Free Islamic Courses Online [Recordings, Workbooks, Resources]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

This page features access to free recordings, live broadcasts, workbooks, and additional resources for study of a number of important Islamic topics and basic primers in a number of fields of study, as taught by Ustaadh Abul-‘Abbaas Moosaa Richardson, categorized into:

  • Ongoing courses currently being taught (and thus not yet completed)
  • Courses taught and completed
  • Courses taught but not completed
  • Courses planned for the near future (in shaa’ Allah)


1. Al-‘Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah (Creed)

On Friday nights at the First Muslim Mosque in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), and live online on the masjid’s radio station, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson reads this classic primer in Islamic beliefs by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have Mercy on him), along with the explanation of Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree (may Allah preserve him). A recording of the live broadcast remains online for about 24 hours (for free listening, but not downloadable yet), until it is replaced by a high-quality re-mastered MP3 recording for free listening and/or downloading. Sometimes we may pre-record these lessons in order to avoid connection problems due to internet bottle-necking at peak hours.


WORKBOOK (traditional print):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Waasitiyyah” (with that exact spelling) on the Amazon website of your country.

WORKBOOK (Kindle print replica version):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Waasitiyyah” (with that exact spelling) on the Amazon website of your country.

Upcoming FREE GIVEAWAY Day: Thursday, January 7, 2021 (Get a FREE copy of the Kindle Print Replica Version of this workbook from the Amazon website of your country on this day, in shaa’ Allah.) [Follow our Twitter for more free giveaways.]

INMATE RESOURCES: The first 30 recordings from this course have been submitted for distribution on J-Pay and GTL tablets as an album entitled, “WASITIYAH, VOL. 1.” The classes are condensed into 15 tracks on that album (two lectures on each single). You may use this resource to search the titles of those lectures, in shaa’ Allah.

2. 130 Hadeeth on Manners [ENDED]

On Saturday nights at the First Muslim Mosque in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), and live online on the masjid’s radio station, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson reads narrations from al-Haafith Ibn Hajar’s classic Buloogh al-Maraam, with the explanation of Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (may Allah preserve him). A recording of the live broadcast remains online for about 24 hours (for free listening, but not downloadable yet), until it is replaced by a high-quality re-mastered MP3 recording for free listening and/or downloading. Sometimes we may pre-record these lessons in order to avoid connection problems due to internet bottle-necking at peak hours.

NOTE: We concluded our study of this book in our 113th class on the 14th of Sha’baan, 1442, wal-hamdu lillaah.


WORKBOOK (traditional print):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “130 Hadeeth” on the Amazon website of your country.

WORKBOOK (Kindle print replica version):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “130 Hadeeth” on the Amazon website of your country.

Upcoming FREE GIVEAWAY Days: Thursday, December 17, 2020 and Thursday, February 11, 2021 (Get a FREE copy of the Kindle Print Replica Version of this workbook from the Amazon website of your country on these days, in shaa’ Allah.) [Follow our Twitter for more free giveaways.]

INMATE RESOURCES: The first 70 recordings from this course have been submitted for distribution on J-Pay and GTL tablets as an album entitled, “ISLAMIC MANNERS AND UPRIGHT MUSLIM CHARACTER.” The classes are condensed into 35 tracks on that album (two lectures on each single). You may use this resource to search the titles of those lectures, in shaa’ Allah.

3. Forty Hadeeth

See this resource page.

More information coming soon, in shaa’ Allah.


4. Masaa’il al-Jaahiliyyah (Aspects of the Days of Ignorance) [Creed]

As telelinks from Saudi Arabia with our brothers at TROID, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson taught this classic primer by Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allah have Mercy on him), reading the explanation of Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan (may Allah preserve him) in a total of 39 sessions.


WORKBOOK (traditional print):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Jaahiliyyah” (with that exact spelling) on the Amazon website of your country.

WORKBOOK (Kindle print replica version):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Jaahiliyyah” (with that exact spelling) on the Amazon website of your country.

Upcoming FREE GIVEAWAY Days: Thursday, December 31, 2020 and Thursday, February 4, 2021 (Get a FREE copy of the Kindle Print Replica Version of this workbook from the Amazon website of your country on these days, in shaa’ Allah.) [Follow our Twitter for more free giveaways.]

INMATE RESOURCES: The recordings from this course have been submitted for distribution on J-Pay and GTL tablets as an album, “THE PRE-ISLAMIC ERA OF JAAHILIYYAH,” with 19 singles (two complete classes per track). You may use this resource to search the titles of the lectures, in shaa’ Allah.

5. Thalaathat al-Usool (Three Fundamental Principles) [Creed]

A perfect start for beginners in ‘Aqeedah, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson taught this classic primer by Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhaab (may Allah have Mercy on him), reading the explanation of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah preserve him) in a total of 46 sessions, as weekly tele-links with our brothers at the Tarbiyah Initiative of South Florida.


WORKBOOK (traditional print):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Three Fundamental Principles” on the Amazon website of your country.

WORKBOOK (Kindle print replica version):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Three Fundamental Principles” on the Amazon website of your country.

Upcoming FREE GIVEAWAY Days: Thursday, December 24, 2020 and Thursday, February 18, 2021. (Get a FREE copy of the Kindle Print Replica Version of this workbook from the Amazon website of your country on these days, in shaa’ Allah.) [Follow our Twitter for more free giveaways.]

INMATE RESOURCES: The recordings from this course have been submitted for distribution on J-Pay and GTL tablets as part of a larger album entitled, “ISLAMIC BELIEFS.” All 46 classes are condensed into tracks #1-17 of that album. You may use this resource to search the titles of those lectures, in shaa’ Allah.

6. Al-Muzani’s Sharhus-Sunnah [Creed]

Another highly appropriate study for beginners in ‘Aqeedah, or those who want a short course to review a famous text on Orthodox Islamic Creed, Ustaadh Moosaa Richardson taught this classic primer by al-Imaam Ismaa’eel ibn Yahyaa al-Muzani [d.264] (may Allah have Mercy on him) in a total of nine daily sessions during a 1438 (2017) summer course in Canada, at Masjid al-Furqaan in Toronto (TROID).


PDF of complete text for phones (FREE):

WORKBOOK (traditional print):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Al-Muzani’s Creed” on the Amazon website of your country.

WORKBOOK (Kindle print replica version):
OTHER COUNTRIES: Search “Al-Muzani’s Creed” on the Amazon website of your country.

Upcoming FREE GIVEAWAY Days: Monday, December 7, 2020, Tuesday, December 8, 2020, and Thursday, January 14, 2021. (Get a FREE copy of the Kindle Print Replica Version of this workbook from the Amazon website of your country on these days, in shaa’ Allah.) [Follow our Twitter for more free giveaways.]

INMATE RESOURCES: The recordings from this course have been submitted for distribution on J-Pay and GTL tablets on an album entitled, “Explanation of the Creed on Basic Islamic Beliefs & the Salafi Methodology”. You may use this resource to search the titles of those lectures, in shaa’ Allah.

More information about other courses coming soon, in shaa’ Allah…


More information about other courses coming soon, in shaa’ Allah…


More information about other courses coming soon, in shaa’ Allah…

Why doesn’t Ustaadh Moosaa teach Arabic?
He does, directly and indirectly. He teaches Aajurroomiyyah and the Alfiyyah of Ibn Maalik, very important Arabic Language texts. He has previously taught from the Madeenah books as well. However, what is more important to note it that almost all of his classes (on any topic) are like Arabic Language workshops, as students can read along with a classic Arabic text and learn (or review) solid, working Arabic Grammar and Vocabulary, as well as important points in Sarf (Morphology) and even Balaaghah (Eloquence) as they study, in shaa’ Allah.

*When we recommend any products available on Amazon, we reserve the right, as an Amazon Associate, to benefit from qualifying purchases when you follow our links from This helps us offset the costs of maintaining the website, and we do appreciate your understanding and support.

3 thoughts on “Free Islamic Courses Online [Recordings, Workbooks, Resources]

  1. Assalamu alaykum,

    Is it permissible to download free books from sites like the one below? Is this stealing since these books are normally purchased?

    ######## (URL removed by admin)

    • Wa ‘alaykum as-Salaamu wa rahmatullaah. In general, anyone who takes and distributes copyrighted material without permission from its owner, has stolen that intellectual property. It is the same whether it is printed or digital matter. That is because copyrights are legitimate rights upheld in Islamic Law. And Allah knows best.

  2. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,

    Jazak Allah Khair, then as it is the case that one of the means to our being guided in having the correct belief is by our obtaining knowledge from its proper places, then I’m writing to you, one of our recognized students, may Allah preserve you, requesting that you put together a PDF or article mentioning what books in creed, fiqh, Hadith, tafseer, seerah, and grammar the ummah should purchase. And likewise, a list of our Salafi bookstores/Masajid in hopes to connect the people here in the west to our people, the people of Sunnah, in a time where so many people are reading books from either warned against or unknown authors. Barak Allah Feek, may Allah put it in your heart to accept this request and make it heavy on your scale of good deeds.

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