In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…
We are pleased to announce that our latest publication is now available: Soorah az-Zumar, Chapter 39 of the Noble Quran (Workbook): Resources for Your 30-Day Study of the Commentary of al-Imam as-Sa’dee
Check out this FREE version: [PDF]
*This article features affiliate links, through which we may earn a small commission which helps maintain our website and da’wah activities, so we thank you, jazaakum Allahu khayran!
- Summary: A complete, 30-day study of Soorah az-Zumar, the 39th chapter of the Noble Quran, reading the entire explanation of the great scholar, Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee (may Allah have Mercy on him). A beautifully prepared workbook accompanied by daily classes in shaa’ Allah. Includes weekly quizzes, a final exam, and a unique personal progress tracker.
- Available resources: MP3 recordings | Workbook (digital) [PDF] | Live daily (audio) broadcast (starting in Ramadhaan, in shaa’ Allah) | Live daily (video) broadcast
- Printed Workbook on Amazon (affiliate links):*
This workbook and this year’s Ramadhaan 1446 (2025) classes will be a study of the amazing 39th chapter of the Quran, Soorah az-Zumar. Following the previous years’ precedent, we will maintain a similar focus and scope throughout the lessons and workbook this year, in shaa’ Allah, with 30 Tafseer lessons in total.
Our focused study of only one book of Tafseer allows us to zoom in a little more than we normally would, getting more of a feel for the style and methodology of the amazing explanation of the great scholar, al-Imam ‘Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Naasir as-Sa’dee (may Allah have Mercy on him).
As you expect from us, we provide live daily classes (locally and online) throughout the month of Ramadhaan, in shaa’ Allah, broadcast right from our beloved masjid in Pittsburgh, the First Muslim Mosque, in shaa’ Allah. The high-quality MP3 recordings of our live classes remain available for those who could not attend, to listen in whenever that is easy. (Check out the easy visual guide on page 10, and on the back cover.)
Following last year’s precedent, this year’s workbook also includes weekly quizzes and a final exam. After each week of lessons, you will have an opportunity to review and evaluate your understanding of that week’s classes with a 10-question multiple-choice quiz, in shaa’ Allah. Additionally, a 25-question comprehensive final exam is available. These resources, along with a complete answer key, are found on pages 75-86 of this workbook. (The answer key is found on page 98.)
To help you manage all these resources and stay on track throughout the month, our uniquely designed Personal Progress Tracker provides more structure to your study. With it, you can track your daily progress and weekly quiz scores, in shaa’ Allah. Adding in your final exam score after you review the month’s lessons, you will get a total score out of 100 points. This helpful tool is found on page 12 of this workbook.
The soorah opens with an important reminder about the greatest miracle granted to the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace), the revelation of the Noble Quran, a topic emphasized throughout the soorah. (See: Verses 23, 27-28, and 41.)
Then, we learn about many of the Names, Attributes and Actions of Allah through the first passages of the soorah, that He is al-‘Azeez (the Almighty), al-Hakeem (the All Wise and Authoritative), al-Waahid (the Uniquely Singular One), al-Qahhaar (the Ever Dominating One), al-Ghaffaar (the Oft Forgiving), who guides, judges, wills, and creates. We learn about what pleases and displeases Him, and that He shall inform people about their actions on the Day of Judgment. We are reminded about His Mercy, and how He answers the prayers of His creation when they call upon Him alone, even from people who have committed the blasphemy of polytheism. (See: Verses 3-9.)
Similar to other early Makkan chapters of the Quran, Soorah az-Zumar includes a heavy focus on the Hereafter, descriptions of the believers and disbelievers, as well as vivid descriptions of Paradise and the Hellfire. Taqwaa (piety) is heavily stressed throughout the soorah, and many individual applications are provided, wherein we learn about specific virtues to aspire for, as well as specific sins and bad manners to avoid.
- Printed Workbook on Amazon (affiliate links):*
We beg Allah to accept these efforts from us, and to bring about benefit from them for some of His worshippers.
*When you use our affiliate links, we may earn a small commission which helps maintain our website and da’wah activities, so we thank you, jazaakum Allahu khayran!
الحمد لله الذي بنعمته تتم الصالحات
May Allah Azzawajal bless and preserve you and your family Shaykh Abul Abbas and make your efforts heavy on your scales of good deeds and make the upcoming lessons beneficial for us all آمين!
As-Salaamu aleikum repected Ustadh. Pardon me, I have a question about prayer. Barakallahu feekum. After using the restroom I usually have to wait about 30 minutes before making wudhu and praying, otherwise drops of urine will exit. I try to use the restroom early but what should I do if I’m not able to? Should I make wudhu and pray or should I wait untill the urine stops, knowing the time for the prayer will exit. May Allah reward you.
Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. Discuss your case personally with a qualified teacher, to be sure that you are not being tricked by your sworn enemy. This is a topic on which the devil leads many astray through his whisperings. He tricks some people into thinking they have this condition, when they do not actually have it.
The scholars say: If you have an actual medical condition which includes urine continuing to flow, then, when the time for a prayer has come, you wash your private parts with water, clean off any visible najaasah from yourself and your clothes, and make wudhoo’ and pray that prayer. You ignore anything that leaks out and continue your prayer, like this for each prayer when it comes in. Sunnah prayers are prayed with the same wudhoo’ as the obligatory prayer which they are connected to. And Allah knows best.
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
May Allah bless and reward you and your family with jannatul firdaus for the excellent resource that you provide us with every Ramadan.
I wanted to ask that, if I were to purchase the pdf and print it , would it be permissible for my family and friends use them too. It would be ideal to buy copies of the printed book, but that’s not possible as we are in India .
Jazakallah khair
Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah wa barakaatuh. Our PDF publications are copyrighted, so we do ask that you honor that. May Allah bless and reward you! We’ve sent you an email with a special offer as a solution.