books of the scholars. In the Musnad of Al-Imaam Ahmad, the Mustadrak of Al-Haakim, the Sunan of Al-Bayhaqee, and other books of the Sunnah, there is another report on the authority of Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) wherein he said, “We were out with the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhe wa sallam) during a battle when we killed a woman from the polytheists…” Continue reading