15 thoughts on “Hiding Behind the Names of Al-Albaanee, Ibn Baaz, and Ibn ‘Uthaymeen

  1. While I appreciate this article a lot – jazakAllahu khair – I’m not sure why there is a need to refer to ##### ##-###### as a Huda “TV star”? I am used to more academic expressions on this website. You don’t have to publish this comment, but I hope you would think about your word choices more carefully.

    • We are open to criticism and I understand why you would be concerned, may Allaah bless you. However, I don’t know much about this man other than his listing on Huda TV as one of their “stars”. He also uses a Huda TV email and actively promotes the channel, so I don’t believe they would be calling him a TV star against his will, and Allaah knows best.

      Bottom line – This is what these people refer to themselves as in their circles – “Huda TV stars”. They also have official “fan clubs” with paid memberships, too. It’s a mess, but this is how they present themselves to the world. I’m sorry that it sounds out of place at our website here, and I am not happy that we had to repsond to this foolishness in the first place! Wallaahul-Musta’aan.

  2. Jazaakallahu Khaiyran. May Allah protect you and May He – The Most High – Protect and preserve our beloved Shaiykh Rabee’ Bin Haadi Al-Madkhali. May the Vast Mercy of Allah be upon Shaiykh Ibn Baz, Ibn Al-‘Uthaiymeen and Shaiykh al-Albani.

  3. Jazakallah khair very timely as I have heard exactly what you’ve described here, May Allah preserve our shaykh and father and barakallah feek ahki Moosa for benefiting your brothers from ahlul sunnah and may Allah accept this from you make it a thorn in the necks of those who claim to be from this blessed manhaj while creating doubt amongst the salafiyeen

  4. We’ve just updated the article with some revealing information about the source of the Huda TV star’s claim. Review it above under the heading: The TV Star’s Source of Information.

  5. Assalaamu alaykum brother moosaa, may Allah preserve you,

    I wanted to make a comment, from your article I got the impression (and id imagine others would too) that the fatwa of the permanent committee of scholars and advice was followed by shaykh rabee (hafithahum’Allahu jami’aa) advising and finally warning from alee hasan, however didnt shaykh rabee defend alee hassan after being criticized by the lajna and wasnt the reason for him warning from him not concerning the books he published but other independent issues?

    Secondly what do you mean that alee alhalabi is the source for the comments for the da’ee on shaykh rabee?

    May Allah bless you and reward you for you dawa efforts.

    Your brother Aboo Ibraheem

    • Wa ‘alaykas-salaamu wa rahmatullaahi, many of the issues mentioned by the Lajnah (not all) have been points raised in the last few years as well, especially issues related to academic trust, honesty, quoting in context, etc. These are the issues as well that would be relevant in our discussion here, since they relate to how a TV star formulated his opinion about one of today’s scholars – through the writings of a man identified by the scholars as untrustworthy, Alee al-Halabee, while the names he drops publicly are Ibn ‘Uthaymeen and Ibn Baaz, who have both clearly praised Shaykh Rabee’ for his knowledge, criticism, and manhaj. As for your second question, then the TV star sent a link by email to those questioning him about his failed opinions, he linked them to the website and writings of ‘Alee al-Halabee directly.

  6. Assalamu Alaikum,

    With regards to the Permanent Committee’s fatwa against Ali al-Halabi so many years ago, why wasn’t it accepted at that time? Rather, ##### called it “The strange and inaccurate fatwa of the Permanent Committee” and ##### said, “We will wait for the lajnah to return to the truth”. My question is, if the lajnah warned against al-Halabi so many years ago, why was the fatwa rejected, but after Shaykh Rabee’ started warning against him, now the same people who rejected the lajnah’s fatwa are using the same fatwa to support their position? This looks very strange to the layman. I hope you can shed some light on the issue.

    • wa alaykumus-salaam. You are free to contact me privately about the allegations you have made, and if they are established, I will encourage the organizations in question to deal with them directly, in shaa’ Allaah. As for me personally, I have never rejected the fatwaa. I may have been influenced by Al-Halabee’s initial written responses to some degree, but even when I was a new student studying in the Arabic program, I would advise my classmates to be quiet about issues they did not understand and to fear Allaah and refrain from saying things like, “The Lajnah has slandered al-Halabee,” etc. Al-Halabee was confusing the students at that time by making claims that Shaykh Saalih al-Fowzaan never even read the fatwaa, but signed and endorsed it anyway.

  7. Salaam alaikum. I once read the words of a student who addressed [a shaykh] by the phrase “our father…”. Someone asked me if that is from the sunnah? I dont know the answer, so I’m hoping brother Moosa can help me here. jazaakallaahu khairan.

  8. I have read that the Usool Al-Fiqh differed to some scholars. Like the following:

    > Imaam ash-Shaafi‘ee questioned “Ijmaa’,” whether it was valid, while Imaam Ahmad rejected Ijmaa’.

    > Imaam Maalik’s relied on Madeenites for legislation was rejected other jurists.

    > Istihsaan, used by Imaam Abu Haneefah and Imaam Maalik’s use of Istislaah were rejected by Imaam Ash-Shaafi‘ee.

    So those who follow the Ikhwaani Manhaj would say “Therefore, there is no single agreed-on Manhaj on the scholars and every opinion is right. And what a scholar says is merely opinion.”

    How do I respond to these claims?

    • Claiming that Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee and Imaam Ahmad rejected ijmaa’ is FALSEHOOD. These are muta’aalimoon who do not understand the speech of the scholars, and make sloppy conclusions based on their limited understanding.

      There were secondary matters that they did not agree upon, and those matters are the reasons why the scholars differed in many instances. Yet, to say there is no single agreed-upon manhaj leads to the heretic beliefs of the ‘Endiyyah Cult, every person holds the truth within his own mind and it is relative to him and his thought process. Based on this, a single matter can be both haraam and halaal to them, meaning: halaal to this person based on his opinion, and haraam to the other person. This is absolute chaos that spirals the Ummah into NEVER-ENDING CONFLICT and DISCORD, as they blame anyone who would attempt to unite the people back upon the teachings of the Book and the Sunnah, and Allaah knows best.

    • It should be noted that many of the books of Usool al-Fiqh are influenced by rhetoric and philosophy, so be sure that this science (like all the Deen) is studied from a knowledgeable and capable scholar, not self-study!

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