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When Does an Injured Person Make Tayammum & When Does He Wipe Over the Bandage?

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Completing one’s wudhoo‘ (or ghusl) by wiping over bandages over cuts, broken bones, or other wounds is established as a legitimate concession according to all four traditional math-habs [1], just as tayammum (using earth, soil, or sand for purification) is a legitimate concession for those who cannot access water, or using water would cause harm to them. [2] So a wounded person has these options to consider when taking a bath or making wudhoo‘, but which one should he choose?

The basic rule is that tayammum is only valid when water is unavailable or harmful when used. So if making wudhoo’ normally and wiping over one’s bandage at the place of his injury is possible without harm, then this is the correct course of action. [3] If there is potential harm in wiping over the bandage with water, then the injured person is allowed to make tayammum in place of wudhoo’ in such a case.

Scenario A: A man has a wound which has a scab over it, and washing it with water does not cause any harm. In this case, such an injured person must make wudhoo’ and take a bath as normal, using water when available.

Scenario B: A man has a wound which is open, and washing it with water could cause an infection or delay its healing. In this case, such an injured person must not allow water to get in the wound, and he makes wudhoo’ or takes a bath with water as he does normally, except that he wipes over the bandage at the place of his injury.

Scenario C: A man has a serious wound on one of the limbs of wudhoo’, like a severe burn on his foot or a large cut on his forearm, and the affected area must be kept absolutely dry. Wiping over the bandages in this case Continue reading

Resources for the Weekend Seminar: The Reality of Salafiyyah (Shawwaal 26-28, 1443 in Pittsburgh and LIVE Online)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

LIVE ONLINE: This weekend (May 27-29, 2022), in shaa’ Allah. DO NOT MISS THIS!

FREE high-quality MP3 recordings, audio resources, and LIVE broadcasts can be accessed here: https://www.spreaker.com/show/reality-of-salafiyyah

FREE Study Materials (PDF Downloads):  https://payhip.com/BakkahPublications/collection/the-reality-of-salafiyyah

Al-hamdu lillaah, all praise is due to Allah, the brothers and sisters at al-Masjid al-Awwal in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) are having a weekend seminar on Shawwaal 26-28, 1443 (May 27-29, 2022), in shaa’ Allah, with Shaykh Abu Muhammad al-Maghribi (may Allah bless and preserve him), entitled: Salafiyyah – Following the Quran & Sunnah Upon the Way of the Companions & the Righteous Early Generations & Shunning Bid’ah (Blameworthy Religious Innovation).

In order to assist our beloved community in maximizing our benefit during this special weekend, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson has prepared a number of new resources to help study the Arabic text, As-Salafiyyah Haqeeqatuhaa wa Simaatuhaa (The Reality of Salafiyyah and Its Distinguishing Traits), by the great scholar, Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (may Allah preserve him), These resources are currently available in PDF format, worldwide, absolutely free of charge: Continue reading

Getting Serious in the Last Ten Nights of Ramadan

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

There are two important narrations from our mother, the noble Companion, ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her), which every Muslim should keep in mind as the last ten nights of Ramadan approach:

إِذَا دَخَلَ الْعَشْرُ: أَحْيَا اللَّيْلَ، وَأَيْقَظَ أَهْلَهُ، وَجَدَّ وَشَدَّ الْمِئْزَرَ
“When the [last] ten [nights of Ramadan] began, he would stay up all night, wake his family, get [even more] serious, and tighten his lower garment.”

This hadeeth was collected by al-Bukhaaree (2024) and Muslim (1174).

In another authentic narration, she asked about what she should say if she were to reach Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of al-Qadr, and so the Messenger of Allah (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) told her to say: Continue reading

New Islamic Publications on Amazon for Ramadan 1443 (2022)

Here is a list of four of the latest Islamic publications, best-selling new releases on Amazon, that you should get for Ramadan 1443 (2022), in shaa’ Allah.

1. NEW (April 11, 2022): Fatāwā Ramadān – Questions and Answers: Compiled from the works of Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hādi al-Wādi’ī

This is the latest work from Ustaadh Mustafa George (may Allah bless and reward him), a compilation of over 160 fatāwā (verdicts) related to fasting and Ramaḍān, including:

  • General Q&A on Fasting
  • Night prayers
  • Women’s issues
  • al-I’tikāf (seclusion in the masjid)
  • Zakāt al-Fitr (charity)
  • ‘Eīd Prayer

These verdicts were compiled from various written and audio content from Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hādi al-Wādi’ī (may Allah have Mercy on him), and each verdict is supported with numerous proofs from the Qur’ān and the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (may the Peace and Blessings of Allāh be upon him).  May Allāh bless him and grant him a very high place in Paradise for his tremendous contributions to Islamic knowledge.

On Amazon (affiliate link): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1513694537/?tag=144205-20

2. Ramadhaan Lessons from the Noble Quran and Authentic Sunnah, Volume 5 (1443)

This is the official workbook for the live daily classes at the First Muslim Mosque of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA) (local and online all around the world, FREE!). Two classes are broadcast every day throughout the month of Ramadan, one on Tafseer (explanation) of Soorah Ghaafir, the other on related hadeeth narrations. Get the workbook from Amazon and then follow the free daily classes all month, in shaa’ Allah.[This book was recently featured here.] Continue reading

Publication: Ramadhaan Lessons 1443 (Volume 5)

Al-hamdu lillaah, we are very excited to announce that our latest publication, Ramadhaan Lessons from the Noble Quran and Authentic Sunnah, Volume 5, 1443 (2022), is now available for purchase worldwide!

This year, we seek Allah’s Assistance in studying Soorah Ghaafir, reading the complete Tafseer of two great imaams, al-Baghawee and as-Sa’dee (may Allah have Mercy on them), along with a detailed Hadeeth study each day, similar to our previous years’ method, with some additional activities and challenges! 60 engaging lessons for this blessed month of Ramadhaan, a time for striving and exerting effort, not sitting back and waiting for the evening meal!

Publicly available archive of all the FREE high-quality MP3 recordings: https://www.spreaker.com/show/1443-ramadhaan-lessons-vol-5

Take a look at this free PDF sample of the book: PDF

NOW AVAILABLE: FULL PDF VERSION (Use coupon code “BAKKAH25” for 25% off!)

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Khutbah: Some of the Many Amazing Benefits of Establishing the Prayer

All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, we seek His assistance, and we ask Him to forgive us. We seek refuge with Allah from the evils of our own selves and from the consequences of our bad actions. Whomever Allah guides cannot be led astray by anyone, and whomever Allah leaves to stray cannot be guided by anyone. I testify openly that no one deserves any type of worship whatsoever, except for Allah, alone, without partners. I further testify openly that Muhammad was his worshipful slave and messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace). As for what follows:

Dear believing brothers in Islam,

After having the correct creed and believing in Allah as He has commanded, then it is a must upon each and every one of us that:

  • We are obedient to Allah.
  • We establish His religion in our lives.
  • We actualize servitude within our worship.
  • We are wise and put everything in its place.
  • We actualize the benefits of our worship so that we attain some tranquility and some piece and mind in this world.
  • We become people with clean hearts, far away from foul deeds of an illicit nature and all evil deeds.
  • We are people of upright good character.
  • We are believers in truth, far away from showing off in insincerity, hypocrisy and all its forms, and far from disbelief in Allah.

If you have heard these words, and you say, “That’s a lot to embody as a person,” then please know, dear brothers in Islam, that you can do one single thing in your religion to bring all of this together! You can Continue reading

Khutbah: The Real ‘Weigh-In’ is Coming (The Scales on the Day of Judgment)

A Friday sermon by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson (1443.3.9)

All praise is due to Allah alone, and so we praise Him, ask Him to assist us, and beg Him to forgive us. We seek refuge with Him from the evils from our own selves and from the evil results of our bad deeds. Whomever Allah guides cannot be led astray by anyone; whomever Allah leaves astray cannot be guided by anyone. I testify openly that no one deserves any worship whatsoever except Allah, who is alone in that right, sharing it with none. I testify openly as well that Muhammad was his worshipful slave and messenger. As for what follows:

Dear believers in Allah,

The Day of Standing is in front of us! The great scales of the Day of Judgment are in front of us! The weighing of the deeds, the weighing of the record books, the account, and even the weighing of the people themselves is directly in front of us! Let each and every one of us fear Allah and prepare for the day when the great scales are laid down and the Justice of Allah rules over the people. Let us fear Allah and know that our scales are in front of us. Allah has said [what means]:

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The Lofty Virtue of Not Responding to Personal Transgressions in Some Situations

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah bless and preserve him) stated the following in a recent tweet:

Your silence about some people’s transgressions against you is not necessarily weakness or incapability, nor is it proof of the oppressor’s truthfulness. Rather, in many occasions, it is actually proof of your beautiful patience, good understanding, and how distant you are from desiring controversy. Lots of words do not indicate strength in proofs, as some people talk a lot, but they are not actually saying anything.

Source: His Twitter account, dated: Jumaadaa ath-Thaaniyah 26, 1443 (January 28, 2022)

Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari is from the trusted and recommended students of our senior scholars. Those who attend our weekly Friday night class on al-‘Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah will notice that he was the one trusted by al-‘Allaamah ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree (may Allah preserve him) to prepare his explanation, al-Qutoof al-Janiyyah. We have previously featured some of his insightful and beneficial tweets (here and here). May Allah bless him and preserve him upon goodness.

Vaccines are Permissible; Differing on the Topic Ended Long Ago, as Salafi Scholars Have Said

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

Recently, we learned from our respected scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him), that the scholarly differing over the permissibility of vaccines had actually come to an end long ago, when he informed us:

 فقد تكلم أهل العلم حول هذه القضية منذ زمن طويل لما بدأ ظهر أمر اللقاحات حصل بين ذلك أخذ وعطاء فيما مضى، ثم استقر الأمر على أن هذا الأمر من الأمور التي لا تنافي التوكل ولا تضادُّه، إنما هي من الأخذ بالأسباب الشرعية

“…The people of knowledge have indeed spoken about this issue, a long time ago, when the issue of vaccinations first came about. Some back and forth discussion took place in the past, until the matter was settled, that this is one of those issues that does not invalidate tawakkul (trusting Allah) nor contradict it. It is merely an issue of taking legislated steps [of safety]…”

Source: The recently published article, “Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine?” (click here to read)

This was surprising for many to learn about, as some had presumed that the scholars still differed over this topic. One might say: “Perhaps Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary misspoke when saying this, as we have not heard this from the people of knowledge (other than him), and claiming consensus is a very serious issue, as an established consensus among the scholars actually ends the discussion.”  Continue reading

COMPILATION: The Speech of the Salafi Scholars About Covid-19 & Other Helpful Resources

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a compilation of very important resources from the Salafi scholars living through this pandemic, aware of its specific details, in order to return matters of global emergencies to those qualified to speak about them for proper determination, as Allah has commanded:

return things to ahlul ilm in nawaazil

One of the most important and relevant resources on the topic for us in the West is this: Five questions from Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson posed to the senior authority of Fatwaa (Religious Verdicts) in this time, the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh (may Allah preserve him):

  1. How do we know exactly what nawaazil (pending issues in need of verdicts) are…?

  2. What should be done if we enter a mosque these days -the days of the Coronavirus-, and we find that the people of this masjid are not distancing themselves from one another, nor are they implementing the safety protocols of the authorities, in non-Muslim lands…?

  3. In the West, we have some doctors among the Muslims, people of Sunnah and [good practice of] Religion, people known for their love of Islamic knowledge and its dissemination. However, in these days specifically, they oppose the official Health agencies, saying that there is no need for the well-known protocols of safety which those officials instruct the people to observe…?

  4. What should be our stance on those who talk about So-and-So, the government official, in their private gatherings, actually naming one of the authorities in the land of the Two Sacred Mosques, saying that he is causing corruption in the land, because he closes mosques and puts restrictive limits on those who come for Hajj and ‘Umrah, requiring them to follow harsh safety restrictions, which leads to the ruin of the sacred places [of worship]?

  5. What is our stance on those who say that the governmental leaders in the Land of Tawheed have made decisions during this pandemic based on blindly following the West, without consulting the people of knowledge?

Continue reading

Is it Sinful to Discourage People From Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine? [Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukhary]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a recent question posed to Shaykh Dr. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abdir-Raheem Al-Bukhary (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1]. His insightful answer is yet another example of how our well-known and reliable scholars continue to offer sober and consistent advice during this pandemic about how Muslims are not to delve into these serious and crucial matters of safety and public concern, but rather we are to leave them for the qualified scholars of the Religion responsible for issuing such verdicts. May Allah allow this beneficial answer to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

هذا سائل آخر يقول هل يأثم من يُزهِّد في أخذ اللقاح ضد هذا الوباء الكورونا ويشكك فيه؟

QUESTION: Here is another questioner who asks: “Is a person sinful for discouraging [people] from taking the vaccine against this disease, Corona[virus], and for casting doubt on it?”

ANSWER by Shaykh Dr. Abdullah ibn ‘Abdir-Raheem al-Bukhary (may Allah preserve him):

هذه القضية خاض فيها كثيرون، والخائضون في هذا كثير، هذه المسألة بارك الله فيكم لها شِقَّان، لها شِقَّان: شِقٌ شرعيٌ، شِقٌ شرعي متعلق من الناحية الشرعية، وشقٌ طبي أو صحي متعلق من النواحي الطبية.

This is an issue that many people have spoken about. Those who have spoken about it are many. This issue, may Allah bless you, has two sides. It has two sides: one side relative to Islamic rulings, and the other side is Continue reading

Shaykh Salim Bamehriz Offers Important Advice About the Covid-19 Vaccine and Tawakkul (Trusting in Allah)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a question posed to Shaykh Aboo Anwar Saalim ibn ‘Abdillaah Baamihriz (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1]. This is just another example of how our well-known and reliable scholars and mashaayikh continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return important matters related to the pandemic back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

هذا سائل يقول وهو يسأل من بلاد أوربا يقول عندنا بعض الإخوة السلفيين يخالفون فتوى العلماء في أخذ اللقاح لقاح كورونا ، معللين ذلك بأن هذا اللقاح ضار للانسان وله سلبيات كثيرة ولما نقول لهم إن العلماء أخذوا ونصحوا بأخذ اللقاح يقولون إن العلماء ليسوا بمتخصصين وعليهم ضغوطات من ولاة الأمر إلى آخره … وأكثر من ذلك أن بعضهم يستخرج شهادة التلقيح وهو في حقيقة الأمر لم يفعل. فهل هذا من الزور فما نصيحتكم لهؤلاء الشباب؟

QUESTION: A questioner from a European country asks: We have some Salafi brothers who oppose the verdict of the scholars about taking the vaccine against Corona[virus], explaining that this vaccine is harmful to people and it has many negative impacts. When we say to them: “The scholars have taken the vaccine and advise us to take it,” They say: “The scholars are not specialists, and they are under pressure from the rulers, etc.” Beyond this, some of them produce a vaccination record, but in reality he did not get it (i.e. he did not take the vaccine, as the record falsely indicates). Is this a kind of zoor (conspiracy of falsehood)? And what is your advice to those youth?

ANSWER by Shaykh Salim Bamehriz (may Allah preserve him):

أقول نصيحتنا  لهؤلاء الشباب بارك الله فيهم وهداهم الله تعالى أن لا يخوضوا في هذه المسائل التى هي ليست من شؤونه وإنما يخوضون في عبث وكلام لا جدوى منه إلا الإضرار بالمجتمع

I say: My advice to those youth, may Allah bless them, and may Allah, the Most High, guide them, is that they do not delve into these matters, things which are not for them. They are only getting into games and speech which has no benefit in it, just harm for Continue reading

Be Quiet and Leave Issues of Coronavirus Precautions for the Muslim Authorities and Scholars (Again!)

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is yet another question posed to Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1], on a topic which continues to confuse many innocent Muslims, due to the excessive amount of misinformation and conjecture spread on social media – the issue of Covid-19 and the correct stance the Muslims should take on it and the related precautions.

Once again, the reader will note that our senior scholars and their top students continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return these important matters back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

The following is a transcript of the Arabic text of the question and its answer, along with an English translation:

حفظكم الله، يقول السائل: ما هو الموقف الصحيح من فيروس كورونا المستجد؟ يقال أنه ليس بأضر من الإنفلونزا الموسمية، وأن الإجراءات التي اتخذتها الدول مبالغ فيها، وأن التدابير الاحترازية من التباعد ولبس الكمامة لا تنفع. وبالتالي: فإن اللقاحات ضد هذا الفيروس في حقيقة الأمر، تضر الإنسان ويجب تجنبها. نود منكم الإفادة بارك الله فيكم.

QUESTION: May Allah preserve you. What is the correct stance on the novel Coronavirus (Covid-19)? It has been said that it is no more harmful than the [regular] seasonal flu, and that the procedures implemented by countries are beyond what is necessary, and that the safety protocols like distancing and wearing masks do not serve any benefit. Also [they say], vaccinations against this virus are actually harmful to people and must be avoided. We would like you to benefit us [on this topic], may Allah bless you.

الجواب: في الحقيقة ليت هؤلاء يسكتون ويتركون الأمور لولاة الأمر وللعلماء، فإن هؤلاء قد شوشوا، قد مرت سنة كاملة ومات مئات آلاف، وأصيب من أصيب، وتألم من تألم، وحصل ما حصل من الأمراض لأناس أمام أعيننا، ونراهم يمرضون ويموتون، ثم فهؤلاء يقولون هذه مبالغة وهذا كذا وكذا، فليت هؤلاء يسكتون، ويتركون الأمر لولاة الأمر وللعلماء الذين قد أفتوا. ما دام أن العلماء قد أفتوا، ولا يفتي العلماء إلا بعد أن يتصوروا المسألة ويقرأون فيها وينظرون فيها، وهذا هو ظننا بعلمائنا. فإن كان العلماء قد أفتوا فلا تتدخل فيما لا يعنيك وفيما لا تحسنه. اترك الأمر للعلماء.

ANSWER by Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him): In realty, we wish these people would be quiet and Continue reading

Self-Issued Verdicts: Nullifying One of the Three Divorces After Final Separation Has Occurred

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy…

QUESTION posed to the virtuous Shaykh, Dr. Arafat al-Muhammadi, may Allah preserve him, from his brothers at al-Masjid al-Awwal, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America. [1]

As Salaamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaathu… There has occurred in America, where there are no Islamic courts, instances of a man who divorces his wife with the third legislated divorce, and he takes witnesses to that effect, and then he desires to return to his wife that he has irrevocably divorced so he thinks about the number of divorces that he has issued and cancels one of them having decided this for himself, without returning the matter to the People of Knowledge, nor to those able to judge correctly in the affair, that it is permissible for him to continue to live with his wife by taking her back, or marrying her with a new contract, or simply returning to her as if nothing ever happened. Many of these husbands claim that one of the three divorces was incorrect (did not take effect) due to his anger, and then he and his wife mutually agree that only two divorces actually occurred; thus, they return to marital life despite having taken members of their community as witnesses to the third and final irrevocable divorce. This is done in opposition to the advice given to them by their teachers in the Islamic Centers (of their city) and the responsible parties therein (i.e. masjid administrators). So, what is your advice to these men and women who are in this circumstance? What advice do you have for the Islamic centers there (dealing with these issues)? How do they (administrators) handle such evil occurrences? May Allah reward you with good.

Masjid Administration


Wa ‘Alaikum Salaam wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu…

We say to these individuals that they must fear Allah within their own selves and be aware of Him; for whomsoever seeks to deceive Allah, then Allah deceives them. This woman is no longer permissible for him until Continue reading

The Return to Connected Rows (Without Gaps) at the Two Sacred Mosques in Makkah and al-Madeenah

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

In a very significant historical event, al-hamdu lillaah, at Fajr Prayer on the morning of Sunday, the 11th of Rabee’ al-Awwal, 1443 (October 17, 2021), restrictions requiring distance between the people in prayer at the two sacred mosques were officially lifted, and for the first time in a year and a half, Muslims praying there heard the imaam request the people to come together in the rows and not leave any gaps. People of Sunnah around the world rejoice and understand this to be a monumental event, a welcome relief, a comfort to the heart and soul, and a long-awaited sign of good things to come, in shaa’ Allah.

2021-10-17 08_15_09-Amazing.Fajr Salah Masjid Al Haram, Makkah after capacity restrictions were -b

Why Were Such Restrictions There in the First Place?

Praying side-by-side, without gaps, is something our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) ordered when he would line the people up for prayer. This obligation was (and still is, in other mosques) only being foregone temporarily, because of the need to take precautions against the spread of Covid-19, something deemed by the senior Muslim scholars, top governmental Muslim leaders, and appointed and responsible Muslim health officials to be a serious threat to human life and safety. In the most urgent matters of emergencies that jeopardize the health and well being of many millions of people, the Book of Allah certainly leads us to safety and prosperity:

return things to ahlul ilm in nawaazil

This is a good beginning, yet all other masjids there at this time continue to operate under the well-known safety precautions of wearing masks, distancing in the rows, and bringing personal prayer rugs. May Allah make us grateful for both the removal of the restrictions at the two Harams and for the care and concern the Muslim scholars and authorities have shown for the health and well-being of the Muslims all over the world.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson

See: This tweet on the topic by Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari, and this tweet (in response) as well.


Questions From the West About Covid-19 Answered by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

Do not Listen to Those Warning Against the Vaccine; Returning to the Truth is Better than Persisting in Harm and Falsehood, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

One Who Cannot Wear a Mask During the Covid-19 Pandemic is Excused from Congregational Prayers, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi

One Who Avoids Prayer in Congregation Because of the Gaps Between People in the Row, by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan

The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and the Vaccination is a Conspiracy, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

PDF: Nine Advices As Relates the Novel Coronavirus by the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

PDF: A Summary of Verdicts Issued by the Permanent Committee of Scholars Concerning the Coronavirus Epidemic [Anwar Wright]

MP3 Audio: Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan on the Obligation of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Outbreak [Phrase-by-phrase translation]

PDF: Advice of Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhari About Coronavirus

Video: Healthy, Realistic, Practical Optimism During the Coronavirus Outbreak (Youtube)

PDF: Fleeing From the Decree to the Decree [Rahmaaniyyah, Abul-Hasan Maalik]

Video: Don’t Downplay the Seriousness of the Coronavirus! (Youtube)

MP3 Audio: Key Lessons About the Coronavirus [Hassan Somali]

Article: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

PDF: The Issue of Contagion – An Islamic Perspective [Taqweem Aslam]

Article: What Blessings Could Come From the Closing of Masjids?!

Khutbah: Coronavirus – How Muslims Understand it & Other Epidemics

MP3 Audio: Q&A About Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists [Hassan Somali]

One Who Avoids Prayer in Congregation Because of the Gaps Between People in the Row

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following question was posed to Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan, Member of the Permanent Committee for Islamic Verdicts and Research and the Council of Senior Scholars (may Allah preserve him):

ما رأي فضيلتكم شيخ صالح فيمن يصلى في البيت ويترك صلاة الجماعة بحجة التباعد ظنا منه أن الصلاة غير جائزة في مثل هذه الحالة؟

What is the opinion of your excellence, Shaykh Saalih, about someone who prays at home and leaves off the prayer in congregation, justifying that with the issue of distancing (i.e. the gaps between people in the row), assuming that the prayer is not allowed to be offered in this way? [1]

الجواب: هذا يعذر بالجهل، إن كان جاهلا فيعذر بالجهل. أما إذا كان متعمدا فإنه لا يجوز له ذلك، مفارقة الجماعة، نعم.

The answer: This one can be excused because of ignorance. If he is ignorant, then he is excused because of ignorance. However, if he is doing this on purpose [knowing that it is actually valid], this is not permissible for him, [it is] separating away from the jamaa’ah (congregation, i.e. without right).

SOURCE: The live radio program, Noor ‘Alad-Darb, dated: Sunday 1443/1/27, at about 13 minutes into the program. [Arabic Audio]

TRANSLATION: Moosaa Richardson


[1] This question is specifically about the distancing that is established between people in the prayer rows during the Covid-19 Pandemic, something deemed necessary for the preservation of health and safety by the Muslim scholars, leaders, and top health officials. [See: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.]


Questions From the West About Covid-19 Answered by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

Do not Listen to Those Warning Against the Vaccine; Returning to the Truth is Better than Persisting in Harm and Falsehood, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

One Who Cannot Wear a Mask During the Covid-19 Pandemic is Excused from Congregational Prayers, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and the Vaccination is a Conspiracy, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

PDF: Nine Advices As Relates the Novel Coronavirus by the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

PDF: A Summary of Verdicts Issued by the Permanent Committee of Scholars Concerning the Coronavirus Epidemic [Anwar Wright]

MP3 Audio: Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan on the Obligation of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Outbreak [Phrase-by-phrase translation]

PDF: Advice of Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhari About Coronavirus

Video: Healthy, Realistic, Practical Optimism During the Coronavirus Outbreak (Youtube)

PDF: Fleeing From the Decree to the Decree [Rahmaaniyyah, Abul-Hasan Maalik]

Video: Don’t Downplay the Seriousness of the Coronavirus! (Youtube)

MP3 Audio: Key Lessons About the Coronavirus [Hassan Somali]

Article: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

PDF: The Issue of Contagion – An Islamic Perspective [Taqweem Aslam]

Article: What Blessings Could Come From the Closing of Masjids?!

Khutbah: Coronavirus – How Muslims Understand it & Other Epidemics

MP3 Audio: Q&A About Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists [Hassan Somali]

QUIZ: The Introduction to the Book, Riyaadh as-Saaliheen

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Questions About the Introduction of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen

This is a brief quiz based on the six lectures in explanation of the introduction of the book, Riyaadh as-Saaliheen, delivered by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson at al-Masjid al-Awwal in 1443. After studying the lectures found here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/radio1mm/biography-of-shaykh-uthaymeen-live, answer these 10 questions about the introduction. You have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be ordered differently and there may be some new questions, in shaa' Allah.

1 / 10

The author of the book, Riyaadh as-Saaliheen, was:

2 / 10

One of the Names of Allah NOT mentioned in the text of the author's introduction to Riyaadh as-Saaliheen is:

3 / 10

The author of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen stated that his book is an abridged collection. About how many hadeeth narrations are included in it?

4 / 10

The author of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen stated in his introduction: "This is an explicit clarification that they [people] have been created for worship..." What was he referring to?

5 / 10

Complete the statement of the author of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen, from his introduction: "The most intelligent of its [this worldly life's] people are..."

6 / 10

In our classes on the introduction of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen, what was mentioned about Hadeeth #66 (which means): "The intelligent one is he who gains control over his soul and does deeds for after his death..."?

7 / 10

In the poetry quoted by the author of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen in his introduction, it mentions that the astute worshippers of Allah who know about the reality of this world consider it to be a raging sea, and what do they use as their ships to navigate it?

8 / 10

TRUE or FALSERiyaadh as-Saaliheen was written for serious students of Islamic knowledge, and so the author included narrations which are difficult to understand along with coded language which requires extensive studies to understand.

9 / 10

Which of the following things did the author of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen mention in his introduction that he included in this book? (Select all that apply.)

10 / 10

TRUE or FALSE: It is permissible to refer to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) as the "Habeeb" (beloved) of Allah.

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Review all six lectures in explanation of the introduction of Riyaadh as-Saaliheen here: https://www.spreaker.com/show/sincerity-repentance-patience, and then test your understanding by taking this brief ten-question (re-takable) quiz.

Learn more about the workbook for this course (Sincerity, Repentance, and Patience).

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Do not Listen to Those Warning Against the Vaccine; Returning to the Truth is Better than Persisting in Harm and Falsehood


Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah preserve him) said:

أثبتت التجارب، ودل الواقع، وأيد ذلك توصيات المراكز الطبية، ثم القرارات الصادرة ثانيا، ثم وصايا العلماء بل ومبادرتهم، إلى أهمية أخذ التطعيم ضد الوباء، فلا ينبغي الإصغاء إلى أصوات تنادي بخلاف ذلك، مما أثبت الواقع بطلانها.

ونقول: الرجوع إلى الحقّ خير من التمادي في الضرر والباطل.

Experience (real-life interactions) has validated, and reality has proven, and further it is supported by the directives of the health centers, and then by governmental decisions secondly, and then by the advices of the scholars and even their own [personal] initiatives, [all of this demonstrates] the importance of taking the vaccine against the disease (Covid-19). So it is not appropriate to listen to voices which call to the opposite of that (i.e. those who warn against the vaccine), from that which reality has confirmed to be falsehood.

And so we say: Returning to the truth is better than persisting in harm and falsehood.

SOURCE: The shaykh’s official Twitter account (Arabic).

Translation: Moosaa Richardson


Questions From the West About Covid-19 Answered by the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

One Who Cannot Wear a Mask During the Covid-19 Pandemic is Excused from Congregational Prayers, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine, by Shaykh Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi 

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and the Vaccination is a Conspiracy, by Shaykh Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari

PDF: Nine Advices As Relates the Novel Coronavirus by the Mufti Shaykh ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal Shaykh

PDF: A Summary of Verdicts Issued by the Permanent Committee of Scholars Concerning the Coronavirus Epidemic [Anwar Wright]

MP3 Audio: Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan on the Obligation of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Outbreak [Phrase-by-phrase translation]

PDF: Advice of Shaykh ‘Abdullah al-Bukhari About Coronavirus

Video: Healthy, Realistic, Practical Optimism During the Coronavirus Outbreak (Youtube)

PDF: Fleeing From the Decree to the Decree [Rahmaaniyyah, Abul-Hasan Maalik]

Video: Don’t Downplay the Seriousness of the Coronavirus! (Youtube)

MP3 Audio: Key Lessons About the Coronavirus [Hassan Somali]

Article: Social Distancing During These Times is an Obligation From Allah; It Only Increases Our Love for One Another

PDF: The Issue of Contagion – An Islamic Perspective [Taqweem Aslam]

Article: What Blessings Could Come From the Closing of Masjids?!

Khutbah: Coronavirus – How Muslims Understand it & Other Epidemics

MP3 Audio: Q&A About Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorists [Hassan Somali]

One Who Cannot Wear a Mask During the Covid-19 Pandemic is Excused from Congregational Prayers

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following is a question posed to Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him) on Friday night, the 19th of al-Muharram, 1443 (August 27, 2021):

May Allah treat you well, noble shaykh, this questioner says: Does not wearing a mask due to health reasons make it permissible to leave off the Jumu’ah and congregational prayers in the masjid, since these conditions have been stipulated by the Corona Committee in our land, and may Allah reward you with good?

The shaykh’s answer: Continue reading

QUIZ: The Life of al-Imaam Ibn ‘Uthaymeen

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Questions about the Life of al-Imaam Ibn 'Uthaymeen

This is a brief quiz based on the lecture, Benefits from the Life of al-Imaam Ibn 'Uthaymeen, delivered by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson on 1442/12/29. After listening to the lecture (https://www.spreaker.com/user/radio1mm/biography-of-shaykh-uthaymeen-live), answer these 10 questions about the life of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have Mercy on him). You have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be ordered differently, in shaa' Allah.

The whole story is just sincerity, sincerity, and more sincerity.

1 / 10

According to the lecture, what is TRUE about the story about Shaykh Hammood at-Tuwayjiree and his book about Allah's Loftiness? (Select all that apply.)

The shaykh had a lot of books!

2 / 10

Which of the following are from Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen's books (whether he wrote them or they were transcribed from his lectures)? (Select all that apply.)

He was famous for his tafseer.

3 / 10

Under which famous scholar did Ibn 'Uthaymeen study for a time with only one other student?

They prayed over him at the Ka'bah.

4 / 10

Where and when did Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen die?

al-Qawaa'id al-Muthlaa (Exemplary Principles)...?

5 / 10

All of the shaykh's books were transcribed from recordings of his lectures. (He never actually "wrote" a book himself.)

His name, not his father's name!

6 / 10

What is the first name of the scholar known in our time as "Ibn 'Uthaymeen"?

The shaykh was not American!

7 / 10

Where was Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen born and raised?

The shaykh never visited Pittsburgh actually.

8 / 10

In the lecture, there was a special connection mentioned between Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen and al-Masjid al-Awwal of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. What is that special connection?

Three of these were mentioned in the lecture as his teachers.

9 / 10

Which of the following were among the shuyookh (teachers) of Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen, from whom he studied directly? (Select all that apply.)

Most of this Ummah live to their 60's or 70's.

10 / 10

How many years did Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen live?

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Review the lecture, “Benefits from the Life of al-Imaam Ibn ‘Uthaymeen,” here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/radio1mm/biography-of-shaykh-uthaymeen-live

Learn more about the workbook for this course (Sincerity, Repentance, and Patience).

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The Ruling on Forging Vaccination Records in Order to Avoid the Vaccine

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever-Merciful…

The following is a question posed to Shaykh Dr. Arafat bin Hassan al-Muhammadi (may Allah bless and preserve him) [1], on a topic which many genuinely confused Muslims may be considering due to the heavy amount of misinformation spread on social media. The reader will note that our senior scholars and their top students continue to offer sober and consistent advice about how Muslims are to return these important matters back to the scholars who are qualified to deal with matters of global safety and urgent concerns which affect the religion, health, and safety of millions of Muslims. May Allah allow this advice to reach receptive hearts.

QUESTION: May Allah be kind to you, dear virtuous shaykh, there is a questioner from France who asks: Our shaykh -may Allah bless you-, the French government has passed a law that requires vaccinations against Coronavirus for many segments of the population. Restrictions will prevent people from entering many public places, traveling, and other things, unless a person can show medical records which confirm that he, the bearer of the records, is fully vaccinated. Due to what people share from some news sources and social media outlets regarding these vaccinations, that they are potentially harmful to one’s health, or that they are a worldwide conspiracy to wipe out mankind, some people are considering ways to avoid this vaccination, like paying money to someone who would provide him with forged documents, or conspiring with a doctor to lie and say that he is fully vaccinated.

So the question then, our shaykh -may Allah bless you- is: What is the ruling on doing this? And we would like you to direct some advice to Continue reading

Regarding Those Who Insist that Coronavirus and Vaccination is a Conspiracy


Shaykh Dr. Mohammad bin Ghalib al-Omari (may Allah preserve him) said:

Insisting upon saying that coronavirus is a conspiracy, scheme, or even a lie (!!), and that vaccination is a deceit and deception, leads towards having ill thoughts about rulers, contradicting scholars, and neglecting that which is evidenced by reality, along with what this speech has of evil effects upon people’s lives. And so, this speech is not acceptable, neither religiously, nor intellectually, nor out of habit, and nor by looking at reality.

SOURCE: The shaykh’s official Twitter account (Arabic/English).

Translation by: The shaykh’s designated translator(s).

QUIZ: The Life of al-Haafith an-Nawawee

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Questions about the Life of al-Haafith an-Nawawee

This is a brief quiz based on the lecture, Benefits from the Life of al-Haafith an-Nawawee, delivered by Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson on 1442/12/22. After listening to the lecture (https://www.spreaker.com/user/radio1mm/biography-of-an-nawawee-live), answer these 10 questions about the life of al-Haafith an-Nawawee (may Allah have Mercy on him). You have 10 minutes to complete the quiz. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be ordered differently, in shaa' Allah.

1 / 10

What was the famous nickname given to an-Nawawee that he hated and would not forgive people if they called him that?

2 / 10

What is TRUE about an-Nawawee's trip to Hajj in the year 651? (Select all that apply.)

3 / 10

What year did al-Haafith an-Nawawee die? (in Hijri years of course)

4 / 10

What large city, a major center of Islamic learning, did al-Haafith an-Nawawee move to when he was 19 years old?

5 / 10

How many classes per day did al-Haafith an-Nawawee say he studied under the scholars? (Enter only a one- or two-digit number.)

6 / 10

What is the kunyah (parental nickname) and full name of al-Haafith an-Nawawee?

7 / 10

What is TRUE about the story of the old man who told al-Haafith an-Nawawee to be quiet in the middle of the night?

8 / 10

Which of the following descriptions best describes al-Haafith an-Nawawee when he was ten years old?

9 / 10

Which of the following ansaab (ascriptions) are accurately applied to al-Haafith an-Nawawee? (Select all that apply.)

10 / 10

What is TRUE about the 'aqeedah (creed) of al-Haafith an-Nawawee?

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Review the lecture, “Benefits from the Life of al-Haafith an-Nawawee,” here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/radio1mm/biography-of-an-nawawee-live

Learn more about the workbook for this course (Sincerity, Repentance, and Patience).

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Difficult) [Shorter Version]

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 40 questions of various types on the topics we studied in this course. You have 30 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

1 / 39

What year did the companion, Samurah ibn Jundub, die? (Enter only  two digits, as a Hijri date, no "H" added. If you are within three years, your answer will be marked as correct.)

May Allah keep us from ever breaking ties that are to be kept!

2 / 39

What is the meaning of the hadeeth: "One who breaks ties does not enter Paradise"?

Be warned of following the way of deviant Khawaarij cults like ISIS, Al Qaeda, El Shabab, Boko Haram, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon (the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood"), and their likes.

3 / 39

Non-Muslim neighbors have no rights in Islam.

4 / 39

What is correct about the hadeeth (which means): "...The Anger of Allah is earned through angering the parents"? (Select ONLY three answer choices.)

5 / 39

Which of the following are from the recommended manners relative to whom should initiate the greetings of salaam to whom?

6 / 39

According to the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar we studied, what should you do to compensate a person who does something nice for you?

7 / 39

According to a hadeeth we studied, a person who mistreats those under his authority does not enter Paradise.

8 / 39

What is TRUE about the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood we studied, which begins with [what means]: "The believer is not verbally abusive..." (Check all answers that apply.)

9 / 39

Fill in the missing number in the following hadeeth: "It is not permissible for a Muslim to boycott his brother for more than ___ nights..." (Enter only one digit as your answer.)

10 / 39

What is TRUE about Mu'aath ibn Jabal?

11 / 39

We've studied some brief narrations in this collection, 130 Hadeeth on Manners, which clearly state that: "____ does not enter Paradise." Select four of the following kinds of people which are mentioned in direct wordings like this in the narrations we've studied.

12 / 39

What is the meaning of the parable about a shepherd letting his flock graze near a forbidden zone?

13 / 39

What is correct about the meaning of the hadeeth, "O young man! I am going to teach you some words..." (Check all that apply.)

14 / 39

What is TRUE about the "LA'AANOON" (اللعانون), those who curse others much, according to the narrations we've studied? (Check all answers that apply.)

15 / 39

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "The strong man is not known by physical takedowns. Rather, the strong man _____."

16 / 39

Which of the following things are TRUE about the hadeeth we studied [which means]: "Upon you is honesty..." (There are only three correct answers.)

17 / 39

An-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) about birr (piety) and ithm (sin). Part of the answer was: "Piety is good character..."

18 / 39

If we uphold the limits of Allah in our lives and honor His commands and prohibitions, He will preserve us with special kinds of preservation.

19 / 39

According to a hadeeth collected by at-Tirmithee which we studied, which virtuous action leads to the following reward: "Allah will keep the Fire away from his face on the Day of Judgment"?

20 / 39

What is the name of the companion known as "Abu ad-Dardaa'"?

21 / 39

What is the definition of al-birr (piety) given by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) when an-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked him about it?

22 / 39

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) once told a man who was seeking advice (what means): "Do not get angry." He repeated this each time he asked for advice.

23 / 39

Among the narrations of this section is the hadeeth of Sa'd ibn Abee Waqqaas, with the meaning: "Verily, Allah loves the worshipper who is..." and three attributes are mentioned. What are they? (Select only three from the list below.)

24 / 39

Which of the following statements are true about backbiting and slander? (Select four answers.)

25 / 39

According to what the people learned from the revelation given to the previous prophets: "If you have no ____, do as you wish." (Your answer should be one word, either five letters or seven letters.)

26 / 39

Which of the following understandings does Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mention for how Allah may extend the lifespan of a person? (Check all that apply.)

27 / 39

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "Allah has never enabled a servant to excuse others more, except that it increases him in honor..."

28 / 39

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "From a man's good practice of Islam is..."

29 / 39

Complete the meaning of the following hadeeth: "Be warned of ____, as ____ is certainly the most untrue kind of speech."

30 / 39

A qattaat (قتات) does not enter Paradise! What is a qattaat?

31 / 39

Which of the following phrases is NOT one of the five ongoing righteous phrases of remembrance taught in the hadeeth of Aboo Sa'eed?

32 / 39

According to the hadeeth of 'Abdullaah ibn Sallaam, which of the following deeds leads to "Entering Paradise in safety and security"? (Select all that apply.)

33 / 39

What is TRUE about the issue of wiping the face with one's hands after supplicating? (Select all that apply.)

34 / 39

A man asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) for advice. He was told not to get angry. He asked for more advice, so he was told: (Select all that apply.)

35 / 39

What is TRUE about "Baab az-Zuhd wal-Wara'" (Section Three: Asceticism & Vigilance)? (Check all that apply.)

36 / 39

Ordering what is good and forbidding what is evil is from the rights of the street upon those who sit there, according to a hadeeth we studied.

37 / 39

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth narration we studied: "Whoever says, 'Exalted is Allah, and all praise is His,' one hundred times, his sins will be removed, even if _____."

38 / 39

What is true about Section Four: Warnings Against Bad Character? from our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners(Select all that apply.)

39 / 39

The final section of 130 Hadeeth on Manners, Section Six: Remembrance & Supplications, consists of only supplications to memorize.

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Review (FREE): High-quality recordings of our lessons from the book, “130 Hadeeth on Manners”

Get the workbook from Amazon: 130 Hadeeth on Manners (USA | UK | CAN)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (MEDIUM) [Shorter Version]

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Medium) [SHORTER VERSION]

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 10 TRUE or FALSE questions  mixed in with 20 multiple-choice questions on the topics we studied in this course. You have 30 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

The companions asked: Could a man ever insult his own parents?!

1 / 30

If you insult another person's parents, and this leads them to insult your parents, you bear the burden of the sin of insulting your own parents.

2 / 30

What is TRUE about the following statement: "The believer is a mirror to another believer."?

3 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Allah does not look at the one who..."

4 / 30

In the hadeeth of Anas, we learned that supplications made between the athaan and the iqaamah are:

Don't overthink the explanation. Is this statement generally true or not?

5 / 30

Pleasing Allah is attained by pleasing one's parents.

6 / 30

Name one of the manners from the Sunnah for putting on shoes or sandals.

7 / 30

What is the sin so strictly forbidden that Allah announced that He had made it haraam upon Himself?

8 / 30

Which of the following kinds of neighbor has the most rights?

9 / 30

Complete the meaning of a hadeeth we studied [which means]: "Whoever holds back his anger, Allah will hold back _____ from him." 

10 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "Allah has never enabled a servant to excuse others more, except that it increases him in honor..."

11 / 30

The only people who claim that smiling is from Islamic manners are the Ikhwanis who wish to lead the Muslims into accepting all types of falsehood.

12 / 30

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "Be warned of _____, because _____ eats away good deeds like how fire devours wood."

13 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "Whoever blames his brother for a sin ____." (at-Tirmithee graded it as sound, yet its chain is broken.)

"Ruined is the worshipper of gold coins..."

14 / 30

What is the sign of someone being an actual slave of material things, according to the hadeeth we studied?

15 / 30

People who misuse the wealth which Allah gave them face a severe threat of Fire on the Day of Judgment.

16 / 30

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) once told a man who was seeking advice (what means): "Do not get angry." He repeated this each time he asked for advice.

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

17 / 30

The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

18 / 30

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "From a man's good practice of Islam is..."

19 / 30

'Aamir (or 'Uwaymir) ibn Maalik was a virtuous companion who died in the year 32. He is more famously known by which kunyah (parental nickname)?

20 / 30

The final section of 130 Hadeeth on Manners, Section Six: Remembrance & Supplications, consists of only supplications to memorize.

21 / 30

It is permissible to tell jokes which are not actually true, so long as it makes people laugh and does not hurt anyone's feelings.

May Allah keep us from ever breaking ties that are to be kept!

22 / 30

What is the meaning of the hadeeth: "One who breaks ties does not enter Paradise"?

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four possible ways that Allah might extend a person's lifespan, in his explanation of one of our hadeeth narrations.

23 / 30

Which of the following explanations did Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan NOT mention as a possible way that Allah might extend a person's lifespan?

24 / 30

When the author says, "Agreed upon," about a hadeeth, this means:

25 / 30

This companion gave his pledge of allegiance at Hudaybiyah. He lived beyond the year 60, and he was from the al-Muzani tribe. He narrated the prohibition of deceiving those under our authority.

26 / 30

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the hadeeth (which means): "Whoever imitates a people is from them"?

27 / 30

Some people can become so obsessed with materialism that they could legitimately be called 'Abd ad-Dirham ("worshipper/slave of the silver coin").

"No one may request  another man to stand up from his seat in order to sit there. Instead..."

28 / 30

Our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) taught us to make room for more people to sit in our gatherings.

29 / 30

A qattaat (قتات) does not enter Paradise! What is a qattaat?

30 / 30

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth qudsee narration we studied: "I am with My servant so long as _____." 

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Easy) [Shorter Version]

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Easy) [SHORTER VERSION]

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 25 TRUE or FALSE questions on the topics we studied in this course. You have 20 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

1 / 25

An-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) about birr (piety) and ithm (sin). Part of the answer was: "Piety is good character..."

Be warned of following the way of deviant Khawaarij cults like ISIS, Al Qaeda, El Shabab, Boko Haram, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon (the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood"), and their likes.

2 / 25

Non-Muslim neighbors have no rights in Islam.

3 / 25

Seeking refuge with Allah from "displays of bad character" includes seeking refuge from lying and oppression, as well as many other bad manners.

4 / 25

In Islamic rulings, everything is either clearly halaal (permissible) or clearly haraam (forbidden).

5 / 25

Since shyness is part of our faith, it is better not to correct people who err, even if they are committing shirk (polytheism).

6 / 25

According to the hadeeth of Jaabir, oppression is a sin that destroyed those who came before us.

Be sure you know what things are mentioned in Hadeeth #1.

7 / 25

According to Hadeeth #1 of our study, one of the six basic rights Muslims have upon each other is to say, "al-Hamdu lillaah" when your brother/sister asks you, "Kayfa Haaluk?" (How are you?)

8 / 25

The third section of the 130 Hadeeth on Manners is called: Baab az-Zuhd wal-Wara' (the Section on Asceticism and Vigilance); it has 11 hadeeth narrations.

9 / 25

Oppression (thulm) is layers of darkness on the Day of Judgment.

10 / 25

When two people insult one another, the sin is on the one who started it, so long as the other one does not transgress.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four different positions of the scholars on this issue in his explanation of Hadeeth #17.

11 / 25

Some of the scholars said that Allah may extend the lifespan of a person based on his kind treatment of family members, by extending the actual length of the person's pre-determined lifespan.

12 / 25

Aboo Idrees al-Khowlaanee changed his posture, sitting up on his knees, when narrating the hadeeth of Aboo Tharr about the prohibition of backbiting.

13 / 25

No people sit in any gathering, mentioning Allah therein, except that the angels surround them, Mercy enshrouds them, and Allah mentions them to those near Him.

14 / 25

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, the reason we are not allowed to insult the deceased is: because they can still hear us.

15 / 25

Allah revealed to His Messenger (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) that Muslims are to be strong and not humble.

16 / 25

The most important organ in the human body, religiously speaking, is the brain. If it is sound, the whole body will be sound. If it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt.

17 / 25

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) explained the "baaqiyaat saalihaat" (never-ending righteous things) as: five phrases of Allah's remembrance in a hadeeth narration we studied.

18 / 25

One of the bad results of cursing people too much is that you would not be allowed to be a witness on the day of Judgment, according to a narration we studied.

19 / 25

The definition of backbiting is: Mentioning something false about your brother which he would hate to hear.

Don't overthink the explanation. Is this statement generally true or not?

20 / 25

Pleasing Allah is attained by pleasing one's parents.

21 / 25

Some people can become so obsessed with materialism that they could legitimately be called 'Abd ad-Dirham ("worshipper/slave of the silver coin").

Hadeeth #22 was about the three greatest sins.

22 / 25

Ibn Mas'ood asked the Prophet, "Which sin is greatest?" He replied, "To ascribe a partner to Allah when He [alone] has created you."

23 / 25

The believer who mixes with the people and bears their harms is better than someone who does not mix with the people and bear their harms.

24 / 25

According to the Sunnah, the youth should initiate greetings of salaam to the elders.

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

25 / 25

The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (DIFFICULT)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Difficult)

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 100 questions of various types on the topics we studied in this course. You have 60 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

Hadeeth #22 was about the three greatest sins.

1 / 99

Ibn Mas'ood asked the Prophet, "Which sin is greatest?" He replied, "To ascribe a partner to Allah when He [alone] has created you."

2 / 99

Complete the meaning of the authentic hadeeth we studied (which means): "From what the people learned from the speech of [ancient] prophethood was: ____."

3 / 99

If we uphold the limits of Allah in our lives and honor His commands and prohibitions, He will preserve us with special kinds of preservation.

4 / 99

According to the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar we studied, what should you do to compensate a person who does something nice for you?

5 / 99

What is the definition of al-birr (piety) given by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) when an-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked him about it?

6 / 99

When the author says, "Agreed upon," about a hadeeth, this means:

7 / 99

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the first hadeeth of the collection, covering the six rights of Muslims upon one another?

8 / 99

Seeking refuge with Allah from "displays of bad character" includes seeking refuge from lying and oppression, as well as many other bad manners.

9 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "All of the descendants of Aadam are continually erring. The best of those who continually err are those who continually ____." (Type in a six-letter word.)

10 / 99

Which of the following is NOT one of the rights of the street upon those who sit there?

11 / 99

Complete the meaning of the supplication we studied: "O Allah! Keep me from displays of bad character, bad actions, desires, and ____."

12 / 99

Which of the following statements are true about backbiting and slander? (Select four answers.)

13 / 99

Complete the meaning of the following hadeeth: "Pleasing Allah is attained by _________..."

14 / 99

According to Hadeeth #2, we should look to those who have less than us, in order to be more grateful for what we have.

15 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth qudsee narration we studied: "I am with My servant so long as _____." 

16 / 99

Name one of the manners from the Sunnah for putting on shoes or sandals.

17 / 99

Complete the meaning of the following hadeeth: "Be warned of ____, as ____ is certainly the most untrue kind of speech."

18 / 99

Among the narrations of this section is the hadeeth of Sa'd ibn Abee Waqqaas, with the meaning: "Verily, Allah loves the worshipper who is..." and three attributes are mentioned. What are they? (Select only three from the list below.)

19 / 99

Who was the companion who was riding behind the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), and he said to him, "O young man! I am going to teach you some words..."?

20 / 99

Who is the companion who pointed to his ears and narrated the hadeeth (which means): "Verily, the halaal (permissible) matters are clear, and verily, the haraam (impermissible) matters are clear..."?

21 / 99

What is true about Section Four: Warnings Against Bad Character? from our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners(Select all that apply.)

22 / 99

Which of the following manners of greeting has been forbidden by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace)?

23 / 99

What is the sin so strictly forbidden that Allah announced that He had made it haraam upon Himself?

Allah orders us with every noble and upright manner, and He forbids us from every lowly trait.

24 / 99

Allah has forbidden us from insolence (bad treatment) of our mothers.

25 / 99

This Arabic word means "sincerity" or "sincerity of purpose", and it is due to Allah, His Messenger, His Book, the leaders of the people, and their common folk. (Your answer may be actual Arabic letters or an English transliteration of the word. Depending on how you spell it, it could have between five and eight letters.) 

May Allah keep us from ever breaking ties that are to be kept!

26 / 99

What is the meaning of the hadeeth: "One who breaks ties does not enter Paradise"?

27 / 99

This companion lived longer than Anas ibn Maalik. He died in the year 96 or 97 at the age of 99 years old.

28 / 99

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the hadeeth (which means): "Whoever imitates a people is from them"?

29 / 99

What is the name of the companion known as "Abu ad-Dardaa'"?

30 / 99

Being honest in speech leads to all types of piety, and that leads one to Paradise by the Permission of Allah.

31 / 99

What is TRUE about "Baab az-Zuhd wal-Wara'" (Section Three: Asceticism & Vigilance)? (Check all that apply.)

32 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Allah does not look at the one who..."

33 / 99

This companion gave his pledge of allegiance at Hudaybiyah. He lived beyond the year 60, and he was from the al-Muzani tribe. He narrated the prohibition of deceiving those under our authority.

34 / 99

Which phrases are part of the supplication said ten times to get the reward of one who frees four slaves from the lineage of Prophet Ismaa'eel? (Select all that apply.)

35 / 99

Which of the following are signs of hypocrites, according to the narrations of Aboo Hurayrah and 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr we studied? (Select all that apply.)

36 / 99

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) explained the "baaqiyaat saalihaat" (never-ending righteous things) as: five phrases of Allah's remembrance in a hadeeth narration we studied.

37 / 99

Which of the following major sins are mentioned in the hadeeth of al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah (which means): "Certainly, Allah has forbidden you from..." (Check all that apply.)

38 / 99

According to the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood we studied, which major sin is most serious, after polytheism and killing one's children?

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four possible ways that Allah might extend a person's lifespan, in his explanation of one of our hadeeth narrations.

39 / 99

Which of the following explanations did Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan NOT mention as a possible way that Allah might extend a person's lifespan?

40 / 99

Ordering what is good and forbidding what is evil is from the rights of the street upon those who sit there, according to a hadeeth we studied.

41 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Be warned of ____, because ____ eats away good deeds like how fire devours wood." (Type in a single word, having nine letters or less.)

Is the Sunnah to wipe away good, halaal food?

42 / 99

Licking your fingers after eating is a forbidden act of imitating non-Muslims.

43 / 99

Which of the following understandings does Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mention for how Allah may extend the lifespan of a person? (Check all that apply.)

44 / 99

In the hadeeth we studied (which means), "A qattaat does not enter Paradise," a "qattaat" is: someone who chews a lot of tobacco.

45 / 99

We studied a hadeeth reported by Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq, that a "khabb" (خب) does not enter Paradise. What is a "khabb"?

46 / 99

Qutbah ibn Maalik was a companion from those who narrated the most hadeeth (from the "mukthiroon").

47 / 99

What is TRUE about Mu'aath ibn Jabal?

48 / 99

What is TRUE about the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood we studied, which begins with [what means]: "The believer is not verbally abusive..." (Check all answers that apply.)

49 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "Whoever blames his brother for a sin ____." (at-Tirmithee graded it as sound, yet its chain is broken.)

The author lived in the 9th century.

50 / 99

The 131 narrations in our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners, have been taken from the back end of which famous book?

51 / 99

Sitting in gatherings devoid of Allah's mention, where no salaat is sent upon the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

52 / 99

In the hadeeth of Anas, we learned that supplications made between the athaan and the iqaamah are:

"I've already written a book on business transactions..."

53 / 99

Which of the following is correct about the topic of "zuhd" (asceticism) in Islam?

54 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth narration we studied: "Whoever says, 'Exalted is Allah, and all praise is His,' one hundred times, his sins will be removed, even if _____."

55 / 99

What is TRUE about the following statement: "The believer is a mirror to another believer."?

56 / 99

According to the hadeeth of al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah: Allah hates three things: Rumors, excessive questioning, and __________.

57 / 99

When Sahl ibn Sa'd asked about something that would earn him Allah's Love, the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) told him to focus greatly on worldly matters. (Assuming the hadeeth to be authentic as Ibn Hajar graded it.)

58 / 99

What is TRUE about the issue of wiping the face with one's hands after supplicating? (Select all that apply.)

59 / 99

No people sit in any gathering, mentioning Allah therein, except that the angels surround them, Mercy enshrouds them, and Allah mentions them to those near Him.

60 / 99

Fill in the missing number in the following hadeeth: "It is not permissible for a Muslim to boycott his brother for more than ___ nights..." (Enter only one digit as your answer.)

61 / 99

What is the meaning of the parable about a shepherd letting his flock graze near a forbidden zone?

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

62 / 99

The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

63 / 99

This five-letter body part is crucially important for one's religion. If it is sound, the whole body will be sound. If it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt. (Type only the five-letter word for this body part.)

64 / 99

According to the hadeeth of 'Abdullaah ibn Sallaam, which of the following deeds leads to "Entering Paradise in safety and security"? (Select all that apply.)

65 / 99

What year did al-Imaam at-Tabaraanee die? (Enter only three digits, as a Hijri date, no "H" added. If you are within five years, your answer will be marked as correct.)

66 / 99

According to what the people learned from the revelation given to the previous prophets: "If you have no ____, do as you wish." (Your answer should be one word, either five letters or seven letters.)

67 / 99

We've studied some brief narrations in this collection, 130 Hadeeth on Manners, which clearly state that: "____ does not enter Paradise." Select four of the following kinds of people which are mentioned in direct wordings like this in the narrations we've studied.

68 / 99

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) once told a man who was seeking advice (what means): "Do not get angry." He repeated this each time he asked for advice.

69 / 99

Who will have "aanuk" (hot lead) poured into his ears on the Day of Judgment, according to a hadeeth we studied?

70 / 99

Complete the meaning of a hadeeth we studied [which means]: "Whoever holds back his anger, Allah will hold back _____ from him." 

71 / 99

Which of the following matters are forbidden in the hadeeth of Aboo Hurayrah we studied, which begins with [what means]: "Do not envy one another..." (Saheeh Muslim) (Check all answers that apply.)

72 / 99

According to a hadeeth collected by at-Tirmithee which we studied, which virtuous action leads to the following reward: "Allah will keep the Fire away from his face on the Day of Judgment"?

"Ruined is the worshipper of gold coins..."

73 / 99

What is the sign of someone being an actual slave of material things, according to the hadeeth we studied?

74 / 99

What is the greatest form of thulm (oppression)?

75 / 99

What is correct about the meaning of the hadeeth, "O young man! I am going to teach you some words..." (Check all that apply.)

76 / 99

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Nay, there is within the body a morsel of flesh; if it is sound, the entire body will be sound. However, if it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt. Nay, it is the _____."

77 / 99

According to a hadeeth we studied, what is the reward for doing all four of the following things: spreading salaams, keeping family ties, feeding people, and praying at night?

78 / 99

What is the difference between backbiting (gheebah) and slander (buhtaan)?

79 / 99

Since we cannot satisfy all of the people, according to a hadeeth we studied, "Let them be sufficed by..." which two things?

80 / 99

A qattaat (قتات) does not enter Paradise! What is a qattaat?

There are a total of six baabs (sections, sub-chapters) in this collection.

81 / 99

The second baab (sub-chapter, or section) of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners is about birr (kindness) and silah (keeping ties).

82 / 99

Complete the meaning of the following hadeeth: "Whoever would like to have his provisions increased and his lifespan extended, let him..."

83 / 99

According to the hadeeth of Jaabir, oppression is a sin that destroyed those who came before us.

84 / 99

What is TRUE about the "LA'AANOON" (اللعانون), those who curse others much, according to the narrations we've studied? (Check all answers that apply.)

85 / 99

Which of the following kinds of neighbor has the most rights?

86 / 99

Breaking promises is one of the main characteristics of the hypocrites.

87 / 99

What is NOT correct about the hadeeth (which means): "Be disinterested (have zuhd) in worldly matters..."?

88 / 99

Which of the following things are TRUE about the hadeeth we studied [which means]: "Upon you is honesty..." (There are only three correct answers.)

89 / 99

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "Be warned of _____, because _____ eats away good deeds like how fire devours wood."

90 / 99

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "The strong man is not known by physical takedowns. Rather, the strong man _____."

91 / 99

Which of the following phrases is NOT one of the five ongoing righteous phrases of remembrance taught in the hadeeth of Aboo Sa'eed?

92 / 99

What is correct about the hadeeth (which means): "...The Anger of Allah is earned through angering the parents"? (Select ONLY three answer choices.)

93 / 99

There is nothing heavier in the Scales (on the Day of Judgment) than good character.

94 / 99

In what [Hijri] year did Aboo Sa'eed al-Khudree die? (Enter only two digits for your answer.)

95 / 99

'Aamir (or 'Uwaymir) ibn Maalik was a virtuous companion who died in the year 32. He is more famously known by which kunyah (parental nickname)?

96 / 99

From a man's good practice of Islam is to focus on matters that do not concern him.

97 / 99

A man asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) for advice. He was told not to get angry. He asked for more advice, so he was told: (Select all that apply.)

98 / 99

Hadeeth #2 of the collection guides us to which important method of increasing our gratitude for the favors of Allah?

He died during the Caliphate of Mu'aawiyah.

99 / 99

In what (Hijri) year did al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah die? (Enter only two digits as your answer, without an H. You are being given a five-year margin of error to make it easier.)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (MEDIUM)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Medium)

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 50 TRUE or FALSE questions and 50 multiple-choice questions on the topics we studied in this course. You have 60 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

1 / 100

According to a hadeeth collected by at-Tirmithee which we studied, which virtuous action leads to the following reward: "Allah will keep the Fire away from his face on the Day of Judgment"?

2 / 100

Which of the following manners of greeting has been forbidden by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace)?

3 / 100

If we uphold the limits of Allah in our lives and honor His commands and prohibitions, He will preserve us with special kinds of preservation.

4 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth qudsee narration we studied: "I am with My servant so long as _____." 

5 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "And be warned of ____, since ____ leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to the Fire."

Something about the neighbors...?

6 / 100

Revelation in Islam is so complete that it even provides guidance on how to prepare soup (specifically).

7 / 100

According to the hadeeth of al-Mugheerah ibn Shu'bah: Allah hates three things: Rumors, excessive questioning, and __________.

8 / 100

This companion lived longer than Anas ibn Maalik. He died in the year 96 or 97 at the age of 99 years old.

9 / 100

Hadeeth #2 of the collection guides us to which important method of increasing our gratitude for the favors of Allah?

10 / 100

What was that famous brief word of advice given by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) to the man who asked for advice over and over, and the advice was simply repeated each time?

11 / 100

Which phrase was identified as "one of the treasures of Paradise" in the hadeeth of Aboo Moosaa we studied?

12 / 100

We studied a hadeeth reported by Aboo Bakr as-Siddeeq, that a "khabb" (خب) does not enter Paradise. What is a "khabb"?

13 / 100

One of the six basic rights mentioned in the first hadeeth of our study is that when a Muslim gets sick, you visit him or her.

14 / 100

Oppression (thulm) is layers of darkness on the Day of Judgment.

15 / 100

It is authentically reported from the hadeeth of Anas that "Supplication is the core of worship."

16 / 100

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, a "shadeed" (strong man) is one who does not become angry.

17 / 100

Allah loves pious servants, those who are content and modestly reserved.

18 / 100

Who is the companion who pointed to his ears and narrated the hadeeth (which means): "Verily, the halaal (permissible) matters are clear, and verily, the haraam (impermissible) matters are clear..."?

19 / 100

Which of the following kinds of neighbor has the most rights?

Licking one's fingers is truly an amazing Sunnah!

20 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbaas: "When one of you eats some food, let him not wipe his hand off until he licks it, or..."

21 / 100

Section Four of our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners, contains a total of less than 30 hadeeth narrations.

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

22 / 100

The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

23 / 100

According to the Sunnah, the youth should initiate greetings of salaam to the elders.

24 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Whoever directs someone to a good thing..."

Be warned of following the way of deviant Khawaarij cults like ISIS, Al Qaeda, El Shabab, Boko Haram, al-Ikhwan al-Muslimoon (the so-called "Muslim Brotherhood"), and their likes.

25 / 100

Non-Muslim neighbors have no rights in Islam.

26 / 100

A person who has $100, and then gives $25 in charity, now has only $75. So charity does, in fact, decrease one's wealth. Therefore it is absolute falsehood to claim that "No charity ever decreased any wealth."

27 / 100

According to the hadeeth of Jaabir, oppression is a sin that destroyed those who came before us.

28 / 100

What is the definition of al-birr (piety) given by the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) when an-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked him about it?

29 / 100

The hadeeth about not striking in the face does not apply to Muslims, because it is never legislated to strike a Muslim in the first place.

30 / 100

Hadeeth #85 (which means), "Whomever Allah wants good for, He grants him understanding in the religion," was mistakenly included twice in the text of the chapters on manners in Buloogh al-Maraam by the author.

31 / 100

The most important organ in the human body, religiously speaking, is the brain. If it is sound, the whole body will be sound. If it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt.

32 / 100

In the hadeeth of Anas, we learned that supplications made between the athaan and the iqaamah are:

33 / 100

Name one of the manners from the Sunnah for putting on shoes or sandals.

34 / 100

Miserliness cannot be found together with this other trait in a believer, according to the meaning of a hadeeth we studied, which was collected by at-Tirmithee with a weak chain of transmission.

35 / 100

When Sahl ibn Sa'd asked about something that would earn him Allah's Love, the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) told him to focus greatly on worldly matters. (Assuming the hadeeth to be authentic as Ibn Hajar graded it.)

36 / 100

From a man's good practice of Islam is to focus on matters that do not concern him.

37 / 100

The final section of 130 Hadeeth on Manners, Section Six: Remembrance & Supplications, consists of only supplications to memorize.

38 / 100

Complete the meaning of a hadeeth we studied [which means]: "Whoever holds back his anger, Allah will hold back _____ from him." 

"Ruined is the worshipper of gold coins..."

39 / 100

What is the sign of someone being an actual slave of material things, according to the hadeeth we studied?

40 / 100

Haste is from the Shaytaan, and pessimism is bad character, according to two narrations we studied.

There are a total of six baabs (sections, sub-chapters) in this collection.

41 / 100

The second baab (sub-chapter, or section) of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners is about birr (kindness) and silah (keeping ties).

42 / 100

According to Hadeeth #2, we should look to those who have less than us, in order to be more grateful for what we have.

43 / 100

The believer who mixes with the people and bears their harms is better than someone who does not mix with the people and bear their harms.

44 / 100

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, what are the part(s) of the opponent's body forbidden to be struck, if there is ever a need to fight?

45 / 100

Being in this world like a stranger or wayfarer means to take what you need from it to reach your real destination (the Hereafter), without getting too attached to this world.

46 / 100

Being honest in speech leads to all types of piety, and that leads one to Paradise by the Permission of Allah.

47 / 100

What is the sin mentioned along with oppression in one of the hadeeths we studied, something mentioned as being the cause of the destruction of people who came before us?

48 / 100

We studied a narration which mentions that Allah hates every obscene bathee' (بذيء). What is a bathee'?

49 / 100

When Allah wants good for someone, He keeps him away from knowledge and understanding, in order to test the purity of his soul, according to one of the hadeeths we studied.

50 / 100

The third section of the 130 Hadeeth on Manners is called: Baab az-Zuhd wal-Wara' (the Section on Asceticism and Vigilance); it has 11 hadeeth narrations.

51 / 100

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) once told a man who was seeking advice (what means): "Do not get angry." He repeated this each time he asked for advice.

52 / 100

When the author says, "Agreed upon," about a hadeeth, this means:

53 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth of Mu'aawiyah found in al-Bukhari and Muslim: "Whomever Allah wants good for..."

54 / 100

Complete the missing part of the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "When you cook soup, ___________, and take care of your neighbors."

55 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth: "Nay, there is within the body a morsel of flesh; if it is sound, the entire body will be sound. However, if it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt. Nay, it is the _____."

56 / 100

What is the sin so strictly forbidden that Allah announced that He had made it haraam upon Himself?

57 / 100

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "The strong man is not known by physical takedowns. Rather, the strong man _____."

58 / 100

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "Glad tidings to the one whose own shortcomings keep him occupied [keeping him] from ____."

59 / 100

The most hated of men to Allah is: the obstinate debater.

60 / 100

Complete the statement of Ibn 'Umar we studied: "Take from your good health for your illness, and..."

61 / 100

What is TRUE about the following statement: "The believer is a mirror to another believer."?

62 / 100

According to the hadeeth of Ibn 'Umar we studied, what should you do to compensate a person who does something nice for you?

63 / 100

This companion gave his pledge of allegiance at Hudaybiyah. He lived beyond the year 60, and he was from the al-Muzani tribe. He narrated the prohibition of deceiving those under our authority.

64 / 100

Ordering what is good and forbidding what is evil is from the rights of the street upon those who sit there, according to a hadeeth we studied.

65 / 100

Slander is more severely sinful than backbiting.

Hadeeth #22 was about the three greatest sins.

66 / 100

Ibn Mas'ood asked the Prophet, "Which sin is greatest?" He replied, "To ascribe a partner to Allah when He [alone] has created you."

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four possible ways that Allah might extend a person's lifespan, in his explanation of one of our hadeeth narrations.

67 / 100

Which of the following explanations did Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan NOT mention as a possible way that Allah might extend a person's lifespan?

68 / 100

Paradise is forbidden for the one who dies while deceiving those under his authority.

69 / 100

Revelation was given to the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), that Muslims must be humble, to what extent?

70 / 100

It is permissible to tell jokes which are not actually true, so long as it makes people laugh and does not hurt anyone's feelings.

71 / 100

Which of the following is NOT one of the rights of the street upon those who sit there?

72 / 100

Who was the companion who was riding behind the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), and he said to him, "O young man! I am going to teach you some words..."?

73 / 100

A Muslim is required to give naseehah to everyone, even to Allah and His Messenger (may Allah raise his rank).

The author lived in the 9th century.

74 / 100

The 131 narrations in our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners, have been taken from the back end of which famous book?

75 / 100

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the hadeeth (which means): "Whoever imitates a people is from them"?

76 / 100

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the first hadeeth of the collection, covering the six rights of Muslims upon one another?

77 / 100

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) said (what means), "Piety is right here!" and he pointed to the Ka'bah three times.

78 / 100

Seeking refuge with Allah from "displays of bad character" includes seeking refuge from lying and oppression, as well as many other bad manners.

79 / 100

Complete the meaning of the following hadeeth: "Whoever would like to have his provisions increased and his lifespan extended, let him..."

80 / 100

A qattaat (قتات) does not enter Paradise! What is a qattaat?

81 / 100

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, the reason we are not allowed to insult the deceased is: because they can still hear us.

82 / 100

According to a hadeeth we studied from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, whoever commits the sin of eavesdropping shall have hot lead poured into his ears on the Day of Judgment.

83 / 100

An-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan asked the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) about birr (piety) and ithm (sin). Part of the answer was: "Piety is good character..."

84 / 100

When the author says, "Agreed upon," about a hadeeth, this means: The hadeeth was collected by all six imaams of the major books of Sunnah.

85 / 100

What is NOT correct about the hadeeth (which means): "Be disinterested (have zuhd) in worldly matters..."?

Be sure you know what things are mentioned in Hadeeth #1.

86 / 100

According to Hadeeth #1 of our study, one of the six basic rights Muslims have upon each other is to say, "al-Hamdu lillaah" when your brother/sister asks you, "Kayfa Haaluk?" (How are you?)

87 / 100

Which of the following things is NOT specifically forbidden in the hadeeth reported by Aboo Hurayrah, which includes the wording [which means], "A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim..."?

88 / 100

What is the name of the companion known as "Abu ad-Dardaa'"?

Allah orders us with every noble and upright manner, and He forbids us from every lowly trait.

89 / 100

Allah has forbidden us from insolence (bad treatment) of our mothers.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four different positions of the scholars on this issue in his explanation of Hadeeth #17.

90 / 100

Some of the scholars said that Allah may extend the lifespan of a person based on his kind treatment of family members, by extending the actual length of the person's pre-determined lifespan.

91 / 100

What is the greatest form of thulm (oppression)?

"I've already written a book on business transactions..."

92 / 100

Which of the following is correct about the topic of "zuhd" (asceticism) in Islam?

93 / 100

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) explained the "baaqiyaat saalihaat" (never-ending righteous things) as: five phrases of Allah's remembrance in a hadeeth narration we studied.

94 / 100

According to a hadeeth we studied, a person who mistreats those under his authority does not enter Paradise.

95 / 100

In the hadeeth of the "strong believer", the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) guided us to four important actions. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

96 / 100

Some people can become so obsessed with materialism that they could legitimately be called 'Abd ad-Dirham ("worshipper/slave of the silver coin").

97 / 100

When two Muslims are turning away from each other for personal reasons, the better one is the one who gives greetings of salaam to the other one first.

May Allah keep us from ever breaking ties that are to be kept!

98 / 100

What is the meaning of the hadeeth: "One who breaks ties does not enter Paradise"?

99 / 100

Two people should not leave a third person by himself, so as to talk among themselves, because this makes that third person sad.

The companions asked: Could a man ever insult his own parents?!

100 / 100

If you insult another person's parents, and this leads them to insult your parents, you bear the burden of the sin of insulting your own parents.

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (EASY)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners FINAL EXAM (Easy)

This is a comprehensive final exam for our course, 130 Hadeeth on Manners. There are 50 TRUE or FALSE questions on the topics we studied in this course. You have 30 minutes to complete the exam. You may re-take the exam as many times as you like. Each time you re-take it, the questions will be different, in shaa' Allah. It is recommended that you take the seven smaller quizzes before attempting this final exam. [Click here to go back to the quizzes.]

1 / 50

The definition of backbiting is: Mentioning something false about your brother which he would hate to hear.

2 / 50

According to the hadeeth of Jaabir, oppression is a sin that destroyed those who came before us.

Don't overthink the explanation or the differing of the scholars about the meanings... Is this statement basically true or not?

3 / 50

Keeping family ties can lead to an increase in one's lifespan and provisions.

4 / 50

Since shyness is part of our faith, it is better not to correct people who err, even if they are committing shirk (polytheism).

5 / 50

Hadeeth #85 (which means), "Whomever Allah wants good for, He grants him understanding in the religion," was mistakenly included twice in the text of the chapters on manners in Buloogh al-Maraam by the author.

"No one may request  another man to stand up from his seat in order to sit there. Instead..."

6 / 50

Our Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) taught us to make room for more people to sit in our gatherings.

7 / 50

Some people can become so obsessed with materialism that they could legitimately be called 'Abd ad-Dirham ("worshipper/slave of the silver coin").

8 / 50

If we uphold the limits of Allah in our lives and honor His commands and prohibitions, He will preserve us with special kinds of preservation.

9 / 50

When two Muslims are turning away from each other for personal reasons, the better one is the one who gives greetings of salaam to the other one first.

10 / 50

Oppression (thulm) is layers of darkness on the Day of Judgment.

11 / 50

According to a hadeeth we studied from Saheeh al-Bukhaaree, whoever commits the sin of eavesdropping shall have hot lead poured into his ears on the Day of Judgment.

12 / 50

When two people insult one another, the sin is on the one who started it, so long as the other one does not transgress.

Something about the neighbors...?

13 / 50

Revelation in Islam is so complete that it even provides guidance on how to prepare soup (specifically).

14 / 50

Qutbah ibn Maalik was a companion from those who narrated the most hadeeth (from the "mukthiroon").

15 / 50

The most important organ in the human body, religiously speaking, is the brain. If it is sound, the whole body will be sound. If it is corrupt, the whole body will be corrupt.

16 / 50

The most hated of men to Allah is: the obstinate debater.

17 / 50

The believer who mixes with the people and bears their harms is better than someone who does not mix with the people and bear their harms.

Remember the difference between the author who compiled the Hadeeth collection and the explainer who taught the meanings of those Hadeeth narrations.

18 / 50

The book, Buloogh al-Maraam, was authored by Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan.

19 / 50

People by nature admire others and try to resemble them. We must avoid admiration of evil people, so we do not end up resembling them.

20 / 50

When the author says, "Agreed upon," about a hadeeth, this means: The hadeeth was collected by all six imaams of the major books of Sunnah.

21 / 50

Ordering what is good and forbidding what is evil is from the rights of the street upon those who sit there, according to a hadeeth we studied.

22 / 50

People who misuse the wealth which Allah gave them face a severe threat of Fire on the Day of Judgment.

23 / 50

Allah loves pious servants, those who are content and modestly reserved.

24 / 50

Breaking promises is one of the main characteristics of the hypocrites.

25 / 50

According to a hadeeth we studied, a person who mistreats those under his authority does not enter Paradise.

26 / 50

Two people should not leave a third person by himself, so as to talk among themselves, because this makes that third person sad.

27 / 50

According to Hadeeth #2, we should look to those who have less than us, in order to be more grateful for what we have.

Hadeeth #22 was about the three greatest sins.

28 / 50

Ibn Mas'ood asked the Prophet, "Which sin is greatest?" He replied, "To ascribe a partner to Allah when He [alone] has created you."

29 / 50

One of the bad results of cursing people too much is that you would not be allowed to be a witness on the day of Judgment, according to a narration we studied.

30 / 50

Seeking refuge with Allah from "displays of bad character" includes seeking refuge from lying and oppression, as well as many other bad manners.

31 / 50

In Islamic rulings, everything is either clearly halaal (permissible) or clearly haraam (forbidden).

32 / 50

According to the Sunnah, the youth should initiate greetings of salaam to the elders.

33 / 50

All previous prophets taught their followers not to be shy. Islam cancelled this earlier ruling and required Muslims to behave with shyness.

34 / 50

A person who has $100, and then gives $25 in charity, now has only $75. So charity does, in fact, decrease one's wealth. Therefore it is absolute falsehood to claim that "No charity ever decreased any wealth."

35 / 50

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, the reason we are not allowed to insult the deceased is: because they can still hear us.

36 / 50

Insulting a Muslim is kufr (disbelief or a serious level of ingratitude), and fighting him is fusooq (disobedience).

37 / 50

One of the six basic rights mentioned in the first hadeeth of our study is that when a Muslim gets sick, you visit him or her.

38 / 50

The third section of the 130 Hadeeth on Manners is called: Baab az-Zuhd wal-Wara' (the Section on Asceticism and Vigilance); it has 11 hadeeth narrations.

Is the Sunnah to wipe away good, halaal food?

39 / 50

Licking your fingers after eating is a forbidden act of imitating non-Muslims.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan mentioned four different positions of the scholars on this issue in his explanation of Hadeeth #17.

40 / 50

Some of the scholars said that Allah may extend the lifespan of a person based on his kind treatment of family members, by extending the actual length of the person's pre-determined lifespan.

41 / 50

No people sit in any gathering, mentioning Allah therein, except that the angels surround them, Mercy enshrouds them, and Allah mentions them to those near Him.

42 / 50

It is never allowed to be suspicious of a Muslim.

43 / 50

Sitting in gatherings devoid of Allah's mention, where no salaat is sent upon the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

Allah orders us with every noble and upright manner, and He forbids us from every lowly trait.

44 / 50

Allah has forbidden us from insolence (bad treatment) of our mothers.

The companions asked: Could a man ever insult his own parents?!

45 / 50

If you insult another person's parents, and this leads them to insult your parents, you bear the burden of the sin of insulting your own parents.

There are a total of six baabs (sections, sub-chapters) in this collection.

46 / 50

The second baab (sub-chapter, or section) of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners is about birr (kindness) and silah (keeping ties).

47 / 50

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) explained the "baaqiyaat saalihaat" (never-ending righteous things) as: five phrases of Allah's remembrance in a hadeeth narration we studied.

48 / 50

The first sin ever committed was hasad (spiteful envy).

49 / 50

Being honest in speech leads to all types of piety, and that leads one to Paradise by the Permission of Allah.

50 / 50

Being in this world like a stranger or wayfarer means to take what you need from it to reach your real destination (the Hereafter), without getting too attached to this world.

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #7 (Hadeeths 101-130) (DIFFICULT)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 7 (Hadeeth 101-130) DIFFICULT

This is an advanced level quiz based on Hadeeths 101-130 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 5 especially challenging questions on this test. You have only five minutes to complete the quiz. You may repeat it as many times as you like, in shaa' AllahMay Allah aid you! 

1 / 6

What year did the companion, Samurah ibn Jundub, die? (Enter only  two digits, as a Hijri date, no "H" added. If you are within three years, your answer will be marked as correct.)

2 / 6

What year did al-Imaam at-Tabaraanee die? (Enter only three digits, as a Hijri date, no "H" added. If you are within five years, your answer will be marked as correct.)

3 / 6

What is TRUE about Mu'aath ibn Jabal?

4 / 6

Which phrases are part of the supplication said ten times to get the reward of one who frees four slaves from the lineage of Prophet Ismaa'eel? (Select all that apply.)

5 / 6

What is TRUE about the issue of wiping the face with one's hands after supplicating? (Select all that apply.)

Just say "Aameen" and supplicate likewise for whoever made this quiz! (This does not affect your score.)

6 / 6

May Allah have Mercy on you.

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #7 (Hadeeths 101-130) (MEDIUM)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 7 (Hadeeth 101-130) MEDIUM

This is an intermediate level quiz based on Hadeeths 82-100 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are five multiple-choice questions on this test. You may retake this quiz as many times as you like, in shaa' Allah. There is a 5-minute time limit for this test, visible at the top as you proceed. May Allah give you success!

1 / 5

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth narration we studied: "Whoever says, 'Exalted is Allah, and all praise is His,' one hundred times, his sins will be removed, even if _____."

2 / 5

Which of the following phrases is NOT one of the five ongoing righteous phrases of remembrance taught in the hadeeth of Aboo Sa'eed?

3 / 5

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth qudsee narration we studied: "I am with My servant so long as _____." 

4 / 5

In the hadeeth of Anas, we learned that supplications made between the athaan and the iqaamah are:

5 / 5

Which phrase was identified as "one of the treasures of Paradise" in the hadeeth of Aboo Moosaa we studied?

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #7 (Hadeeths 101-130) (EASY)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #7 (Hadeeths 101-130) (EASY)

This is a beginners' level (fairly easy) quiz based on Hadeeth #101-130 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are only FIVE TRUE or FALSE questions on this test. This quiz has a 5-minute time limit (displayed above). It is 100% anonymous, and you may re-take the quiz as many times as you like. The questions will appear in a random order each time you take the quiz, in shaa' Allah.

1 / 5

It is authentically reported from the hadeeth of Anas that "Supplication is the core of worship."

2 / 5

The final section of 130 Hadeeth on Manners, Section Six: Remembrance & Supplications, consists of only supplications to memorize.

3 / 5

Sitting in gatherings devoid of Allah's mention, where no salaat is sent upon the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

4 / 5

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) explained the "baaqiyaat saalihaat" (never-ending righteous things) as: five phrases of Allah's remembrance in a hadeeth narration we studied.

5 / 5

No people sit in any gathering, mentioning Allah therein, except that the angels surround them, Mercy enshrouds them, and Allah mentions them to those near Him.

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Review (FREE): High-quality recordings of our lessons from the book, “130 Hadeeth on Manners”

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #6 (Hadeeths 82-100) (DIFFICULT)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 6 (Hadeeth 82-100) DIFFICULT

This is an advanced level quiz based on Hadeeths 82-100 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 5 challenging questions on this test. You have only five minutes to complete the quiz. You may repeat it as many times as you like, in shaa' AllahMay Allah aid you! 

1 / 6

This Arabic word means "sincerity" or "sincerity of purpose", and it is due to Allah, His Messenger, His Book, the leaders of the people, and their common folk. (Your answer may be actual Arabic letters or an English transliteration of the word. Depending on how you spell it, it could have between five and eight letters.) 

2 / 6

Which of the following things are TRUE about the hadeeth we studied [which means]: "Upon you is honesty..." (There are only three correct answers.)

3 / 6

Which of the following things are TRUE about Aboo Mas'ood al-Badree, the narrator of Hadeeth #88? (Select all that apply.)

4 / 6

According to what the people learned from the revelation given to the previous prophets: "If you have no ____, do as you wish." (Your answer should be one word, either five letters or seven letters.)

5 / 6

According to the hadeeth of 'Abdullaah ibn Sallaam, which of the following deeds leads to "Entering Paradise in safety and security"? (Select all that apply.)

Just say "Aameen" and supplicate likewise for whoever made this quiz! (This does not affect your score.)

6 / 6

May Allah have Mercy on you.

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NOW AVAILABLE: Sincerity, Repentance, & Patience, An Essential Collection of Authentic Hadeeth Narrations for Regular Study & Review

Al-hamdu lillaah, our latest publication is now available on Amazon in kindle, paperback, and hardcover formats:

Click here to order from Amazon.This is the workbook for our upcoming Saturday night classes at al-Masjid al-Awwal (locally and live online), in shaa’ Allah.

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*When you use our affiliate links to Amazon, we may earn a small commission, which helps us maintain this website and many of our activities, so may Allah reward you! 

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #6 (Hadeeths 82-100) (MEDIUM)

7 votes, 5 avg

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 6 (Hadeeth 82-100) MEDIUM

This is an intermediate level quiz based on Hadeeths 82-100 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 10 multiple-choice questions on this test. You may retake this quiz as many times as you like, and the order of the questions and answers is randomized each time, in shaa' Allah. You may encounter new questions when you re-take it, in shaa' Allah. There is a 10-minute time limit for this test, visible at the top as you proceed. May Allah give you success!

1 / 10

Which of the following is NOT one of the rights of the street upon those who sit there?

2 / 10

What is TRUE about the following statement: "The believer is a mirror to another believer."?

3 / 10

In the hadeeth of the "strong believer", the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) guided us to four important actions. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

4 / 10

'Aamir (or 'Uwaymir) ibn Maalik was a virtuous companion who died in the year 32. He is more famously known by which kunyah (parental nickname)?

5 / 10

According to the hadeeth of Tameem ad-Daaree we studied, we are required to give our naseehah (sincerity of purpose and sincere advice) to which two groups of people?

6 / 10

Complete the meaning of the authentic hadeeth we studied (which means): "From what the people learned from the speech of [ancient] prophethood was: ____."

7 / 10

Revelation was given to the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), that Muslims must be humble, to what extent?

8 / 10

According to a hadeeth we studied, what is the reward for doing all four of the following things: spreading salaams, keeping family ties, feeding people, and praying at night?

9 / 10

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth of Mu'aawiyah found in al-Bukhari and Muslim: "Whomever Allah wants good for..."

10 / 10

Complete the meaning of the hadeeth we studied: "And be warned of ____, since ____ leads to wickedness, and wickedness leads to the Fire."

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