130 Hadeeth on Manners: QUIZ #1 (Hadeeth 1-16) (DIFFICULT)

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130 Hadeeth on Manners QUIZ 1 (Hadeeth 1-16) DIFFICULT

This is an advanced level quiz based on the first 16 narrations of our 130 Hadeeth on Manners class. There are 5 especially challenging questions on this test. May Allah aid you!

In the 9th century

1 / 6

In what (Hijri) year did the author of Buloogh al-Maraam die? (Enter only three digits, no "H", no spaces or anything else.)

2 / 6

Which of the following statements are true about the first hadeeth of the collection, 130 Hadeeth on Manners? (Check all that apply.)

3 / 6

In what (Hijri) year did Aboo Hurayrah die? In class, it was mentioned many times that he died between XX and XX years. Enter any number in that range. (A correct answer will have only two digits, no spaces, no "H", nor anything else.)

4 / 6

Which of the following is true about Ibn Mas'ood (may Allah be pleased with him)? (Check all that apply.)

5 / 6

What is true about the noble companion, an-Nawwaas ibn Sim'aan? (Check all that apply.)

Just say "Aameen" and supplicate likewise for whoever made this quiz! (This does not affect your score.)

6 / 6

May Allah have Mercy on you.

Your score is

The average score is 27%


Review (FREE): High-quality recordings of our lessons from the book, “130 Hadeeth on Manners”

Get the workbook from Amazon: 130 Hadeeth on Manners (USA | UK | CAN)

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4 thoughts on “130 Hadeeth on Manners: QUIZ #1 (Hadeeth 1-16) (DIFFICULT)

  1. Are we allowed to take the quiz more than once until we hit a 100% since it’s anonymous.?

    I love my Ustaadh wallah

  2. Assalamu alaykum warahma tullahi wabaraqatuh I don’t really have a comment rather I ask how can I post a question in this website am new and this is my first time I just came across this website yesterday alhamdhulillah…may Allah love you Shaykh Moosa

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