130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #4 (Hadeeths 42-58) (EASY)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ #4 (Hadeeths 42-58) (EASY)

This is a beginners' level (fairly easy) quiz based on Hadeeth #42-58 of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 20 TRUE or FALSE questions on this test. This quiz has a 10-minute time limit (displayed above). It is 100% anonymous, and you may re-take the quiz as many times as you like. The questions will appear in a random order each time you take the quiz, in shaa' Allah.

1 / 20

People who misuse the wealth which Allah gave them face a severe threat of Fire on the Day of Judgment.

2 / 20

It is never allowed to be suspicious of a Muslim.

3 / 20

Oppression (thulm) is layers of darkness on the Day of Judgment.

4 / 20

Section Four of our book, 130 Hadeeth on Manners, contains a total of less than 30 hadeeth narrations.

5 / 20

Paradise is forbidden for the one who dies while deceiving those under his authority.

6 / 20

According to the wording of a hadeeth we studied, a "shadeed" (strong man) is one who does not become angry.

7 / 20

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) once told a man who was seeking advice (what means): "Do not get angry." He repeated this each time he asked for advice.

8 / 20

The first sin ever committed was hasad (spiteful envy).

9 / 20

Even though the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) forbade us from getting angry, he got angry for the sake of Allah, and it is still virtuous for Muslims to get angry for the sake of Allah (not for personal reasons).

10 / 20

Mahmood ibn Labeed was one of the longest living companions.

11 / 20

According to the hadeeth of Jaabir, oppression is a sin that destroyed those who came before us.

12 / 20

Slander is more severely sinful than backbiting.

13 / 20

The definition of backbiting is: Mentioning something false about your brother which he would hate to hear.

14 / 20

The hadeeth about not striking in the face does not apply to Muslims, because it is never legislated to strike a Muslim in the first place.

15 / 20

According to the hadeeth of Mahmood ibn Labeed, the thing which the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) feared most for his followers was: showing off.

16 / 20

The Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace) supplicated against some people for Allah to put hardship on them. They are: those who put hardships upon those under their authority in this life.  

17 / 20

Suspicion is described as "the most untruthful kind of speech" in one of the hadeeths we studied.

18 / 20

Insulting a Muslim is kufr (disbelief or a serious level of ingratitude), and fighting him is fusooq (disobedience).

19 / 20

Breaking promises is one of the main characteristics of the hypocrites.

20 / 20

Aboo Idrees al-Khowlaanee changed his posture, sitting up on his knees, when narrating the hadeeth of Aboo Tharr about the prohibition of backbiting.

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