130 Hadeeth on Manners Quiz #4 (Hadeeths 42-58) (MEDIUM)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 4 (Hadeeth 42-58) MEDIUM

This is an intermediate level quiz based on Hadeeths 42-58 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 10 multiple-choice questions on this test. You may retake this quiz as many times as you like, and the order of the questions and answers is randomized each time, in shaa' Allah. There is a 10-minute time limit for this test, visible at the top as you proceed. May Allah give you success!

1 / 10

What is the difference between backbiting (gheebah) and slander (buhtaan)?

2 / 10

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, what are the part(s) of the opponent's body forbidden to be struck, if there is ever a need to fight?

3 / 10

This companion gave his pledge of allegiance at Hudaybiyah. He lived beyond the year 60, and he was from the al-Muzani tribe. He narrated the prohibition of deceiving those under our authority.

4 / 10

What is the sin mentioned along with oppression in one of the hadeeths we studied, something mentioned as being the cause of the destruction of people who came before us?

5 / 10

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "Be warned of _____, because _____ eats away good deeds like how fire devours wood."

6 / 10

Complete (the meaning of) the hadeeth: "The strong man is not known by physical takedowns. Rather, the strong man _____."

7 / 10

What is the greatest form of thulm (oppression)?

8 / 10

What is the sin so strictly forbidden that Allah announced that He had made it haraam upon Himself?

9 / 10

Complete the meaning of the following hadeeth: "Be warned of ____, as ____ is certainly the most untrue kind of speech."

10 / 10

Aboo Hurayrah narrated this hadeeth (which means): "The sign of a hypocrite is: When he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; when he is trusted, he betrays." Ibn Hajar added a fourth sign from the narration of 'Abdullaah ibn 'Amr. What is it?

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