15 Points of Advice for Those Intending to Perform ‘Umrah

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful…

The following 15 points have been summarized from some beneficial advice given to an ‘Umrah group recently. Listen to the more detailed original recording here (including an evidence-based discussion of each point).

1. Be sincere to Allaah and purify your intentions. ‘Umrah like any other act of worship is required to be done sincerely for Allaah alone.

2. Sincerity cannot be attained except by shunning riyaa’ (showing off), so do not take pictures of yourself (‘Umrah selfies) in the middle of an act of worship.

3. ‘Umrah is an opportunity to connect to your Lord, so do not change it into a social media event and ruin your act of worship by ‘humble-bragging’ (using apparently humble language to actually show off where you are or what you are accomplishing).

4. Be devout in following the Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) in performing the rituals of ‘Umrah.

5. Have knowledge of what the Messenger (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace) did on ‘Umrah and in his life in general, since there is no way to accomplish the previous point of advice (truly following him) except to have knowledge of what he taught us.

6. Know the virtues of an accepted ‘Umrah, and how it expiates sins.

7. Refrain from harming people in any way. There is no harming and no reciprocation of harm in Islaam, especially whilst in ihraam.

8. Obey the people in charge of the Muslims, respecting and honouring the guidelines and protocols during the journey.

9. Travel for ‘Umrah (and all other journeys) in a group of three or more people.

10. Women must not travel alone (without a male relative), nor may they travel as a group of women (wrongfully assuming that the group takes the place of male relatives).

11. There should be an ameer (leader) for any travelling group. You must obey the ameer (in all affairs related to the trip).

12. Make a lot of supplications throughout your journey.

13. Make ‘Umrah as often as you can, but avoid multiple ‘Umrahs in one trip.

14. Hurry home (after ‘Umrah) and take care of the affairs of your family and your responsibilities.

15. Stick to the correct beliefs, perform righteous deeds, and advise each other to be patient and steadfast upon the truth.

Written by: Moosaa Richardson (adapted from a summary of this lecture by Aboo Zakee ‘Umar al-Irlundee, may Allaah bless him)

Listen to the explanation of these 15 points (MP3).

18 thoughts on “15 Points of Advice for Those Intending to Perform ‘Umrah

  1. MashaAllah inshaAllah i will be making umrah this week also so this will help me along with the audio by our brother abu khadeejah May Allah preserve you and him

  2. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah.
    In the point 10 it is mentioned that “Women must not travel alone (without a male relative)”.Thats ok.But in the next sentence it is said “or as a group of women (without their male relatives)” , is there any proof supporting that?

    • This is just a summary of the main points from a lecture. If you want details for any of the above points, the please listen to the original lecture, referred to in the article. For example, from the audio (39:30) is the hadeeth in Arabic and English from al-Bukhaaree and Muslim: “It is not halaal for a woman who believes in Allaah and the Last Day to travel (even) a day’s journey without having a male relative with her.” Other wordings and benefits related to the hadeeth are mentioned there as well. And Allaah knows best.

    • Assalamu alaikum mosa were can I get your email I wanted to ask you a few things

    • Wa ‘alaykum Salaam. Use any “leave a comment” feature here (like this one), or “About Us”, or MR at bakkah dot net.

    • The hadeeth mentioned is clear proof that a male mahram (close family) is required for a lady to travel. Whoever claims a group of women takes the place of a mahram is requested to bring evidence from the Messenger of Allaah (may Allaah raise his rank and grant him peace).

    • Brother Hudhaifah, I think you may be misreading point 10. It seems you understand it to mean that “a woman cannot travel without a mahram, but if there is no maharam, she can go with a group of woman”. But if you read carefully, it is saying that “women cannot travel without a mahram, and likewise, they cannot travel as a group of women.” The reason I feel you may be misreading it is because I initially misread it and understood it incorrectly as well, but after rereading it, realized my mistake.

    • Which means that we need to make the passage more clear… It is important that Islamic teachings not just be correct “when they are properly interpreted”, but they should be as clear as possible to all, and we should avoid expressions that could carry more than one meaning, or those that could lead to misunderstandings. So we thank our visitors who asked for clarification about the passage.

      10. Women must not travel alone (without a male relative) or as a group of women (without their male relatives).

      10. Women must not travel alone (without a male relative), nor may they travel as a group of women (wrongfully assuming that the group takes the place of male relatives).

      *#10 updated for clarity*

    • So long as the article wasn’t clear enough for you to understand easily, there were likely others who would misunderstand it as well, and that’s why we appreciate your comment. May Allaah bless you.

  3. If someone travelling from ouside KSA making umrah wants to make umrah on behalf of an ill relative that will not be able to make the journey to Makkah, what do they do? Do they have to go back to a certain miqaat and re do intention and ihram?

  4. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah.
    What is the ruling on the saying that “it is better to perform TAWAAF whenever entering Masjid al Haram instead of tahiyyatul masjid”?Are there any hadeeth which supports it?

  5. Assalaamu alaikum

    If a person brings his 3 year old boy for umrah, should he do the umrah rituals one more time on behalf of the child or he just carries the child to tawaf, sa’ee etc ?

    and what is the ihram of this 3 year old boy? daipers, and normal clothes permissible ?

    kindly reply.

    Jazakallahu khairan

  6. As salaamu ‘alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh. I am currently living in the U.S. and are looking into making hijrah from this land to the land of the Muslims and Islam. Barakallaahu feekum. I am 40 and would like to move my wife and I to Saudia. With the Help of Allaah, what would be the best way to make this happen being that you have lived there for many years? Jazakamallaahu khaira.

  7. Assalamualaikum, I would like a clarification – according to the respective hadith, is it haraam to travel alone or makrooh?

  8. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    Ustadhana, what’s your view on someone putting headphones in and listening to the Qur’an while making Tawaf? Do you see it as an innovation and/or something to be avoided?

    JazakAllahu khayra

    • وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

      As it is permissible to listen to someone reading Quran (a person walking next to you) as you make tawaaf normally, then it would be permissible to listen to a recording of that. Likewise, it is permissible to talk to someone during tawaaf, so it would be permissible to talk to someone by phone, using headphones, during tawaaf. Some things to consider: [1] Some people may see it as strange. [2] It should not prevent you from hearing what is happening around you. (Meaning: If someone is asking you something, you seem to be ignoring them because you cannot hear them.) [3] It should not distract you from the tawaaf itself, knowing how many circuits you have made and how many remain, etc.

      I tend to feel that it might take you out of the moment though. Tawaaf is brief, and it is recommended to supplicate for part of the tawaaf (i.e. the side of the Ka’bah approaching the Black Stone’s corner). If listening to Quran on headphones leads to abandoning that, I would advise against it.

      Yet, some people may be stressed out by the crowd and uncomfortable, and listening to their favorite recitation might calm them down and help them focus on worship. In such a case, I think it would be beneficial and in line with the legislated goals of tawaaf, and without knowing any specific fataawaa from the people of Knowledge about it, this is the best advice I can offer. And Allah knows best.

      The following is NOT an answer to your specific question, but it is related: The permissibility of listening to recordings of Quran in the masjid when it does not distract others, by Shaykh Ibn Baaz: https://binbaz.org.sa/fatwas/10171/%D8%AD%D9%83%D9%85-%D8%B3%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%B1-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AC%D9%84-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B3%D8%AC%D8%AF

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